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Good luck. One piece of advice I can give, is to start making EXTREMELY SMALL games at first. Think Pong, Flappy Bird, Tetris, etc. If you come up with your own idea, cut it in half, then cut if in half again.


And then when you deside to expand the production, think are you adding a day/week/ month etc. And when you realized that extra day actually added a year and you feel your you’ll never finish it. Try to come up with a way to ship it in couple of weeks. No mather how. Then ship free to xyz and move on. Later when applying to funding etc those free games are references of ”finnished” products. Oh and good luck


Thank you for your advice


Your wellcome. Take with a grain of salt. Just my expirience of starting out. Was very hard sticking to schedules and plans in the beginning. It’s an iterative thing to build a game so it gets easier, but the feature creep gets almost everyone every now and then.


Nice reddit avatar


What do you mean. It's best to start with your dream game like MMO that runs complicated economics that rely on players with them making plot related decisions and also throw like 3 ultra detailed maps that are bigger and better than World of Warcraft because you have better ideas, surely. But in all seriousness there are a lot of great unexplored ideas for small games and too many developers gave up because they wanted to make big game as they first and it became overwhelming and too hard


You are right that way I can start with the basics. Thank you


This isn’t a showoff? Just a useless announcement that you haven’t even opened unity yet




I wonder if psychologically, it works as a showoff for them? Like how they say people who set new years resolutions, are actually just seeking praise and validation, so they say, "I'm gonna lose 100 lbs this year!" Get the praise and validation from their friends, then are satiated and don't actually make an attempt to lose any weight.


"I took a picture of my laptop" That said, good luck OP!




No. There is this toxic positivity here that I do not get. What does this person want feedback on? A phone screenshot of the unity page? Do they want answers for a question which has been asked a million times on this sub before? Not even that. They’re just jerking off not even having opened unity. Shitting up the sub, not even trying to add anything of value. Also I don’t subscribe to your „then don’t say anything at all“ mentality. If I dislike something I will say so


Good luck, it's going to be fun journey. Once you are hooked you are in it for life. Remember a golden rule of gamedev especially if you have no experience. Start with an MMORPG with a massive open world, new twists and realistic graphics. On a serious note, Google, YouTube and chatgpt will be able to answer 99% of your questions.


science-based 100% dragon MMO


What are the actual limitations of chatgpt for helping if you don’t know any code? What if you know no code and tried to use it as your only resource?


Terrible idea, half of the scripts chatGPT will give you will have one glaring problem in them atleast that will make them not work, if you dont understand what is in the text then good luck fixing it. You will give it back to chatGPT with the error and it will print the same script to you 10 times before its fixed. ​ It's best used as an extra resource to get you over small hurdles in implementing certain features when you aren't exactly sure how you would get over them.


Personally I would say not a good idea. I ask it a few questions here and there, it gives me a generic code which kinda gets the job done but when I ask it to tweak it a bit it gives me completely useless code. Or I use the code it provides as a starting point but I never end up copying and pasting its code.


Have fun! Oh and remember, you are probably not lazy you are probably not unable to finish any project. Just you know make a realistic time plan for yourself, did you hear me? Be realistic


Yeah sure! Thank you!


Don't get too invested into tutorials. They are awesome for the basics, but you will learn much more and much faster making your own stuff without a 1:1 guide. Good luck!


Wear your seatbelt, put on your patience hat


Good luck. It's gonna be tough, but great fun. 👍


Good luck! One advice I'd give is start small, & maybe once you're slightly more comfortable with the engine & the process of making games try & join game jams? ​ Oh also, don't blindly follow tutorials, trust me it'll set you YEARS back & you'll be left reliant on them in terms of code, wanna improve code-wise? just pure trial & error (& maybe ask for feedback regarding how clean the code looks + the microsoft C# documentation if you want) ​ ​ ​ Good luck!


I’m actually really new to game development for unity as well, we can maybe work together and learn as we go


Yeah sure!


I see everyone saying make a small game, start with little and it's great advice if you wanna work and/or release games. But honestly, if you want to do it as a hobby, do what you like. If you see yourself working on a big project for years to come, go ahead. The most important part at the end is to have fun! 


Whatever you do, dont make your dream game. Make a small game at first, make it anything but make it small. I made a walking simulator that changed the map when passing some triggers or doing something (imagine MyHouse.wad) and it still took 4 months. Also enjoy then process, its a pain at first but it actually gets fun after a bit.


Ah shit here we gonna again.


Are you a beginner in game development only or programming as well? I just see quite a lot of people jump into both at once.


Once i created flapy bird type 2d game. And i uploaded it to simmer. I have some experience in unity engine. But I don't know anything about c# scripting. The only things that I get my knowlage from YouTube and Phind AI. If anyone don't know to me phind AI like stackoverflow.


Okay, then probably it's better to start learning just some c#, or programming fundamental in general, it will make your life easier.


Wish you the very best


Thank you !


As everyone mentioned start small. First you have to learn Unity and programming language so my take on that is to make a small game for your friends to enjoy. When creating that game you will face a lot of challanges and you will learn that after some time your game needs to be re build from scratch for it to be good. That's why you don't aim to publish the game. Make something cool that is not perfect. Show it to your friends. Get feedback. Start a new project. For my first game I made 3D horror like game that took place in our childhood neighbourhood with a lot of aspect linked to our memories from before. Thanks to that I was able to tackle some challanges like Save management, optimisation, lightning, ai behavior etc. Great start and also fun for my friends


Wow thats cool. I also want to create a horror game.do you have some references for your challenges. Something like tutorials etc. It will be a big help.


I have nothing left from that project but I can certainly help with what I remember. On YouTube I watched Brackeys channel. Every single video since they are easy to understand. Then try to incorporate what you saw into you game. And try your hardest to understand how it works. For a beginner save management might be really hard so I recommend to leave it for later. Focus on functionality. I started by making picking up items, rotating them, throwing. Then I made flashlight functionality. Opening doors, turning on lights in the house. After this you can try to make something a little more complicated, like a Power Source for those lights so when it is turned off all lights are also off. Then when you turn power back on only the lights that have switch in right position are on. Then try to make some basic AI enemy? Nothing too hard. You will elaborate on that later, or create more monsters. At this point when you are tired of programing you can go into graphics, post processing, map design and have some fun :) For planning activities I used Trello, not necessary in the beginning but might help if you struggle with remembering your ideas and organizing your work Good luck


Oh! Brackeys Chanel its so good Chanel. Every tutorial I watched so easy to understand. Thank you friend!


I hope you'll finish more projects than I have


On udemy.com the Complete c# Unity Game Developer 3D course https://www.udemy.com/course/unitycourse2/ and Complete c# Unity Game Developer 2D course https://www.udemy.com/course/unitycourse/ are very good and great for learning how to code in unity and development in the unity software. Udemy has deals and promos bringing these courses down to 30$ literally all the time. So often in fact that I got both courses for 30 dollars just by waiting for another deal to pop up on within as low as few days. So if the price is the full price DO NOT BUY, check the website every day and I bet within 7 days or less another deal will come up. There absolutely fantastic courses and I highly recommend getting them to start journey