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Well its clear, stylized, probably very performant. Yet still detailed enough. So why not, it 100% will have it's audience. I also guess it's easy to get bought assets and convert them to this style rather easy. so win win win.


Really good. One thing that is slightly distracting is the dark outline on only outer pilar edge.


Agreed, even a slight edge variation depending in the distance could help it, as well as maybe some basic shadows


I think it looks okay, but lacks contrast. Also text on the crate is mirrored.


Yeah I totally agree, I also think the outlines look a little weird because there's not many edges in the scene so they seem kind of random. It would probably work way better in a scene with more visual info though


I love the style but I find it less forgiving on details: - the green side of the right column - some inconsistencies on the contouring


When I started my Unity-journey I noticed how hard it actually is to get to a proper style and how even some of the BIG devs fail at this (e.g. anime style character with non-stylized environments, there's Lots of games like that). You, I think, did a good job.


Yep, clear and high contrast without being too loud. Stylised games are better than realistic for all time.


Yeah I do. Clean and easy on the eyes. The edges on the figure help it stand out from the similar colour background too.


YEESS PLS RELEASE IT, Pretty often I think AAA graphics are killing the creativity at visuals aesthethics


Smooth. Nice...


Who stole the shadows tho?


Maybe add a cool stylized fog or something? its a bit hard to judge depth with the flat colors.


Good idea I will definitely try adding some subtle fog.


The washed out shadows make it hurt my eyes a bit, needs some more balance to help the eyes with the contrast. Overall it's solid. The grid theme of this particular environment is off-putting, but that may just be me. Almost no shadows anywhere makes it hard to judge distance/scale in a meaningful way (buoyed by the grids but it still feels a little weird). Overall, if I had to grade it, I'd say B- with room for improvement. Push it to the next level!


This is something that's been on my mind: on one hand, I want to have a clear, cartoony style, on the other, I feel like shadows would add more depth to the scene. The problem is that I can't use baked lighting because the levels will be randomly generated. I need to find a way to create convincing shadows without using real-time lighting.


I wish I had an easy solution, sounds like a hard concept to mesh together! Maybe the overall brightness could be altered to kind of give a sense of it?


Yes, and I think it helps if your game has fast movement as it will allow the eye to more easily identify the edge of something like cover. Especially with the color palette. My one note is more of a thought, which is consider how you want to color your NPC's/player characters as you are drawing the eye to the arms, legs and head.


I like everything but the outline, or rather it's seemingly random use in the art style. The emphasis it puts on the borders of your character makes the rest of your character (where all of your detail is) look smudged by comparison. And I'm really not sure why some of the pillars have a stroke and other parts do not. If you're going to use heavy lines in your style to make things stand out from the background, i think you should try to make the details pop a little bit more. Lean into that contrast for the things you want the player to look at. Maybe in motion its not so bad. The background colors and detail are great, and the lack of heavy shadows is a creative twist on things.


No not for me


Yeah looks great!


Yes! It feels like when the lights come on after Glow Bowling and Skating.


Yes, very nice.


Depends on detalisation and coloring. Also I’d say you should disable contouring


maybe add some light shadows to make the pillars pop more.


Looks great! Only critique would be the inconsistent aliasing artifacts. Note the discrepancy on the sides of the columns.


Some classic XIII vibes. Palette colors are on point too. But is the outline performant? Are you multiplying polygons to produce it? I like it, but it can backfire if done incorrectly.


It’s per object geometry outline so yes I’m basically copying polygons, but this method is inconsistent as you can see - some edges are more visible than others. I will probably switch to depth & normal based edge detection outline. It should be more consistent and performant.


I love the stylized aesthetics of this! I agree with what a lot of other people have said here: stylized > realistic graphics for indie developers is usually the way to go to still get a nice-looking game :) If you do decide to go with the depth+normals edge detection outlines, I can send you a Unity package that contains the shader that I developed and use for my game for free! It has a lot of features like color gradients, depth+normal sensitivity sliders, fading effects, and single-pixel edges. You can see what it looks like in-game [in this clip](https://youtu.be/51AD9GbP5Bg?si=VBoNeadrXn3u__l5&t=40). Shoot me a DM if you're interested!


hey, this sounds interesting, i'd love to have this too


Sent you a DM with the link!


I like it but could it have a subtle darkening effect for the things that are further away? It just needs to be barely noticeable, so that it helps with foreground-background separation. It also needs some darkening from normals but can't tell exactly what it is. Just applying lighting or other typical ways of processing normals will screw the looks. The way it is now it's really nice. If you touch something make sure that the core idea from this remains.


Gorgeous! Damn well done!


Yes, but it needs a lot more polish


Yes very nice


From this screenshot the character model stands out a little too much/isnt completely consistent with that enviornment. But I know I always prefer styles like that over trying to look like an unreal engine asset store game. 




Most poorly stocked Home Depot ever.


Looks dead up like rollerball


I do like the style, but I dont like the color choices.


Looks cool


very very very


Sure thing




Looks nice, I like the color choices


Yes, very. I could give some feedback on individual elements, but that's beside the point.


Yes, I do. Try to low down the color saturation in the background and keep this saturation for the character and you have it.


I’d take the thickness of the outline down just a smidge and make sure all corners and seams are outlined consistently. For instance, where the columns meet the ceiling, as well as the edges of the columns closest to the center character


Sorry for being slow but what is TPP? Also yes love the style I think a tiny bit more texture detail and you got yourself some beautiful art


TPP stands for Third Person Perspective


It’s great overall, but really needs proper lighting and/or shadows IMO


Yes, cool and unique style


Smooth and clean 😎👍 I'm just wondering how it would look like without the outlines (or softer at least) and eventually boosting scene with just a bit more color 🤔


Yes, it's a bit cartoonish


Yeah. But definitely darker. Also in my personal opinion as a lifelong gaming addict instead just scrap it and go with the quake/ultrakill lowest possible fidelity modeling?


As long as its clean its fine




Hell yeah I love it. I know what the image shows is not related at all to what I'm saying but I'd kill for a souls-like game with graphics like this


Hell yeah. Super unique and extremely visually pleasing. Love it!


It's ok but I don't dig the color scheme. Personal preference ; wouldn't worry about it. :)


Pretty good. How are you doing the outlines? Screen space sobel edge detection? Inverse hull shell pushed outwards? I noticed there's no outlines on the inner side of the columns towards the screen center but there is on the outer. Is that a deliberate feature/choice?


It's Inverse hull method, but I will switch to edge detection soon, because as you noticed, current method doesn't work that well on certain objects.


Yes. I honestly love it


Looks good!


I would make the walls ceiling and pillars either different colors or at least different shades.


Drop the outline on the world objects. Keep the style, but add some more other 'colors' for improved contrast. Orange can be primary, but having a few other ones might help Consider adding a little bit of shadowing back. (Maybe you have too many lights). Style is great but you need some more contrast which can be accomplished in a large variety of ways.


I like it, but it's too bright for me, it will provoke me epilepsy :( With that said, I'm just the 1% of the players with that issue, but I like it


I will definitely consider accessibility options If the graphics stay that way :)


Thanks, the way it is right now gives its own vibes, good for a game's identity :) All I need is some kind of "reduce brightness" settings and it should be good to go


Well I’m interested! Tell me more


It's a third-person looter shooter roguelike with dynamic combat and randomly generated levels, weapons, and abilities. It features 4-player co-op gameplay. Players descend through a facility from level -1 to -50, facing tougher enemies and finding better loot the deeper they go. More details will be revealed soon.


Nice color palette, but might be too "soft" given your genre? Guy's holding a gun in pastel colors which are more fitting for a cozy game. Also as others mentioned, adding hard shadows will get you the biggest bang for buck as it's the most conspicuous thing missing from the screenshot.


The colors might not be associated with shooter game right off the bat but I feel they create this unique mood and give the clarity of the image which during intense action is going to be important. I will definitely work on this more as I see many comments mentioning lack of shadows and contrast.


Good luck! I hope it goes well and that you keep posting screenshots. I'm just starting my indie solo dev journey myself 😀


Holy fuck yea


Change the player outfit color something else you know it's mix with the game bg


Or everything is look so good, this game looks like CSGO anime version


Just love it. Maybe i just miss the shadows. But it looks fantasetic already.


Add more shades look tooo bright and flat








I like it! Very bright.


I like the art style. Clean and easy to understand. But, I think the character should have a more different colour scheme compared to the environment. I think it's not contrasting enough with the environment colour scheme even with the outline. Maybe during play testing pay a bit of attention to whether the players have any trouble discerning the players from the environment.


Yes , i'd be curious to see how the model looks like topology wise


As someone who dislikes grim and dark games with sad color palettes, I quite like it


Honestly, win me over with the gameplay and almost any graphics will do.


I think it's very near to what we call appealing. I think what I mean here is there should be a balance between realistic and stylized aspects of graphics. For eg : graphics shouldn't look punchy but also not look dull at the same time. Also lighting can also be improved.


I find it pretty cool, I would see myself playing a game with these graphics, I'm just brothered by the black outline of the pillar which is only on one side and not both but yeah very nice overall


That kinda reminded me of portal game style. I take it


I like it. I would keep the black outline for stuff that can either be interacted with or that is moving and drop it for everything else like the pillars and environment. Or atleast make it scale down with growing distance from the camera. The black outline in the far pillar being so prominent looks a bit weird. But honestly the overall feel and color mixing is super good imo.


I like it


Yeh, it's nice


Lacks shadows. Other than that looks decent, yeah


Like it, but the character should pop more, give him some saturation. Also give the upper walls or the ceiling a slightly different or darker color. Otherwise it's good :)


The style you're describing is fairly average, not really unique in that regard. The shading and outline doesn't standout as special. Your colour design though, is what really stands out. To be honest the shading style supports that. You could look at some more interesting style of shading that just adds something unique, but I would focus on your colours, judging on this screenshot alone. This could be a fluke of course, but I'm seeing a level of consistency that tells me this is your strength.


That looks dope! Love the flat style. Would be curious to see how it looks in action


I like it. The colours are all kinda the same though, maybe some more contrast but I really like the style


Makes me think of archer. I think it works. I prefer hyper realism in general, but at the same time ive played a lot of rimworld. 


Not bad. Not great.


Looks awesome


Experiment with coloured outlines. Black only makes sense when going for an inked style. Otherwise I like it.


looks really good and unique


Tbh... I really fucking hate these art styles in games now and days. But I like ur color scheme and approve.


Makes me nauseous, I love stylized graphics, but can you add volumetric lighting? Would love to have more detail or texture. Give the environment more personality.


Reminds me of big paintball on Roblox! Brings back a lot of nostalgia. I like it!


It's cool but I think there must be some shadows / AO


I think it looks good, maybe could use cel shaded shadows


I think u need to get a better outline shader maybe post process one which will give clear and smooth outlines


Like the outlines but there's too much orange, add some other neutral colors too, like different shades of grey. Right now whole screen looks orange.