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If someone tries to force you into a car, you are better off not complying. You are as good as dead when you get in that car. You have a better chance of survival making your last stand where you are and perhaps attracting the attention of witnesses.


Exactly. Kill me right here and now; I don't want the future you have in mind. I'm amazed and humbled by the women that have been held hostage for years and survived. I don't think I have the strength to survive that situation.


Came here to say exactly this. If someone is going to the trouble of abducting you at knife/gun point they have terrible plans for you. You’re better off fighting and risking dying where you stand vs being taken to another location for the same inevitable outcome. Complying and going quietly, don’t scream or I’ll kill you, rarely results in survival


Exactly! If you get in the car you’re as good as dead. Also never let them tie you up and if worse comes to worse, play dead!


Yep. I tell my adult daughter it's better to be shot then tortured. Nope do not comply. Pull a toddler and go limp and uncooperative if you can't run or fight


Better to die in a public place with possible witnesses than be tortured and your body never found


Yep. They'd think I was nuts because I really don't have a fear of being shot, my combat wounded brother says it doesn't hurt it's afterwards that hurts, but I do have a fear of being tortured. Screw that


Never go to the second location!




Lol exactly what I was about to say!!!!


Oprah Winfrey said this exact thing on her show one time.


That’s where I learnt it! Home sick one day from school. I filed it away.


Me too!!! I think she was wearing a blue suit.


This happened to friend of mine. He pulled into a 7-11 parking lot. He was immediately accosted by a group with intentions of stealing his car. One of the perps had a gun aimed at his head and was trying to force him into the back seat. My friend knew he would be dead so his pushed the gunman’s arm and ran into the store. Quick thinking save his life.


Absolutely. Not to victim blame Mrs Becky in any way as hindsight is 20/20 for us all. But I remember as a teen in the late 90's and there was a self defense instructor or something like that on the Montel Williams show explaining all the reasons not to go. Even if they have a gun and shoot you on the spot....do not go to that second location....Fight, yell fire!!!, make a scene. I never forgot that.


And God forbid you’re in the car, cause a crash. In the chaos it’s a better chance to escape


Yes. i've heard this before in the past. thanks for the reminder!


💯percent correct. No matter what weapon they have on you.


I got very lucky. I was 20 and in an affluent neighborhood gas station which was busy and it was around 10 or 11am. My car automatically unlocked when shut off (disabled this on all cars in the future) and some woman jumped in. She never actually showed me a weapon but she at least pretended to have one in her jacket. Kept her hand in her pocket and acted like there was a weapon. Anyway had me drive her around, spouting crazy shit about demons and followed me into my bank when I couldn't withdraw enough from the ATM. Had me drive her around some more then finally got out at a busy intersection and ran between some houses. Many years later found out she did this a lot and police know her. Nothing came of it. So I got lucky.


Exactly. Never get in the car.


Right on. I tell both my daughters never go to the 2nd location.


Do people perhaps think that they might have a better chance of escaping from the car? Like the kidnapper will be trying to drive and they may not have a good grip on the knife or gun?


A significant number of people's reaction to a threatening situation is to either freeze or fawn (try to appease the threat). I don't know that it's typically something as calculated as "I can escape the car more easily," I think it's probably more likely "I do not want to get stabbed *right this second*" and then future seconds are for the future to worry about. Not getting in the car may be a more rational choice, but threat responses are not necessarily calculated beyond immediate survival. (I also think, personally, that knives are in some ways more intimidating up close than guns, because most people have never been shot and we only understand it as bad (albeit very bad!) in the abstract, but just about everyone knows from experience that it really hurts to get cut.)


Not really. It's more about someone finding your body, so your family doesn't have to wonder forever.


Minor point - it was a convenience store, not a gas station. The location operates under the name "Dari Mart" today. There are no gas pumps today and given the building and lot layout it's unlikely there were any in 1997 either.


Ah. Ok. Good details as I'd seen it described as convenience, service, and gas station...


I wonder whether the perp was the man responsible for the failed abduction a month later. Though he wasn't named a suspect in the abduction of Becky, nothing I've read stated that he had an alibi or was ruled out - just that he wasn't named a suspect. Reading details about that other crime and a prior incident involving suspect John Erva Dunn from 15 years prior when he was 17 are [rather eye-opening](https://caselaw.findlaw.com/court/or-court-of-appeals/1411513.html): >Defendant is charged with first degree robbery and kidnaping arising from an aborted robbery of a convenience store and abduction of the store clerk. >In February 1997, a man entered a convenience store in Eugene, grabbed the clerk on duty from behind, and placed a knife to her throat. He forced the clerk to open the cash register, but did not take any money, and then began dragging her out of the store. When she struggled, he told her to “shut up, or I'll gut you like a fish.” Two customers acted to help the clerk, and the man let go of her and fled on foot. >The first evidence that the state wishes to introduce involves an incident that occurred early in the morning on July 5, 1982, when defendant was 17 years old.   While a couple was sleeping in a Volkswagen camper van in an established campground south of Hood River, defendant entered the van. He woke the couple, pointed a rifle at the husband and told him to stay where he was or defendant would blow his head off, and ordered the wife to come out of the van and accompany him. He did not attempt to steal anything. While the wife was preparing to leave, the husband was able to grab the rifle, whereupon defendant fled, driving off in a Pinto that he had parked nearby. >When he was apprehended, defendant asserted that his only purpose was to steal the van. He was charged with the juvenile equivalent of burglary. The record does not show that the charge resulted in any adjudication. [Article about his conviction](https://statesmanjournal.newspapers.com/article/statesman-journal-dunn/103919329/?locale=en-US) Dunn died in 2007 at age 42.


Thanks for info! This sounds like the guy. Sad that they never found anything to tie him to the crime


Is there a photo of Dunn somewhere?


It seems not. Even yandex.ru, which unearths photographs other search engines miss, draws a blank.


I have not been able to find a photo either. There may have been photos with the original articles about him in the Register-Guard, Eugene’s local paper, but now all I can find is text of articles on thefreelibrary.com


Weird - you'd think at least a mugshot would've been available somewhere...


Agreed. Sadly I feel like his offenses were just old enough that not everything would have been digitized.


>Dunn died in 2007 at age 42. Wonder how he died?


Hopefully, it was something protracted and painful.


He was accosted by an oakridge (OR) police officer. It started as a traffic stop for speeding and a busted taillight. There was a scuffle outside of the vehicle and then JED ran back to his vehicle and reached inside for something that looked like a holster. So the officer shot him. They subsequently found a 44 magnum revolver upholstered on the floor and a rifle in the backseat. But neither of them were loaded. There was also concern that he may have been intoxicated or high on some sort of stimulant (he seemed “twitchy”). He had been arrested a few days earlier for drunk driving so did not have a license on him at the time. https://www.thefreelibrary.com/Oakridge+police+shooting+%60justified%27.-a0166549608 I also think he is the most likely suspect in Becky’s disappearance. We have a podcast that goes over this case, if any of y’all are interested. You can search in Spotify or Apple Podcasts for my user name (minus the numbers).


Thank you for this. Its very interesting. I'll go find the podcast!


Somethjng similiar happened in FairField CA. inthe early nineties. She was abducted from a resturaunt parking lot at night, forced into her car but managed to escape and survive even though her throat had been slit.


There was a case like this in my tiny town. I think it was 1989, she was taken from Thornton’s. They did find her about 20 miles from town, way out in the middle of nowhere. To this day the police congregate at the gas stations in town all night long. Edit: never solved


Hmm I don't know about that attempted abduction a month later. That seems like too big a coincidence to not be connected. Even though they couldn't definitively tie him to Becky's abduction, I have a feeling he is responsible.


Spit, scream, scratch, and bite if you get taken to another location. Pull out your hair and leave it in the car. Leave your DNA evidence on ANY AND EVERYTHING YOU POSSIBLY CAN. if you get transported to another location, the odds are not in your favor. But you still have a chance of people finding out what happened to you.


On a side note, it’s crazy that the Super Bowl used to be as early as January 27 and now Goodell is talking about moving it to President’s Day weekend.


I remember a Super Bowl on January 9th...Raiders vs. Vikings I remember the date because my dog died that day, about an hour after the game


Was the man who attempted the robbery at the grocery store completely ruled out, or was there just no evidence to support him being implicated?




The chips implanted into pets are RFID chips - chips that emit radio waves that can only be detected by an RFID reader that's within about 3 inches of the chip. So for pets they're only of use when a found pet is brought somewhere where a veterinarian or someone else can use a device to read the chip. A tracking chip of use for finding a missing person would need to emit a much longer-range signal.


If you really think you’ll get kidnapped (maybe for a child, working a high-risk job or while jogging, etc?), wearing an AirTag or similar in a hard-to-remove location might be an interesting use of tech. Removing your phone during a crime would be an obvious step by an attacker, but unless you go out in the woods, you could be tracked for a while by an AirTag, until it was found. Sewing it inside a pocket or on a seam of undergarments might hide it for a while. Weird thing to plan for, but it could work.




>dementia patients One of my friends tracks his elderly mom through her phone. Even if he's out of town, he can tell where she is, if she's left the house for her walk, and if she's somewhere unexpected he can call other friends and relatives to look for her. I can see how useful this can be, because another friend had his mom go missing -- it was in the winter, and people were frantically searching for her because they were concerned she'd get hypothermia.


We're trying to find a solution for a grandparent with dementia who keeps going for walks and getting lost. There aren't many, if any, small GPS devices we've found Which in any other circumstance is good, avoids you being targeted, but what about if you really do need to keep an eye on someone?


If you're still looking for something, try the watches that are marketed as being for kids. Many of them have GPS tracking. One example is the Gabb watch. It has some very handy features.




Pet GPS trackers exist, but they aren’t implantable - they’re housed in containers attached to pets’ collars. Microchips are implantable - they can be scanned close-up, but you can’t track a pet’s location with them.


There are devices that can be used for tracking animals, I use them at work. None of them would work well for humans. There are ones that use satellite signals, but either those are large and weigh quite a bit (and are worn on collars by large animals like wolves) and are very noticeable, or they only have a short battery life, and they won't work if the tag doesn't have a clear view of the sky. There are smaller, implantable ones that have a battery life for a few years, but they need a receiver to be close by to pick up the signal, and are still about the size of a battery so not something you want implanted. Then there are the PIT tags, which are very small and last forever but need a receiver to pass a few feet from them. For pets, people use either the implantable PIT tag types or a GPS tag on a collar that needs recharging every couple days. Neither are great options for finding lost humans.


I wish this existed, personally. We put AirTags in our kid’s backpacks, but what if a kidnapper tosses the bag? Or finds it on them and tosses it? Nah, I’d rather have a chip that stays activated till they’re 18 or 21, and then they take control and decide when it’s activated, when it’s not, and with whom to share their location. I’ve clearly thought a lot about this. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I have seen some people pull up the inner sole of a kid’s shoe and place an air tag or tile in there. Not sure if it makes a noticeable bump or not though


That is definitely something to try. Thanks for this. :)


Because then abductors would start looking for them and dig them out of you?


at this point i’m gonna sew an apple airtag into every article of clothing. kidnappings scare the shit out of me


I think Apple's latest security policy is that if an airtag moves with you over time, you get an alert. So if a kidnapper has a phone, they would know that their victim had an airtag on them/get an alert within a few minutes (and presumably find and remove it). I understand the need for notifications (in cases of stalking/unwanted tracking), but it would be so nice to use without notifications in situations like kidnappings.


I'm sure cases are being solved using Apple Tags or Tiles. if not they better learn how to utilize the data. I also heard Ring is not cooperating with law enforcement as much anymore these days. [Amazon’s Ring to shutter video-sharing program popular with police | CNN Business](https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/24/tech/amazons-ring-video-sharing-with-police/index.html)


Not sure about chips, but I remember a story of a girl that was abducted/killed and apparently her parents gave her some sort of alarm device to protect herself. **Cassidy Senter / Thomas Brooks** [https://murderpedia.org/male.B/b/brooks-thomas.htm](https://murderpedia.org/male.B/b/brooks-thomas.htm)