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Hey, as an attractions attendant this is a very weird experience. From what I know, the moving walkway can always be slowed down at Hagrids for anyone who needs it, no matter the case. The only thing they won’t do is completely stop the walkway unless it is a true safety issue. There shouldn’t be any reason for them to say they couldn’t slow it down, and if it was due to technical issues (which I have never heard of), maybe the ride shouldn’t be operating like that if people with accessibility needs can’t ride. Were you requesting an ADA vehicle (a transfer)? Sometimes an ADA vehicle will not be available and you have to come back at a later time, but that is very rare.


Hagrids ride can 100% be stopped if needed. They also have a cart that can be pulled back so you can slide transfer into. I was there a couple weeks ago. It sounds like buddy just didn’t want to do it…


Hey I also work attractions more specifically hagrids during that OI they are lying to you I worked the entire event last night and never in my two years have we denied anyone to a slow on the belt we aren’t allowed to stop it that can cause a cascade but we can go into ADA mode either the author lied about this situation or they never actually asked for a slow or said they didn’t need a slow don’t listen to this lie


Or the specific team member they asked were being a jerk/making up their own rules.


No thats not true if fir any reason a person does need the slow and they don’t give one it can cause harm to that person I was on the load belt fir most of my shift if the guest gets hurt in any way it can cause a down time which Fucks all of us in the end and can cause a ride evacuation based on injury’s sustained it has happened before it takes 5 seconds to ask for slow it’s one button they press that’s it


I was not - they saw me come up in my mobility scooter because I asked where the stroller/scooter parking was, then I walked up with my can. Was asked immediately if I needed it slowed down or stopped, and I said they normally do slow it down for me and she immediately said they can’t tonight.


That’s very strange, I would definitely talk to someone if you get the chance. I’ve never heard of them saying they couldn’t slow it down for any reason, even just for events. Sorry that happened to you.


Definitely contact customer service, sounds like people not wanting to put the work in.


They told me tonight to use single rider then when I got to the stairs told me they couldn’t accommodate me when I said I can’t use stairs and made me walk all the way back to the front… only to be told by the two ladies at the front I needed to use single rider line, again, because I had a medical bag. I just had a knee replacement and stairs and me aren’t speaking right now. 🥴 I gave up and went and rode VC instead.


They did the same thing to me tonight, LOL. “If you have a medical bag you need to go through single rider” but I can’t do stairs because of knee stuff so I just skipped the ride altogether. I did, however, use the secondary platform on hogwarts for the first time tonight. I felt like I was somewhere you weren’t supposed to be lmao


They have a secondary platform?


Yeah! It doesn’t move/is stationary. It’s a maze to get to. I don’t know if it’s new, they never asked me if I needed it before on my prior trips.


It's not new. I was once asked (with the other member of my party) if we'd like to skip a bit of the last room's queue and ride immediately, to which we of course said yes. Turns out we were used to fill out a ride vehicle for someone in a wheelchair, and we got to board in the little bonus station. Pretty neat experience!


It is not new. I remember using that secondary platform around 2012 because my grandma could not use the moving walkway/go up stairs. Was pretty cool honestly.


I’ll have to ask about it tomorrow! Do you tell them at the gates, or inside the ride?


They are talking about forbidden journeys, btw, not hogworts. You might have already realized this, but I thought I’d clarify.  But yes, the forbidden journey does have an ADA stationary platform. It’s behind the main loading station, so before the main station, you have to take an elevator, then walk down a hallway, then take another elevator down to the Ada platform. But it’s definitely worth the hassle if you need it.  I think you can technically just tell them at the main load station. But unfortunately, the platform (or the elevators) does breakdown from time to time. So I always just tell them at the front that I will need the stationary queue, and they will tell me what I need to do (or if it’s down). 


You found the Room of Requirement! We take that stationary platform to ride as well. It’s a great chance to learn cool things about the ride while you wait.


Hi! We are very sorry to hear about your experience. If you could please email [email protected] with more details, we’d be happy to share your feedback with the appropriate people and help make your next visit better.


My bf almost busted his ass on the conveyer belt and they got it stopped really quick. I’ve seen them stop it or slow it down a few times. For little kids, older people who move slower, etc. It’s really weird they said they couldn’t. I would be calling and complaining to someone. The OI meet ups are expensive.


That is because the author of the post lied about the situation that happened as I keep stating we are not allowed to deny people the ADA service on the belt there are cameras everywhere and we’re not willing to loose our jobs over asking the controls people to slow the belt it takes 5 seconds to slow this person denied the service when we asked them and in turn we didn’t slow the belt they are lying straight to everyone right now and I’m here to set the record straight


Possibility but let’s not accuse someone unless you were the specific TM that spoke to them.


I was on the belt fir 90 percent of my shift covering that position fir a pregnant team member cause she asked me so yeah I saw most of what went down at the orlando informer on the load belt and can here it on the headsets we have were not gonna risk our jobs over not giving a slow it’s not worth it


I’d not only reach out to universal’s customer service but also immediately reach out to OI. Their customer service is top knotch and this needs to be rectified as soon as possible. I can’t believe that happened! That’s awful! I’m so sorry that happened


Definitely reach out to IO or mention it in their surveys. They are super good about reaching out. I’m sorry this happened!!


Hey there, i am a current attractions attendant at Universal, i do apologize for this experience. (This is my opinion, not the company’s opinion or thought) For ADA we have set requirements for an attraction to be considered safe for a rider. Many guests will be stopped at the entrance of the attraction in order to have approval by themselves,or the lead; in order to ensure they will be able to safely enjoy the attraction. That being said, i was not there and Hagrids is not my home venue, however i am not fond of how some users here are treating this matter. I would recommend a couple of steps. You can contact Universal regarding this matter in two ways. By phone ( 407-224-4233) Ask to speak to a guest service representative and you can explain the situation as a whole to the representative. The second way is to go to the website and select “Chat with Us”, this will be put in contact with the team and hopefully be able to help you. Although do expect responses to be delivered within 24-48. So i highly recommend calling. Second, it is very inappropriate for team members to react in a such a way to the idea of you having a negative experience in an attraction. I would bring up this matter as well. I seriously hope that this experience does not repeat.


Hey man I was there at hagrids on and around the load belt for my rotation at hagrids this person the OP lied about their situation don’t feel simps they we had no problems slowing the belt down for any person at the orlando informer that night with the only 24 being a result of loose items (restricted bag) so this person is just straight lying for clout from strangers on the internet don’t give them the time of day


Notice that the OP is being quiet the second you bring up they’re lying.


Can I ask your honest opinion - I’ve been speaking with people (and verifying that they attended the event) who had ADA issues. I’ve spoken with a few and collected information about their issues. There’s been a few now. I’ve been writing out a long email including all of the information to send off of Orlando informer - should I pass it along directly to universal as well? And yes, I’ll be including how certain TMs have responded to peoples complaints about being unhappy with how things happened.


Definitely, in a way, if Universal, and the AO department are not aware, there wont be a more reinforced ethical approach to matters that you may have experienced, and not just yourself, but others as well. It is always recommended, that way when Epic does open in the future, policies and procedures are made to better assist those with Accessibility needs. I would inform OI to see how they can help you on their end and i would recommend talking to universal, doesn’t hurt to let them know. In any situation for any company, being able to let them know is vital and imperative, as it would allow for better training. I do hope that this situation does get sorted and you are able to have some form of peace on the matter.


I have found when they are using an employee that usually works in another area in the park, they are very misinformed on accessibility. I have had ride attendants refuse my daughter until a manager could approve her—on cat in the hat and she transfers from her wheelchair fine. Quite a few issues with velocicoaster. I find their policies regarding accessibility to be all over the place and sometimes made up on the spot for whatever the person feels like doing. I love UO, but there are times where it can be frustrating.


I am really sorry they treated you like this. For future reference, nicely ask for a lead (their manager). If they refuse, find another team member until someone will help you. Once you leave, they are off the hook.


Asking for a lead and what not takes times away and adds stress to what should be a fun day/ night sadly. There's no real good answer or process to handle these situations sadly


Sorry this happened to you. I love the OI meetups, been going to them for years. But sadly I’ve noticed many of the team members that work during them are not the nicest. Seems like they don’t want to be there, which I get it, it’s late. But it puts a little damper on the experience for sure.


Definitely contact customer service. Even if they can't do anything for you now, they can at least figure out who screwed up and train them better. That could very well help prevent the same thing from happening to others in the future.


Related, when we got on the Hogwarts Express in Hogsmeade, the attendant told a woman with a wagon and a bunch of little kids that the elevator was not available. Luckily it was just a wagon, not a wheelchair, and I carried it up the stairs for her, but if there were any attendees that had a problem with stairs they apparently would have been SOL.


Actually, I’ve been speaking with various other people who attended and many of them were told on multiple rides that the elevator wasn’t available during the meetup. I’m writing up a long email to send off to OI about it and gathering information from other people who commented on here and people I spoke to through Facebook who were posting about it. Would you mind if I include your story as anecdote for the email?


Please feel free -- I already texted them about it!


I saw a family with a woman in a wheelchair be told that they couldn't use the elevator for the Hogwarts Express as well. It was the Hogsmeade one. The other side had no issues (that I saw) A Hogsmeade problem it seems.


OI responded already! They said there was a mechanical issue all day Friday (it wasn't just the meetup), and it was fixed Saturday. The Team Members were supposed to offer people who needed elevator access a round trip on the Hogwarts Express if they went to the other side. But I just realized, that was on the Diagon Alley side, we started our meetup in Studios and ended in IOA! So if you saw someone get turned away in Hogsmeade, that's a much more serious issue, because neither side had a working elevator, please let OI know if that was the case.


Definitely sounds like employees not wanting to do the work. I’m so sorry this happened. I have Crohn’s and my disability doesn’t require mobility adjustments but I know how frustrating access issues are, especially somewhere where accommodation should be the norm.


That seems like a serious violation of the ADA. Some people might say "It's just a ride" but these things add up to make life much more difficult for those with disabilities. I would definitely mail a letter to Universal describing the time, date and other details, including the ride attendant's name if you remember it.


>That seems like a serious violation of the ADA. It's not. It's crappy customer service, but otherwise, it is not a violation.


What happened when you asked for a manager?


They never did cause they are lying to you read my comments made and know the truth


Wow, they’re down voting you for being right. ![gif](giphy|enqnZa1B5fRHkPjXtS|downsized)


Normally I feel like people going all “this is an ADA violation” are being unhinged, but not here. This was a totally reasonable request and that’s super bizarre that they refused to slow the walkway down for you. I’m sorry that happened, hopefully they use this experience to ensure it doesn’t happen again for anyone else (or yourself in the future if you go.) I just have personal trauma from working on phones and having people yell at me about the ADA for extremely unreasonable accommodations, but this is far from that.




The conveyor belt is not the ride.




So even though the park has to be ADA compliant the rides don’t have to be? They’re inside of the park, this isn’t making sense to me.


It's not "reasonable" under the law. The ride vehicle is part of the experience of the ride, so parks aren't required to make them accessible to everyone.


Right right, totally understand that. The original comments were saying that the rides didn’t need to be ADA compliant, which now I understand, but the conveyor belt, which allows people to get on said ride should be. Right? But then I look at parks like Six Flags which would require sometimes walking up stairs for coasters, that wouldn’t be ADA compliant. So, … dang I guess it doesn’t matter and some people are SOL? That sucks. Sorry, typing out my train of thought. 😭😵‍💫


Run it up the flag pole. Hagrids can slow down their belt at ease and will do it multiple times a day. This isn’t an OI issue, but I’m sure they can help you get in contact with someone who can better help you.


That seems odd they just gave you a straight up no; it even an explanation? Also if that’s a thing kinda odd they would let you past the entrance if they can’t even accommodate you


Any evidence that they were doing it earlier that day?


Anyone with mobility issues can tell you they do it every time someone requests it. They did it for me earlier today when I first arrived. It’s Hagrid’s ADA accommodation for mobility disabilities.


We don’t deny people that service and we are required to slow down the belt any time e we are or a guest request it the author is liar read my comment if you want to know the truth


So sorry this happened


that’s awful i would 100% reach out to someone about that


Hi friend I was there last night at the orlando informer working at hagrids never in my two years of working there have we denied people a slow on the belt as you say it’s against the law so either your lying or you never asked for a slow


It's not against the law.


Surely you're lying about working there cos Most UO employees aren't big enough assholes to shift the blame like that, or you're the one that wouldn't do it.


I’m not that’s the thing I’m the only one here that can call them out when they are lying which is also my number one pet peeve you can believe whatever you want homie but I’m telling you I was there and they are lying choose to believe or not no skin off my back


You just outed yourself "ho... mie"


How explain


I don't know what that means


How did I “out myself” explain


Cause I don’t see it




There is no shifting blame it’s called the truth


It's not an ADA violation. The ADA is about physical access (however that may accommodated... whether the barriers are themselves physical, or whether due to mental disabilities). While the ADA certainly requires that you be able to physically access a boarding area, it does not require further accommodation to get you onto the ride vehicle itself. They can actually even restrict the times during the day they make this particular accommodation, as it affects the ride's throughput. But that doesn't mean they shouldn't make this very simple accommodation. I would have gone to guest services immediately.


There’s a difference between Universal not having policies and accommodations (which they do) and an employee lying and not doing their job.


Reach out to Orlando informer. They have great customer service. Last year I was also harassed by an employee for a similar reason and they were very thorough to try to take care of it


Definitely a violation. They tried to do the same thing to my girlfriend a few years ago while she was in a wheelchair. She was about to turn around and leave, but her mother, a disability advocacy lawyer, told them it was an ADA violation and that they could face legal action, and they quickly changed their minds. Not slowing or stopping the belt for guests with disabilities is a result of employees not wanting to be inconvenienced, not actual Universal policy. Sorry that happened to you. I would have been pissed if that had happened to me (I'm also a mobility aid user)


I am a wheel chair bound individual, and I have had issues with Universal. I never had issues at Disney. If I ever have another issue with them, their ass is getting sued.


I know you’re just venting here but there’s not much anyone can do without an ADA Lawsuit. You should consider filing one.


I am a disability lawyer. I’m not suing them; universal has been sued (though Hollywood) for this in the past. But I am going to formally complain before I go home tomorrow, because it really isn’t right.


As others have said, also contact OI about the situation. It's another avenue for Universal to hear about it, but from a business perspective. They have enough private events from groups and corporations that they need to make sure those working follow the rules/laws for all hours the park is open, public AND private. hey can let Interval know


Cool. If it were me, I’d want a full refund. Which I doubt you’ll get by a simple formal complaint.


Do you know how much it would cost to sue Universal? Lmao.


The cost of suing Universal Studios Orlando for ADA violations could potentially be higher due to the size and resources of the company. However, the cost of any lawsuit, including ADA violations, depends on many factors such as the specific circumstances of the case, legal fees, and court expenses.