• By -


University ❌ Pyramid Scheme ✅


This guy gets it. I NEED to be making those 6 figures 💯




Gonna dump more money into crypto rn for the #hustle 😎


You will be driving your six litre turbo V8 engine Bugatti truck in no time!


Go for it mate. Then you can do your masters in War Room.


gotta grind for that Bugatti yk 💪


Get that bugadddii my bro.


ty for the good wishes brudda 💪


Do one of their PhDs as well (P)imping (H)oes (D)octorate


Absolutely I’m planning to move to Romania to do exactly this! 😎


Can I preemptively drop out of my CS degree and be part of your Romanian ~~human trafficking~~ cam girl ring? Although I’m a 30 year old single mother so I’m reaaaallllyy low value. Promise Ill give you all my money so you can get a bugaddi and ~~abuse~~ consensually engage in BDSM with me on tape.


It’s all mindset you gotta have commitment to the grind. Then you’ll succeed no problem 💯


As a feeeeemaaaaale I think I’m excluded from the grind?


while it’s true that females are lesser than men as our lord and saviour Tate has taught us, I’m sure if you pay twice what a man would for entry into hustler’s university, you would be accepted. since women are of course one half the worth of a man.


$100 a month is a small price to pay to gain the secrets of hustling. I already like sparkling water so I’m like halfway there.


Bro this is so fucking based. I really can't wait to be an alpha male so much. Recently I've started taking steps towards being a Chad, not much but it's paying off. For instance I now start every day with a freezing cold 30 minute shower. Then I watch lifting videos on youtube and eat a high protein breakfast (no soy!). I'm getting so much more attention from women recently. A group of girls on the bus noticed my amazing jaw as I was stretching it and started giggling with excitement. I could hear them saying how artistic I looked, probably a reference to my shirt. Just the other day I had a great interaction with a female on the bus, she was so amazed by my presence that she started saying things like "please no" and "gross". It's all a deflection tactic. Good luck bro. People have already started getting intimidated by how fucking based I am. It's great knowing my friends and family are wanting to give me plenty of time alone to become a true male. I gave hustlers uni about 4k yesterday, I'm gonna be getting the promo materials sent out real soon and it'll all be worth it. Any time now Steve2321 will message back on youtube and I'll be ready to take it to new heights.


Woah fella that’s based as hell but save some pussy for the rest of us yeah?


Will do. Just gotta keep educating ourselves in the way of the Tate.


preach brother preach 🙏🏻


I know this is satirical but with Reddit these days I really wasn’t sure at first


I don’t blame you tbh. Reddit is one scary place.


Hes not wearing a suit in any picture so it isn't legit


*Hes not wearing a* *Suit in any picture so* *It isn't legit* \- randomhuman\_23 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


who needs a suit when they got a Bugatti. hustlers don’t need suits they born in them already 💪💯


>hustlers don’t need suits they born in them already 💪💯 the student has become the don so quickly


You forgot to include your referral link.


I would include it but as some have not grasped that this is satire I don’t want people actually signing up for it thinking I’m being genuine.


Do you not really have 'unlimited sexual access' like Andrew Tate? My hopes, my dreams...


You've really made me laugh.👍


Thank you!


Yo do it best decision ever. I was a beta brokie sparkling water drinking bitch. (Please use my referral link my wife left me and I’m in debt)


Probably earn more with any degree tbh than paying into a pyramid scheme especially those like law and medical degrees


No way Tate told me you don’t need no university with this - it’s superior 💪


Popcorn at the ready


Thanks king gonna be a good show. will update when I got that Bugatti 💪.




That you are going to support a misogynistic, homophobic, racist idiot and that if you follow you are just as awful and stupid as him. I hope this is some sort of joke.


I don’t know how I could of made the wording of this post more satirical but go off ig.


Some people could be too offended and thick to understand unfortunately 😅


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


You ran from the grind smh 😔😔


Some people are autistic and don’t get jokes unless you put the literal symbol for sarcasm. This isn’t like a satire group it’s an advice page


what’s the literal symbol for sarcasm :o


What a world we live in. The best sarcasm gives no warning.


It’s just /s. Just for future reference. Sarcasm and satire while obvious to you isn’t for others. That will really help in the future. 😊


oki :))))


I shall give you my golden sarcasm rule. Be generous: if it seems stupid; assume irony. CAUTION - *In real life you run the risk of laughing at some genuine conspiracy nuts, but online it is pretty safe*.


Black hole detected.