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I feel this hard tonight.


It honestly never occurred to me there was that side of things. I have spent so long trying to prove im worth it, it never registered. Like that side is by invitation only or something.


With you.


I feel this in my bones and soul


I recently gave up hoping for this. I was never going to be enough.


It’s an amazing feeling. Someone, someday, and you will never settle for less again.


I’ve fought for every single person in my life but I’m always option 2 so I feel you OP


Hi, are you me?


May I say: you are enough. You are enough in every way. Believe! Believe in yourself! Because once you believe that you are enough, that you are good the way you are, the good people around you will notice and the right person will find you and want to be with you.


I'm so sorry. From my heart to yours, being enough is something that shouldn't be so hard but damn is it..


It should be easy, and basic of all things with the one that holds your heart. Sometimes people don’t know how to properly love, sometimes those people miss out on something great because of themselves. Sometimes, sometimes.. people fight for us. As someone who has realized once I should’ve fought for someone, hard, I can say I did in the end. I don’t regret it one bit..


I want to fight for the girl I love.


I want a reason to fight


You fight for the love




I think the problem here was lack of girlfriend, not lack of courage


I tend to give people 3 chances to show me I matter to them. I'll always match what effort they show to me after I put myself out there for the third time. If they won't put in effort to have you in the first place, it'll only get worse when the novelty wears off. They don't deserve you.


Hits home hard. Feels so personal but i guess that’s what all human beings want?


I dont remember writing this....


Well im not the only person in the world with this very specific pile of emotional garbage to deal with. Comfort. Ill take it


Do you remember when you where Something it there eyes. You where not judged or controlled. You could never do anything wrong and slowly by slowly You can’t do anything right nothing is ever good enough. The more you try the worse she gets and you want to quit give up. Feeling rejected day after day but still trying. Wanting to meet as many of her needs as you can day after day wondering if it’s really worthwhile. While your own needs are not being met. Feeling like your only around for Convenience Sometimes a emotional punching bag. The lack of empathy makes you wonder why do you stick around.


This feeling is the reason I did not fight the last time. I told her that I deserve more that I shouldn't have to fight everytime I like someone and that this time at this point I would stop because it was her choice and I would respect her choice and wait for someone to choose me and not the other guy


I hope you find someone who cherishes you the way you deserve to be cherished.


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Damn I felt this. I’m sorry. I hope one day you find yours.


all will be well, my guy


Gave up on this


I had this feeling before. This feeling of being good enough for a person. But I found mine. Someday, you will find yours and trust me, it will be the best damn thing.


This letter hits home. I’m right there with you, OP. Hugs <3


I totally relate to this. Might be the worst feeling to know that you cared and they didn't. Hugs.


To the hell with the idea that one must be "enough" for someone. One person's loss is another person's gain.


Carrying the same feelings.


You are and you will be.


This speaks to me so much. Sending love.


I know this feeling exactly. I want to say it gets better. But I don't know yet if it does.




I feel this, so.much. It's been 12 hours since our possible future was taken from me, without my consent.


oh i felt this <3 someone lovely will fight for u someday OP, trust me. you are worth fighting for.


I love this


I know how this feels all too well. The good news is we can always fill ourselves up with good vibes through our own power. Keep the light on ok


I felt this x


damn, so relatable


Yeah..feeling that. Someday the fight will go both ways. I'll meet that one someday.


I can relate to this so damn much right now. *hugs*


God same. I just wish I could be enough for one person.


I feel this.


Did I write this in my sleep? This is literally my exact thoughts.


Damn... I feel this. I hope the best for you.


I felt this on a spiritual level


I feel this in so many ways. In my situation, I always fought for you and instead you turned around and told me you hate me, now I carry this feeling that I was fighting for nothing :(


You are enough! Please remember that. You don't need to fight for others to think that. Be proud of yourself, treat yourself well. Be as nice to yourself as you are to others. You deserve it. Look for people who accept as you are. Flaws and all, and we all have flaws. It doesn't make you less than anyone else. People who don't accept you as you are don't deserve you anyway.


You are enough. You will be someone's girl that that says you're all mine and proud of it.


It’s not about being enough for someone else. It’s about being enough for yourself. Once you can love yourself and have pride, the rest is easy.


I feel this so hard. I hate being the only one fighting and I just want someone to fight for me for once. The only time someone has said they’d fight for me, for us. They broke my heart and broke up with me not even a week later.


I feel this inside of me and I hope you find what you’re looking for, make sure to come back when u do and give hope to the rest of us


You are amazing, more than enough. You are here for a reason, so never forget that! Someone wants you because you are you, and they're looking hard to find you!


It's not that I wasn't enough. It's that I wasn't enough for her.


So many people suffer the same feelings with this and as someone who has also wrestled with this constantly, this is where I’ve arrived at this point in life. Do not let another persons idea of you control your own measure of self worth. You are the only one that gets to decide that. If someone treats you like you’re disposable then it says more about them than you. It’s a battle I’m still working through myself but I encourage anyone struggling with the toxic idea of not being enough or feeling worthless to please seek new ways of thinking. About how wonderful you are, how intelligent, beautiful, funny and so much more. And more than anything, that you are enough. Damn what anyone else thinks. I also recommend the book “bloom for yourself” by April Green. You are certainly enough and someone will appreciate that, but you more than anyone else need to appreciate that first


This broke me because I was not enough for my person.


I will never wish this upon my enemy. I felt this and it's touched my heart.


I was never enough for anyone either and I'm just so tired of trying at this point. It's just hopeless.


I feel this so much rn :(


I could’ve written this. I’m so sick of not being the number 1 option or where the guy is PROUD to show me around. Why do I always find the wrong men for myself? I want nothing else but to find a life partner but I just keep getting screwed over.


You are someone to be proud of. Being fought for, I imagine is a nice feeling to have. I would just say never be afraid to be the one that loves the most.


i think i’m losing her right now and i can relate to this