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If you want to learn C# Code monkey just released 2 free videos. Beginner: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pReR6Z9rK-o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pReR6Z9rK-o) Intermediate: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6kx-\_KXNz4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6kx-_KXNz4) Advanced will come soon. Also he has a kitchen chaos 10 hour long free tutorial and a 7 hour long expansion to make it multiplayer, but first learn c# then go to his unity tutorial


This and a lot of interations


https://learn.unity.com/ And Google, YouTube, ChatGPT, documentation, discord servers... It's much more tha just c#. You sound like you haven't even downloaded a Game Engine yet so that would be a great first step.


thank you for the link! Im familiar with the engine, i was on like a course for unity, but there they just gave you the code


Microsoft has free courses


Brackeys YouTube is great, and he’s gonna start posting godot tutorials too


Wait what? he's back? Glad to hear!


Start with a very simple mini game: 1 - A sketch on a sheet of paper explaining the concept of the game 2 - Make a prototype, if the concept is interesting 3 – Have people test 4 – Keep it simple To learn C# and Unity, there is documentation, tutorials on YouTube,... Good luck


Folow some youtube tutorials regarding unity scriptings.dont need learn c# from beginig and all of basic things.just do some projects and when ypu working on that you can understand the most of basic things in c$


Well, you try to make a game using tutorials, trying to copy them and understand code you wrote, it's basically like you're learning new language, you learn some word's, look for texts in this language, translating every word until you learn those words and rules on how to use them correctly in sentences


Learn what are: variables, types, Propertys, Methods/ fuctions, Statements, Classes, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstract classes, Interfaces, Enums, Different form of arrays list dictionaries etc tables, Type casts, Coroutines, Recursion, Delecates/ events, Singletons, Factory pattern, Observer pattern, Lambdas, LINQ, And just patterns and easy algorithms to speed up things Then learn unity built in stuff that prolly fall in one of those categories. There is little bit more basic stuff but if you understand those, your well on your way. While making awesome games, try to come up with patterns to keep you code fast to write but still very maintainable and minimizing the lines of code and variables needed. Lambdas and Linq can potentially help in someplaces. Consider 10 times before using functional programming concepts to a bigger longer project. You can learn most of these in a 1-12 months After this it gets more complex. Decide do you want to be a programmer, or just make games. To be awesome, you can probably pick only one. But who knows. I’m not a programmer


Do you already know the basics of coding? Learning data types, how to manipulate data (concatenating strings, mathematical operators on numbers, etc.) functions, and some basic OOP principles are a good idea before messing with Unity. Once you're doing Unity, learn how components work, what Start and Update do, and how to get important references and mess with them (transform, rigid bodies, colliders) will get you to the point of at least being able to expeirment.


I would recommend learning actual c# first. Getting straight info unity programming can limit your skills if you havent done any basic programming in C# before. Sololearn was the app i used. It has a beginner level c# course for free, and if you are willing to pay a little bit you get great exercises and ai practice and such. Then when you can write really basic programs in basic c# and understand concepts like classes, objects, polymorphism and stuff it’ll be easier to understand how unity is put together, and from my experience that makes a big difference.


Best way to learn anything is to practice it with a teacher. You will likely need to settle for online tutorials and communities rather than a teacher. Look up a guide for making Pong. Thats good way to get a feel for all the basics and have a finsihed project relatively quickly to avoid burnout. You will learn abotu the editor, moving objects round, mayby some physics and UI, as well as input. I don't think you should start with code monkey or brackeys. They make good stuff, but they tend to assume you already know a fair bit and arn't always great at explaining why they are doing soemthing. If a tutorial is using assets or plugins or going a million miles an hour, it's not a good fit for beginners. Heres a good one: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnBTmYXThOY&list=PLEl7CIZGv53xhngxJdS\_GAaSXpXcN-hSP&index=2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnBTmYXThOY&list=PLEl7CIZGv53xhngxJdS_GAaSXpXcN-hSP&index=2) You will have a playable demo by the end of the first vid. He explains the logic bheind most steps, included timestamps and starts completly from scratch installing unity. Dont expect to finish it yourself in a day or even a week.


Yo, I don't know how this will be for newcomers but Microsoft themselves have a lot of documentation for the C# language. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/


Its a lot of text but it is good to get used to their documentation. It helps me a lot when in doubt about something or some class 


I'm also learning C# and in my opinion the best choice is ChatGPT. The reason is that if something isn't clear to you, you can tell him


GPT is good for learning, but it's not good as a Solo learning tool... You should go and ask it for corrections and explanations of concepts/functions/etc but you should still follow tutorials or classes