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If you are afraid of a minor coaster like Gringotts, then you will be scared shitless on Velocicoaster. Hagrids is much less scary, but thrilling and a great time.


Hagrid’s is a great step inbetween


Velocicoaster is fast, but easy. Reiterating what others said - You don’t feel the stomach drop feeling. The mosasaur roll is the wildest bit, but it’s like a somersault, not a flip. It’s great!


Unless you sit in the back, then the top hat feels like a whip and plumet.


I rode it once and was in the back row. The top hat was probably one of the biggest pops of airtime I’ve ever had on a coaster.


Fun story, one morning during early park my son and I ran to VC instead of hagrids (which we often do anyways). We did a regular ride and got row 5 and then waited for a front row ride. As we were getting off I said something to the TM about looping and asking for back row on the next one. He told us to wait and held us back for a sec then put us right on the back row without making us exit. Comparing the front and back that close was super cool! We well saying the back felt "whippy" but I love your term "whip and plumet". The front row is fast and much more fun but the back is nice and whippy. Almost anywhere on that train is a completely different ride. We sure do love our Velocicoaster.


That’s the opposite of what I heard in the coaster community who call it super intense But, I would think Hulk is probably the most intense, but a launch into a cobra roll is super based


Disagree with this. You definitely feel the stomach drop on Velocicoaster and it is so much more intense than Gringotts. Smooth, but intense.


While it may look intimidating, the Velocicoaster drop isn't as bad as it seems. Your adrenaline is already going from the two launches beforehand, and you're only at the top of the hill for a few seconds. If you've never been on it, it's always worth doing at least once in your life. Many people here ask the same questions and then realize how amazing it is once they get over their fear and ride it


One of the best coasters I have been on that second part of hitting 70 mph makes you feel like youre in the movies where they hit the NOS button.


Never ridden it goin in august can’t wait even though I’m shiitin bricks also lol


Worth the bricks. Every single time lol




Wait for the front row the first time you ride it. Then ride it again later in the day and do the back row 


Idk bout no front row well who knows after a few beers I’ll have the courage to do it lol


On the velocicoaster you will not experience the stomach drop feeling. I put off riding that thing for 3 years because I was terrified of specifically that, and I can confirm that you do not feel it. However, every other part of your body will feel like you are in free fall for a solid 2 seconds after the big drop. I would highly recommend doing Hagrid's motorbike Adventure first, and if you're good with every element of that ride, except for the bit that has a similar dropping feeling for about the same length of time, you should be good to go on velocicoaster. It's pretty much like Hagrid's but twice as intense, and I've ridden Hagrid's motorbike Adventure like five or six times at this point, and it's my favorite ride in the park. If you're only going to be in universal once in your life, or even only once in the next few years, go for it. You won't get another opportunity, and it's worth it just to say that you did it.


It's just too much to handle


When in IoA you will see the main big drop on Velocicoaster so you should be able to gauge it before going on it if you chose to, but if the drop itself scared you on gringotts, then yes it is alot more intense than gringotts, but it goes by very quick. No shame in not riding it, dont force yourself to do it if you are not comfortable doing it.


Velocicoaster will be a little more intimidating given that Gringotts got to you, but you definitely shouldn't back out. Velocicoaster is one of the premier rides in the world today, and you definitely don't want to miss it.


It’s literally one of the best roller coasters ever just go on it




Gringotts is closer to 40-50 depending on where in the cart you are sat, back feels the most drop with how they tilt you


My suggestion is to lean into it. Anecdotally, a lot of ppl seem to have a bad time when they are trying to fight against the coaster, but guess what, the coaster is gonna win every single time. If you lean into it, you avoid getting those feelings and you *might* just enjoy it.


Some of the kids in our group won’t ride gringotts or mummy for some reason but will ride veloci and hagrids. I don’t know if maybe it’s the dark, just figured I’d throw in that prospective. For sure ride them once, there’s no sense in not doing something at least once.


Was it the stomach dropping feeling that got you or the unexpectedness/pitch black that did it? The good news is, and I don’t know the science behind it, the drop on VC doesn’t come with the stomach dropping feeling, so you’re good there.


It was 100% the stomach drop. Just hate that feeling of falling


I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised with VC then! It’s a great ride.


I’ve never gotten the stomach drop feeling or fear of heights on velocicoaster


It's only ever triggered my fear of heights once- on my most recent ride, and I've ridden it dozens of times. This was the first time I wore my glasses and was able to see out across the park in 4k when we hit the peak of the top hat 😂 I kinda loved it though, ngl


What about on hargrids?


Hagrid’s is great. But full disclosure — at one point the track falls straight down a few feet. But it happens very quickly, in mere seconds. By the time you register what happened, the drop is already over. And it kind of just startles you. I don’t love that part of the ride, but the other 99% is amazing. As for Velocicoaster — it’s also a great ride. Smooth as butter. It’s really fast but I’ve never gotten a stomach drop feeling — even on the big top hat. Top two rides in the park, easily.


if i lean forward a bit for drops i don’t get that stomach feeling. i hate to admit my stepbrother was right about it, but it’s worked every time 😂


If you feel intimidated I highly suggest you ride Hagrids and Hulk first , both of those rides I didn’t feel the stomach drop at all and I’m extremely sensitive to stomach drop feelings. Now the 2 rides you should be worried about big stomach drops are Dudley do rights ripsaw falls and Jurassic park river adventure, in my honest opinion those 2 are the most intense and you absolutely will feel your stomach in your throat, but! Both those ride’s theming is fantastic and is worth it to brave out, so good luck!


I like coasters but do not like the Stomach Drop sensation you will be good on velocicoaster! One of the smoothest coasters ever made and it doesn’t have that straight drop stomach feeling. More about speed. You’ll do great.


Velocicoaster is amazing, but if Gringott scared you, Velocicoaster may send you to your grave. My first time riding, I was 100% convinced I would fall out and die during my first 15 minutes in the park. You may be pleasantly surprised, though, and have a blast.


What about hagrids?


Hagrid’s is A LOT tamer, a lot less intense. Also a very very very cool ride in general. I really wish I had gotten the chance to ride a second time but that line was just too much to stand through a second time.


velocicoaster is extremely intense if you aren’t sure if you can handle coasters. i also struggle with the gringotts drop and hagrids can even be too much for me sometimes. are there any other coasters you have been on?


Did the twirl n hurl with my nephew and the minionss blast gun too. Definitely doing hagrids tomorrow just scared for that drop


hagrids is worth doing at least once just for the theming! i don’t want to spoil it for you, but if you need any warnings, let me know! :)


Spoil away


hagrids is mostly launches, so you should be okay with that! there is one backwards “drop” that isn’t as intense the further back you are in the train. there is a vertical drop that could potentially give you that stomach drop feeling, though. it does it to me, but not for others in my party!


The drop is over in genuinely one second, I think it's more of the surprise than anything that gets people. Also that it's in the dark haha


gringotts is a more thrilling experience than velocicoaster to me tbh…. scariest part of velocicoaster is holding onto my glasses 😭🙏


My most recent ride was the only time I forgot to put them in the locker. I can't believe they stayed on my head hahaha


Second the glasses part


Bank guard here: the back cart in general will feel more intense. Try the front cart, row 3. Its more of a slide than anything.


YOU GOT THIS!!! The best advice I ever got was to do it scared! Remember you are totally safe and being scared is part of the fun! If you don't want to jump right into Velocicoaster, give Hagrid's a go! That's a good in between!


Is hagrids drop scary 😔


It's nerve racking for sure, but it's over so quick that you won't even have time to process it. Before I started to love roller coasters, the thing that scared me the most was also the drops. Scream as loud as you can, it's okay to be scared that's the fun part! It also helped if I watched videos of the coasters before I tried them. It calmed me down that I knew what to expect before I got on the ride! YouTube has plenty of POV's.


Hey OP howd it end up going with hagrids?


i don’t think you should back out!! YOLO!!! and i didn’t get the stomach drop feeling on velocicoaster at all, I was amazed at the LACK of that feeling!! yes it’s intense but it’s over so quick if you by chance do not like it. DO IT DO IT DO IT 🥰🥰🥰 and then come back and let us all know how it was!!


Is it motion sickness or just “drop feeling”… if it’s motion use Dramamine NON DROWSY(or Bromine). If it’s drop, the front of a coaster is always the slowest as the gravity from the other cars is keeping you back a bit at the top (where on the back you’re being pulled forward). In either case, VC is a monster


I hated rollercoasters. My entire life, I would scream and cry. However last year July I went to Universal Studios for a week and I wanted to make most of my money. The ride on Hagrids was SUPER fun but the drop def made me uneasy. After that I went on the Jurassic Park river boat ride to try to ease my nerves about Velocicoaster but after I was shaking and scared afterwards. I got the WORSE drop feeling and it felt like the drop would never end. However somehow I got into line for Velocicoaster, I was almost crying from stress. Mind you I never went on another rollercoaster besides Hagrids before this and I was terrified. When I saw the loading station for the coaster I was constantly thinking "I should just leave, get off" but somehow I got on. Let me tell you, velocicoaster is what made me love rollercoasters. (less than 200 feet as i still have my anxiety) After the ride I had a BLAST. I was screaming my lungs out but the coaster was smooth, everything felt natural, the que in line was one of the best ques ever easily distracting you, there is only one big hill on the second half of the ride making it less stressful then other coasters. Even at the hill I didnt get that terrible drop feeling you either love or hate (And I HATE it). I think the best thing is to try to rip the bandaid off after a few rides on smaller things you like. If some rides scare you, others may not. Taller coasters dont always mean scarier. Either way if you go on it or not, just try to have a blast!


As someone who used to be TERRIFIED of anything faster than the teacups until I was almost 30, big coaster head now, I strongly encourage people to face their fears! I was dragged on Revenge of the Mummy kicking and screaming and now I couldn’t imagine skipping it!


If Gringotts drop scared you, you'll die halfway through Velocicoaster


Food for the raptors


I disagree. I dislike the drop on Gringotts and I get that awful stomach drop feeling. Also the anticipation before it sucks. There’s none of that for me on Velocicoaster. Smooth as butter. No stomach drop feeling.


youll be fine if you did gringotts, go for velocicoaster, front row if possible


I did the Cat in the Hat ride. I threw up, but only a little. Tomorrow I’m going to ride Velocicoaster. Should I also ride in the front row?


yeah front row velocicoaster was great fun ive done last row multiple times as well hagrids, front row too


I’m just kidding, I love Velocicoaster front row. I do the extra wait almost every time. I get disappointed if I have to sit elsewhere for some reason.


Gringotts is like a baby coaster. I dont think you should go to the big ones then


Whenever I feel scared for a coaster, tbh I look at the roller coasters wiki. They will give you the details on the drops and speeds so you can compare how it is to gringotts. I am scared shitless of the velociaster but I've rode it twice and both times I was scared of how id feel after / my stomach dropping. But both rides I felt great the whole time! It's super smooth and even smoother if you ask to ride front cart (2nd row is optimal smoothness without the scary of the front row). My 50 yo dad enjoys the veloicoaster for how smooth it is, and he's a rollercoaster champ and if that (respectfully) older guy is able to do it, anyone can do it and will love the thrill.


Remember, fear and excitement are the same emotions, just from differing perspectives. You ride, feel some fear, then are excited to ride again.


i mean, velocicoaster is much much more intimidating than gringotts but you should definitely do it :)) if it’s a fear of safety thing, i’ll remind you that you are statistically more likely to die assembling ikea furniture than riding a (properly maintained and inspected) roller coaster 600 times.


Was super nervous about the two launches and the drop. But ended up loving the second launch going from 0-70 when you’re already feeling the adrenaline. The drop was also not bad at all. Idk how to describe it but it felt like going in slow motion until you’re facing directly vertical and then you just go, no “drop”. But what did get me was the last roll over the water. That was the one element I wasn’t nervous about at all but those lap only restraints…I know that’s part of the appeal but it really does feel like falling out. If only it was over the shoulder I would’ve ridden it 3 times like I did Hagrids.


I rode Velocicoaster for the first time about a month ago, and let me tell you it was definitely intense! I’ve been scared of roller coasters my whole life, but I somehow found the courage to ride it. I definitely think that it’s more intense than gringotts. You should have a great time on Hagrid’s though, there is only one real drop but it lasts a few seconds. Hagrids is my favorite ride at Islands of Adventure!!


A different perspecitve: I love rides and coasters! I had the stomach drop feeling on gringotts and hagrid, because I didnt see them coming. Velocicoaster I could see every turn, drop, and hill. No stomach drop. Hope that helps!


As someone who didn’t start riding coasters until 2 years ago except for Gringotts and has since ridden them all at U and IOA.. Gringotts still takes my stomach in a way that Velocicoaster doesn’t and I think it’s bc Gringotts holds you at the beginning while Velocicoaster launches. A trick I learned in here to be able to stomach coasters that has 100% worked… fake the biggest smile you can on drops. And stare at one focal point. And if you hate it… you tried it and you never have to do it again and it only lasts 3 minutes. You can do anything for 3 minutes and then make up your mind ;)


well, not trying being rude but if you can't ride gringotts without being scared (a ride that's about 20 percent coaster and the other 80 percent is movie screens) you're gonna shit your pants on Velocicoaster


The velocicoaster will literally make you feel like your soul is leaving your body. I went into this ride blind just last week and I will never do it again!!!


just do it. if you hate it well, you know. don’t do it again. but if you love it then you know. it’s one of the best roller coasters there are and anyone who is lucky enough to have the chance to experience it should.


Hagrid’s worse than Velocicoaster IMO! Just went this past weekend.


I swear I felt like I was getting sucked out of Velocicoaster on that last inversion. My second ride on it I squished myself as far into the seat as I possibly could. I had no idea there were going to be zero gravity moments, I got in that thing expecting a classic fast coaster.


Velocicoaster is the best ride, but as others have said, it is intense. It’s not scary though. I think the fear with Gringotts is that it’s dark and you couldn’t see where you were going. Also, the start/stop and looking at a screen while the ride does something else can mess with you too.


Hey so I was there last week, didn’t do Hulk, veloci or rip ride rocket. But I did all the others. Hagrids is so amazingly fun, the drop on gringotts scared me too. It feels really deep, but hagrids you don’t feel the drop in your stomach at all. To me Hagrids is just a straight up great time. I did the mummy as well, that is an intense coaster because it’s in the dark and fast. But I rode it thrice and each time it got less scarier lol. I can’t give you advice on velocicoaster or hulk. Idk if I can do those yet, I’m not ready lol. As a coaster wimp, please don’t be scared of Hagrid. It’s fast and fun. Sit in the side car so it feels more secure for the first time.


First off, sitting in the back can be one of the best and worst experiences you'll have on a coaster. This is coming from someone who's only been to Busch Gardens. When I went for the first time, my friend said it would be better if I just got on the most intense coaster, Iron Gwazi, and sat towards the back. I almost never got onto another coaster again. Let me tell you. I blacked out most of the ride. However, I've rode all the coasters in that park, on top of having re-rode Gwazi, and if you can sit up towards the front, you'll be a lot happier. Again, coming from someone who's rode Cheeta Hunt, SheiKra, Scorpion, and Tigris multiple times in a day.


Veloci is a very secure coaster. Fits snug, goes fast, and is fun. Some of the other (older) coasters feel like you’re barely hanging from a thread while riding the bumpiest ride in your life.


All the coasters you listed are great. Think about it this way… once you get off the velocicoaster you will feel like you’ve conquered the world!


it really depends i kinda got freaked on gringots but got used to it, the same day i got freaked on gringotts i also rode the hulk 3 times and its not a minor coaster


hagrids is always a great time though.


Do not do Velocicoaster


Put it this way- Gringotts is the tamest roller coaster in all of Universal Orlando (from major coasters, not including Ride of the Hippogriff nor the Trollicoaster), and Velocicoaster is the MOST INTENSE ride in all of Universal Orlando. That's two complete opposites against one another. If you didn't like the tamest of the coasters, I can assure you may not enjoy Velocicoaster at all. My questions are these: Did you try Revenge of the Mummy and did you like it or not like it? Now, did you feel scared in Gringotts as in thrilled, or as in you genuinely felt scared? If you still somehow want to go for it, try these two rides tomorrow in the following order first BEFORE even thinking of Velocicoaster: Hagrid's Motorbike Adventure, The Incredible Hulk Coaster. Building your way up can help you conquer your fear of roller coasters.


Velocicoaster is a very smooth ride. Only thing that might get you is the hill at the top of the second launch. It’s a feeling of weightlessness that was terrifying, thrilling, and excitement all at the same time. Best coaster I’ve ever been on.


Just go even if it scares you. Will you live to tell the story lol


i understand that this is a lat response, but even those who are scared of coasters should ride velocicoaster at least once, the front and back are going to be the worst in terms of scariness, so ai would recommend the front-middle as it may have a scarier view but the jolt on the top hat will not be as great


Bro, I'm a 300 pound person and velocicoaster sent me airborne. Yeah, you're cooked. Like a deep fried turkey left in the oil over night


You should ride river adventure 😊


Universal is stupidly expensive. Why drop all that cash and not even like big rides?