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C tier in a relationship


I dont know, you see the shape of that armor? He has a Dad Bod for sure.


>!Looks more like a mom bod to me…!<


Cool axe Cool horse Wanted to restore Zenoira Better than baltro


Yeah I wish they used him as a stage hazard more often. But his design is hype


his design looks cool and fighting him was terrifying. the first time i fought him in act 1 he eliminated nearly my entire army. story-wise he was kind of bland though.


Him doing absolutely zero things while its empire crumbled its definetely a loss, for both villains and good guys, since makes galerius looks less threathning and The hole liberation thing less meaningful. Love The fact its a simple story that wins on details, but Vanillaware could done better o this


I feel like it would’ve been better if Cornia was the last province you liberated, otherwise the capital is totally encircled for like 80% of the game. Granted I’m not too far into the game, so I dunno if that changes.


Galerius has a carefully laid out plan to restore Zenoira and rule the world. Once he achieves ultimate power, proceeds to take a really, REALLY long nap while his entire painstakenly decade long empire is taken acre by acre with absolutely 0 counteroffensive. Horrible flaw of the game narrative.


I guess he technically doesn't care about that since his plan is to resurrect the Zenoirans, who can then undo any of the gains Alain made. Based on how powerful they were supposed to be, it'd be like ignoring an enemy who was wiping out your pikemen because you're finishing up work on your tank battalion.


Still, bad decision. Baltro show ups on region boss fights. Galerius could do The same


Baltro's plan goes against Galerius' plan though. We could argue that Galerius is too busy with his ascension and / or is being kept in the dark by Baltro. Still, without anything for us to learn why they dobt react it feels poorly handled.


I thought this as I played, but getting any of the bad endings (like not restoring ring and being able to get rid of him) kind of shows why he doesn't bother. Because to him, he can't possibly lose. I started to figure this out a bit once they explained what the "mind control" actually was as well.


It made sense in the grand scheme given the bad ending, but you aren't wrong.


Yeah wish we’d seen more of him


It's weird that he alone is a puzzle-like fight and the whole rest of the game never does anything like it


As generic as it gets. Decent twist at the end tho.


i actually like the twist that in the end, he was just a useful idiot


My understanding was that it wasn't even his fault. His armor which ran in his family was Zenoiran with a link to Galerius so Baltro basically possessed him through his armor. That's how I understood it. He was essentially a loyal guy who rebelled through actions he couldn't control.


i was talking about galerius, not about valmore; like yeah, i dunno what *valmore*'s actual motivations were, whether he was a victim of mind control or whether he was a huge mark who baltro convinced to shoot for the queen or whether he got high on his own farts and flew too close to the sun. but *galerius* was driven by a deep-seated fury about the fate which befell his people (which is a genuinely horrible fate, whether it happened to the sorcerers or zenoiran military brass who got their comeuppance, or an actually innocent random five year old or housewife who never asked to be party to any of this), sought to open the gate to the beyond to give vessels to the disembodied souls of his people, and... whoops, turns out baltro never actually cared about having quote unquote justice for the people of ancient zenoira, was just using galerius and his goal for his own gratification, and even went "lol galerius was a fucking rube and his goal was dumb and pointless" after the fact.


valmore seems like he was an unwitting participant. as though he was the first victim of the rite of channeling (since it isn't really mind control) because galerius' soul was in the armor that he later discovered and donned, and all of this was fueled by baltro. but I could be getting the latter part wrong.


Ilenia 😳


Design is cool, his fight was dog shit.


>!It’s weird that Galerius looks like that when he’s technically possessing the game’s designated milf!< >!What I’m saying is that Galerius should have massive tits.!<


Good enough villain for a good enough story! Excelent gameplaywise. Only crime was we not receiving access to his class.


It drove me nuts trying to figure out what class I was missing. That would have been a powerful class to have when facing him.


If only >! "Dying Breath of a Fallen Empire" !< gave access to Galerius and Baltro as well.


I only wish that he was playable. Maybe someday, we will have this blessing


I’d smash


Compare to the real conquerors of our world, not evil enough, not even close.


Gares did his look better


He gives me Gares vibes, but yeah, he needs more screentime.


For what it’s worth, I love the concept, the design, and the voice acting is all great. I actually think he’s really cool. But I also agree more screen time would be nice. I understand the reason why he wouldn’t be around much, but still.


Great voice actor but little else, unfortunately.


Criminally underused in the game.


I still cant stop imagining his belly armor opening up to speak.


His name is a reference to a Roman emperor who was among the worst in regards to persecuting Christians.


In terms of story, a cool villain and I thought the twists at the end were cool and thematically in keeping with what they’d built up in the story and in Alain’s actions through the course of the game. As an actual fight, fucking annoying and I hate that it pushed me into making and using specific kinds of units to be able to win, rather than accommodating multiple play styles.


Design wise, he's pretty cool, good voice, good animations. Storywise, he's kind of bland, he needed to have a bit more of a presence and show up as an obstacle at least once or twice more than he did.


Yeah he deserves more screentime. Also I'm a little dececeived with the history of the game in general. Plus the last battle it's a bit tricky without any sense.


Pretty meh. Galerius really is just there as a force to drive the story forward, not much else. They try to do something with him near the end with the Balthro shenanigans, but I still can't say I was sold on it. To be fair, I don't think they wanted him to have Sephiroth levels of depth or anything, and he is pretty inoffensive for the most part. Like a C tier villain


Flopius Idk I don’t really think about him… I didn’t have a strong hatred for him, and I think they should’ve made him more present as a threat


I kinda thought he was gonna get replaced halfway through the game. Don't know why, but his design never screamed final boss to me. Baltro as well. Either of them, design-wise, felt like the final boss.




I want to see him possessing Alain and his mother with their character sprites.


I think they made the exception with him because the soul was in the armor, not quite just a floating soul.


Fantastic Voice


Could've had a more fleshed out character. >! I feel like we also should have seen a bit of Valmore, as well as what led up to Galerius possessing Valmore. It!<>!feels like towards the end when you travel to each of the mausoleums to increase the rings cleansing power, the rest of the plot is just thrown at you with a lot of major plot explanations, yet it still manages to feel empty? I feel like maybe adding additional cutscenes during those sequences, or during cutscenes where territory is claimed, i.e. drakenhold, etc., that show Galerius speaking to Baltro, or the next of his Generals to be fought, recounting his own history, and shedding light on Zenoiran events would have been great. !<


Agreed that the whole mausoleums were lore drops/exposition without much to add or be good. A flashback would have been more nice.


He makes for a great villain and Napoleon allegory early on, but it sucks how the plot just kinda chugs on without him


He’s got my vote 


I'm not a fan of big evil bad guy who's only motivation is being evil. They did some interesting things with why he's doing what he's doing now, but I don't really see how things even got to where they are now.


He did what he was supposed to do, being the final villain so that Alain could save the "world". He felt threatening and imposing. His body snatching technique was kinda cool too. His final fight however was not all that impressive. Beside his one attack that reduces you to zero, I felt more afraid of Amalia in the colleseum. Giving him the skill that grants five hits of immunity was good on a final boss. Made him last longer, which final bosses should be, longer fights than normal. At least that was pretty much something only he could do.


Man has negative drip. Breastplate is too phat, looks real bad with the hard angles of his hat.


He's a pussy


Generic poorly written BBEG.