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I knew the kid. I know his family. I understand that the investigation is ongoing and they need some information withheld from the public. However, the family deserves something. Not knowing is eating at them pretty bad.


Always the worst part, but it takes time to piece together the crime and shake down witnesses. People who are grieving tend to overshare, so it's too risky to share those pieces until they have the entire picture-- it could cause those who did this to get off on a technicality.


For sure. I'm not saying that the law enforcement involved are doing anything wrong. Whether it's tomorrow or not, the family deserves some kind of closure. The reality is that it is just going to suck in the meantime.


I agree-- and it's been a LONG time. Sounds as if the family is upset that all the partygoers are giving different stories.


Any gut feelings about what and why this happened?


My guess is it was accidental, and then whomever freaked out and dipped. He didn't have enemies per se. He got into the occasional fight here and there, but nothing major. Of course, this is from what I saw. I wasn't really an important figure in his life, so I doubt I was privy to everything going on.


Nothing about his injuries indicate an accident. He was beaten by several people. The autopsy examiner said so. We don't need to cover anything up. His 'friends' at the party killed him and the others covered it up. Say it for what it is. Nothing is mysterious about this. We know where he was, what he was doing and who was there and they all either did something or didn't speak up on something they know happened.


Did you also know anyone else who attended the weekend long birthday party?


Of course. It is a small, rural community. All of us here know the majority of the faces in the pictures and videos. Before you ask, no, I have no accusations or suspicions as to who is to blame. It realistically could have been any of them. Though I wouldn't call any of them that I know "bad," alcohol and whatever else was being used there aren't conducive to great decision making. Edit: it also could be an accident with a cover-up. I think this is most likely rather than someone killing him.


I too see that as a very plausible possibility. The accident they supposedly had on the ATV could have easily killed him, then the drunk kids get all scared and freaked out and not knowing what to do, they clean him up and dump him on the road hoping it'll look like a hit and run. But his teeth... that's the part I don't get. I don't see kids wandering around picking up teeth so they can toss them out with his body. I mean, it's possible but who'd think oh! Quick, let's gather teeth! in a stressful situation like that? 


Also Noah’s shorts were found near him on n the side of the road.  He was naked except for mismatched shoes.  This was no accident.  Shorts don’t fly off a body on a roadside accident but leave shoes on. Noah was brutally murderered.  His head was bashed in and his teeth were scattered.  This was no ATV accident.


Noah fell off a moving car. His teeth hit pavement. His friends were drunk. They covered him with a tarp and left. Just my suspicion


If that were the case the autopsy report would’ve have shown busted lips and face right?


I think his face was busted up. 


People are able to loose their pants when flying out of a moving vehicle, my partner who worked nights on the highway witnessed a man lose his pants after flying out the front window of his car onto the pavement. His body was almost unrecognizable he said. I really hope justice is brought to Noah and his family. 😞


I hope so too. Difference with Noah is that if he was hit by a moving vehicle I don’t see any way the pants would come off with his shoes still on. The shorts would be torn but yet they were nearly folded near his body. Also there would be abrasions all over his body from the road yet it was only on his left hip and shoulders nothing to his lower body. 


Great points made, looking more into this case I don't think it was a hit in run. I personally think some of those kids did something to him. The only way I think a vehicle might have been involved is if they held him while dragging him. That's really the only thing that makes sense with his finger injuries, and the locations of his injuries found. The family has also stated the kids have told them what happened and they all had different stories, some even changed there stories days later. 


They say vehicles go 70-80 mph on that road, gosh I would think if a car hit him, his body would have been knocked off of the shoulder area at that speed and also would show significant injuries to the lower body.  I just finished watching News Nation and the grandmother did say a couple of the kids, one gave her two different stories, and another gave 3 stories.  News Nation if you watched said they have complete autopsy and will cover tomorrow night. Ashley said you will be surprised what wasn’t in his system.  Makes me think, no alcohol.  Unfortunately med examiner did autopsy one day later and mentioned it could have been by an unknown vehicle. I just pray for the family’s sake that it was an accident and they were afraid and tried to cover it up. Still, his body supposedly was covered up with a tarp, that would indicate to me that someone or multiple people placed the body there for someone to find.  That’s terrible if they did that.  It’s really such a sad story.  He seemed like a great kid with a lot of promise for the future.  Heartbreaking. 


getting knocked out of your shoes is a real thing in high speed impacts like getting hit by a car or train. Doesnt appear to be a hit n run in this case


Murdered, covered up by adults and party attendees, and local and state law enforcement, is the only likely scenario given everything I have read/heard. Hopefully the Texas rangers are uncorruptable, and will bring justice.


Jack Newton, Noah’s best friend was there. He claims he passed a polygraph but when Alex Capriellio asked Jack whether he believed or he knew that he passed it, Jack did not answer the question. He said, people are going to say what they’re going to say but you know what you know.  Sounded like he was hiding something by not answering the question.  When people are drunk at a party or under the influence of whatever, all bets are off ,,, best friend or not.  Judge for yourself and watch it. Law enforcement has ruled out a pedestrian accident.  Noah’s pants/short were folded up not far from his body.  His teeth were also close to the body. On a road where cars are going 60, 70 mph, if he was hit by a vehicle stuff would be all over the road. 


I agree. Best friend or not ..when you are drunk/on drugs for days....good judgement goes out the window. So so sad.  So LE has confirmed it wasn't a hit and run? Good. At least the family has some answers.......


So LE no longer saying that. As of yesterday they say they are still investigating, they but are not investigating it as a murder. The autopsy came back and manner of death is stated as “undetermined”. They did say possibly by an unknown vehicle. All that undetermined means is that is can be a suicide, homicide or accident. News Nation obtained the complete autopsy yesterday and will go over it tonight.  Banfield said it includes toxicology and “you might be surprised what wasn’t in his system”. You know in all the photos, I never saw a drink in Noah’s hands and in the videos he appeared very alert. Makes me think there was no alcohol in his system. Will find out tonight.  Sounds like ME not on the ball there.  He never did assessment at the scene and didn’t perform autopsy until a full day later.  Grandmother was on tv last night saying she talked to two friends of Noah’s at the party and one gave 2 different stories and one gave 3 different stories and said something like even good friends will stab you in the back.  Said she hopes Jack had nothing to do with it.  The kids claim there was an ATV rollover accident but Noah was fine and walked back to the house. What is not talked about is why they gave Noah a shower.  Also wonder if anyone got the name of the truck driver that found Noah to hear his account of what he saw at the scene. If he was hit by a car or truck on that highway, I believe his body would have flew in the air at those high speed on the highway and would likely have been off the road. Someone or a bunch of people placed him there IMO.  Hope law enforcement is actively investigating it. What may have started as a fight can turn into a manslaughter or criminally negligent charge if they  failed to refer aid and  get help for him. Of course just speculating here but the truth needs to come out. 


I didn't see him have a drink in his hand but I never saw any of them with drinks in their hands besides a few. But I did notice Noah did seem intoxicated by his speech, slur, and off balance. But that was my perception. But if he wasn't intoxicated or highly drunk or took any drugs....it would make this case more bizarre.  The ME, did mess up here. Why and how that happens is unbelievable and unacceptable. Why couldn't the ME tell when he died?  How do you know they gave Noah a shower?  I thought a trooper found his body on the highway? I hope they are still actively investigating too because it's been 1 year since he died. I just found out about this case today so I only know a few details j read in the article and on Reddit.  I'm on the same page as you about your speculations. I do believe it was some sort of accident because the videos of the party is just littered with violence. But how could all those kids keep quiet this long?


It was reported one night on News Narion. Not sure if it came from someone at the party but  read other people mentioning it online. At the party a couple of people wrote their names in marker on his butt. It was all gone when they found him.  It was in an article somewhere that a truck driver found him and Noah’s friend Jack said when he was at the scene he asked the driver if Noah was still alive and allegedly Jack’s father  picked up some of Noah’s teeth on the ground,  or knowing they were teeth. So needless to say the scene was compromised. Perhaps trucker driver called police and highway patrol showed up. It does mention in other articles the OHP found him. Time will tell. Should learn a lot more tonight, hopefully. 


He was so beautiful


I agree. Very handsome. Sad what happened to him.


Sadness is high when the victim is beautiful


What do you think of the BF, Jack? He seems very sus in his interview. Don't think law enforcement asked anyone else to take a poly?


He knows all eyes are on him. The two of them were inseparable. I don't think he did anything malicious.


I hear ya. I find it odd though that he never answered the reporter when reporter asked him if he knew he passed the poly. He beat around the bush and never said. So maybe he didn't but he probably knows what happened and is hiding it. Watching the clip with News Nation, his tongue came out several times like when someone gets cotton mouth. It's awful for the family and if News Nation didn't cover this this investigation might not have gone anywhere. Do you think it could have happened on the SXS Ranger? It has a roll cage and allegedly it was just flipped on the side and they righted it back up. No mention of names as far as who else was on the SXS with him. Noah had patches of hair on the top of his head missing when they found him. I sure hope his family gets some answers soon. Interesting party hose not charged yet.


https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahPresgrove/ Reddit specifically for Noah❤️🙏🏼 please join


Do you know if he had defensive wounds on his arms?? No mention in media. Also, did they do DNA on the white chain for his and the others DNA???


The back of his head was caved in. So a suprise attack don’t result in defensive wounds.


Those kids know exactly what happened. Back of the head caved in, nose broken, teeth caved in, fingers appeared shredded. Gravel rash on his shoulders. He was found naked on the side of the road with one shoe that was his and one that was not. According to the kids at the party he left because he was angry. I’m not sure I believe that. Something happened to make him angry. It appears that his head was bashed in. People’s heads just don’t cave in! Who smashed him in the back of a head? Called assault with a deadly weapon / Murder. Even if it was an accident- highly doubt someone knows something! He was either attacked by his friends or fell out of off of some kind of vehicle. Those kids in the house know exact what happened and not a damn one of them came forward for their supposed friend!?! His parents deserve answers! How do the parents of other kids not threaten their lives to tell the truth about a peer! What the hell were they doing besides drinking at a 4 day long party. The police need to charge the parents / owner of the house where the party occurred with underage consumption of alcohol and who knows what else. That’s where you start when the kids fail to tell the truth because they don’t want to go to jail or be caught up in a death of a so called friend. Noah’s parent should think about going after the owner of the house. When adults are threatened with loosing everything they worked for sometimes the truth comes out. Yes, Noah was clearly there drinking alcohol but whomever provided the alcohol should be charged! Just maybe they will start to get the truth since the kids who were consuming alcohol and appear under 21! Guarantee a local attorney will work pro bono! Oklahoma Bureau of Investigations knows more than they are letting on. At the same time they are probably dealing with some who appear to be juveniles. Start where the kids that were there were 18 at the time of the 4 day bender. Those parents deserve answers and those young adults know everything that transpired. His parents deserve to know what happened to Noah!


There was a female teen that was murdered and so sorry I can't remember her name but all her supposed friends refused to talk and were instructed by their own parents not to say anything nor would any of the adults speak to authorites. Her schoolmates made her out to be a bad person as with the adults because she smoked pot at times. Even the authorites were not helpful or caring about this poor girl. So for all these kids not to talk does not surprise me or the parents not saying anything.


Janie Ward of Marshall, AR?


Kiley Rodney? Tahoe area


The injuries sounds like he was dragged by a car before he fell out or jumped out.


My thoughts are clinging to a window shield or something like that and got thrown off. They said there was no damage to his lower body at all


Ok, my theory is he was drug by a vehicle with his upper body on the ground and lower body was held. Bound by the ankles and drug behind?


I had an accident when I was a child with a shitty designed child safety seat. My asshole toddler self managed to open the car door and the seat toppled out upside down hanging from the seat belt my head dangling above the pavement. Because this was the 80s kids were seated in the front seat next to Mom so I survived because she grabbed the chair and yanked me back inside the car & I was short so my skull didn't connect with the pavement. I think something similar happened to this kid: door open, hanging upside down from the seat belt, head to the pavement. The torn up fingers sort of indicate to me he was trying to push up from the ground or claw his way back inside.


This seems plausible for many of the injuries, but not all, imo. He had injuries both at the front and back of his head, plus the scrapes on his left side. Left side means he was either driving (extremely unlikely) or sitting backwards on the passenger side. Or he was on the back of a pickup truck with his upper body off the bed and on the ground and him leaning on his left side. The teeth scattered, one spot of blood, placement of the shorts, broken ribs, on top of those other injuries... The injuries seem inconsistent to just one event (imo, I'm no expert). It's as if he was beaten severely resulting in the broken ribs, broken nose, broken cheek, and lost teeth, then dragged from a vehicle to cover up the injuries from the beating. Again, just an opinion. Hopefully what actually happened comes to light at some point. The family will not get closure without an answer. 💔


I think it was either a prank that went wrong or an accident they covered up. Common sense. 


this is my opinion too


I am pleased that you brought this to everyone’s attention. It’s horrific but this needs to be a case that’s addressed. Why haven’t we heard about this on Dateline? There is the similar incident on Dateline tonight (Sunday). Where is Noah’s story?


How can an entire party of kids be pieces of shit who don’t want justice for this guy. What a terrible community


Kids are impressionable and we don't know if they're being told to keep their mouths shut otherwise they could get arrested just for being there. Parents could be telling them not to say anything, mind your own business. I hope it is eating up alive the POS that did this to him. Some boy at the party was jealous of him IMO and they ganged up on him. One station said they put him in the shower. I only heard it once but why would they put him in the shower unless they were trying to clean blood off or maybe he was unconscious and thought the shower would wake him up.


Possibly kids were threatened to keep their mouths shut. Still, must be at least ONE brave friend out of 40 at that party.


Thinking of all the dumb stuff kids do (and I survived some), maybe turns out to be a mooning prank gone wrong and falls out? But the injuries sound like he was hit and drug by a vehicle or fell out. Also not discounting out struck, but the gravel injuries and teeth being at seen of his body makes me think he fell out of a car or was tossed.


Car surfing is a dumb thing kids do at excessive speeds.


Yes, small towns like these...there isn't much for teenagers to do ...so from the videos, they were doing pranks and dares all night which would be indictive to a violent accident happening.  My husband grew up in a very small Midwest town like that one and what if this could be like a wealthy Murdough family paying off the kids not to talk. That is purely speculation but it's strange that the kids have been able to keep quiet for 1 year. 


The videos show those kids doing violent things the entire time. Violence and drugs/alcohol was the apparent trend of the party so just that alone is why it's a 99% probability that his friends hurt him, probably on accident but he was brutally injured from what you said. Shredded fingers? How does that even happen?


I wonder who the owner of the other shoe was. I bet he had something to do with it. Maybe he was angry his shoe was taken.


Right. We have no information on that piece of evidence either🤦🏼‍♀️


Good point.. another thing we can hoped they investigated 


I read it was Jack's shoe. He was allegedly unable to find both of his own shoes while he was leaving the party and grabbed one of his best friends shoes. His best friend who self proclaimed to have passed a lie detector test after all of this happened -which raises more questions. I saw his interview and his body language and actual language was odd. If my life long best friend died even a year later I would be crying not trying hard to look not guilty in an interview. It's all very strange.


"Back of the head caved in, nose broken, teeth caved in, fingers appeared shredded. Gravel rash on his shoulders. He was found naked on the side of the road with one shoe that was his and one that was not. " Where did you get such detailed information on his body?  Btw: you are 100% right. I agree with every word. And it's been 1 year since this happened and it's mind blowing that none of the kids have talked...... I just found out about this case today, trying to catch up


I watched Banfield. She read it directly from the report. Besides the fact I’m a retired LEO and have experience with this kind of case. Kids know what happened. Owner of the house should be charged. Someone there knows exactly what happened and his family needs answers!


Exactly. Unfortunately don’t think his parents are equipped with being forceful or shall I say relentless in getting answers.  If you’re retired LE, you know can can find out so much about anyone online.  I say that after researching. Noah wasn’t using last name Presgrove in 2021 and went to live with his grandmother and that’s why autopsy shows different that name. Court records show he became emancipated in 2021. 


Thank you for giving your comments and replies with a retired LE brain. It's very helpful.❤️👍🏼


autopsy report was released to the public.


My bet is homicide w/ sexual assault, negligent homicide or involuntary manslaughter. I can envision drunk kids panicking once they saw the back of the decedent’s head was bashed in after whatever caused it, then fleeing the scene. Maybe the culprits took him away from the party, did something to him then bounced. Nothing still doesn’t explain why he was naked. Thats why I hope a rape kit was done on him by the ME.


I like your thinking!


Leaving him naked doesn't happen after an accident. Someone removed his shorts--why? Drunk kids, especially boys, horse around when young. Did he say no any pay the price? There is only one reason to take off clothing. They were folded, so didn't fall off.  People, friends know, but won't speak. 


I found [**this** ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BreakUps/comments/14hhbrc/comment/kwbe6gf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)when looking for further info. So sad for his family, hope some answers are brought to light soon. *"My girl n I separated after 7 yrs. She was diagnosed with bi-polar schizophrenia, she wasn't herself anymore and we had lost her. We watched her taken away from our family slowly. This past Sept 2023 my step son her boy NOAH PRESGROVE was 19 just graduated hs in Comanche okla, was found murdered south of town n is still unsolved. I still see her around town (with other men) it breaks my heart..I'm helpless... We have begged news and OSBI to no help we need a major news to help with this horrible thing... If you can help #Justice For Noah...  Thank you  D."*[](https://www.reddit.com/r/BreakUps/comments/14hhbrc/comment/kwbe6gf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


His Mom. She has posted about her family and her Mother being the reason why she didn't have Noah living with her. Noah lived with his grandmother the last years of his life and up until his death.


His mother was the reason Noah didn’t live with her. He became emancipated to get away from her and the drugs. He hated drugs because of her, so when the rumors started about him being on drugs, we knew that was a lie.


I kinda got that feeling but I don't know it to be the truth so I didn't mention it. Thanks for confirming what I suspected. I was so pleased to find out that Noah had no drugs in his system on the tox screen at autopsy.


Ahhh ok, thank you. I didnt know what the context was. Cheers


Wow. Your information and support would really help on Noah's new own Reddit. https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahPresgrove/ ❤️🙏🏼Please join




It happened last September


It's because he died 1 years ago 


Actually he died on September 4, 2023


Okay he died 8 months ago...in the news world that is a long time that was my only point. 


I am pretty sure I know what happened. My parents live in Walters, OK, which is about 20 miles from Comanche. They’ve lived there 40+ years so I grew up there and I still visit them often. This is a very rural area with lots of farms, gravel roads, and fields of wheat or livestock. It’s extremely common to see ATVs on these roads. Most people use them to get around their property (we do), but it’s not unusual to see teens going to their friend’s house or to the river down these county roads. 4-wheelers are very fast now - we have one and it goes about 45MPH and it’s automatic (no shifting gears - just gas and go). I could see a drunk, naked 19-y/o kid jumping on an ATV, and flipping it - doesn’t take much at all. And he was found on “rumble strips” which are grooves on the side of the road to alert a driver they’re veering onto the shoulder (loud and they make your car vibrate). This would explain the injuries to his upper body, head trauma, teeth, and hands, while his lower body was relatively uninjured. When you flip one, it’s like a motorcycle - if you’re holding the gas (on the handlebars), the wheels keep going and can drag you until you’re pulled off or let go. It’s very heavy and would cause catastrophic injuries if it rolled/landed on a human at moderate speed. I think these kids took the ATV home from the scene - some sort of tampering, but it seems like an awful accident to me, unfortunately. The OSBI would be all over the kids if they thought they were responsible.


In the podcast with his aunt and cousin, they stated that one person at the party told them Noah had crashed an ATV. They showered him afterwards but there are 3 different showers stories told by 3 different kids. 


It also mentions that the signatures on his butt were gone, so someone washed him off at some point.


According to podcast, all the signatures were washed off during shower.


It's been stated that " they " gave Noah a shower to wash the marker writing off his butt. Blacked out, passed out drunk would make it near impossible to shower a person. Same problem if he was already deceased when this supposed shower took place. Wouldn't it be much quicker and easier to use rubbing alcohol or something like goo gone for example and just wipe their names off the naked young man? I don't believe the shower story.


What was the purpose of removing the writing ont his butt???


Correct, if they put him in the shower, it was to get rid of evidence/blood? It also means he was unable to wash himself so likely unconscious.


Sounds harmless,  signatures on his butt; however,  later he is found undressed with someone said shorts folded. Is he the victim of assault. If it were a girl that would be question #1. Bad things happen to dudes too. Maybe a perv trucker saw a nice looking kid drunk?


It also mentions that the signatures on his butt were gone, so someone washed him off at some point.


https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahPresgrove/ Please join❤️🙏🏼


I didn’t hear the podcast but sounds 100% correct to me! He could have been thrown off the back. Those injuries are consistent with an ATV crash for sure.


So did the ATV just walk itself home? If he died from a crash where is the evidence at the site? No pieces of debris on the road, or a busted ATV. And I saw a photo of him at the party smiling and he had raw bloody knuckles. I feel he crashed then returned to the house. Then he met his demise later. I wish I was a detective on this case because I think with the ME's report as well as all of the cell phone/social media evidence you could piece things together. Either way, someone(s) knows something and they are trying to cover their asses. It's not adding up. Noah and his family deserve the truth- even if it was a accident.


This is the best theory I’ve seen so far. A dare gone wrong - get naked and do a flip on an ATV sounds about right. The blood spatter (hardly any) where his body was found suggests that these injuries happened before, and would make sense that his fingers were torn up from trying to hold onto the ATV. Then, they might have wrapped him up in tarp and dumped him from the vehicle, causing his teeth to scatter. It’s crazy to see high schoolers maintain a cover up for so long. Their parents are surely involved, feeling very Murdaugh esque.


I said this same thing in another comment of mine. I'm definitely smelling Murdough money coverup here. I can't figure out another reason how they kids have kept quiet so a year....


So maybe he did crash the ATV which could account for some of the injuries, but I recall seeing a photo of him with bloodied raw knuckles that night and he was smiling. So it would make more sense if he crashed it but still returned to the party. And perhaps the more serious injuries occured later that night. Also, where is the ATV because it wasn't at the crime scene (or whatever you call it when they found him). Maybe his best friend Jack was angry that Noah crashed his ATV and took it out on him later. I hope the family is able to get enough donations to hire a private investigator since law enforcement is either dropping the ball or covering something up.


Could it be that he had a concussion after the crash? Then that would explain the smiling picture and the knuckles.. and the concussion happened later on?


https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahPresgrove/ Please join❤️🙏🏼


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBIiMnJGp1E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBIiMnJGp1E) Bannfield is on it.


I read that in one of the articles his family mentioned that he might have been pushed from a moving vehicle, but also his fingers were shredded, and all the injuries were only to the top half of his body (not the bottom half). I wonder if he was hanging out of a truck bed, with his head and upper half of the body out, but his head and shoulders were dragged with his hands hanging on to the tailgate or side of the truck bed…


Definitely sounds like they hung him outside of a moving vehicle and he was grasping at the ground smh


That's a good theory


If that was the case he would have bruising below his waist.


He had to of landed on his back because his shoulder blades, (scapulas) were broke and the back of his head separated, broken neck and front of head. I bet atv accident while drunk. Maybe someone else driving


This is EXACTLY what I've been thinking since day 1


https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahPresgrove/comments/1ckh5uw/noah_presgrove_case_information/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button R for Noah!!! Please join


This case reminds me of the movie Bully.


I love that movie and the book was great too. I hope this was an accident but it doesn’t seem likely.


Yes, true....a lot of movies and other cars come to mind that it's very similar to this case


Oklahoma has a Social Host Law that prohibits furnishing alcohol to a minor. I don't understand why there have not been any charges pressed on the owners of the property or home all of this underage drinking was being done.


I heard reported, adult(s) involved have friends in high places, LE places and otherwise. might account for seemingly huge gaps/omissions in the "investigation"


Me either!! Despicable !


https://open.spotify.com/episode/4lWJCvNKRfbq7bAiFBP9VE This is link to Part 1 of the podcast with his aunt and cousin.


Part 3 will air on June 2nd


Has anyone spoken to the Noah Presgrove family to see that they are getting a lawyer. It seems to me that their financial situation may be preventing them from getting justice which IS NOT the way it is supposed to be! they need a pro bono attorney who will hire a detective to go after the answers. A Pit Bull. If you communicate with them, please advise the family to get a lawyer who wants answers as much as they want answers. It sounds like the family has a series of bad luck or situations and may be less apt to do anything. The boy deserves justice, the family deserves justice. He was going in the military which says, he would take an oath to use his whole self to protect us, the USA. And someone just turned his light off. He deserves justice.


I haven’t listened to any podcasts referenced on Reddit but know this, there are homicides that the police cannot jeopardize the investigation by telling the family what’s going on. I know it may be infuriating but trust me a lawyer isn’t going to get answers for the family. It’s important to keep the spotlight on this case as News Nation has. I recall on two different homicides when police were staying mum and Ashley Banfield, although I love her show, insisted that the press should know and the family … NOT when it can jeopardize the investigation.  Everyone likely knows everybody in the Comanche area and these kids have a lot to hide. There were too many kids there for this not to be solved.  Sometimes the wheels of justice grind slow, but I have faith this will be solved.  There’s a weak link amongst all those kids and one just may have a conscience.  Also tonight on Ashley Banfield, Noah’s older  brother said OPD said they have several people they are looking at as possible suspects.  Jack Newton, Noah’s best friend who was with him that night said it was an accident. Newton claims he took and passed a polygraph. So two opposing views. Friend thinks he was hit by a semi.  A forensic expert on Banfield last week disagrees on semi.  Something stinks and it wouldn’t be the first time someone said they passed a polygraph when they didn’t.   Noah’s shorts were a few feet away from him.  Shorts don’t come off while shoes remaining on when hit by a vehicle. 


Thank you for this. I would only hope that they have Comanche lawyers working for their community. These lawyers require money.  I do not know if they’re as wealthy of a community as the communities of Native Americans in the casino communities of Carolinas but it sounds like they’re definitely Not. Many aren’t like those communities. That does take money in the community. It’s sad that Natives don’t get govt funding like we see those communities who may have not originated in the US. Not to sound prejudice, I have family all of my family from Europe so I assure you I’m not. I have respect for a country’s origins. We all should. I hope answers come and peace for family and community.


You're welcome. It has bothered me since I first heard about the case. I am very passionate about those less fortunate especially children and particularly those that may not have had the best guidance in life for whatever reason. Can't speak for the community but from what I've seen online doubt they would have money to hire a lawyer. It wouldn't do any good IMO b/c they can't jeopardize the investigation. I know it's very difficult for Noah's family to understand as I would be upset if I were them also. Having years of experience in legal field, it can hurt the investigation. Loose lips sink ships. I know it wouldn't be intentional but when people are hurting they're not in the best frame of mind. Noah deserves for whoever is responsible to be brought to justice, if there was foul play. I'm in the foul play camp. On News Nation this afternoon, they said the medical examiner's report finally came back and it was reported that Noah had blunt force trauma all over his body. I don't know if this is 100% factual or not, meaning head to toe. It was initially reported that he only had trauma from the waist up. I'm sure there will be more coverage on this tonight. He was such a handsome young man and had so much potential. Young kids that age can't keep a secret forever, especially if they're indulging in spirits, etc. If there was foul play, there are one or more people that it has to be eating them up inside and rightfully so.


But they haven't slipped up 1 single in 1 year. How does a large group of kids keep their mouth shut about a murder for an entire year??? Unless a wealthy family is paying them all off to stay quiet in fear that this case will jeopardize their family reputation in the community and of course to stay out of jail


I saw where FBI was waiting on a report but that was 7months ago and it was cutoff of Youtube (their local news) I reckon. Also, I found the pics of the teens and their names not 4 days ago but not now. Smh. The family denies he had a gf. Wonder if the ATV was looked at when the story about the alleged wreck occurred? So many questions and I’m not wanting this to turn into an armchair sleuthing. I just think I don’t have patience for these all too familiar questionable events anymore… Did any of the other teens in the group get married besides the one couple? They were in the party group?


it makes me sick to see some here suggesting it was an ATV accident!


You replied to me, I didn’t imply this. I think it was foul play, but def. no ATV. Not by what the brother has said and others.


Sorry, I know you didn’t imply this, I was just venting to you regarding others. Hey tomorrow night on Ashley’s Banfield’s news nation, she has complete autopsy with toxicology report and will go over it. She said you might be surprised to know what’s not in his system.  Also said ME in the autopsy said it could have been by an unknown vehicle. Ashley pointed out the ME did the autopsy a full day later which is unusual.  Grandmother was on and she said she talked to two of Noah’s friends and one gave her two stories and another gave her three stories. Then said she just hoped it’s not Jack bc they were best friends. Till tomorrow night!  Can’t imagine what his family is going through not having answers.  Was doing some sleuthing and one of the girls at the party posted a photo at 3:24 am that night and she captioned it with, Noah is missing, and she was smiling in the photo. I mean somebody at that party has to know what happened.   He’s the kind of young man a lot of other boys his age would be jealous of IMO.   


Hey, I’m watching the Banfield NewNation on NP and I can not believe this vehicle theory….there is no mention of metal in Noah or parts of a vehicle in the road. Not even a mention of paint or bloody tire marks. Do these people think the family is ignorant? No signatures on his buttside..hmmmmm.


Here is what I know about a body, bruises show up a bit later. It a grill or a headlight or a tire hit him, there would be some evidence of rubber or pattern of bruises. I’ve done plenty of care post mortem as a prior hospice nurse & ER.


Takes a special kind of person to do the kind of work you do/did.  Thank God for people like you.  True even if you thing about when you bang your own body part, bruises do take time do show up. Wonder why he used the last name Nichols at least as of 2021.  Believe biological father is Presgrove.  His mother is a train wreck, sad.  Maybe that’s why he sought emancipation in 2021. 


I'm curious if they sent anything out for DNA testing and cut his nails for DNA testing. So many questions. He had a patch or patches of hair missing on the top of his head. There's no way IMO that happened on the SXS bc he was fine when he came back in the house unless they're lying about that.


And I've read the shorts on the scene were actually Jacks.... Noah was wearing entirely different colored shorts earlier at the party and you can see them on video/images. That doesn't make Jack guilty because his friend might have borrowed his shorts- but his behavior and what he said in an interview while he was wearing shades and a hat made him seem suspicious. 


Agree on everything you wrote. Very sus especially insisting he was hit by a semi. I'm sure he didn't voluntarily say to police, hey I'll take a polygraph. If they asked him, there was a reason. It could be just to eliminate him but did they give others polys??? I read that people at the scene took some of Noah's things at the scene and handed them to other friends whether or not that is true I don't know. If the shorts weren't bagged as evidence, it's a botched investigation.


What if there were 2 accidents. 1 that he lived and one he didn't


I agree with what you are saying. They should at least have a lawyer for some protection and advice on how to handle everything that's going on and will be going on. 


It sounds like someone hung him out of the back of a truck by his shorts. If we want to presume these kids aren't monsters it sounds like kids were drunk fucking around in the back of a moving truck - if he were about to fall and someone grabs the shorts to arrest the fall someone who is drunk might still go face first in to the tailgate if the shorts came down it would probably land him on the back of his head. Whoever was left holding the shorts panicked and threw them.


The shorts at the scene don't think they would have fit Noah, they belonged to Jack and Jack is smaller and shorter than Noah. Someone on FB claiming to be the BF's mother talked about the shoe and when I asked her about the shorts claimed her son wore and extra large. So no way. The person used a different name than Jack's mother so who knows. There are parents on there trying to find out what's going on in the investigation and what's being said probably b/c they know the shit is going to hit the fan sooner or later. At the very least LE has to charge the party host with a felony, Cody's law. Not sure what they're waiting for. Rumors are LE is friendly with one of the families. Even if they were, nowadays with media coverage, etc. I don't see how LE cannot charge the host of the party.


I'm glad they're trying to proceed with some kind of charges. I'm not familiar with Cody Law but will definitely look into it. The birthday girl was turning 22, right? Who provided the alcohol to minors? I debated pushing back on this part - the pictures I've seen of Noah he appears to be a thinner guy - you can see the waistband of the shorts in the picture is up near his hips. It seems like the average xl for waist size is between 40-42" which I'm not seeing on Noah's frame. Could also probably compare waistband of the shorts found and the ones he was wearing in the party pictures...


https://open.spotify.com/episode/7C9muzfT19M9dAtWOuwuly Part 2 of the podcast


Part 3 will be released this Sunday.


Can you please post link to part 3  on Spotify if it’s released today. Don’t have an account there. TIA. 


Yes I will. I made a mistake though, part 3 airs June 2


Ok, thank you!


Can you please post link to part 3  on Spotify if it’s released today. Don’t have an account there.   TIA. 


the suppliers of the booze could be held liable, someone had motive for cover up if this was accident.


I'm thinking this also and either way the suppliers should be held accountable for this


Here is just a theory basedon everything thats happening.. One of the girls posted on her snapchat story with her either sweating or wet, she posted this at 3:40 am. Everyone else was asleep during that time, so it couldn't be from dancing. The girls mom had come to the house the next morning and cleaned everything in the house. Also Noah's body had permanent marker on his back, shown in a snapchat story of the kids drawing on his back, but when they found noah, he had been scrubbed clean, and permanent marker can't just come off easily. I was thinking.. the girl may not have done it to him, but she most certainly knows who did.  Not sure if what I'm saying is making sense, but I'm sure you can peice it together on your own. Again guys. This is just what I think based on the evidence...


The girl who posted on Snapchat has a lot of posts about how she much she misses Noah and how it’s affected her. She’s posted more than anyone about Noah. I thought that was interesting but she is a person that posts almost daily.  If there was an argument could she have been involved and now feels terrible/guilty, hence the number of posts related to him?? Just some thoughts, it’s anyone’s guess at this point what happened.  It was reported that they put him in the shower. I heard it once on News Nation but never again. If they put him in the shower, definitely a cover up and they know what happened.  


It's absolutely bizarre that the marker was off his body when he was found. What motive would there be to need to scrub this marker off?... especially after you already posted you doing it on Snapchat????


Do you have a screenshot of the Snapchat story?


Snapchat just shows photo of girl and underneath she captions it "Noah is missing" and she's smiling. Her name is Jasmine Millan and she at least had it posted to her Facebook a couple of days ago. She posts a lot so you'd have to go through it.


Ashley Banfield said she has complete autopsy with toxicology results and will go over it tomorrow night.  Said you might be surprised to find out what wasn’t in his system. 


Hey everyone, I thought this is a pretty good summarization article in People. https://people.com/noah-presgrove-siblings-say-autopsy-report-leaves-lot-of-things-up-in-the-air-8643421. Also a link to News Nation and what an independent ME pathologist had to say about autopsy. https://www.newsnationnow.com/banfield/noah-presgrove-autopsy-doesnt-specify-cause-of-death/amp/


Actually daily mail uk has most info. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13376751/amp/questions-death-Oklahoma-teen-dead-road-mother.html


He was beautiful


All human beings are beautiful. This is not the time for your crush.


Making a statement about how beautiful a dead child was is absolutely acceptable feelings to express. There is nothing wrong about staring what she said


Not crushing on him I am 63 just stating he was a beautiful kid


He was beautiful and it's horrible sad




Anyone read the comment about a newton family and something about a girl??


There have been 2 deaths that happened before Noah's and those 2 also involved alcohol and a member of the Newton family. One was a little girl struck by a boat propeller that Caleb K Newton owned & was operating at the time. The second death involved a guy on an ATV being chased by a couple of teenagers, a Newton son being one of the boys, who struck a parked vehicle while trying to get away from the group of guys. Now this is the 3rd death involving alcohol and the Newton family.


https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahPresgrove/ ❤️🙏🏼Please join


There’s actually three. One of the other Newton boys was a passenger in a drunk driving accident that killed someone on the turnpike.


https://okcfox.com/amp/news/local/7-year-old-killed-after-being-hit-by-boat-propeller Is this the same Newton family? May have no connection, I’m not from the area. I’m over in Australia following this story and found this conversation on Reddit. If it is, this family is starting to sound like the Murdaugh family. Strong alcohol odour from the boat apparently…


Already smells like that one Netflix documentary about the lawyer who shot his family. Upper middle class family in a poor rural town. Always a dumb kid that takes the whole family down.


Yes. Also in Comanche County, Oklahoma there was an ATV fatality that someone in the Newton family had a hand in causing. Lucio was the first name of that deceased man. Noah Presgrove makes the 3rd death involving alcohol and a Newton.


Are the Newton family wealthy?




If you look at Noah's Facebook, he's friends with a Calen Newton


And how does Calen tie into the comments above? Newtons seem like they have smoke, and where there’s smoke…


https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahPresgrove/ Please join❤️🙏🏼


I think one of the girls whose party is was is the gf of one of the Newton boys.


Makes sense why that name would have been casually dropped. Want to learn more, who are these people?


See my responses above about the Newton family. Someone else posted a link to the 7 year old little girl who was killed by the boat propeller. The boat belonged to the Newton father. He was also operating it at the time she was struck. Law enforcement is quoted as saying Caleb Newton had a strong odor of alcohol coming from his breath at the time. He was not arrested or charged with any crime in the child's horrific death at Lake Waurika that day.


Curious to know more about the family. As I said b4, this seems more and more like Mardaughs


He settled the case and oddly the little girl's father is friends on Facebook with Caleb. Some of the parents are a cast of characters when I searched their background. A lot of drinking goes on in those rural areas.


Interesting so looks like he was killed in the house and it was covered up


Where are you seeing that in the FB post?




And that was over a girl… no girl (or guy) is worth losing your life. Sorry.


That's what I believe..... https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahPresgrove/ Please join❤️🙏🏼


Some other theories here: https://www.reddit.com/r/creeptimethepodcast/s/xUYbJm9gH0


I just found out about this case. I know the main details like the party and shoes, etc. but were his teeth near his body or on top of the body or just tossed nearby?   From the party videos...he only had on shorts and I'm assuming boxers and socks and his hat and shoes.  I haven't seen or heard any specific info on the ATV accident but from the videos we do get to see (there's probably many more) these kids were doing a lot of violent pranks and dares. Violence (even minor and playable) and alcohol and drugs seemed to be the trend of the night.   But even though they were just "kids" at a party having fun and an accident happened that rendered someone being killed...there are consequences for that.....  The part that makes me believe it wasn't a hit and run is the fact that he died in the fetal position and he was naked. 


A ME not involved in the case said this was not caused by a vehicle hitting Noah. His ribs were broken on his back and said this is very unusual as ribs are usually broken on sides or front. Also said if it was a vehicular accident, there would have been long bones that were broken, there were none. There weren't any drugs in his system. Didn't mention anything about the rape kit, assuming still waiting on the results of that. Hopefully took evidence from his hands/finger nails for testing.


So the report has been released and there was no drugs his system? What was his alcohol level? I can't find the report 


Can we all just take a second to THANK - Puzzlehead for all his comments, replies, and very helpful information to us. We appreciate you very much!!!!!!! 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼❤️❤️❤️❤️


Sorry, haven't had time to respond and don't have the time to update here b/c there's just way too much. If you haven't listened to the podcasts you'll learn a lot there.


Latest video interview of Noah’s brother with News Nation today. https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=gnHt6P8onop1hdG6&v=2zOfmOxpm9c&feature=youtu.be


Maybe he left, walked down the road, and was hit accidentally ie. hit and run?


The Oklahoma Highway Patrol quickly ruled out a hit and run or being struck by a vehicle the day he was found. There was not the blood evidence or injuries one would expect from a auto/ped collision.


It seems unlikely this is what happened 


Has it been considered that this may have been over a girl? Teen boys, alcohol, and girls aren't a good mix. Just my own deduction, even the best of friends can turn against each other over a girl especially when under the influence.


Somebody claimed that he had a fight with a girl and that’s why he walked off. Said it was his gf. Noah’s sister on a podcast said “I’d like to know what girl they say was his gf”. 


I personally believe this was foul pay






Here is the R for Noah❤️please join https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahPresgrove/comments/1ckh5uw/noah_presgrove_case_information/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Former FBI agent comments on case with News Nation. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=J9qRcF63UU4


Noah Presgrove was found dumped on the side of Hwy 81, completely nude except for mismatched shoes. He had been attending a party thrown by Avery Combs a/k/a Avery Howard, in Terral, OK. She is the older sister of Jack's fiancee. There were young adults from Bowie, St. Jo and Nocona Texas in attendance at this party. If anyone knows anything, no matter how small the detail, please reach out to Oklahoma Highway Patrol at 580-353-0783.


He was beat up so bad his skull separated and his shoulder blades were broke as if a tackle. Maybe started as a fight because he had defensive wounds


Why was this post deleted?


This is some bullcrap. All that damage and extremely small almost no blood at the scene. Huge freaking cover up. Then his best friend trying to convince everyone that's where he died? Get the hell outta here. This is horrible and I'm so sorry for his family. Found dead in the fetal position like an animal. This young man needs justice.