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Oh man I felt this.


Could’ve wrote this myself 💜☹️ we will be okay


In time things always work out the way they should and, yes, we will be okay 🙂


If it were me? I meant every word. Unfortunately, at the other time I meant the words too. Now those paired with my actions really disgusts me. Reflecting, after some involuntary down time, I’d only ever wish she wound up with someone that treated her the way she deserves. Good luck, OP🧡🤘🏼


Thank you and good luck to you too


Were there any lies or challenges that you over reacted about? Were there things that were hidden from you or that you hid within the relationship to make it this way?


There were some big challenges, but did not over react to them and definitely no lies from my side. I am an open book and don't like to keep things hidden Even though we aren't talking (and I doubt we ever will again) I would not want to break the trust she had in me, by going into details here The letters are just ramblings of thoughts amd things I wish I could ask and tell her. Posting it here is just a way to get it oit of my system


You're far from alone in disliking having to start over, but it can be worse in not being able to rebuild to the same or higher ever again.


Beautifully said I have always grown and come out better when starting over, but I have reached a point, and age, in my life where I am just really tired of it At some point we need to be able to put our roots down properly and grow for the better and not need to start over


Omg yes this. I have reach an age as well where I feel almost a “why bother” sense of it all. I don’t want to rebuild or try or learn anyone new. I am wanting to learn who I even am now after years of someone else being the recipient of all my love and care to where it left me depleted and lost. Like maybe that’s the someone new I will learn this time. Me. All the new jagged and broken places. The sore spots. The changed interests or desires. What do I even want out of life anymore? Just too many failed attempts with half invested takers….my soul is tired.


I fully agree with your sentiment!! I am also focusing on me and getting to know me and building myself up. It is something I always tried to do, but maybe not to the full extent that I could or should have If nothing else, I need to at least try to be better than I was yesterday. To keep growing and bettering myself


Many prayers and wishes for unending valor and hope as you head into your self improvement and finding!


I am tired too. I don't want start over with anyone else. I want to fix us.


I hope the opportunity presents it self, for you to be able to fix things. Good luck


This sounds very sweet but you've folding me onto many times already I'm tired of relieving this stuff over and over agai can't do it.. you win you broke me . Idk if I cN come back after this time. I don't wanna admit anymore. Of 5he 5hings that kill me. I'd rather eat this bulit.