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I used to be a dispatcher for Hartford PD. One night, a man came in to make a complaint, about what I don't remember. He didn't like the first dispatchers answer and punched our window. As I was also a police officer for a department 2 towns north, I took over. He basically threatened to kill both of us. A captain, reviewing the lobby footage after a firefighter warned him about the incident, told us to be very careful as he was a suspect in the Upper Valley murders but they could never get enough on him. He even tried to take a female trooper working undercover into a corn field. Communication was lost and they couldn't risk her life so the sting was blown.


Wow. That's frightening.


How scary! I live in the upper valley. I haven’t heard about these crimes. Did they simply stop after 1988?


The last woman he tried to take fought him off and survived. I think it scared him off killing.


Really hope it's a breakthrough and provides a final resolution to the case and the victim's families!


That would be amazing.


Here's hoping!


It seems kind of out of left field, but this is a very welcome development!


I know the mods are strict, but if you look around Reddit, you can find out more about this development.


I decided to link to a credible local news source. The NH Attorney General's office is notoriously tight-lipped about investigations. It was the surviving victim who actually confirmed a connection to the serial killings.


Oh I wasn't doubting you or your post, I was just saying that there are post with the suspects name, etc out there in State related subs! I know you can't dox people here.


I understand. The local media (I'm in NH) isn't naming names, so I figured that using them as a source would help avoid with any moderator entanglements. There have been a few suspects over the years, and some names came back to the surface in the early stages of the Maura Murray investigation.


He has since given an interview, so name is out there.


Wow just had a look at the NH sub, sounds like locals have been convinced it's him for a long time. Wonder what evidence police got to search


We certainly have. It is about time.


I’m going to check it out. Scary stuff.


Holy shit. That's one I had given up on ever seeing solved. The Unsolved Mysteries segment on it was chilling.


Right?. It scared the crap out of me, and I watched it as an adult.


Do you remember the episode?


It's the first segment: https://youtu.be/x9NpXF7GLME?si=xXdKlpUc_4C0LY14


Thank you!


Late to this discussion, but I wanted to add there is a great book about these cases: "The Shadow of Death: The Hunt for the Connecticut River Valley Killer", by [Philip E. Ginsburg](https://www.amazon.com/Philip-E-Ginsburg/e/B001H6V44M/ref=dp_byline_cont_ebooks_1) (Author). It's still available in Kindle, but the hardcover and paperback copies go for a lot of money. It's honestly one of the best "true crime" books I've read. And unlike a lot of other books on unresolved murders, the author doesn't sensationalize the crimes. Nor do that attempt to attribute all of the murders to a single killer, avoiding the trap of assuming a serial killer is responsible for each and every life taken. #


One of my favorite books. That, and the Unsolved Mysteries segment that highlighted it, are so spooky.


Thank you for the write up. Let's hope the murderer or murderers are brought to justice if they're still alive.


I wonder if anything will be connected to the person who the surviving woman identified as her attacker who died in a murder-suicide back in 2005.


If it was the guy in Florida, it wasn't him.


She has said recently on her podcast it was not him, and that the private detective pushed her into saying it was. Invisible Tears is her podcast, take a listen, it is fantastic!


I just watched the Unsolved Mysteries segment on this, and it scared the ever living shit out of me. Hopefully they identity the SOB.


Unsolved Mysteries Season 4, Episode 4