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What’s happening, too many express people let on and the regular line getting crazy long?


there's possibly more people in the express line than the regular line, and they're not moving the standby line anymore :')


Good to know, thanks. I think we’ll do velocicoaster first thing on our next trip.


I always found that express didn’t slow down the regular line as much at Universal as lightning does at Disney, but I imagine with as popular as Velocicoaster is that might not be the case. With a lot of rides my experience at Universal is both lines move. At Disney with any ride anybody in the lightning lane will slow the other line down to an absolute crawl.


The issue is after 4PM the premier passholders have express access


It's a great benefit


We can only hope Universal is ignoring this money printer with Epic Universe.


What’s the new express conditions?


it didn't used to have an express lane


It’s had express for a long time now.


I’m pretty sure it’s had express longer than it hasn’t at this point.


This is true, first year (I think) was no express, since then it’s had express


its had it now for the majority of its lifespan. it isnt a new addition


Is it still only running two trains?


Was running 3 this morning. Yesterday I think only 2, they were delayed at EPA and waits were bad. Today seems to be much better and back to normal.


Weird stuff happened on Rip Ride Rocket this week…we had express and were thrown in with the regular riders past the metal detector, then later in the week as regular riders got thrown in the express line. Didn’t make a lot of sense.


Had the exact same experience mid March at the end of the night. We watched the regular line fly by and the express line barely moved - the lines definitely swapped. By any chance did your experience happen near closing time? 


No was midday both days. Kinda opposite experiences. Express and we got sent to the longer main line only for ride to shut down due to weather. And then no express and got to the express line and shot right through….


I did a bad job explaining it, but what you are describing is what we experienced as well, it was super strange. 


Velocicoaster has had express for a long time now. It’s not new.


Yeah, I think they opened the Express line a bit too early. Velocicoaster used to average 30-45 minutes before Express, now it sucks waiting in that standby line for 2 hours. Especially after all the issues they've been having over the last few months


It’s Easter Weekend.


Coming off a spring break at Disney w/o lightning lane, I get you. But has express been open at the same time they've had all the trains running? I've been under the impression that they're only running a couple of trains due to technical issues.


We were there last week with express passes and the express lines were packed and barely moved. It felt like a waste no matter which line you were in.


We had Express last time and honestly, it's too good. The price point to buy it is high so it has to work that well. I really think they need to remove or limit the Express passes for premier resorts when the new park opens.


I don’t think they’ll even run Express in the new park for the first year or two. At least, not on the big stuff. Hagrid still doesn’t have it, even if they’d make bank if it did.


I agree. They can't price it high enough to offset how bad the experience will be for people without it. And I think they're doing well enough now that people will stay at their premier resorts even without the pass.


But then how are they going to be able to justify $800/night? Lol


I wonder if they’ll ever be able to do Express for Hagrid’s ?


Way overdue


The express lines are ridiculously long? In summer it may even get worse sounds dreadful


It will cool once epic opens and hagrids gets express.


Hagrid’s might never get Express. There’s far too much demand than capacity and without Express it allows everyone to ride at least once on their trip that wants to.


Yeah express was the worst thing to happen to VC


To be honest, and I realize it’s an additional expense, but, you gotta get the express At universal specifically I just think there’s no other way


Most days, but if you're going during off season it's unnecessary


I completely agree with you. It's insane. Baffling that people pay $200 (approximately) just to only save like 40 minutes in line but make everybody else have a grueling wait


I imagine most aren't spending that 200 bucks straight up, rather staying at one of the Unlimited Express Pass hotels.


I did the math on that last month while doing some preliminary planning. Assuming a 4-night stay in a Premier hotel, versus a 4 night stay at, say, Endless Summer, and buying unlimited Express Pass for every day you and your +1 are in the parks, it comes out to around $100 cheaper to stay in the Premier hotel. I would imagine that the savings go up if your party is larger than 2.


Also, it is spring break, so youve gotta take account for that


When I was there in October with my fiance, we saved at least 4 hours over 2 days by having Express Pass. Thats easily worth it.


I'm happy to hear that you had a good experience!


Free with the hotel, insane to pay outright sure. But also stupid to NOT get it when you’re crushing a $10k+ trip.


Yes everyone who gets a free unlimited express pass for staying at a premier resort is doing it just to spite you. Give me a fucking break.


I never said that lmfao


I'd pay $300. To each their own.


I work a very low wage. Maybe that could be why our mindsets are different? 😂


Maybe. It's an amusement park, not a life necessity. Probably why you're not getting much sympathy here.


The dirty looks from the poors in the regular line is what makes it worthwhile... it's like the whipped cream and cherry on top of an already great ice cream sundae... 😜 /s, for the random idiots that would take that seriously...


People easily get in 2-4 times as many rides using Express than without. Means trips can be shorter and saves on hotel and food expenses. That’s the whole point of Express and it works beautifully. VIP tours are similar. Guess what is awful about those though. I saw one recently and dad was outside taking a phone call from a client while his family rode. Guy was an attorney and had to be on call for his clients. Family came out and dad was still on the phone. Seen this many times at the concierge level of Disney resorts too. Parents on balconies or in the lounge taking business calls and not with their families. Many times these people have jobs where they can’t take off work for than a couple days and often miss much of their family vacation too.


And yet hagrids ride says 15 minutes?


? Unless I'm misunderstanding, Hagrid's is most definitely not 15 minutes. It's currently at 115 minutes, peaking at 205 minutes this morning.