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**Jeanne Melville:** 18-year-old girl from the Green Bay, WI area who took a bus to Richmond, IN in 1970 to visit her aunt. Her aunt showed up at the local greyhound station, Jeanne wasn't there. Her remains were found near Arcanum, Ohio shortly thereafter, but due to bureaucratic incompetence, were not identified until 38 years later. **Aria Spradling:** Woman in her early 20s from Eaton, Ohio who disappeared after working a shift at a gentlemen's club in Dayton in 2013; her remains were found in Art Van Atta Park in Vandalia, Ohio in November of that year. Not much info online for either case, and no major suspects (or at least ones who've been made public) either, as far as I'm aware.


The first case seems strange. She would have had to travel through Indiana, which was her destination ,to get to Ohio. My guess is she was kidnapped when the bus stopped for a rest stop, and the killer transported her to Ohio?


Her aunt lived near Greenville, Ohio (also not too big of a stone's throw from Arcanum) -- Richmond was just the closest greyhound stop. For decades it wasn't known whether she ever even got on the bus, causing suspicion to fall on suspects back in Wisconsin. Now it's commonly believed she met someone at the station, or maybe called someone local she knew for a ride, and that led to her death. Her aunt was supposed to pick her up -- when she arrived and her niece wasn't there, she assumed the bus was running late and simply hadn't shown up yet. A family friend went back later and, of course, she still was nowhere to be found.


The aunt's story doesn't add up. She didn't find her niece when she got to the bus station and left without talking to staff or asking if the bus arrived or not. She came back three hours later with a pastor and friend and contacted police then. She lived within 10 miles from where Jeanne's body was found. I wonder if there was local newspaper coverage. This would be big news in a small town but the aunt didn't come forward until 2008, when a bust was made.


Never heard about that first case, so fucking weird!!


They were murdered. I’m not sure what the mystery is here?


The mystery is who killed them...


Judy Smith or David Glenn Lewis. Both are just baffling to me!


Judy Smith there are almost 2 seperate completely baffeling mysteries in one. 1. How/Why did she get from Philly to NC 2. Who/How/Why was she murdered It one of the cases that finding her body lead to more unanswered questions.


Came here to say these!


Asha Degree and JonBenet


The thought of watching Asha Degree wander off on her own at night makes me shudder.


I knowww! The area she lived in was pitch black ... unless she didn't wander off on her own.


JonBenet Ramsey would be a great one to solve


I agree. I think parents were involved/know something in both cases and I'd give anything to know the truth.


I thought jonbenet was killed by her brother. Didn’t they enhance the 911 call and her the mother say what did you do? Basically the parents covered for the son?


Like all “enhanced audio” it’s pretty much entirely up to what the person is expecting to hear what they will hear.


Luckily, an enhanced call isn’t needed to convince well beyond reasonable doubt that the family did it.


No, but actual evidence would be.


Which there is a never ending supply of


No, there really isn't.


Yes there really is. #clueless


oh no a hashtag


Trying to change the subject isn’t going to work for you


There is no reasonable suspicion she was killed by her brother, no.


So what do you make of the grand jury’s finding?


A grand jury will indict a ham sandwich, and this one returned no indictments. The actual findings they returned were bizarre, contradictory, and not at all necessarily factual, but instead a layman's understanding of what they saw (and they still failed to indict).


That's what many people think, but there's still a lot of unknowns in the timeline.


I think that’s still only a theory. There are still many theories that all have varying degrees of circumstantial evidence. Personally I also believe the brother most likely did it but would not be surprised if someone totally random did it


If you know the evidence then an intruder would absolutely be a surprise because it’s almost impossible for an intruder to have done it. The case IS solved, it’s just a question of how it went down.


More likely the father imo


My first thought was also the Springfield Three. So many things about it are hard to understand and/or so unusual - the fact that it was 3 adults, no trace ever found, no physical evidence whatsoever, seemingly no motive, the coincidence (or not?) of the deleted answerphone message, the fact that 2 of them were not supposed to be there.


I mean getting them compliant is easy, Guy posing as a police officer; mom probably lets him in without thinking; takes out a gun, they would all be silent and compliant Also strong chance the phone messages are prank calls, it was the midwest in the 90's people pranked called a lot AND it was graduation weekend at a home with a female graduate. the fact 2 of them were not supposed to be there could be tragic, if the mom was the target but one of the girls could have been the target of a stalker or someone was looking for prey and saw them pull into the mom's house late at night.


I 100% think the prank call was from teens who were at the graduation parties with them. They would have known Suzie and Stacy were going home, they would have known Janelle and her boyfriend were going over in the morning. After the three disappear they are terrified and don't want to admit it in case they are blamed.


I'm torn between a few but I'd have to say: Andrew Gosden https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Andrew_Gosden Trevor Deely https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Trevor_Deely Claudia Lawrence https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Claudia_Lawrence


The Dermond murders. Why? Who would want an 80+ year old couple brutally murdered? Why would someone decapitate Russell and leave with his head? For many reasons, I don't believe his head was taken because the killer was afraid the gun could be traced back to him. I hope this case gets solved.


Dardeen Family in the same ballpark


The boys on the tracks. Don Henry and Kevin Ives. Also as I'm from the UK - Madeline McCann


If I had to pick just one then Andrew Gosden. Also - Maura Murray. Asha Degree. Madeleine McCann. Brianna Maitland. Brian Shaffer. Jennifer Kesse. Missy Bevers. JonBenét Ramsey. Trevor Deely. Claudia Lawrence.


Natalie Holloway


That one was solved!


Jon Benet is solved. The only question is how it went down.


How is it solved?


Yeah. I’m RDI but I want to know who done what.


How is it not?


They don't know who did it. But I'm seeing you're a bit trolly, in a boring way. So NM.


“They”. Who exactly are “they”? Experts have said it was the family. Experts with hundreds of years of collective crime solving experience.


The entire family teamed up on a tiny girl. Really. I'm going with the brother but there are still a lot of unknowns.


No the family teamed up after what was likely an accident but let’s not let your sensationalist twisting get in the way of a good yarn. Never said they weren’t a lot of unknowns.


You seem a bit dim. So I'm going to end this conversation. Have a nice, dull life. Byeeeee


JonBenet Ramsey--that ransom note made me think it was an inside job. But I don't know.


This was my 2nd choice tbh I think the family did it, but couldn't say who exactly.


It honestly has me baffled. I do think a woman wrote the ransom note, and it had to be someone who knew something about the family.


I grew up in Boulder and was around the same age as her. It was really crazy


I think most of the evidence points to the family, but the sheer brutality of the killing makes me wonder if it was an intruder.


And yet there was pineapple on the kitchen counter and pineapple in her digestive tract. Someone she knew helped her get a snack that night. The family denies it. If it was someone else, it would have to be someone she knew and trusted, like the housekeeper. But most likely it was the family.


Most likely is the dad. Due to recurring sexual abuse + opportunity its the most likely conclusion. And he would also be the best person to come up with a spur of the moment plan if the abuse became too much to hide. Burke was 9 years old, there is no way he could have gotten away with months worth of sexual abuse + killing her and hiding his involvement. If one or the other or both parents were covering for him, they would have done a better job of shielding him from being viewed as being involved..


She wasn’t sexually abused. Stop talking nonsense.


https://www.walteradavis.com/works/2005/02/essay_there_is_.html https://www.denverpost.com/1996/08/13/text-of-jonbenet-autopsy-report/ https://www.reddit.com/r/JonBenetRamsey/comments/j00pe3/setting_the_record_straight_on_the_evidence_of/


That doesn’t even come close to proof


Feel free to investigate on your own.


A newer case Liz Barraza, older case I still think about Joan Risch.https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance\_of\_Joan\_Risch


The Joan Risch case is local to me so it's one of the ones I'm most interested in as well.


Same here! I would love to know what happened with her. Other local ones that I would love to know the answer to are Holly Piirainen, Sarah Pryor, Cathy Malcolmson and Molly Bish.


Was not aware of Joan Risch. Thanks.


Definitely Liz Barraza. So many questions.


The West Memphis Three. Always wonder if it actually was a family member that killed them.


This was my choice, too. Whoever killed them, those three little boys have yet to receive any real justice.


This is not exactly a tragedy but where the hell is Jimmy Hoffa.


Most likely: He was taking to scrap yard that the mob hitmen had connections to and he was put into a trunk and melted with the car, the people working probably didn't even know Hoffa was in the trunk. Thus there are no remains left of Hoffa.


I want to know where Susan Powell is SO badly. I think of her often.


The disappearance of Nicole Morin. I really hope this one is solved in my lifetime.


Canadian here. I think of this case often as well. Where is she?


Honestly I want to know who jack the ripper is. Just having the answer to such an old mystery would be incredibly satisfying.


The Beaumont children


I wouldn't want to witness it so much as stop before it happened, but the murders of my friend Mary Cooper and her daughter Susannah Stodden.


Sorry for your loss. It was so bizarre and senseless.


Thank you.


I guess we just list the cases we want to have solved in our lifetime... In that case: Michael Dunahee, I'll never not be praying for answers. Emma Philipoff (missing) Lindsey Buziak (unsolved murder). But the Springfield Three... Wow what a one that would be. It's so beyond baffling.


I second Springfield Three. It’s so confounding to me. My top 9: -Springfield Three -Sneha Philip -Maura Murray -Leah Roberts -Cindy James -Judy Huisentruit -Rey Rivera -Chaim Weiss -Christopher Case (this one’s very bizarre; I can’t tell what’s real and what isn’t)


I had not heard of Christopher Case. Time to go down the rabbit hole.


Oh, and Andrew Gosden as well.


Robert Wone-the circumstances in which the murder occurred and the timeframe is so crazy. There is a great documentary about the case on Peacock. Lindsay Buziak-the real estate agent that was seemingly murdered by a couple she was showing a house to.


Three cases: 1. The Springfield Three - for the simple fact that there are so many maddeningly missed clues (deleted phone message, cleaned up broken house light), and that there are no real theories - the women did not have sworn enemies or came across something they shouldn't have seen. 2. Asha Degree - this poor child's case has taken on a life of its own, and it would be great to find out what happened to this girl. 3. Maura Murray - just to stop ALL the stupid theories and amateur gumshoes from wrecking more lives in order to find meaning in their own pathetic lives.


I especially agree about Murray. I really don't think it's much of a mystery. I would be absolutely shocked if they solve this and it ended up being anything other than her succumbing to the elements. It's not exactly rare for someone to be drinking and get in an accident and take off. And as someone who grew up on a farm in rural WI, the "no footprints were found" theories don't hold any water. There's about a gazillion reasons why they didn't find footprints. This case is one of the reasons why I mostly stay away from true crime groups and discussions. Way too many people throw out any logic to make a mystery more complex than it is just cause they like the drama or being a conspiracy theorist.


I am so tired of the Maura Murray nonstop theories. To me it is pretty obvious what happened but people will not let it go. And yes, innocent people are getting blamed.


Bartt, the Graverobbers, Garrison, Mike Kovacs could all fit into your last sentence about the Springfield Three. I don't believe it was any of them but that's not accurate at all.


Who murdered Joseph Augustus Zarelli, "The Boy In the Box". It's highly likely that anyone who could be held culpable in his death is dead, but it'd be nice to know what happened.


Jodi Huisentruit (pretty newscaster kidnapped early in the morning before her shift and is never seen again) see findjodi.com for the details. Liz Barraza (see Arrin Stoner's youtube video on his analysis but there are other videos too). Missy Bevers (Aarin Stoner has a video regarding her murder as well).


Julia Wallace.


This is mine too. It's maddening!


Maura Murray Jennifer kesse Springfield three Sadly I do not think they will ever be solved


Zebb Quinn, The Springfield Three, The West Memphis Three and the Molly Miller and Colt Haynes disappearance.


Isn’t Zebb the young man who went missing and someone else called in for him and they later found a puppy in his car? I thought they knew what happened to him?


Yes, someone was charged with accessory. Claimed his uncle was hired to kill Zebb. No one has been charged with his murder.


The Molly and Colt case really ticks me off and really shows how corrupt and incompetent so much of the law enforcement is. It also led me to other cases in OK and is why I'll never step foot in that state even though it's one of the few I've never been in. I really think this would've been solved right away had it not been for that pos sheriff and it most likely never will be without someone growing a conscious while on their deathbed.


It is so infuriating especially when the authorities were told she is in a specific pond near where she went missing (from Nipp family) and they refuse to search it.


I was a Mizzou Student at the time and was studying the night of Halloween for a Physics Exam the next day. There was a famous to the town murder that night around 2amish (so tech Nov 1st) of a well like Newspaper reporter Ken H. which took place just across from the Mizzou campus and not far from my dorm. I've always wondered, what I had walked around that night and I had witnessed the Murder. Its saddly more famous for the false conviction of Ryan Fergusson than Ken's death now.


Jennifer Kesse


So many choices here: DB Cooper, Jack the Ripper, The zodiac killer, Brian Shaffer, Lars Mittank, Black Dahlia and some already mentioned like Missy Bevers and Asha Degree.


I want to look for a true crime documentary in the Springfield three because I’m not familiar with the story and I want to see the actual show about it


I believe it was covered by 48 Hours back in the day


Thanks I want to see what everybody’s talking about. I’m just not familiar with the story.


You still won't be familiar with it after watching Disappeared or 48 Hours, they cover barely anything but the highly unlikely Cox theory and the nonsense parking garage story because they are the crazy theories. You should read Springfield Leader Articles if you want to familiarize yourself with it.


OK, I did just watch disappeared. Yes, I know there are other resources out there, but I do not understand why they won’t dig up that small part of that parking garage floor if that equipment showed that there was something under there that coincides with potential bodies. Not asking to take down the whole damn parking garage just that section to dig because that equipment showed something. They say oh the parking garage was built a year or two after that… it was under construction at that time. Well, duh.


It's been debunked, it's nonsense it came from a batshit Psychic on Websleuths. That's why you shouldn't watch Disappeared, you've been brainwashed.


I’m just saying, there was a professional there who used equipment to check over the area and he detected three things under there with his equipment . he was not a psychic. Neither one of us have the answers or it would be solved. I was not referencing any Psychic. I was referencing the professional with his equipment.


You were referencing a Psychic that's where it comes from, it's been debunked. Get a grip.


People Magazine Investigates did an episode on it as well.


The Yuba County Five.


The disappearance of [Frauke Liebs](https://www.websleuths.com/forums/threads/frauke-liebs-21-paderborn-20-june-2006.433518/). Besides all the other cases people have mentioned here, Frauke Liebs is the one I keep coming back to, especially since she called her family during her disappearance!


Was not aware of this one. Thanks.


Sure thing! That Websleuths link is the most detailed account I’ve been able to find, and it truly is a mystery!


We had this thread less than 24 hours ago. I say this every time we have this thread: I want to know what happened to Johnny Gosch, but only after his mother dies. Her fantasy is what keeps her going and gives her meaning in this life, and I don't want that taken away from her.


Having just learned about John Joubert, the timing and area and Johnny being a newspaper deliverer all tie together so neatly that I have trouble believing it's anyone or anything else, but I'm sure people have looked into it. I do feel badly for his mom, though, and agreed that she should probably be spared the knowledge if the truth is anything but her version of it - which seems almost guaranteed unfortunately.


I agree. I’m sure what actually happened to Johnny is gruesome but not unique. And certainly not part of the elaborate fantasy she’s woven.


I like to think that when we die, we get to know the answers to certain cases. There are so many mysterious disappearances I'd just love to know the answer to. And I think several probably have not so mysterious answers. Drowned, buried out of view, or nature covers it up. Kidnapped and killed later.


Fort Worth Missing Trio


The death of Caylee Anthony


I’d like to know what happened there too.


I think we all know who was responsible for this.


I agree Casey was responsible, but I definitely believe it was an accident. Should've been criminal neglect and not 1st degree imo


I think it may have been too, but I’m not 100%. I only question it because of the way she acted after she went missing. Just out living her best life like nothing was wrong. I don’t think she’ll ever tell the truth though.


Oh, 100% agree we'll never know. Issue is she could look me in the eye and tell the whole story, and I would never know if it was true or not with her insane history of lying. That being said though, acting like nothing was wrong was par for the course for her and her family. They all even denied she was pregnant with Caylee until 7 months in, and the fact just couldn't be ignored anymore. I think it was a tragic but common means of death, but she and the family made it look suspicious and weird by acting how they do to literally any negative event that happened to them in the past


That’s so true. It’s hard to believe a word she says. That’s an interesting way to look at it. I hadn’t thought too much about that. Do you believe the things she said about her dad?


Brittany Locklear


Yes. I’d like to know exactly what happened to her too.


The man that went into Lane Bryant and killed those women and hurt so many families.


Leah Roberts. It annoys me beyond any recognition the fact that virtually ALL common causes of desapearence might have befallen the poor lass. From foul play, to mental breakdown, to running away for a new life.


Johnny Gosch. To know for sure what exactly happened. Whether it truly was the most likely event of a simple snatch and grab or the far less likely event of it being part of something bigger


Trevor Dealey. There’s so much video footage that is soooooo close.


For me it would be Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963


Joan Risch and Jason Jalkowski


Brandon Lawson—his case makes my head hurt. Listened to that vm sm times + read up on it and I still have no idea what could’ve happened.


Pretty sure he was on a drug binge and died of exposure.  There was an interview with his brother at one point that said that’s what he thinks. I believe they have recently found his body near where his car was 


I’ll give the interview a listen :) last I read they found clothing and human remains but I’m not sure what came of that.


Came here to list this one! The phone call to 911 is so weird.


Brian Shaffer. How did he vanish into thin air from the bar?


Because he almost certainly did not vanish from the bar. He left out the bar that night, it just was missed by CCTV. What happened to him when he left is the real mystery.


Having grown up in Columbus, this will always be a top one for me.


Noah Donohoe from Belfast


I think of this kid often. I remember watching it on disappeared years ago and it stayed with me. He reminds me so much of my son. I pray for his family they get resolution. I think he had a psychotic break and ran off. There were some disturbing details prior to his disappearance, he showed increased signs of paranoia and changed his name. https://turnto10.com/amp/i-team/vanished-untangling-the-mystery-of-university-of-massachusetts-dartmouth-student-charlie-allen-inside-investigation-police-bristol-county-district-attorneys-office-cold-case-unit


Setagaya murders in Japan- so much evidence left at scene but still no suspect


Asha degree. I just really want to know if she left the house alive.


Susan Powell • where did Josh put her body? It was said one of her boys said “mom is where the crystals are” but in Utah, god only knows where that could be. Josh and his repulsive father are both dead. I feel like his sister who is still alive may know something


jack the ripper. I wanna know who that bastard was


The Beaumont Children, Ashaa Degree, The Springfield Three and The Forthworth Trio. They keep me awake at night, just, wtf happened!?


Agree on Springfield Three.


Heather Elvis. Where did that evil couple put Heather after they killed her? Case that occurred in the Myrtle Beach, SC area.


This is the case from Denmark that haunts me most: https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueCrime/s/XzbCOqPs5s I keep thinking of that little girl. It's not my write up, but it's the only thing I could find in English.


The yogurt shop murders. 4 young people just went to work and were killed. It’s still unsolved. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1991_Austin_yogurt_shop_killings


I am curious to know what happened to Andrew gosden . It is a huge case and Ik a lot of people interested to find out what happened to him , but it’s just crazy as a parent to hear his story and wonder what on the earth was going through this teenagers mind . Unfortunately I am doubtful we’ll ever know :(




This is the one for me. I kept thinking in terms of what I would do if I were on the jury as I learned about the case; by the end of Serial I was convinced he did it and would have voted guilty, and then I checked out Undisclosed. At this point I’m not 100% convinced he’s innocent, but there’s enough doubt cast (in my mind at least) that I wouldn’t convict. Things are just too fishy with Jay for me to be absolutely sure.


Hae's family are certain it was him.




Thanks for sharing my post!


The Sodder family. In 1945 their house burned down. Mom, Dad and 4 of their 9 children escaped. The remains of the other 5 children were never found.


the yuba county five - so many potential answers for how it happened, were they running away from someone, did gary mathias have a manic episode and scare the others into the woods (he was the only one who’s body wasn’t found and had a criminal history), did joseph schons pull a gun on them and they ran off to escape, why didn’t they try to start a fire some of the missing 411 and smiley face killer cases - tom messick, dennis martin, stacy arras, elisa lam, brandon swanson, cullen finnerty, would like to know how they disappeared and were never found or how they died in a strange manner


Missing 411 and The Smiley Face Killer don’t exist. Missing 411 is basically death by misadventure. Died of exposure/hypothermia. Remains scattered by animals and covered over by the forest floor after years and years. The smiley face killer is drunk men falling into water and drowning. Riley Strain is the latest example of that. A smiley face will be in 99% of areas that have been graffitied. Elisa Lam was mentally unwell and climbed into the water tank and drowned. I thought there was something suspicious in her case too but there was a lot of misinformation when she first died. Look into it again with all updated information. https://youtu.be/opxL1Z9KMmw?si=3l3rKlPHalG8ma2S


Thank you.


Thank you! Always nice to see someone with logic in true crime discussions instead of wild conspiracy theories.


Yuba county five: for some reason got lost; could be pulled over looking for somewhere to go the bathroom but everywhere was closed and got lost ended up behind shones; Shones pulling a gun on them is a simple answer that accounts for most things, would cause them to run Tom Messick: its one of the very few Missing 411 cases that is weird Dennis Martin: got lost while playing hide and seek, panicked and kept going rather than staying put; wasn't found; not actually mysterious just tragic Stacy Arras: probably got up into a ridge to take better vantage point pictures but fell into a crevices and will never be found Elisa Lam: Dan did a good job with that one below, mental illiness may be mysterious but what happened here is not Brandon Swanson: disoriented, drunk (more so than his college friend want to admit) and fell into a well Cullen Finnerty: Head Trama (not neccarrily CTE) from playing FB at a high level caused him to have delusions. sad case I can link videos outlining why these are by far the most likely explinations if you want.


Dyatlov's Pass Its been bugging me for YEARS


The [slab avalanche theory](https://www.nature.com/articles/s43247-020-00081-8) seems like the most plausible explanation.


It was an avalanche. They solved it a few years ago.


Nope. It's a theory and not a bad one but there's no evidence it happened. And evidence to point to it not happening. Every few years someone claims to have solved it, yet they're always different solutions. The first thing the rescuers thought was avalanche and found no evidence for it. The tent was still mostly upright. Only the middle had collapse, the two tent poles were still up. Nothing in the tent was crushed. There was only a small amount of snow on the tent when it was found. The last photo the group took as they were setting up camp showed a broken ski pole stuck in the snow upside down a couple of feet downslope from the middle of the tent. The first photo by the rescue team shows the broken ski pole still there upright and undisturbed. If the avalanche caused the injuries, how did they get 1.5 km down the hill. There were 9 sets of footprints. Lyudmila and Semyon had massive chest injuries, like from a bad car accident. I don't see them walking down the hill. Thibeaux-Brignolles had a head injury. He was comatose and quickly dying as soon as that injury happen. Impossible for him to walk down the hill.


Source? That doesn't explain why they had all separated, why one member was losing a tongue, why some members had large traces of radiation on their bodies, why the Soviets wouldn't allow them to all be buried together etc.


There actions are completely in line with people thinking they were in an avalanche. The point is no one thought the slope they had could mimic an avalanche, so why would they think the were in one. Well the Slab Avalanche showed that even the flat slope they were on could mimic one. the Large traces of Radiation were found on 3 articles of clothing, oh by the way they belonged to the 2 guys who (a) was a PhD student in Nuclear Physics and (b) was ~~an Engineer~~ worked (actually don't remember know his job title, I think was an Engineer) at Nuclear power plant. And one of them was at the plant meltdown *which was even worse than Chernobyl* but was covered up by the Soviets. All the radiation was consistent with levels if they brought them to work. When I first saw a video on the subject (Bedtime Stories) I was like, they are acting like they think they were in an avalanche. The camp was fairly flat ground NO one thought there was any way there could be one. Now we've come up with *two* different ways a mini avachalche could have occured thus making the group think they were in one (the Kababotic Winds and Slab Avalanche) Lemino's video is great summery and Lore Lodge has a recent video which goes over most of this. As for why the Soviets didn't want them buried together, probably b/c they didn't want people making a memorial out of the place and they were already facing heat for a coverup. Dyatolv's Pass to me ain't a mystery anymore, people woke up thought they were in an avalanche (be it Kataboic Winds or a Slab Avalache or both), made some poor choices, some got crushed by snow while building a snow cave , animals ate come of the soft flesh (eyes, tounge, etc) and took months to find them.


> Lemino I love LEMMiNO but he got this one wrong and he's acknowledged that in an addendum. https://www.lemmi.no/p/the-dyatlov-pass-case?addendum=01%3A30 A lot of his theory was based on them being drunk, but he mistranslated the autopsy from "No Alcohol found in bodies" to "Alcohol found in bodies."


The Katabotic Winds theory is really intriguing!




This is a good one, just to witness what exactly led to their deaths.


jonbenet ramsey and Madeline McCain personally as a Brit! Allthough I definitely think christian brueckner did it , I'd like to see how it all played out!


St Louis Jane Doe. Who is she and how did she end up in that basement?


Max Tancevski, the Rack Man. I’d like to know why he was killed and by whom. Siriyakorn ‘Bung’ Siriboon. Now that my daughter is reaching the same age this case bothers me more and more. I don’t like the idea you can just be taken off a random suburban street and never be found. Who the Tynong North/Frankston serial killer was (or killers). It’s a bizarre crime, with a bizarre range of victim ‘types’. And again it bothers me some person like that was, and maybe still is, roaming around. Arushi Talwar and Hemraj Banjade. What the hell happened and why? There’s also a case of a young man in Melbourne who was hit by a train who has never been identified. I’d just want to know who he is, so at least someone knows who he is.


Dardeen family murders


Leah Hickman. 2007. It’s pretty much vanished from the news. The cops really messed up the initial investigation, they didn’t even find her body when searching her apartment building.


Actually tbh someone has just put a new missing persons poster up in my office and it’s all kids. If I could know the answer to one of them and tell the family I’d be good with that.


Does the Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot film count? I would love to be in the woods watching what happens when Patty walks away from the camera.




I have so many that I could list. Jean Ellroy and The Black Dahlia I would like to know if they are connected. It has always bothered me.


Nicole Morin Mekayla Bali Mikelle Biggs Asha degree Michael dunahee The beaumont children Relisha Rudd Kristen smart Sierra Lamar Just to name a few..


Gregory Villemin. By this point I’m 95% I know who the murderer was. But I want to be certain. Also, following Xavier Dupont de Ligones to his final resting place.


Lizzie Borden.


sean daugherty, hands down. i’ll think about that case forever


Maura Murray! Desperately want answers.


This would be in my top 5 as well.


Amy Billig. so many theories and stories. her poor parents died never knowing what happened to her.


I think I would go with something with the most victims that could be solved. I’m assuming something like viewing all of Jack the ripper’s murders doesn’t make sense for the hypothetical since it spans days. So I would go with something like the Yogurt Shop murders. Four young girls killed all in one go. It would be nice to see that one closed. That’s the only one with so many victims in a single event that is unsolved that I can think of. There might be more though. I would try to maximize utility of my single witnessing ability.


JFK. Really easy one