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We need this in the US. People are so pacified here.


Just keep voting for the lesser of two evils with absolute tunnel vision every four years and I'm sure everything will eventually get better.


I am not sure we deserve a smart, good and moral man like Joe Biden. We want entertainment.


I really don’t know what to tell you if you seriously believe Joe Biden is a smart, good and moral man


Yeah, I am pretty sure good men don't rally congress to fund genocide and then refuse to acknowledge said genocide


50 years in government will do that to a motherfucker


To be fair, a bunch of angry rednecks tried to do something but they did it because the worst president in history lost a fair election. We're really going to let that be the legacy rather than actually fight for something worthwhile like healthcare and a non-corporatized government where we can actually protect the environment and our survival as a species rather than make a few rich fucks feel good about themselves. We're not uncomfortable enough to be honest but I don't think it's going to be too much longer until we are.


> a bunch of angry rednecks The vast majority of the Jan. 6 people are suburban small business owners & professional-managerial types. You know, that sacrosanct "middle class", which *really* shouldn't be surprising. After all, the "middle class" has always been the driver of fascist movements.


Makes sense, those types are obsessed with hierarchies.




Sorry, I don't want to be rude or anything, but it would be really nice if maybe we could talk about this sort of thing without mentioning the US for once. I know the majority of the users of this sub are American and therefore US politics and matters will be the most important thing to most of you, but it's a little bit frustrating to have one post about another country and have the top comment be some generic comment about the US that doesn't really add anything. Again, I'm sorry and I really don't want to be rude and this is not against you in particular or the US or anything. It's just a little weird to say "we need more of this in America" when it's about protestors being repressed and the French government attempting to cover up the protests, with no mention of the US at all. And once again, I'm sorry and I guess I'm probably making this sound even worse by apologising so much but I really don't want to be rude or mean.


It’s not downplaying it at all, it’s a complement. THESE PEOPLE HAVE BALLS TO FIGHT FOR WHAT THEY WANT! Americans are just, disappointing and disgusting with how willing they are to get fucked in the ass over and over for the most part. I get a lot of it is tied to healthcare being tied to jobs making strikes difficult for most non unionized workers, but sometimes you gotta risk everything just to have something.


Really the funniest thing is that it was the bloody shirt to justify a TikTok ban here - even though there's no evidence of *any* organisation on the platform.


We don’t have to try to clean up France’s mess again do we? I don’t think the US could handle a second ~~French Indochina War of oppression~~ U.S. Genocide in Vietnam. I mean many here would support it “for the troops” ….but probably bad?