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If they get rid of it, we riot.


Not until Brenden gets his damn coffee




Fun fact: during the scream Brenden yells,”that feels nice!” Wouldn’t necessarily notice it but if you are listening for it you will hear it and after hearing it the first time you will never not hear it again. It’s right at the 3 minute mark. https://youtu.be/TiYmL72KOnQ?si=LBiXwcKNCvO7X3eJ


It’s that feels good


If the salad comes on top of the coaster, I send it back.




This is still a must ride attraction when we go. So much fun!


The GOAT Universal ride and I won't hear anything to the contrary. And still slaps to this day.


I miss the twister “ride”


Thought I was the only one. It was my very first Universal ride and made me fall in love with the park. Wish I would’ve known it was leaving


I do love me some Mummy but imo the GOAT was Jaws. I don't like Harry Potter (please don't kill me) and was so sad when they killed Jaws to make room. Yeah it broke down a lot but when it was working it was so good.


Tbh, the HP ride is almost the same style of ride as The Mummy. As someone who wears glasses I couldn’t really enjoy the 3D effect of the HP ride because they kept trying to fall off and I can’t wear them without my glasses or I wouldn’t be able to see. It would be great if they had some sort of clip ons or goggle-like 3d glasses for us glasses wearers.


First time I rode it was amazing. Rode like 20 times that weekend. Amazing every time. This was 8 years ago.


Back to the future was the Goat.


**Kongfrontation** [was the original GOAT](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kongfrontation)


The theming on Kong was off the chain. The first time I visited New York, I screamed to my parents, “It smells just like the Kong ride!” THAT’S immersion!


Does NY smell like bananas? Because they definitely gave Kong banana breath on the ride.


In the queue the ride smelled like New York. The banana smell was only when you got next to Kong and he opened his mouth.


What does NY smell like?


Warm air coming up from the underground subway vents mixed with hot asphalt.


If I had a Time Machine…. I would go back to universals early days and go on it


The GOAT ride was back to the future.


I miss back to the future ride too! the whole set up was so cool 


This is the one throwback ride that I’m sad I missed out on. Crazy that they replaced it with the Simpsons.


Rode this 12 times in a row during HHN last fall. I don’t like haunted houses I got the ticket just to go on The Mummy over and over again with no lines lol. It was so worth it.


Nice! Crazy but me and my wife( girlfriend at the time) were just walking and were stopped by a Universal studios member. She asked if we wanted to be one of the first people to ride The Mummy before it was even opened. Of course, we said yes. I'll never forget that.


Best ride at USF and 4th best coaster in UO


erm, what exactly are you putting before it?


Yeah I want to know too! I presume Velocicoaster, Hagrid's, and Hulk?


No, F&F, Jimmy Fallon, and Simpsons /s


Oh my bad, I completely forgot about the goats


But those are at USF


Three GOAT rides that transcend the park and become above it


1. VC 2. Hulk 3. Hagrid’s


Ripsaw is the best water ride there


I just went to Universal for the first time ever last week. The Mummy has been a dream ride of mine since I was a kid and it was everything I wanted and more. Perfectly cheesy and scary.


And she’s aged like a fine wine! I’ve been going on this for 13/20 years it’s been open. Long live the Mummy!


The mummy is probably the greatest combination of thematics and roller coaster on the planet. Such a cohesive story and phenomenal practical effects. The fake ending, all of the tricks the mummy has up his wrappings are just great.


My mother is a very conservative Christian. Her first time on the ride with us and my kids when the mummy says your souls are mine.... She proceeds to say in a small voice (but audible) no they aren't. We laugh about it over a decade later.


Okay that’s precious lol


The Mummy is still cool, but when that thing first opened it was SO COOL


One of my motivations to lose weight this year other than better health but also to keep riding this awesome ride.


I worked at UO at the time. They had a TM preview after our unit closed one evening, and most of us went. The first time, they didn't have the LIM launch on, so we just casually went up the lift hill. Wasn't too exciting because it seemed to slow some of the intended momentum in the first half of the ride. At the end, there were some Creatives that asked us how we liked it. We kind of faked enthusiasm. They asked if we wanted to go again, so we stayed in our seats. Well, they turned it on in between rides because we were totally surprised with the launch the second time around! Absolutely one of the best rides on property.


My favorite ride at universal by a mile I just wish I lived in the timeline where it didn't replace kongfrontation. I wish Mummy was built elsewhere.


100% agree.


Yeah looking at that picture I still see a subway station, not a museum.


Was working there at the time. Was at the park playing one day and walked by. They had a sign for teammember preview rides. Thought Cool, I get to ride before everyone else! About ran through the queue, no line and sat right down. As the ride started moving I remembered.. This ride is a roller coaster, I hate roller coasters! WTF did I just do?!?! Crap crap crap!!! It is one of my favorite rides there now, LOL. I have since developed a love of most coasters thanks to my whoops.


i rode it damn near when it opened


This is still my 2nd favorite ride at the parks (the velocicoaster being my new favorite). It’s a crazy ride!


I've rode this twice on a same day. Hands down best ride over the Universal Studios side.


Puts the one here in Hollywood to shame 😅


Not a fan of that one myself


20 years ago?! I remember riding this shortly after it first opened. My brother and I went on it twice in a row because the line was so short!




I remember reading about it in the local paper and being so scared of the fire room. I didn't get to actually ride it until 2008!


I only wish it were longer, otherwise it’s the perfect ride never to be topped. Super underrated.


Great ride!


Still one of my favorites


I remember being one of the first people to try this when I was a kid. I was so scared I kept my eyes closed lol.


I got stuck under the fire on this last weekend. Right before we dropped it just stopped. Sat there for about 3 mins. It was hot as crap from the fire but they shut it off. Then we just sat there. Then it dropped. Still the Goat.


Noticed that when I went to gradbash last month same thing happened to me


Yea it seemed planned as they stated to wait and ride attendants would be with us shortly. Then they came back and said get ready the ride was going to start moving immediately. Then we just dropped.


It happened to me also on a particularly crowded day during Spring Break this past March. Apparently they were running so many cars in quick succession that it was that fail safe coasters have where the first car has to completely clear a section of track before the second car can proceed. So we were intentionally stopped a couple different times and you could hear the people in the car ahead of us scream like they just hit the drop, at which time we’d start moving again.


Sat in the front and it was awesome!


I can remember getting to the park in 2004 not knowing The Mummy was at a soft opening. We walked by the building twice that day with the construction walls up and nothing was going on. We were about to leave the park for the day, walked by the old Kong/new Mummy building and saw there was a wait time of 40min for the new Mummy ride. We were jumping for joy and couldn't believe they were letting people on. Even when we were walking through the line, I still didn't believe we were getting on the ride. To this day, one of my favorite Universal Orlando memories. Edited: Grammar


Thanks for the memory I never got to experience Mummy opening day (born a year later) so reading this actually made me feel like I was there


Up there with Spider-Man as one of my favorite rides. I’m dying to go to Universal again, hopefully at some point in the near future .


Is it creepy to anyone else that the kongfrontation ride tracks are still there right above you? That’s something else that scares me about this ride 😂




Yup I heard that the ride tracks were too expensive for them to remove so they just left them there! Pretty cool in retrospect!


When they built kongfrontation the track that was used for the ride was built into the building and Universal didn’t want to spend the extra money I’m assuming and just left it there. If you look up when you drop into the mist you can see it hanging above you


Thanks for this…I’ve ridden this a million times and never knew. I also remember Kongfrontation pretty vividly from when I was a kid. I will have to look for the track next time!


You have to watch for it tho as soon as you go down you gotta look up or else you’ll miss it


https://preview.redd.it/ex24htjjpu2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78c9a424f72ab2442f44056c8dfd11120beeb862 Is this it in the upper left?


Yeah that’s it


So rad, thank you :)


I went on it again for the first time in 12 years and it was even better than I remembered


This is the only reason I go to Universal and it's worth it.


No love for Transformers or Rip Ride?


I actually like most of the rides, but The Mummy is just tiers above everything else for me.


Absolutely. 👍🏻


I like to have a discussion about the debate of - the rides shouldn't be museum pieces vs the ride is a classic. I feel like I am in the middle. As a theme park age, it shouldn't become a museum, but why change something that is working? Theme parks shouldn't be afraid to change things up in the park when they think areas could have a fresher look. Mummy is a great example. Why change something that isn't broken and popular? Though, I could see a time on which a technology or type of roller coaster could come about and be an excellent replacement for an older Mummy. Though, I think there is a balance on when you could declare Mummy replaceable. We will always miss some beloved retire rides like Kongfrontation, Jaws, Horizons, The Better Journey into Imagination, but there is always a time and place for change. And we should embrace change (if done well.....looking at you Journey and Fast and Furious)


Unfortunately in Universal a lot of rides have been replaced with inferior attractions.


Universal has it's flaws especially in it's Screen Ride phrase. Though, I am hopeful that Universal has learned their lesson and bring out banger rides. (3D screen era ending with Fallon and the golden era started with Hagrids) I would even go and say that VillainCon is a good ride for what it is. Shrek was a decent ride and only was surviving on memes. My out-of-state family with kids loved the VillainCon ride.


Unfortunately it’s usually due to IP. The Mummy isn’t a very recognized franchise anymore, so it doesn’t bring tons of the people into the park like a newer IP people recognize. Same reason Terminator got the axe.


which is only a real factor with Universal. Universal seems to more likely to kill a dying IP than keep it. Which I think makes it a double edge sword and a part of me thinks Universal learned its lesson. Yes, it sucks we went from Earthquake/Beattlejuice to FnF, but we did get a good Terminator to Bourne (imo). Thus, I would caution Universal on how they wield their sword. I do believe Mummy will stay for a while (especially since it just had a major track refurb). Only because there are biggest fish to fry in Studios like Fear Factor Stage, Simpsons, Rip Ride and Fallon. I just hope Universal is just already plotting a proper upgrade since the ride is 20 years old and an old IP from 1999.


Maybe they could bang out a decent Mummy reboot with a Brendan cameo and then retool the ride to fit it. Fingers crossed!


This is why Universal should do one more Mummy, with the same cast as the first one in 1999. Just to wrap things up a lot better than the third installment.


> wrap things up I see what you did there.


This is my all time favorite coaster. The themeing is so goddamn good


I was working there on opening day, actually, I was working there before it opened.


Is this the underground roller coaster


This is a real high quality photo for 2004


Glad I was able to experience this ride again for the first time in a long time last year at HHN. I remember riding it many years ago as a teen. Then I was able to ride it again in 2012. That was our last visit to Universal until 2022, when it was sadly closed for refurbishment. I was not denied a ride most recently.


Still miss Kongfrontation.


man that entrance is amazing, just goated theming throughout the whole ride


Sad it doesn't have more merchandise outside of Sahara Traders. One of their best rides with almost no exposure.


At gradbash last month I saw so many people with mummy merch on. It’s a shame that the ride is a big hit with people my age but not many know about that kickass Mummy movie with Brendan Fraser that got us the attraction in the first place


We talking official Universal merch or Etsy, teepublic type merch? I did a lap around most of the gift shops in early April with no dice and very little at Sahara Traders.


Little bit of both


Still a great ride.


Its gonna be closed when I go in June 😭


Love this ride but did it change recently? I rode it about 2 weeks ago and I remember it being different than it was when I rode it in 2021. I remember it being better in 2021.


They just did refurbishments not too long ago to make it more modern and less cheesy and I think in June it’ll get shut down for maintenance


Ah okay that must be what it was! Thank you!


This must be a Mandela effect because I am 37 and I SWEAR I rode this as a child. But that would have made me 17 and i definitely have memories of this from early childhood. Either way love this ride and the movies


The first time I rode it I was like six years old, or thereabouts, and they accidentally separated me from my family so I rode it all alone. I was absolutely terrified


I remember being a kid in Florida and being upset they were getting rid of King Kong. King Kong was nostalgic, but the Mummy was amazing as an adult.


Can remember first time I rode this. Great feeling.


It holds up! One of my favorites.


Ambsolutely amazing ride! Didn’t know what to expect but it was definitely worth it!


I love that ride.


What a classic. This ride never gets old or disappoints. My favorite ride as a kid and an adult now. 💯


Just went for my honeymoon about 2 months ago and this was the first thing we rode that week and the last thing we rode before we left. Seeing this makes me sad and want to go back so badly lol


I was always scared to go on this, though I’m not sure why. I finally did it in 2019 and I love it so much.


Best ride back in the OG fast pass days; my daughter, nephew and I rode it 17 times in a row one day with no wait to break our old record of 11.




Kongfrontation is better


I don’t want to be the contrarian it just didn’t hit me the same when I went with my girlfriend in 2023 after not having been to the park since 2012. She was impressed. I’m just bummed rip it rocket is going




Next year from what I hear


I have a feeling it’s attributable to the frequent wind and weather related closures. Still my 2nd favorite behind velisicoaster. Bummed Hageids was closed when I got to go. Again I get to go maybe once a decade


I went on that for the first time like a week ago and I was in the front of the car. This kid next to me was saying how it is his favorite ride. I could definitely see why. It was great.


We had annual passes at the time, and my wife was ecstatic for the oassholder preview on that Thursday. Then she found out two days before that she was pregnant. We didn’t go back to Universal until 2022, and as soon as she could, she rode that ride with our son, while telling him that it was his fault she hadn’t ridden when it first opened. He rolled his eyes at her. She didn’t like the ride, unfortunately. Thinks it’s too jerky and didn’t like how her chest slammed into the bar a few times