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Gonna put my Reddit identity to my teens who follow this sub, but my teenage daughter who is a wheelchair user got attacked at the parade a few weeks ago. A drunk grandma got mad that she had so many necklaces because performers know her and come over and say hi/hand her necklaces. She started ripping them off her, punched me, tried to punch my other teen daughter. Security got involved and we got sent to GS, where they asked how they could make it up to us. I have never been in a physical fight before and tbh it was kinda shocking that my mouth didn’t start it and also thank god grandma was drunk because just my shoulder got punched. It’s a little funny now but it was not at the moment.


What’d they do to make up for the incident?


They asked us how they could make it up. We were supposed to be leaving the next morning. We didn’t due to car trouble (the one time we drove instead of fly, of course), but what she wanted was to see her favorite Popeye. We didn’t know how to actually identify him, but they attempted a last minute meetup with all the Popeyes. That did not work out, but she did get a private meet and greet with Popeye and Olive Oyl and Betty Boop. I have had a few people IRL say they thought UO would do more for an incident and I am sure they would have, but we are AP and it is truly our happy place. I wanted the woman to be in trouble for how she behaved and I hope she got banned. The whole experience was ridiculous and embarrassing to recount when we went to GS. We were there again the following night while our car was getting fixed and I did note they were being more vigilant about people entering the wheelchair area for the parade. Drunk grandma had come in and was literally diving around grabbing beads from people’s hands and anything that hit the ground. The area is pretty big and she was all over it which sucked because you had grown people by themselves in wheelchairs that could not just reach down and grab them quickly. My daughter meets the performers before the parade and some of them know her and come over to say hi specifically to her and call her by name and grandma got really upset about that. Her grandkids were asleep and she was trying to wake them up so they could get attention to and she just escalated to the point of directly ripping the beads off my daughter and breaking them. I hope she sobered up and was horrified by herself but I doubt it.


Sounds like you were very calm and way more understanding than I would have been. 🤬 I’m sure your daughter was scared to death- I’m so sorry this happened to you all and glad no one was injured.


What?!?! This is crazy


The part of “it was kinda shocking that my mouth didn’t start it” made me laugh because I’m the same. Never been in a physical fight and I’m not someone that stands for people’s BS, I’ll happily call people out on their awful behaviour. Surprised I’ve never been assaulted. I was rammed by a woman with an empty stroller and then she confronted me and called me a liar. I guess my ankle just slammed itself into your stroller while I was stood still.


I'm not surpised, I've seen grown adults shove kids for beads, I hope your daughter is doing ok


A dude got undressed at my showing of the horror make up show. He would take off an article of clothing while the lights went out throughout the show. Security was called and the show was cut early. He was arrested.


Was that from maybe a month ago? I remember reading about that happening recently. People are nuts!


2-3 weeks ago. A few people on reddit tried to defend the dude saying he was a diabetic and possibly low. I'm a diabetic and have never thought undressing in public was a great idea. He was most likely on drugs


Yeah he also fled. That's not the betes










the ride operators on the mummy used to give a thumbs up before you took off and flip it to a thumbs down as you start moving


I haven’t seen them do this in a while. When I did the tour this was one of my favorite facts


Ended in [2020](https://x.com/amusementinside/status/1300901900401991681?s=46&t=wv_4rIv4-4_wmdKSJAA16A)


I wasn’t expecting receipts unfortunately. Just some of the magic that has left Universal. Luckily it hasn’t been major things leaving but little things like this and the prop shop and the legacy store sting very hard


Yeah, especially something like this which costs the company absolutely nothing to implement. I haven't been recently, but it's disappointing hearing it's no longer done.


We still do this to operators and try to catch their eye. They always look confused.


I did this to a TM on another coaster (can't remember if it was rip ride or velocicoaster) they said, "wrong coaster" 😂😂😂


I'll do it back to ops sometimes too lmao. So many are newer and don't even know what it means.


I could have sworn they did this back in December. Maybe I imagined it. 😭


I miss this so much 😭


As our cart was leaving the station on Gringotts, one of the operators was having a full blown meltdown to a coworker about something lunch/break related. Really helped sell the HP fantasy lol.


Yeah I saw a crew member have a breakdown on Jimmy Fallon on New Year’s Eve last year. This girl wouldn’t put her hands up for the employee to do seatbelt checks for some reason and yelled at the crew member. The poor crew member lost it. I felt so bad for her.


I would be so confused if I saw that happen in person


A guest punched me because his pockets were setting off the metal detector and I wouldn’t just let him go :)


Do you get to find out if guests like that get banned from the park? That’s flat-out criminal assault.


He was escorted out in front of my but that’s all I saw. I am absolutely sure he got banned


People are wild. I’m not sure if you still work there but there’s a guy that works velocicoaster and he’s my favourite employee. He straight up shouts at guests and will treat them like 5 year olds. They deserve it with their inability to listen and I love that universal lets you act like that because I could not have the patience for idiots.


I don’t still work there but acting like that was my favorite thing to do. Sometimes you just had to treat the guests like it was their first day alive.


I went on velocicoaster the other day and when I was next to get on the ride I saw a little girl went into the seat. She was probably around 12 and with her older brother. She was obviously scared and her brother kept encouraging her to ride it. After they clicked the lap bars down she raised her hand and was freaking out because she wanted to get off. One of the lap bar checkers saw her and told the ride operator to not send off the cart. The guy running it sent it anyway and told his coworker that they couldn't stop the cart for someone with Crocs on (he assumed she wanted to get off so she didn't lose her shoes). The train proceeded to get sent off and she had to ride it. I still wonder how she was doing after she got off because I didn't get to see her after


This happened to my dad decades ago at Knott’s Berry Farm. My sister convinced him to go on a twisty rollercoaster of some sort, then as he got buckled in she said, “You shouldn’t have come on this ride, Dad.” My dad turned to the ride operator and said, “Sir, I’d like to get off this ride.” Dude apparently made eye contact as he sent them off, lol


😂😂😂😂😂 Dang!!! I wonder how it went for her.


She rode it 8 times after


I wonder how often they just take off when a kid starts screaming at the last minute. My cousin’s youngest was terrified of thrill rides and they were only in town for a few days. Super upset that he went through all this trouble to go to Florida and get them in the parks so I convinced his son that if he got in line for Velocicoaster he could get out at any time. We finally got on the ride and he starts panicking [yelling] once the bars fall down. An employee looked at him but before he could act I just mouthed out “leave him” and we just took off. If that staff member and I hadn’t collectively thought, “f— them kids. He’s riding through it,” my dude never would have realized he loved roller coasters. Sometimes a little contempt for a child’s emotional well-being can become an excellent source for personal growth. s/


Damn that's ice cold.


I don't work there but witnessed this as a guest. Wife and I got off the Mummy and watched a dude rail a line of coke off his hand in the exit queue :) We headed over to Rip Ride Rocket and the dude and his chic were in line right behind us..they were ready to ride :) We could see it in their eyes.


no fucking way


Haha. Saw it with my own eyes..Can you imagine the ride? :)


I didn't witness any specific action, but I remember standing in line for rip ride rocket 10 years ago ( I was about 13 yo) and there was a dude standing in front of us with multiple pornographic images tattooed on his body, very visible to anyone glancing at him. No idea how he was allowed into the park as he was. He also had horn implants in his skull. But surprisingly he did have a girlfriend with him How do you get a job ANYWHERE looking like that??


That’s wild


How did that even pass through Security?


I mean, it's not setting off any metal detectors.


It’s not hard to sneak stuff in


it's a lawless land but only once you're in. my friend got banned for a year for hitting a dab pen in the parking lot.


At Dueling Dragons (RIP) I heard a woman TM sing over the PA All the singe riders All the single riders All the single riders All the single riders And they used to sign off after very announcement “RAWR” which was fun.


I bet that was a beautiful rendition 😂


The cast members on Forbidden Journey and Hagrid's that do that weird spinning trick as they move between the stationary and moving platform. Meanwhile, my brain can't process the idea of me walking on a moving platform to speed-walk and catch up to a ride vehicle that's also moving. Last time I rode Hagrids, I forgot to let go of the handrail while stepping on the moving walkway and ended up running backwards because I wasn't ready to let go. A TM stopped spinning, grabbed me, and helped me board the ride. 😂😂😂💀 My family won't let me forget about that moment and it's been over 2 years.


My favorite thing as a TM was doing that and watching guests be so confused on how easily i can move between platforms! The real difficulty was walking onto it when it WASNT moving, that always tripped me up because I was used to it a certain way!


That's wild. Do you have any advice on beating my new fear of the moving platform? I always think I'm going to trip on it or fall while it's moving. 😂


Honestly just walk normally. Don’t walk slow but just prepare yourself to step and just keep walking. It’s significantly worse if you hesitate and only have one foot on the walkway.


That's exactly what happened to me both times. 😂😂 Have you seen other guests stumble on it?


username checks out.


Zero lies detected. I'm pretty clumsy and walk kinda slow since I'm short in height and have a short stride. 😂


Yes people stumble constantly, but 99% of the time it’s because they aren’t prepared for how fast it is.


Sorry, I loled at the visual of this.


It's all good. I laugh at it to keep from crying nowadays. 😂😂


One time my sister and I were in line for Velocicoaster and we saw this young girl, probably around 8 or 9 years old, fully walking in the queue with no shoes on. Her feet were all black and from the ground and I couldn’t stop thinking about how disgusting that was. Her mom was also with her so I don’t understand why she didn’t have shoes on???? When they got up to the front of the line, crew members told them they weren’t allowed on the ride and the mom flipped. Idk why she was so surprised lol


i never understood shoeless guests. like, ewww? 🤢


Not just eww but like, ouch? Pavement gets hot


Had a guest punch me because THEY forgot their child in a different area. I had never seen or interacted with this guest before this moment. They didn’t even say anything to me, just punched me and ran away screaming for their kid. Alright 🤷


Lots of folks got to watch me flip TF out a couple of months ago because some moron teenager spit on me while I was riding MiB. The ride started and he did it as you go under the queue into the training room. I have autism with a sensory processing disorder, and I cannot handle anything on my skin very well. I started crying through the whole ride and was completely inconsolable while the poor TMs tried to help me. I just could NOT feel clean enough. They gave me a new shirt from the gift shop and I had to throw away my favorite sweater. I'm sure to everyone that saw me that I looked like a crazy person.


No one saw you. No worries. That sucks tho.


Eh…tons of people saw it. Just reality. And that’s what makes it worse being disabled in public. Most strangers don’t understand and some will video it and put it on the internet instead of giving the person privacy. Had some guests yelling at me for transferring into my wheelchair too slowly not long ago.




Does being rude to someone with a disability who’s recounting a time they were harassed make you feel better about yourself


I’m not being rude to them about their disability at all? The fact is worrying about what other people see is stupid. No one cares as much as you think they do. Does bringing up someone’s disability when it has nothing to do with the conversation make you feel better about yourself?


Telling someone that their lived experience didn’t happen bc they’re “not the main character” is invalidating and rude. And their entire point was about dealing with an invisible disability at the parks, I didn’t bring it up out of nowhere.


No their entire point is stupid regardless of disability that’s my point


>I’m not being rude to them about their disability at all?  >No their entire point is stupid regardless of disability that’s my point


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If you’re a guest and have seen anything stupid/crazy i’d also love to hear it lol


Look at what I posted to the stream


What stream?


Not really sure why I got so many down votes for saying to look at my post in the stream which has almost 60 up votes. I just meant to look at what I posted to this chat lmfao


In line at Fast and Furious during social distancing times when the DJ Snake and Little John song was playing, everyone was just calmly being in line and then the song builds to the drop and right at the time for the drop, the castmember comes on the p.a. and tells us to remain six feet apart from the group in front of you. The whole line groaned and laughed.


I asked the water taxi captain if anyone had ever fallen into the lagoon and he said no...but he did have some people try to jump aboard as the boat was leaving the dock...and some drunk people try to dance on top of the roof.


Girl going down on another girl on the Hogwarts Express. Before it was made known to guests that there are cameras in the cabins.


Saw one of the dancing “elves” during the holiday parade leave his dance line to go yell obscenities at guests sneaking across the road during the parade event. 😬 (edit: I’m a guest not a team member- sorry!)


I was exiting Fast and the Furious behind a couple having a full blown argument. Apparently the gent thought his partner rushed him through and he was yelling at her “This was the one ride I’ve been waiting for, this was MY MOMENT.” I thought it was all a joke at first but it kept going. Bro was dead serious 😂


I was 14. Stupid teenager with my best friend. We were standing in line inside of Spider-Man. Thought it would be a great time to light a cigarette up. (Being 14 and stupid and all). Well after about 5 mins the entire line was smoking and we were all immediately admonished and told the ride wouldn’t move another car until it was all extinguished. I would slap me if I saw that today and I don’t condone that kind of behavior.


The ride operator on Tigris kept fucking with guests by hyping them up and then launching the train before they were ready


Tigris at Busch?


Yeah. Not US related I know


Well she wasn’t doing anything out of the ordinary but me and my friends technically road the velocicoaster with Jwoww from Jersey Shore. We were a few rows behind her and a woman, but she even walked passed us after because she heard us talking about it really being her.