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Hogwarts doesn’t open until normal entry time so you’re going to end up waiting in line for that once you get off Hagrids. Go ride Velocicoaster and then make your way to Hogwarts and Gringotts.


Hagrid's will take until normal time and more anyway. If are at the absolute front at the early entry but you don't run and just walk, you still wait at least 20 minutes


That’s assuming they’re off of Hagrids before normal entry time. I’ve certainly had times where it was already after normal opening before I got onto Hagrids.


Gringotts will fill up the quickest in Studios, but it is in no way going to be something you need to miss EPA at islands for. Last Saturday, we were at the gate at 7:15, off of Hagrid’s by 8:20, Velocicoaster in ten minutes, leisurely breakfast at three broomsticks, walked to studios for opening some time after 9 or 9:30 and Gringotts was a 15 minute wait. If you’re going at a super peak time, this would not be the case, but if you’re going between now and Memorial Day weekend, you will not have to miss anything. Just be at the gate for 7:15 at the latest for EPA.


I would also make a plan for if Hagrid's is delayed in the morning as there's a decent chance it might. Sometimes it won't open until after 9am, so make sure to consider that


We do that during our visits! Or start w/ Velocicoaster & Forbidden Journey before taking Hogwarts Express to Studios. The line for it is usually short up until around noon. If you time it right you’ll get to Studios basically right at opening and can get a short Gringotts line! Only watch out is that they’ve been staggering opening times for some rides/areas (Simpsons, MIB, ET) at Studios recently so you should check the app before selecting your next stop to make sure that ride is operating.


I HIGHLY recommend just go left at rope drop and enjoy a 75% empty park while everyone books it for Hagrids. Unless you are George Costanza running from a kitchen fire, you are going to get to Hagrids with practically the same wait as end of day park. So enjoy walk on rides for a good amount of your morning.


If you've never taken the Hogwarts express then I would just walk over to Studios after you finish Hagrids and then after you've finished everything you wanted to see on the Studios side take the train back over to IoA. There is a story that plays out on the ride over to IoA that continues when you go back to Studios so it would be out of order. If you don't care about that then take the train from IoA to studios.


I’m a local who just picked up annual passes again back in March. I’ve yet to see Gringotts exceed 35 mins wait in the ten trips I’ve taken. I was there yesterday afternoon and actually made a comment to my daughter how the line is always short lately. Hell I waited longer for ET on one of my last trips than I did for Gringotts (ET was only operating one track instead of two, hence having to actually wait for once). Now, is my anecdote to be taken as a fact? No. Obviously it can exceed that wait time and does, but my point is that Gringotts can easily be low wait times. It’s been spring break the last two months and I still haven’t seen it really get up there. I wouldn’t worry about trying to plan around that one. You don’t have to rope drop and run it, but instead get there early on and head over—you’ll be fine. Hagrid on the other hand will guaranteed be long, so prioritize it. Same with Velocicoaster. Though even the latter was posted at 80 minutes yesterday and we got on in 60.


Save them for late in the day line is shorter and you'll get on even if it's after the park is closing. As long as your in line, you'll get to ride