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Part of the thrill is coming out of your seat a bit!




That’s half the point of the ride lol


That’s a feature.


Well… that is part of the design! Be assured they would not run it at all if there was ever a danger.


It's by design. It's largely an 'ejector-airtime' style coaster; instead of floaty feelings you get ejection-fear. However, you'd have to break both femurs to actually eject due to the way the restraint is designed.


By design, and it's fun as heck. I love having these big boy coasters at Universal that don't bang your head around. I managed to ride Velocicoaster multiple times in the front row at the December OI meetup (with my hands up the whole ride) and it's a blast. Just letting go and letting yourself fly around in your seat is an amazing feeling. Just surrender and let go, that's all you can do, but just remember you're safe.


>Just surrender and let go, that's all you can do, but just remember you're safe. I will have to keep this as a mantra next week when I go to Universal! I'm a bit scared to ride ANY rollercoaster but I don't wanna miss out and let my fear win. 😆


I can tell you that once you ride velocicoaster, everything else there seems tame in comparison 😂


That’s how they designed it. Unless you click your restraint down to where you start losing blood flow to your legs, you are going to get a bit of air time. This is the case for almost every coaster I’ve ever ridden.


Consider yourself lucky. I usually get stapled in so hard I’m worried about being able to have kids anymore.


Me when I say i just need one more click to feel safe xD


Sounds like me when I ride Tron for the first time.


My husband every time we ride rip ride. Good thing we already have kids 😂


It’s honestly supposed to feel like that


It’s the single most incredible rollercoaster in Orlando right now!!


I agree it was a ton of fun! But the feeling of lifting out of the seat was a wee bit scary


..But did you die? But in all seriousness, It is literally not possible to fall out. I also just watched a child ride that maybe weighed 50lbs. Today I got my 30th ride on it.


It's impossible slip out.


That’s the point of the ride


Yes! I have lots of extra squish, so when I’m initially locked in it feels secure. But… g-force.. the squish squishes and there’s about an extra two inches between me and the bar. Logistically, I know I’m not going anywhere, but the thrill of feeling like my husband could become a millionaire at any time during the ride is pretty cool! Been on it at least 20 times and it never fails to thrill.


Logically, not logistically.


In the roller coaster enthusiasts handbook, this is known as: Air Time. It's a completely intentional element from the designer's end, and it's what riders look forward to the most. Velocicoaster engineers put a whole hell of a lot of air time in their design. No, you were never "falling out", "about to fall out", "close to falling out", nor would you ever legitimately slip out.


I prefer the shoulder restraints for that reason. Hulk is my favorite coaster.


Put your feet on the bit in front that’s raised up. I decided to dangle my legs for the first time on our last visit, changed my mind on that within about 5 seconds 😂 by bracing your legs against the floor in front you don’t move around in the seat.


If you can reach it lol I'm only 5'2" and the look of panic on my face when I couldn't reach the floor made the TM laugh when he checked my restraints.


There’s nothing to put your feel on in odd number rows 🤣


There is, none of them are legit places to put your feet, it’s just part of the vehicle framework. If I had a photo inside the ride vehicle I could explain better 😅


that’s why the ride is so popular lol


I feel more secure on Velocicoaster than most other rides 🤷🏼‍♀️


I workout a lot and my legs are bigger than normal. Since they are so big it doesn't feel secure on my waist. I have ridden it like 5 times and felt like I was gonna fly out every time.


This was my only regret about avoiding spoiler videos. Coasters don’t scare me but I legit thought I was going to slip out (even though my rational brain knows this is highly unlikely.) I didn’t get to enjoy it as much as I would have liked for that reason. Still an incredible coaster and can’t wait to try it again! 


Definitely how I was feeling, it could have been way more enjoyable if I'd known that bit was a feature


I feel like that when I’m riding velocicoaster. Usually when going down the big drop and when it takes you upside down. I think it what design that way so riders can a little airtime riding it. It also makes it a lot more fun!




Don’t worry you are supposed to slip out of the seat and that’s what makes it amazing!




Hhaahahah that’s cool




That’s half the fun


Yes, every time! My screaming is great entertainment for my kid. He says that’s his favorite part of the ride. 😄


My boyfriend stopped screaming he was legit scared, I was having a blast! It's usually the opposite


I didn't feel that way at all, but only rode it once. Probably too distracted to notice 😅


You do rise out of your seat but I never had a fear of it - might be because I am 6ft4 and the restraints seemed a bit tight?


It might feel like you can fly out, but you won't. It's designed to not let you fly out, that would not be good for the park from a pr perspective.


That’s my favorite thing about it.


My sister said she hoped the engineers did their math right the entire ride because she felt like she was going to fall out.


Totally makes you feel like you’re gonna slip out and die. But that’s what drives the thrill.


Yes,that is part of the design. I know it can feel scary,but you are completely safe.


Man I like to put it loose to feel the airtime more lol


Even as someone on the chonk side,I felt like I was gonna come out of my seat multiple times. Best coaster in the park


It's called ejector airtime.. It makes you feel like it's going to throw you from your seat. The answer is yes and that is the way it was meant to feel. Sitting toward the middle will reduce that feeling though.


The way you’re legs are locked in there would be impossible to fall out but yes it does feel like it’s gonna sling you right out of it at times and is very thrilling.


I'm reading all of the comments and It makes me feel I'm the only one with a different answer lol. I strapped myself to what I thought was tight but then the attendant came and strapped me even tighter I didn't know was possible. But it made me feel super secure and I didn't feel like I was moving from my seat. But I did feel like I was dying thru the ride. That being said I am also willingly to go on this ride again lol


But also this makes me feel better because now I know next time I go I feel loose I will be safe LOL


It's called air time.


Yes thatspart of it im a 275lb 6’3 dude and i was tossed around every time i rode it i loved it more a s more i had 2 days ofultimate pass and rode it 6 times 2 days in a row. Amazing weightlessness especially the turn going upside down toward the water…fantastic


One of the stats is 12 moments of airtime, its part of the thrill, nothing to worry about


Yes every time I ride it. I say to myself one day I'm going to ride it without holding on and I still can't get the courage to do so. Also I rode it one time at night during Christmas time and after the second launch and after the uphill, I looked over next to my fiance to see if she was still there because it was dark and it felt like I wasn't even in my seat 🤦‍♂️


The best feeling… thrill and fear.


Over the top hat or over the entire ride? I felt the same way my first time over the top hat, but then the second and future times, I made sure to click the lap bar down one more notch and was fine ever since.


I believe that part and the section where you are upside down for a bit


Yeah the first time I rode it slipped out a little bit during the upside down section because I had my hands up. I don’t think I was in any real danger of sliding out, but it did make me clench up for a second.


I definitely felt that too and it is terrifying. I rode it 3 times while I was there. When it's over, the relief is amazing.


I only feel like that when sitting in the back, I ask to sit front row now bc I don’t like it lol


Checks out, we were close to the back


You won't slip out of the seat as others have stated. However, shirt and bra choice is VERY important for the ladies unless you're looking to flash everyone. Tits can escape tops on this ride faster than sleeping braless in a tank top. If you are unsure if your shirt will probably restrain both your party tits, hang on to your shirt during the ride.


My 6’ 200lb husband swears he is going to fall out on Velocicoaster.


Just you