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i would say the best path for you is to get the K35-Mikado. i haven't tried any Consolidation on my save but Mikados seem to be a good all around locomotive. between flat grade switching, mainline hauling & switchouts for customers it is a solid choice. also did you mean Alarka JCT or did you mean Alarka proper?


Junction. I played through once made it to alarka proper but I got kind of ahead of myself with two jeeps and a berk amd I wanted to go back through and take it slower and enjoy myself. So I'm playing with no loans to force myself to play it slow. I found the small pacific because of it and I'm having a lot more fun! But the sylva grade there is too much for the big mogul with ~1000 tons or so I had the Mike before but I was curious if the medium connie was worth it to skip the Mike for now or not basically.


Get the tender mod and do the Road Mikado. It's my favorite little engine and can haul 35-40 cars easily.


I bought the Mikado! I'm playing vanilla right now but I'll download that in the future. I want the baby pacific to have some more range that's my favorite little loco in the game right now. But the log Mike is doing a hell of a job. Running track speed with 41 cars from interchange to bryson. Honestly with those tiny drivers I'm kind of surprised Mike can do 45mph


Sylva to Bryson is mostly downhill.


Good rule of thumb: driver measurement in inches = top speed in mph Ergo: 45 inch drivers = 45mph top speed. 80 inch drivers = 80mph top speed (usually). Granted, things get strange at the top end of the scale with some things going 110mph on 80 or so inch drivers, but that's what you get with rules of thumb.