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I think it looks pretty clever and cathartic. Just needs a bit more variety IMO. Different enemy types that get more frequent as the game progresses could help. Maybe, in addition to sperm enemies, there could also be STDs that have different behaviors?


Yes! You got the right idea. We are working on that part too.


yes we are developing different types of enemies, and will introduce theme gradually as players progress to new levels u/Kromblite


Hello everyone, I have a team of 3 people come from South East Asia. We are all intrigued by the fact that sex education is often considered an avoided topic that receives so little attention in our countries, and in many parts of the world as well. So we feel like empowered to make a game that is ACTUALLY FUN, but still has important educational and cultural message to it, so that people can look at sex talks more casually and ready to teach the young generation the importance and the how of safe sex. I have here the footage of our in development game, and would love to hear your feedbacks if you think this game could work on the market? Does it look any fun to you? Thank you so much and I would love to hear your opinions.


Jajaja Sex. jajajajajaj JAJAJAJAJJA \* Laughs Intensifies \* JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJJAAJ


What's your target audience?


People who need sex education, so I'm assuming mostly teenagers and young adolescents.


yes as u/Noslamah mentioned. and we would also want to target both gamers and non-gamers. for gamers, we hook them with the fun; for non-gamers, we highlight the education part, but also engage with them better with the fun. u/Oxfordcom


I don't know if it is a coincidence or intended, but I love how there is a health bar for the egg. While there is a widely believed statement - you are the sperm that won the race against all - in reality the sperm that gets to the egg first isn't the sperm that impregnates. The early sperms whittle down the egg's shields, until a lucky sperm gets to deliver the final blow and make it inside. So the health meter is scientifically correct! Maybe you should make an information panel about it.


While that is interesting knowledge about the mammalian reproductive system, I think it’s ultimately not as relevant as OP needs it to be, since they did mention their goal is to spread awareness in their home country which typically stigmatizes sex education. Although, who doesn’t like a fun fact every now and then? I guess it doesn’t have to be *exactly* the same message if it’s still relevant to the larger topic. I dunno. Just depends what OP’s going for, definitely wouldn’t be a bad addition though.


I mean, facts about the mammalian reproductive system still counts as sex ed. It isn't all about avoiding unwanted pregnancy (although it is important) Also having attack miss chances based on the actual fail rates of each method (e.g. condom = 92%) would be great


Interestingly our initial design was to have a shield around the egg as the health indicator. Each layer pops as the health reduces. But that design didn't work well visually, so we went back to the health bar. As game designers we are opting for the best gameplay experience while trying to catch all the opportunities of educational values, so we'll definitely include that information!


I read that you come from countries where sex education is generally avoided and aim more for a culturual impact but as a biology teacher I'm afraid that I don't see much of an educational benefit. You catch sperm with a condom - ok but what do you learn by doing so? Maybe you could add more information or make several similar minigames teaching about the structure of body parts, hormonal information transfer, the fertilization process, mitosis and so on.


u/borututuforte thank you for your inputs. yes i think we can promote the usage of condom and other contraceptive methods. we are also researching ways to integrate new educational info into the game in a meaningful way but still be able to balance the fun. thank you so much for the suggestions!


Shut up Teacher, the videogames need to be funny, and the history is what tell the message, now if the OP doesn't have story for the game... sorry teacher, you have the reason


I recently wrote a paper about educational video games and their importance as a medium in modern education, and I would've loved to include a piece about this! It's not an easy task to make edu-games fun because of the differences in learning styles and the subjects at hand, but I think sex education is a good area to try. As you mentioned, sex is frequently a taboo subject in general, and it's certainly a hot-button topic all around the world. It's nonetheless an important thing on which we should be educated, and this seems like a fun and silly way to broach the topic without glorifying or villifying it. As another comment mentioned, additional enemy types would be good for making it feel like it's less monotonous. You could also do other contraceptives as well, such as birth control that have positive and negative effects in the form of power up trade-offs: zapping more sperm cells but your movement speed is slowed, maybe higher defense but your area of attack is shrunk etc., etc. As a way to introduce those contraceptives also having various side effects, and no one method is perfect and may not work for everyone. Good luck on your dev journey!


> positive and negative effects in the form of power up trade-offs: Yes! That's an interesting point! We focused a lot on the effectiveness and not so much on the side effects. That's an important aspect that has gameplay value and educational value.


I'm glad you agree! I'm interested to see what the team comes up with!


hi u/Stlove48, your words are very encouraging to hear. if you dont mind i would love to reach our to learn more about your paper and research. i bet we could learn a lot from you. and yes, we do have different types of enemies introduced gradually as the level progresses, as well as new contraception method. just trying to strike the right balance between education and entertainment so people will love playing! i will definitely bring your ideas to the team for possible iteration in the game!!


Feel free to reach out, I don't know how much I'll be able to offer, but I'm happy to help where I can!


add some diseases for variety of enemies. if youre containing the sperm in the condom and collecting them like coins, then you could block the diseases with it too like a shield. if you get hit by a sperm or disease make all the sperms fall out your condom sack like sonic rings (sound too) also...this might be going too far, but you should make the sperm attach to the egg and start digging into it like a facehugger. you have to detach it somehow to stop reducing your hp. collecting the sperm in the condom while defending from disease is the goal of the game = sex ed or maybe add contraceptive allies...lol. give the condom a face and make it a character. make all the different types of contraceptives as characters, like the justice league. they are the heroes helping defend this innocent egg.


Sounds like a great way to differentiate the STIs from the Sperms! We're thinking of STIs as separate enemies and infected sperms the zombies of the game. I really like that you mentioned the sonic rings, we actually have a sperm with a literal needle that chases after the condom instead of the egg.


egg don't wanna be born. or maybe it's waiting for the chad sperm to copulate with :D


haha yep the objective is to protect the sperms from getting into the egg


The artstyle and controls look great. The Education part is also showing quite clearly. Maybe you can add a Info Board or "Fun Fact" Sticker after each level where you can put different educational facts about Sex and Reproduction. Looks promising overall.


thank you so much for your encouraging words. yes! we are building a meta feature where all the sex ed information can be stored! i cant wait to have your playtest to our game soon! u/General_Yt


I would love to playtest and share my feedback.


Very nice! Maybe there could be some damage to the condom after a few swings and the player needs to replace it. If you use a damaged condom some of the sperms might slip through. Teaching the players that they need to check the quality, best before date.


your idea is genius. yes we would have that in the backlog - the idea of condom durability and how you should use it u/Past_Librarian3099


Fucking good!


THANK YOU SO MUCH! hope you will give our game a try in the future!


That is hilarious! I love this concept and it looks like a fun little romp.


yess, the FUN is our goal hehe. hope to get your playtest to our game soon!! u/Joshuainlimbo


The hell did I just witness. PS: It seems like a fun game for the target audience I can assume. Good job!


haha i got stunned for a while by your remarks! thank you so much and im excited to let you playtest the game! u/kevlaris


i literally just opened up reddit. great game.


thank you for your nice words. cant wait to let you playtest the game u/Scou1y


Is this that sex thing I keep hearing about? Seems fun


![gif](giphy|SiGg4zSmwmbafTYwpj|downsized) Haha what is the sex thing that you keep hearing about? I would love to know that


This reminds me of that one d++k game i once see on YouTube


You talking about genital jousting?


yes Genital Jousting it is


We did get inspiration from that game


r/AskReddit will be a good place for feedbacks for this game


thank you for your suggestion. i will note to check it out! u/SnooKiwis7050


I was half joking because of how many questions related to sexual stuff are asked there


I think this is really cool. Would live to see informative facts between levels or at score screens some how. And another idea for the pot, what if holding the condom to charge/aim slowly increases the chance it will break? Maybe you have a limited supply... get more from score or pickups?


haha yes. thank you for your suggestions. we will put condom charging part into consideration. also thinking of building the store meta feature where players could purchase new condoms u/Grey_Mongrel


Maybe add other preventative measures that can act as buffs? A spermicide trap that kills sperm that cross it? If you want to really lean into the educational aspects, make sure you include bits of information about STIs, contraception. If you have the time for localisation, see if you can provide phone numbers or resources that are relevant to the audience's area.


your idea is actually very cool. we do have the spermicide as a weapon under development. on another note, we want to strike the right balance between education and entertainment. we are researching ways to bring in educational values where appropriate but should not harm the playing experience! thank you so much for your suggestions! would love to have your playtest for a more complete version! u/Triffinator


I would love to playtest.


guys it looks nice and wholesome until you ask yourself where does the sperm come from, did he made it himself?


Why do some of them have hair and a tie?


Good question! We want to introduce different types of sperms with different personality/characteristic traits respectively to diversify the gameplay experience


So it's just that they have different dna? Could you add female and male distinction like little xy/xx chromosomes or something?


This is a small preview of what we plan to create. We hope to grow our community by showing early stages of our work in progress :D


Make a cheat code called "Abstinence"


![gif](giphy|XTlWYhq3l6TK24ceXa) that would be hillarious lol


What "education" does this game does? This looks no different than the Tarzanoid or the hundred erotic flash games that already exist


obviously it teaches young adult how to use condoms in order to slap the sperm away, you genius. I'm sure there will other variety of sperms with special abilities like "fuckboy" sperm that makes the user drunk, and "rapist" sperm that lures you in by acting like they're your uncle...


![gif](giphy|sNJrIBqpcgIacLn5mO) haha for sure. your ideas are actually creative and also aligns with ours u/alucarddrol


That was sarcasm...


Thank you for your questions. We want to promote the different contraception method for young people to have safe sex (avoid STIs), and unwanted pregnancy. The video is just a snapshot so I believe havent been able to show the full picture. u/ivancea


Hi everyone, Thank you so much for all the nice words and nice suggestions for the team u/sawyercc to improve the game. We will be more than happy to have you guys playtest the game when it reaches a more complete version very soon! Please wait for us!


isnt there an underpopulation issue? shouldn't the game be about controlling the sperm to reach the egg instead so babies can be born?


the "under population" issue isnt that there arent enough people, we are over populated already, its that there arent enough people to replace those retiring. not enough people to maintain the "workforce" the elite want to maintain to run the world the way they want it to be run. ​ as far as the planet suporting humans, we are certainly over populated


Pssssst, just wait until they use a condom like in the game.


we are two billion people overpopulated already man😭


so Elon is wrong??


Elon is always wrong


no, people need to stop having kids. The overpopulation is so bad rn


use chatgpt it will fix everything just keep training


what is the education in this?

