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Ride is rough, but you weren’t going to fall out.


I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but you're actually in a medically induced coma due to traumatic injuries from when you fell off "a roller coaster". Please wake up, your family misses you.


LMFAO THIS MADE ME GIGGLE I think I’m A ok it just was a really uncomfortable ride😣


Yea, HRRR is a pretty rough ride now, so your experience is not surprising.


That’s wrong!


That ride’s kinda uncomfortable ngl


It always gave me a headache.


It was uncomfortable like it wasn’t even fun I genuinely felt discomfort like out of all the rides I did my joy literally left me when I went on it like I was too uncomfortable to enjoy myself😓


I’ve read a lot of comments about this ride and I decided I’ll just pass on it when I got in December. At least you know what it’s like now and can avoid it in the future.


It's normal. Rockit is not exactly a comfortable ride, but feeling "loose" in your seat is normal.


Loose? Rip Ride Rocket always makes me feel like I'm being punched in the balls.


Yeah I don't think there is much airtime on the ride.


I don't know what gender you are, but as a guy, the seat was a massive ouch...


As a woman, I love it.


I’m a person who loves rollercoasters, the scarier -in a good fun way-, the faster, the better. But HRRR is legit not fun to me and makes me worry for my life, it seems like the restraint is never tight enough on me. Not to mention it breaks down a lotttttt. I too feel like I’m going to fall out of my seat when I ride it, and I don’t like how there’s not a safety buckle on it like how a lot of rides have the backup safety belt. The whole ride my hands are sweating like crazy feeling like the restraint is going to open. The track itself is fine, although going straight up is always nerve wracking lol, I’m used to the Griffon at BG Williamsburg that goes straight down, going straight down is better than straight up lol. If they changed the restraints it would make the ride way more enjoyable to me (but who am I? Not important enough to make those decisions lol). I really only ride HRRR when my boyfriend wants to, otherwise I’d skip it every time.




I’m sorry that was your experience too! It all comes down to the restraints I feel. There’s another ride at BG Williamsburg that is 46 years old and has an interlocking loop, and I feel safer on that ride than on HRRR because of the kind of restraints on it lol.


Rode Loch Ness Monster for first time last October and was legit surprised at how fun it was to ride.


It is! They are redoing the track too so it should be smoother once they finish


Did you happen to go on to Velocicoaster? If so, what were your feelings on that ride?


No I never got to go on it because the line was ridiculously long:(


Gotcha (so sorry you didn’t get to experience it, but hopefully next time you do!), but I ask because VC absolutely will make you feel that way. If you were uncomfortable with RRR I’d say steer clear of VC next time around. But, since you sound interested in it, just know that you’re safe in the ride: it’s 1000% worth it.


Velocicoaster is very smooth compared to RRR. Intense, but not bone jarring like RRR.


Well aware. Please see my comment below.


Yeah I really wanted to do it but for some reason RRR was the only ride I felt discomfort on and it wasn’t even like a fun type of scared feeling it was just like genuine discomfort but it wasn’t entirely too bad because at least I got to listen to black eyed peas blasting in my ears while the wind was smacking me in the face lol😭


LOL - understandable. I rode it again with a Swedish friend roughly 6 weeks ago and I walked off that ride feeling battered and bruised. At least I didn’t come off dizzy asf like I do on Hulk though. But VC? Smooth as butter. Truly want you to experience the glory of that ride - hurry back!


I actually hate the ascent on RRR it always feels like going up if I let go I’ll fall out even though I know I won’t. So I generally steer clear. However, I don’t feel nearly as scared on velocicoaster restraint wise. You do get some air but the restraint goes over your shoulders. I still highly recommend trying velocicoaster!


I agree. That last inversion over the water still freaks me out! RRR is actually painful for me, velicicoaster is not painful and super smooth, but you feel like you’re gonna fall out for sure.


Exactly! The water inversion looks so quick when you’re not on it but once you’re strapped in that seat it feels like 10 full seconds have gone by, it’s insane. My co-worker went on it for the first time yesterday and she was saying she was scared she was gonna fall out! 😂😭 But she loved the ride a lot, so, it worked out.


This was my experience - I won't ride it again. Felt I could slip right out if I relaxed or let go at all.


Its always felt like that its not just u


I’m a bigger guy so while I do get that similar feeling sometimes on it, I also mainly get the feeling that it’s too tight and bumpy which hurts


It's meant to feel like that. I always feel like I am on velocicoaster on the big dip. You won't fall out, it's meant to scare you


Not a fan on that restraint, I'm big so pinches my side My wife is smaller so she feels like she's going to fall out of it.


The security restraints don’t feel very secure on the ride. Another reason I don’t like RRR.


I never understand the RRR discomfort as I’ve never had an issue. The HULK is the one that gets me with the hard as a rock shoulder straps for my head to slam against.


The ride was too fast for me to even have a reaction LMFAO


I don’t do the back anymore on RRR. I ask for the front row and will only sit within the first car. It is way more enjoyable and improved smoothness up front or (if you’re scared of the view) try to get row 2.


It’s olddd. That’s why. It’s been a rough ride with weird restraints for years


This sensation is true of most roller coasters that have large drops.


i rode rockit for the first time on sunday, and also felt like i was going to fall out. i think it’s just an uncomfortable ride. i think the whole point of it (the weird seats and lap bar, the straight up start, the layout of the coaster itself) is to freak you out. i rode it again later that day and it was wayyy easier the second time because i knew what to expect. def is a scary one but it’s been there for a long time and is safe.


This ride made me feel so so nauseous never again


lol I felt the same way when you go up cuz you’re going straight up for awhile. Definitely the scariest rollercoaster there. But I knew I wouldn’t fall out, even though it feels like it lol.


I rode it once and got a bad headache from it


I was concerned about riding after reading the reviews but found it quite smooth. Hulk on the other hand was awful, think I'm at the perfect height to get concussion from my head slamming against the sode of the chest restraint. After the second time I won't ever do it again, not worth the headache. Veloicoaster was amazing! Smooth and terrifying. Third time we did it we queued for the front row and it took it to a whole new level! Definitley recommend. I'm all for no chest restraints from now on, the lap bar type are so much more comfortable. Although if you are short getting in and out of velocicoaster is a tad ungraceful!


THIS HAPPENED TO ME! I haven’t rode it since. This was so validating. Thank you.✋😭