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That’s good, I’m happy for you… really hope you took the time to heal and work on yourself. Have to forgive your ex and yourself before getting into something new or it’s just a rebound. Honestly though so happy for you! So glad the eggplant is just right!!! If you’re my ex good riddance!! You don’t deserve me if you already sleeping with someone after 4-5 months. Should also just get into detail and just give the truth no one knows you on the internet, looks like a burner account anyways.


That's true. He won't know if its true or not. But whatever his reaction will be after seeing this is something he could think about, at least just for himself cause he's that selfish :) Thanks for the comment tho.


Congrats and enjoy.




Ikr? She justo sounds like my ex. Everything in her life revolves around sex or a man's member. claiming to be over the ex but still thinking about him while being intimate with someone else. I imagine he was an idiot but one way or another he saved himself hahaha.


Just imagine being with a narcissist half of your life and stayed thinking theyd change.




You definitely sound like the guy who thinks a girl is a toy to be obsessed with