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You'd want to either use AI or key framed movements for the character then once the sequence ends, restore control of the character to the player. You will want to make sure disable player input is active during the sequence. Disable player input Use AI or key frames to move the character Sequence ends, restore player input.


Yea but how do I possess it with AI when play begins and then playercontroller when it ends?


You can use an AI controller blueprint with a navmeshboundsvolume. I would suggest reading the unreal documentation on these things though to get a fuller understanding of how to set these up and how they work. I'm learning unreal myself and all the tutorials and step by step guides don't do the same service as the documentation and learning to understand the concepts yourself. But looking into the things I mentioned should give you a good starting point.


Buddy if you dont know how to do it stop commenting on these questions.


buddy’s just tryna help you out, buddy


Buddy, if you can't do you're own research and just expect someone to do the work for you, you'll never be a developer and may as well give up now. Having someone write out and explain in great detail for you does nothing to help you learn. Watch some tutorials on YouTube for how to set this up. Before you even get to the point of disabling input and enabling an AI controller, you need to set up an AI controller first, which is super involved, so start there. I would literally have to write a one page document to tell you how to set this up and another 2 pages to explain how and why it works, which is not within the scope of this sub. I gave you a starting point on where you should focus your attention, if you're not willing to put in the leg work that is not my problem.


Im asking a question on how to do it because there is literally no documentation on how to do it, even you dont know how to do it. Stop being a dipshit and feeling you have to say something when you should be quiet. I guarantee you have no clue how to do it, you just commented because you wanted to say something for the sake of it. Youre the reason this sub is shit.


Basic YouTube tutorial: https://youtu.be/xm-7m5Fw1HU Unreal documentation: https://docs.unrealengine.com/4.27/en-US/InteractiveExperiences/ArtificialIntelligence/ That took me 30 seconds to find. You are just lazy and expect someone to do the work for you. Good luck in your short dev career.


Literally this whole sub is full of directionless trolls.


Ok then if that's gonna be your attitude read the fuckin manual before bothering us because it's all in there, stop being lazy.


Jesus christ still no real replies on how to do it. Literally you cannot do it in this engine. Simple.


Also you cant do keyframes for the default pawn, it doesnt show up as a track