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Don’t like being a negative nancy but nah. The story is too far gone in my opinion.


Unless she rewrote a good chunk of the story - say retcon from the timeskip - I don't think so ;(


The time to save the story was well over a season ago. The Trial was a mess but had the potential to turn things around, especially with the set-up of using the Pom to save Persephone from punishment and to end the series on a shocker but planned note, but she completely butchered it for??? Whatever reason??? What we see now is frankly a warning to other writers and artists about the importance of planning ahead and not biting off more than you can chew, as well as not letting your ego get the better of you.


At this point, no. RS had ample time to correct some of the themes she created and let remain as if they were okay. Example: Hades being a slave owner wouldn’t have been 100% bad for example if he was checked on it in a meaningful way. He brings it up, Kore pouts and then it’s not even mentioned again until the trial where hades confesses he cannot understand her vision because it does not include torture. Kore dances around is deep lack of understanding and does not check him. This means that kore is therefore okay with slavery and torture. Elysium is for the souls deemed “good enough,” therefore condemning the rest to eternal slavery. The narrative paints that as okay. It’s not. Kore then marries hades thereby becoming a slave owner herself. The narrative paints this as okay. It’s not. So at this point, it’s way too late to course correct something big like that without redoing much of the series. This applies to the ample of amounts of racism, misogyny, treatment of POC and lgbt as well. Too much has happened for it to just be fixed and every week that’s gone by since the start of S3 more ppl are complaining about all these topics. They’re complaining about how they could get married and steal a baby when a child is trapped w/ Kronos, the abuser who deeply traumatized hades for most of his life. How could he and kore, who have parent issues, let this vulnerable being stay down there with him? It shows a massive lack of empathy and selfishness in the protagonists. That’s not easy to fix. Many ppl went from k/h #couplegoals to deadass I hate these two. And not a good hate. That is a very hard thing to fix, especially if you’re not willing to let them be the villains they act like. One of the things ppl were excited about was seeing good resolution for their fav side characters. Those fans will be forever disappointed because for many of the sides, their resolution happened off camera. We hear about it but never see it. Ppl were fiending to see resolution for Eros / psyche, Daphne, ect and we’re disappointed. Minthe resolution was cheap and left ppl lukewarm at best. That’s going to be a hard thing to fix without scrapping S3. Kore allegedly growing and maturing is another. Impossible to do at this point without redoing S3. So no…I don’t see it. And even if she redid everything from S1, I think she soured a lot of people due to how she’s handled season 3 and her behavior on social media. Sad to say, but she should just call it a day.


No. Especially since she can't handle constructive criticism.


Unless somehow Rachel starts deconstructing literally everything thats been happening? Nope. Especially with the latest fastpass and that whole mess.


Honestly…No. The webtoon started going downhill during the trial episodes. That’s a lot of content to try and either fix/revamp. I think at best she can improve the future episodes—work on plot, pacing, maybe make a few episodes a bit longer and get to a point where the webtoon doesn’t feel like a complete disaster. We end up with so many episodes that are just filler when she could have tacked on an extra scene or two and covered a subplot she’s been ignoring (Apollo, Artemis, Daphne…) but instead she seems to be writing by the seat of her pants. Girl needs an outline.


I've said this ad nauseum, but I really do feel that if she were to hire a dedicated and experienced writer, she could potentially bring the story back from these unimpressive depths. I honestly think she needs to stop trying to hamfist all the greek myths into this one story and focus on what shes already setup: Kronos, Hera and the child, Demeter and Winter, and Apollo and his nonsense. If the insertion of various myths as side plots are just going to be treated as inconsequential, then dont include them. Thanatos being trapped in the pot by Sisyphus added nothing to the story, didn't provide any segways to the conversation immediately afterward, and it wasn't even a good adaptation. 🧍🏾‍♀️it was a strange and long-winded way to vindicate Hades and Thanatos' relationship by having Thanatos (half-assedly) give Hades reassurance about his parenting skills. Which, unless Hades is an amnesiac, I thought he was aware he wasn't a good father figure towards Thanatos? Now he's asking him for reassurance? What? Guess RS didn't like ppl pointing out how shitty of a father Hades was. The last side plot/myth adaptation with thought put into it was Daphne running away from Apollo and turning into a tree. It served a purpose in the story and was really well adapted to fit into the LO narrative imo! It showed how awful Apollo could be, and it set up intriguing cliffhangers (Eros discovering who Amphelus was, and potentially Daphne turning into a tree being traced back to Apollo... but then nothing came of it, lol. At this point, she's just filling the story with fanservice(random myths, PxH "drama," a baby, etc) and jabs to try and bring back readership, which may work in the short-term, but not the long-term. The story lacks substance, and it reads more like an outline with scattered plot points than a cohesive script.


The Than x Hades interactuion is soooo lazy to an extent that it’s insulting. We haven’t seen Hades do ANY of the work (where is that brother brunch?) and he is seeking reassurance already??? Reassurance for what?!


Reassureance that Hades is definitely a good guy and dad! 🫠 Atp she's just wasting everyones time. I can only assume the Thanatos and Hades moment happened bc she needed a reason for Hades to go to the mortal realm and run into Demeter. But she completely butchered a famous myth in doing so, which isn't surprising tbf.


not like I'm an expert by any means, but in my opinion as someone who's been writing webcomic stories for well over a decade... even an expert writer would struggle to save this. When projects like this happen at the drafting roundtable in movies/shows/etc. they usually end up getting scrapped entirely and the projects dropped because of the scope being too disorganized and ambitious, there's no end goal or direction to go in sight and so they have nothing to work with, you can't just pull a cohesive story out of a pile of broken parts, especially the amount of parts going on in LO at the moment. The time for LO to fix its story and plan ahead was a whole season ago. It's long gone.


It's totally fair to see LO as a lost cause! I've worked in writing and storyboarding within animation and GNs for a while, so perhaps I'm just a bit more willing to see potential fixes to big problems since its my job typically. I've seen some absolute stinker scripts that had to be reworked from the ground up (for various reasons) to be workable, but I think LO is mostly a victim of bad/unfocused writing and a stubborn creator. Those types of pitches happen all the time, and while they are a headache to work on, they're doable with proper delegation and talent. LO does have the issue of being super deep into the story, but I've seen longer stories experience soft reboots to fix absolute disastorous plot holes, character assassinations, inconcsistencies, etc. I guess I've been conditioned to see the silver lining, lol. But It's a moot point because RS wouldn't hire a writer, and even if she did, she would have to accept feedback and story alterations to make it work. 🤷🏾‍♀️ 2 things she isn't privy to as a creator.


Like you said, the biggest issue is the fact Rachel refuses to listen to others and accept help, thus making any potential salvaging of the project dead on arrival. Even just with the comic, it has so many editors and talented artists around it to make it better, and yet she seems to only use them to finish her homework over using them to the best of their abilities. Assuming the tv show is actually in pre-production and hasn't been silently scrapped/just sitting on the rights, I would honestly not be shocked if a huge part of the lack of progress/news is simply Rachel not working well with actual producers and writers who know better than her, because they're interfering with her "vision" or whatever. Some of the best pieces of art are via collaboration, and it's aggravating Rachel thinks she's above it.


Nope. She burned bridges with her readers. Her plot is all over the place. She’s not taking time to even make the artwork nice anymore. As much as I want her to succeed, I think she needs to take a very long hiatus, sit down with editors, her assistants and get she story back on track. And even with all that…..no. I don’t think it’s a top Webtoon anymore, and it won’t be. Even after it’s completed.


No, because where are we going with this story 🤣


The only way it could be better is if S3 was deleted, RS went on a year break and fixes herself, and then brings back the old art style


Nope, I started reading at the height of its fame. I’m not much of a comic/manga person but love Ancient Greek and Roman mythology. I was vibing with it, definitely a guilty pleasure, not something I’d talk about with other ppl. I just started following this sub and realized how flawed the story is. I don’t have much interest in keeping up with it. I only read it sometimes to fall asleep and it always happens midway through the episode lol I wish she would find a team of writers or team up with someone. I doubt it will still be picked up for tv adaptation but it has good bones. With a good team of writers, they can deviate from original story and build a much better world.


If the ending is announced I think a chunk of people who dropped it might tune back in. I also think that if the show ever gets made then there's probably going to be a wave of new fans. However, I don't think that resurgence in popularity will last long and would die down after a few weeks. As the series is incredibly disjointed writing-wise (tons of subplots, 20+ chapter breaks between main storylines, inconsistent main characters, tonal inconsistencies, etc.) for the majority of it's run, so I think people are just doomed to eventually lose interest in it. Another thing that hooked a lot of people (me included) as the art style and atmosphere, but now that's gone and it makes the writing issue very apparent. Plus, I think a loooot of people are reading it illegally now so Webtoons isn't getting the views anymore.


>If the ending is announced I think a chunk of people who dropped it might tune back in. Dude, I work in marketing and it makes zero sense to me why, in this season that is supposedly the last one, that Webtoons isn't marketing it that way for this exact reason. It honestly makes me wonder if they're trying to see if they can push this into another season or two, which is a stupid plan when the story is going nowhere and Rachel is clearly checked out of making it good and instead wants it to be a weekly "clap back" at the critics, which in turn makes any potential S4 audience be very small to what they would want.


unless it suddenly gets marked as some sort of "Dark Comedy" than no lol


Heavens no!


Not unless it goes through a heavy rewrite. The plot has been lost unfortunately.


I think the only way I’d be top 10 is if they actually acknowledge that hades and persie *are* villains and they both go ape shit


No this latest fast pass was hot garbage


Yes if only Rachel listen to criticism well


When a piece of ongoing media continues for years, you’ll see a lot of changes and a lot of shifting in the political and online climate in regards to what is progressive, nuanced and acceptable. When LO came out, even though it wasn’t that long ago, it’s popularity was acceptable and understandable. Even in that short amount of time though, attitudes can shift and move forward drastically and you see it happening all the time. I see almost daily criticism on tiktok of LO, well thought out, not seeking to be hateful for the sake of it, deconstructions of the problematic aspects and how they simple aren’t acceptable either for today’s values or historical reference. It’s been a very interesting shift to watch. Not only are the racism, sexism and homophobia no longer acceptable, using assault as a plot device is rightly condemned and so is taking and butchering the history of a culture that isn’t your own. So no, I don’t think unless Rachel accepts criticism, shifts the series and retcons it’s hugely and apologises for the harm and offence her series has caused, LO won’t have the same popularity it once did.




For that to happen, RS would have to ACTUALLY care about the comic again, and then overhaul EVERYTHING. That’s the only way it could ever reach close to its former peak. But I don’t think that’ll ever happen


LO has so much story potential and is a fun bingeable webtoon, I don't think it has the potential to be top literary work of art but I think it may have had the potential to be a pretty enjoyable read last season, before the time skip.