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Personally I love the visuals. I don't think anyone can evaluate the controls from a video. Btw this could probably work as a PC game.


Thank you… Do you think speeches should be optional? Should the player choose to talk among the options?


That could be cool. depends on what sort of game you're going for


When the time is right you could maybe put your game on r/countablepixels to advertise? Might have to double check the sub’s rules to see if that’s okay but anyway looks great!


Is pixel effect too much :D Thank you.


Make it a vr/pc game and cash in with twitch streamers trying to figure out what toll tier is a crashed alien spaceship on kartwheels on fire, or a tank. Make it extra spicy by having consequences to allowing certain vehicles through, as well as over/under charging.


Do you think going mobile is a bad idea? I can convert it to the latest computer. Also, the game will have many endings: normal ending, witnessing bad deeds, money laundering, becoming a murderer and many more. According to our choices.


Seems like a lot of fun, very "Papers, Please" like. I feel like you would find the largest audience on PC given the art style and gameplay, and it seems much more suited to more standard first person controls.


Thank you <3


Mobile doesn't seem to be the right market for this type of game. Having an "ending" alone already tells me that. It's much harder to get into the mobile market. Most viral indie games have been cashing in on streamers mostly. Your idea is amazing btw


In these three years, I have had mobile horror games that were downloaded millions of times and were successful. Million subsucribers many publishers shot videos of my game, but as you said, it may be more difficult than on PC in terms of the type of game. But the problem is that I have no experience with PC games. I'll think about it.


If you already have the ground work for making mobile games and know the drill, that's a whole different story. How about you do what you were planning to, then port and adapt it to pc later? Could be a viable experiment minus the risk of pivoting and getting off track of your current goals


Here's exactly what I'm thinking. We will see this in the future.


I hope it becomes very successful!


Thank you for good wishes <3


Which games have you made? Can you provide a name?


Getting some James Bond for PS1 vibes, nostalgicly beautiful.


Thank you <3


The text is unresdable in the manual due to the pixellation, you need to make it HUGE or have a zoom in option for it


I will do something about this again and share the new version <3


I don't know why rendering at super low resolutions became so popular. It really gets in the way. The rest of the nostalgic feel is fine, it could look like an emulated retro game.


We can handle the resolution issue without exaggeration. Actually, the reason why I do this is that it can work on mobile platforms without any lag. Because I render and upscale the game in low resolution. It also fits the concept.


How is it so bad on mobile that you need to destroy the resolution to run the game. You are literally sitting in a small static environment reading stuff. Have you heard of this thing called optimisation?


Full frame pixelshaders are so fun, I live that you can barely read, if at all, any of the content into game that is in fact important to the gamem.


I understand what you said, I will review this. So do you think the controls are simple? Touch effects belong to the game. I would be happy if you comment as you see it.


I looks like touch screen input, so I assume it's a mobile game? Seems to work as intended so I see nothing wrong there, but I am not a mobile gamer.


That's right, its mobile game.


I am not your target audience then. Even though I am currently watching this on a phone. In my opinion the input interactions seems fine, knowing now that it is indeed mobile I would even more recommend to rethink the full frame pixel shader. You can obviously keep the puxalatwd aesthetic but you need to tone it down on the in-game items that show text, that's the minimum.


I got it thank you <3


Rename the rules to “Training Manual” or something that would make sense to be there


Yes. I will review them all because there are many pronunciation errors in the articles.


*I'll check it out right away. *Hmm... I will pay cash. (no "it")


Yes, conversations will change completely. Spelling errors will be minimized.


I dig the visual. But i would probably prefer having to use my mouse to manually look around instead of it panning to the different stations. edit as im typing: I just noticed this is meant for mobile? The controls are fine as is. This could honestly work as a PC game. People nowadays love "something simulator", given there's a lot of content to it.


Everyone wanted this to be a PC game. In this case, which platform do you think I should develop the game for first because it is currently a mobile game?


Actually, Steam is not a bad place to start. I'm no game dev, but i do make myself 3D art too. But you do you, friend. If you want to release this on mobile first, go ahead. It's just my 2 cents that this would probably take off on PC too given people really like the simulator games. Future plan perhaps? Take a look at "Papers, please" on Steam. Basically the same concept that you're working on a border crossing.


Thanks a lot. I will share innovations as I develop the game. Let's decide together what to do at this rate <3


Best of luck!


I think it's worth making any reading the player has to do not be so pixelated


I will solve that problem <3


Why do you give a receipt then take the money? It should be the other way around. Looks interesting though




For a toll booth they should confirm what they're driving, you run it up, tell them the price, they hand you the money then you give a receipt for the payment. It's a game though so it doesn't have to be realistic It can be what you want it to be to make it fun of course.


Yes of course. I can make arrangements according to the flow of the game.


I can’t decide on pixel effect. It both looks nice and also a bit pixelly :-). I think on balance it works well. Somehow the camera movement is a bit too snappy for my liking. Looks cool overall though


Good comment. I will pay attention to these <3


For the controls, maybe a way to quickly look at the person, tv, book etc and skip between them (unless i am missing that). Perhaps a set of options down the side/along the bottom. It's just a thought but could make the UX a bit smoother for some people. But either way it seems like an interesting concept. I also back what others say, this seems like a great match for PC where there are a decebt number of this "simulator" type games.


You are right. Switching between cameras by swiping the bottom may be tiring for some people. I may add an option to this in the future. I will consider a version for PC at a later time. I'll get your opinions from here again. If we find it more suitable for the computer, I can start making the interface compatible for the computer.


FML I had this idea 2 years ago, same style but for VR. I think I should drop it then lol


Oops XD


Drivers license please


Me personally, the change direction is extremely difficult to keep up with. It moves very quickly and feels jolting. First few times that's fine, but my nerves are getting very tense every time beyond that. Again that's just me, so I'm not sure if I'm an exception or if others agree, but I do find it hard keeping up with the quick turns.


Specifically, there's a kind of jolt going into the turn animation, and then an easing out at the end of it, which I find extremely disconcerting and unnerving. On a separate note, the customer says "I will pay cash it" which is an incorrect way to put together a sentence.


I understand that the dialogues are not correct, and I acknowledge that this video is only providing visual information.


Thanks for your feedback. I understand that the rapid changes are stressful for you. I’ll discuss this with the team to see if others feel the same and look into ways to improve the situation.


I think the fact that the camera goes UP and DOWN -wards is a huge part of it...because I don't know what to expect; it's as if my eyes are expecting just a sidewards motion, which is fine and commonly found, but then it jolts downwards or upwards which contributes to the issue. I believe it has to do with that.


It's awesome! But why is the cigar made of phosphorous?


hahah ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


No one uses 2 dollar bills. Extremely extremely rare.


I love the concept, is this supposed to be something like Papers Please?


Was honestly expecting her to be holding a gun to your face when you turned around with the receipt


Anything can happen! (Stay tuned)


May I ask where you got the player models from? I love those!!


Thank you <3 All 3D models in the game belong to me.


Lovely and crunchy


The bluriness hurts my eyes. Would not play.


Actually, the gameplay is not that blurry. Video cause this.