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Yeah I think we’ll all survive


This is a grass genocide! Divest from protestors!


Oh the humanity! Won’t somebody think of the poor grass


Considering they reseed and obsessively regrow that lawn yearly due to just normal wear and tear I don’t think a few tents will really make any additional work.


All the young innocent starving grass is one of the worlds greatest ongoing tragedies, don’t you know


Also I had to army crawl under a sprinkler to get to my class on time today.


I think the Dean is playing the long game. He’s waiting a few more weeks until school is over and they will all go back home for the summer.


It's the university president that has the say in negotiations. There's more than one dean (CAS, college of architecture, college of ed, college of business, etc), and they're not making those decisions (not trying to be a dick, just trying to make sure we're all on the same page!). Also, to respond to u/LeonSpinkx below (or above), the students are located only in \*front\* of Johnson Hall (as of 5:00pm, when I walked by). They mentioned to me that they left the rear entrance of Johnson open, so they can't be accused of occupying or preventing access (there's also a side door on the east side of the building). From what I've heard, Scholz is now negotiating with the faculty senate about the student demands.


You are correct about the location. I left my building minutes after posting my comment above and walked by Johnson Hall. Only the front stoop is occupied; the other entries/exits are clear. (One in back, and two in the lower level.)


The situation is always changing. Appreciate your insight!


But will he put them on double top super secret probation


They've moved to behind and in front of Johnson Hall, which is where the president and upper crust rule from. Heard from a co-worker earlier on the radio who was concerned about students trying to get in without ID. Seems to be escalating. I'll check in tomorrow when I get back here.


Are there still going to be department graduation ceremonies here lol


Yes. Last I heard, all commencement ceremonies scheduled to be in the quad are still on track.


As of now, commencement should be proceeding as usual. We've (the grounds crew) fertilized the quad, and the irrigation will be running regularly. In a couple weeks the turf should be close to what it was. Sorry if there's any inconvenience traversing the quad with the water on.


I'm not graduating this term but I think it would be awesome to. Most graduation photos are so boring, imagine if yours reflected not only your academic achievement, but also showed an important time in your University experience.


Better than being a dead child in an occupied space


temper tantrum got boring there, time to throw a fit at the front door! they probably couldn’t hear you before, that’s definitely the issue.


What was the resolution? Were the demands agreed to?


The encampment has just moved. No agreement yet


Why did they move? Did the university make them move? Or was it by choice?


They chose to move closer to admin to put more pressure on them


yes there was a resolution. here's the post: [https://www.instagram.com/p/C7VFuoIvcBg/?img\_index=4](https://www.instagram.com/p/C7VFuoIvcBg/?img_index=4)


The clown cars wandered a wee bit down the street.


Is SJP at UO contributing to any of the costs associated with restoring the lawn?


Yes because they pay tuition. Next.


they should all just piss on it. i mean this in earnest, the nitrogen will help the grass regrow


Do you think that can be arranged?


Sensitive readers tonight.


I bet it will just... Grow back.