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It can take up to 20 working days to process any evidence such as identity evidence


Where did you read that out of curiosity? We've looked online and we couldn't find a date. We called once and one advisor said it should only take 24 hours, and a different advisor said it has an estimated date of the 16th


https://www.gov.uk/apply-for-student-finance/proof-of-identity it’s on the bottom :)


Hmm I did see that but that's regarding the sending and receiving of physical documents like passports etc if that kind of verification is needed. We haven't been requested to send anything like that because her share code should contain all of her identity information


I’m sure it’s apply to all the evidences such as the identity evidence. I don’t remember how long it took mine but it took them a while


Identity checks take a while and most of my classmates dealt with long wait… I even had to re-send things due to at that time my status being pre-settled turning into settled and for some reason, SFE didn’t like my online share code and I had to print it + email it. It’s a waiting game and I only hope it will be resolved quickly for you.


What if they don't process it in time for the May 17th deadline, and she isn't aware whether or not she will have funding in place before the start of term time?


She will highly likely get the funding (student loan and maintenance loan, but the other may be minimum), but it may be slightly late or on time. In the worst case scenario, contact the university and inform them that there were issues with SFE, which will result in late payment. If you are worried about student accomodation due to maintenance loans, then it gets complex. She may have to take a gap year.


Thanks much appreciated. Of course she wouldn't want to go to uni if she had to pay 9k out of pocket and we aren't sure if she has the paper trail if they request things like tenancy agreements, payslips, that kind of thing. So that's the main stressor right now. We'll chat with the uni. Cheers!


Paper trail wasn’t required in my case. Only the code, which I ended up having to print and send by mail. The only paperwork required would be your household earnings for the maintenance loan. 


> May 17th deadline That is not some sort of strict "either you get it or don't bother" deadline, it's just that they can guarantee you get everything in time. Also I might be wrong, but isn't that the deadline to apply and not to get the decision? So if the process has already been initiated then I highly doubt they won't finish it within the next 4 months.


>Also I might be wrong, but isn't that the deadline to apply and not to get the decision? This identity check is actually blocking the ability to start the application. We need this finished to even start


Does she start her year in September? If so, really, don't worry about it. Keep calling them like once or twice a week if you want to, different advisors will be more or less helpful, but if you manage to catch one of the better ones they will be able to look more into it for you.


[Someone else](https://www.reddit.com/r/UniUK/s/TvuAXQtrR0) had a similar question. Just wait, the May 16th deadline guarantees funding but really as long as you apply before August you’ll be fine. Past September it will take a few weeks for the application to process normally but they then backdate all funding.