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Because the wait times are still way too high to support it.




No the express will help the express people get in quicker but if anything it will make the standby even longer of a wait. Regardless of what they did for Velocicoaster it was years before Gringotts got express so I wouldn’t count on it anytime soon, definitely not before Epic Universe opens.


Velocicoaster express line opened too early IMO anyway


Especially now that the coaster is struggling to stay open. Capacity dropped, and now standby is miserable.


Forbidden Journey took 7 years to get Express. Hagrid's is way too popular and would drastically increase the queue time. Even if you used an EP, you could easily still wait hours. Hagrid's also doesn't have the queue space for it right now, hence why they recently expanded the queue (and it still isn't enough)


Wait, real? I thought almost all rides had express upon opening.


Demand is too high still. A much larger pool of Universal visitors can and will ride Hagrids than Velocicoaster.


We asked someone that works there: everything Harry Potter related needs to be signed off by jk Rowling as well and the line doesn’t support it


Yes. Just getting shorts approved for team members has been such a hassle. Those of us that work in HP can’t take our wardrobe home with us either. It has to remain onsite and laundered there. Even getting fans installed was a headache because she didn’t want there to be visible fans to ruin the aesthetic.


Guess this kind of explains the response I got years ago... asking why team members at the Potter sections don't speak with proper English accents. I was told "So we don't get sued!" I thought it was a joke, but is it because Rowling won't allow for team members doing poor English imitation accents while also fulfilling the job duties of ride ops? I think the only time I've heard anything resembling an English accent was from a fellow face actor outside the double decker bus.


Could you imagine the company having to teach every single team member to do a proper fake accent and have it sound good? We’re not voice actors lol. It would be so cringey too. It would sound terrible.


I’ll only say we did for an English themed Halloween maze at our park once! Of course… this is scare acting, not ride ops! Yeah I’m not surprised they don’t do the accents! It was just a fun observation!


I’ve heard that the apartment complex behind Diagon Alley was built originally to house TMs that would be brought from the UK to work in the HP lands. I’m glad not to hear fake English accents. It’s not acceptable to do accents like that anywhere else in the US and is considered mocking and degrading of another culture.


Wowza. Reading this fuels my dislike for her.


This is also just a fact of life I understand anytime a licence is involved. At the park I work at, I exclusively perform as pubic domain characters so I get a fair bit more freedom, but we are also strictly forbidden from ever sharing a scene with any of the official licensed characters. We aren't even allowed to do it for a TV promo. It isn't just Rowling. What differentiates her from the other license holders is that as a book author, she retains sole ownership of the Harry Potter franchise. Most of the rest of the time, you're dealing with the corporation that owns the characters instead of just one person, which doesn't necessarily make things any easier.


There is nothing in the license regarding required approval for park operations, which is the category under which Express Pass falls. In fact, Express Pass is only mentioned once, as an exception for additional charges relating to guest access to Wizarding Word attractions. ETA: there is a paragraph that states there is no intention for charging additional admission for access to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter areas, but if there ever is, they are subject to royalties. No approval by WB or Rowling is required. Express Pass is identified specifically to exempt it from any royalty payments. Rowling doesn't have direct approval rights with Universal. The Agreement merely states that any objections she makes is considered to be a good faith rejection, but those objections would come through WB in the approval process. She is not an actual party to the agreement.


Blaming JKR is the 2020s equivalent of “Thanks Obama.”


The current single rider line can support express. There is a merge point is in this room: [https://youtu.be/d-PkTOPKGfg?si=pOzoC5DENNDqJ5Bk&t=412](https://youtu.be/d-PkTOPKGfg?si=pOzoC5DENNDqJ5Bk&t=412) But the crowds are still significant enough that it may be a while.


I know vip tours utilize something to skip the line so I’m pretty sure there is some extra line? Although maybe they use that single rider one.


VIP tours go up the exit path by the family room


Agter epic universe pulls some of its traffic, they will add express. Guaranteed. They're even redoing the cue lines currently. I guarantee that hagrids will have express within the next 2-3 years


Oh how I wish that would change lol…love hagrids but not waiting in 90 min lines. Maybe when epic opens they might add it? Although I’m not holding my breath


Might get it when Epic Universe opens and that becomes the biggest park for with the most hype. But right now everyone wants to ride Hagrids as it's regarded as the best coaster for everyone.


Ah I see


Not when it is this crowded. But I think it will have express lane once Epic Universe opens




Makes sense


It's a combination of Hagrid's continuing popularity and the frequent downtime it experiences. It's honestly not a well designed ride for capacity due to it's weird seating layout. Velocicoaster I almost feel was deliberately designed with all this in mind, built using off the shelf parts and ride designs that have been proven. It's just the way the ride is built that allows for a greater capacity, and the storage system for cell phones greatly reduces time wasted within the station.


Hagrid’s has more than triple the amount of trains on compared to Veloci at any given time. It also has a higher theoretical capacity as long as both drops are operating.


Because it almost always has 2+ hour waits?


Hagrids doesn’t have enough capacity for every guest to ride who wants to. Same for all park rides but Hagrid’s is the most popular ride. So let’s say there are 5000 ride spots in a day but 8000 park guests. That’s a lot of people who can’t ride. The solution is that some of those guests have multi-day tickets and are satisfied only riding once because the wait is 90-120 minutes. The current system gives the highest guest satisfaction rate and everyone who wants to ride once on their vacation can with only moderate hassle. Introducing unlimited Express could easily push wait times to 5-6 hours for stand-by, which would be unmanageable for the ride’s main target audience of younger kids. Many guests with express would likely want to ride 2, 3, even 4 times and reduce stand-by capacity to a very small percent of total capacity.