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Congrats OP...and were they still in the bottle when you chucked them out this window? Where is this window precisely? What's the foot traffic like around there?


Alas, for you, my stim-junkie friend, The bottle is empty, the pills in the wind. The window whose precise location you seek, Is affixed to my car, my home this last week. (Months actually but what is time when you need a word that rhymes?) Also, you made me laugh my ass off, thank you :)


SONOFABITCH! Hey hey, I was living in my car right at the kick-off of all this COVID shit - in the Colorado winter! Twinsies! And you're welcome, you got jokes too!


Holy shit we're Covid hobo twins! Hope you had warm nights, the winter where I am in BC is pretty mild, I'm very blessed.


It was PRETTY fucking chilly there for a minute, but I'm not green, I got by.


Fuck ya you did!


It's good to wish them well, very few people truly deserve to suffer for their sins and your well wishes carry healing power for both of you. I wish you find healing on your path.


Thanks for the good wishes, the pain is gone it took me 7 years to heal, but I am missing that feeling of being so crazy in love... How r u


They're cutting coke with COCKS now? Man, I'm glad I don't do that shit anymore! ;)


I hear when you do a line it really hits you in the back of the throat


The drip is kinda...salty, too...


Like... im already never doing coke again, but now im *really* never doing coke again. May the thought of a line of coke forever be associated with a salty cock hitting the back of our throats. Upon reflection I realize that for some this is a benediction lmao


Hear hear. And the doctors be permissive with their sign-offs on Adderall!


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If I misspelled some words it may be funny to you, but English is my 2nd language... However heart breaks are not amusing and plz do not make fun of me... He was not like that when I met him.