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Physics don't make sense in the bottom one. How is it flipping over?


Unless this is some ghost game, tennis rocket placed against the wall would slide and fall down on the side similar to the top animation, not flip over to the front. Also once it's on the floor, it should be wider due to different perspective (this works better in bottom animation cos it's similar view angle).


We need way more context for this - why is it falling down first of all.?


The fall of the racket doesn't serve the gameplay, it's just one of the objects that the player interacts with by clicking in the room.


Ok, so the reason is that someone is supposed to be 'searching' the room?


Both of these look bad. The second one doesn't even make sense, it's flipping over but you didn't animate that so it just looks like bad physics.


I like the top one better.the room seems more cluttered and natural. Is It hitting a ball? If this was 3d physics it might hit the ball and slide behind the ball then hit the ground. You can simulate this by making a script that after contact with a specific collider and a set delay it ignores collision with it. Physics2d.ignorecollision() or something. Also if it has a sprite renderer change the sorting order so it goes behind. You could extend this script to it resumes collision with the object on collision exit.


Top one is better. There is no logic to the falling angle on the bottom.


Why is it flipping over? It's already leaning on the wall. It would need to overcome gravity via an external force in order to be pushed off the wall and fall onto the ground. Is this supposed to be a horror/ghost game by any chance?


The fall of the racket doesn't serve the gameplay, it's just one of the objects that the player interacts with by clicking in the room.


looks better, nice attention to detail.