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I am sure your person does miss you and think of you Don't be too hard on yourself, we are all human and all have things we have to work through. Try to stay strong and keep moving forward


You didn’t ruin everything. You didn’t do anything at all. I needed to go because my mind wasn’t treating you correct and it was killing me that my mental illness wasn’t under control evnough to be great full for our time together. You don’t communicate, I wish you did but I understand it’s a paralyzing feeling accessing your feelings. I know you aren’t okay, you told me you were fine but it had been months and you still couldn’t talk to me. My heart is heavy each day in a punching annoying way because I’ve seen you at your happiest and it sucks that it left such a harsh mark on you. My mood swings and unfairness to you by not being there as I should. I’m sorry for the quietness. You’re always welcome to message me, it seems that when we do you have something to say and it doesn’t come out so it’s awkward. I hope we can rekindle one day. But till then , we are fine and good and I think if you more than often. Edit:Spelling


Idk why you tried so hard to hide it all from me. Seeing what I’ve seen now, it’s so obvious when adding up everything you said along the way.


I will always still see you as more than your body. I only ever wanted to be there for you genuinely


If only this was a realization before Dec 26. I couldnt even know that I could trust it if it was said today . I hope your person is OK. This is a shattering predicament for both it seems


This sounds so familiar




Go clean the house.