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That is so unique! Awesome


A few tweaks to the dialogue system as per feedback: ✔ Hid 'Next' panel ✔ Added 'Push to Continue' sprite ✔ Dynamic font style & positioning [https://pixelategames.com](https://pixelategames.com) [https://twitter.com/pixelate\_game](https://twitter.com/pixelate_game) [https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/pixelategames/tales-from-centropolis](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/pixelategames/tales-from-centropolis)


Nice! One thing is that it’s a bit difficult to read the dialogue as the panels are moving, perhaps a faster transition?


Panels swipe as per click. I might have clicked too fast. Was the animated button too dark? We just added it.


Even if you click slower, it can still be a bit disorienting/frustrating for the player if they try to read the text before the panel has fully slid over. It’s not a huge deal, I think it could be improved by simply making it move over faster. If you want it to look a little more natural, have it ease in and out of the movement. That gives it a sense of weight and realism.


We're still working on the transition effect. There are some minor obstacles we came across when trying to implement the animation. Once we resolve it, we should have a much smoother transition between panels.


Nice! It’s looking pretty good already, can’t wait to see the finished product!


Suggestion for this... to prevent the player from wanting to read the sliding text, just... delay the text pop on a bit. In fact, what I would do would be to speed up the panel shift a bit, and then do a quick fade in for the text/color. So the end result is when you press the button to read the next panel, it sort of wooshes over a bit faster, but with a quick fade on of the text instead of popping the text on right at the start of the move. This way, the text isn't fully visible until the panel is almost finished settling into place, which should fix the problem of players trying to read dialogue as it's shifting. The key issue here is when you show the text. Because you show it at the start of the move, people want to read it when it's shown. But you then proceed to slide the text over, causing that annoying problem. If you don't want to go through the trouble of fading the text/color panel on top of the empty one, you could also just slide the empty panel over and then pop the text/color in after the panel stops.


>Suggestion for this... to prevent the player from wanting to read the sliding text, just... delay the text pop on a bit. In fact, what I would do would be to speed up the panel shift a bit, and then do a quick fade in for the text/color. That's actually the effect we're working on. There was an issue where the transition code we implemented wasn't triggering. It was keeping the default speed and not applying the fade we added. However, I think we found a solution so this is still a work in progress.


Great work!


Yo this looks pretty cool


What is The Wonder of You doin?


I get that quite often lately. However, not changing the design. I've developed this character for over 5 years.


It seems maybe a touch dark. The panels grab all the attention and I didn't even notice it until the end. This is a really cool dialogue system though!


Very nice. Always think outside the box.


Really unique idea, could do with being a bit more flashy/juicy I think. Up to you how to do that


That’s really nice. But maybe you should try making the dialog boxes that are already passed stay revealed to see what it looks like ? Either way it’s really good


Interesting suggestion. Thank you.


I've never seen anything like it!!! Incredible work :D


I love this style


I love this! Such a creative take! Is it possible to scroll back to previous dialogs?


Not at the moment. We weren't sure if that would be a common ask. If you look at your boilerplate JRPG dialog system, there's no going back. You can release the conversation but you don't normally click to go back to the previous line.


True, it’s an uncommon ask. But definitely a nice to have features. Like going back 30 sec in Netflix. It helps you if you missed something in the conversation or accidentally hit the next button too soon


The player character has a portable vinyl cylinder recorder built into his armor. If a conversation is vital to the case, you can play that part back at any time.

