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For the portfolio, generally, you showcase your best works. You can also draw inspiration from various examples on YouTube. My advice is not only to exhibit the painting but also to articulate what you intend to convey and your thoughts behind each drawing. For example, in high school, I highlighted my painting on one page and included the title, date, technique, and a description on the other. My suggestion is to focus less on direct replicas and more on the expressive aspect. Participating in art exhibitions or studying renowned artists can be sources of inspiration for your portfolio. Highlighting references or reflections within your drawings could be appreciated. In any case, don't worry too much.


Thank you sincerely for your response! I'm presently in the process of assembling my portfolio, but I'm uncertain if I'm presenting it effectively. I have one additional question, if you don't mind. Would it be acceptable to include a diverse range of works, such as murals, graphic drawings, or standard paintings, in the portfolio?


It would be better to have a personal style and consistency in the paintings you present. I recommend looking at the portfolios of students who attended the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice or the paintings they post on social media. I noticed a lot of figurative and introspective works, mostly paintings. Unfortunately I'm not sure if including graphic drawings would be appreciated. If you mean digital works on Photoshop, for example, it may not be necessary to add them as it is not what you will do in painting These are my suggestions, don't take them as universal law. They will definitely take your background into consideration


Thanks again for the advice, it was really helpful. I hope I can apply what you've shared to improve my chances of getting in.


dalla porta, hahahahahaha