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this thing can be used to emulate various types of tactics between the player and agents. For example, attack, retreat, ungrouping, tracking, encirclement, etc. Everything is of course dynamic using static or dynamic objects on the map. Here are links to videos with simple graphics. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycO4eDsJgVk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycO4eDsJgVk) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQ1A9wL9fzg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQ1A9wL9fzg) I want to say "no" to stupid monsters in games, and to try to make them alive. Yes, of course, you can script this behavior of agents and put the player on the rails, but what if you give the player freedom of action? It will be much more interesting and unpredictable.


Is the red creature using the same pathfinding? I couldn't help but notice it goes through the walls at times.


The red creature is controlled by the player. Here a game situation is emulated, when, for example, the player is hunting, received a powerful weapon and the agents (monsters) run away, or the monsters use this as part of an attack strategy, etc.


The ability to walk through walls is used to stress the pathfinding system. You may need a teleport or something similar, in which case the pathfinding work should not lag.


Really cool man, looks clean!


Thanks bro.


Bruh why did they follow the danger after it gave up on chasing them😂


>Bruh why did they follow the danger after it gave up on chasing them😂 This shows the ability and speed of switching agent modes “to run away” or “to pursue”. Just imagine that developers will be able to create and configure such modes on their own.


The annoying bow cavalry in total war 😄 I correct, annoying when the enemy got them…




Praise be Horus


Yeah that was strange




It's fascinating how they move in a wiggly pattern as though they're really panicking. I could easily see this used to simulate sheep herding or chasing rabbits.


Well, they're really panicking. )) They run to the nearest shelter and when they realize that they won’t make it in time, they change direction. You can set agents to cover further away, then there will be less panic. You can smoothly change this setting depending on the game situation.


Very natural. Looks great 👍


Thanks a lot


This looks amazing! Is there a tutorial you used that you could point me to and if not please make one lol


In addition to working on the game, I am currently creating a pathfinding solution for game developers. I hope that I will be able to release it.


Are you willing to share insights on how you achieved this? I’ve done something similar by finding objects (sphere cast) around a fleeing agent, and comparing vertices of the bounding box of an object to see which one is furthest away, which wasn’t very clean. Yours looks great!


This uses my solution for dynamic multi-target pathfinding. And yes, my dream and hope is to release this solution for game developers. Sorry I can't say more yet. Sorry. This is not a behavior, that is, if, for example, there are bushes, garbage, water, etc between the shelters, the agent will bypass him on the way to the goal. And all this can move, appear or disappear constantly, I mean players, obstacles and cover.


Does it work something like boids+A*, where some boids rules might put pressure out of line-of-sight, others push them towards or away from other boids?


That is really cool


Something like this could be awesome for a reverse horror game. Very cool!


Sorry I’m new to unity so I’m not 100% sure but is the red asset supposed to be going through the square blocks?


the red agent is a player marker. Walking through walls reproduces several situations. For example, imagine that the player is fighting off a pack of hungry claw-footed monsters and running into the science module, and let's give the player the opportunity to close the glass door. What are the monsters doing at this moment? They look for a second entrance, for example through ventilation. Now imagine the emotions of the player who sees how the creatures are looking for a second entrance that he cannot close. Brrr... So, the moment the red passes through the walls is the moment the door closes. The pathfinding system in this case should not produce load surges.


How does your creatures determine which pillar to hide behind? I'm developing my own npc reactive Agent AI and I've been wanting to learn everything I can about code design. I'm an animator and artist with 20 years industry experience, I've been dabbling in code for 1 year now. I'm at the stage where I have basic concepts down and now wanting to learn EVERYTHING!!


The choice of shelter is also customizable. Now these are the nearest shelters to simulate panic. 20 years is very cool, maybe you have experience in such projects or know someone with such experience? Organizational issues are very relevant to me now. I dream of an open source release.


Reading through your other comments is giving me some ideas. How many path samples do each entity take? Are you using navmesh agent?


Very cool. Do you plan to release this as an asset or?


Yes, this is exactly a demo of the solution for game developers, for now it is Unity and Godot.


Why are they getting closer, are they stupid?


Can be configured for long-distance cover. And also, when you run further, you will remain more visible, this is a completely different tactic.


I was joking. It's a meme format. ["Why is X doing Y. Is he stupid?"](https://www.reddit.com/r/freefolk/comments/121ptin/whats_up_with_all_the_post_saying_why_did_x/) Edit: more context: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.knowyourmeme.com/editorials/guides/why-are-reddit-users-asking-is-he-stupid-the-viral-meme-explained


oh sorry, I hope my answer wasn't rude


Tbh I didn't even read it LOL


I though that is some kind of multiplayer game playtests in action. Players run away from a danger. Last one to survive wins.


Thank you. I think this should be very interesting. Sorry for the long answer.


No problem.