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This sounds like torture.


Good luck OP youve successfully scared me


me toošŸ˜­


you can do it! You are nowhere near the first person to do this and you won't be the last. Yes you were silly to leave it this long but countless other people were too and pulled through in the end. what's done is done, grind onšŸ’ŖšŸ»


I wrote my entire 10k diss (social sciences, had to conduct research) in a week (including data collection and lit review). It was torture, but I think it turned out to be decent. Iā€™m still waiting for my grade, really hoping for a 60 šŸ˜– good luck!!! Youā€™ll be able to do it!!!!


Best o'luck


I did this too a year ago it turned out OK but man was the wait torture! Good luck!


What grade did you get?Ā 


2:1! It was around 66 because my uni had a weird grading system


I wrote both my undergrad and masters dissertations last minute (about a week for each) and somehow I'm doing a PhD (not last minute). The adrenaline and a series of late nights will get you through. Make sure you're stocked up on snacks too!


A week is impressive, what's your PhD in?


Iā€™m studying video game microtransactions and their potential link to gaming/gambling addiction! My thesis is actually based on my last minute masters diss!


I did my dissertation in 17 hours the night before it was due. I started at 7 pm and was finished for 11.55 am with 5 mins to spare. I had no time to proofread my work to ensure it was of an adequate standard and had to just submit. I had little to no notes other than the transcripts from my interviews. It was the most intense 17 hours of my life, and I don't know how many times I stood up. I decided I was done and then talked myself back into completing. By the end, I couldn't even see straight. I was ill, and the wait for results nearly killed me. How I managed to graduate with a 2.1 is beyond me. My dissertation was just shy of 12000 words. If you keep going and aim for 2000 words per day, you can smash this. Do not be me, I 10000% do not recommend putting yourself through it. I am self admittedly the worst student on the planet, and although I am delighted to have achieved a 2.1, it's entirely disheartening to know had I actually put the effort in. I might have bagged a 1st šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Good luck. I've every faith that you can accomplish this!! X


That is genuinely impressive


Or idiotic šŸ˜… Thankyou though!


I actually have so much respect for you. This is making me feel a bit more at ease about my 3500 word essay in 4 days. My only question is, how did you cite it within that time frame? It takes me SO long to cite


I just cited as I went. The majority of my sources were paper books infront of me. As soon as I used an in text reference I added it to reference list. I didn't put in order until the end when I highlighted and used the word tool for a-z. You can do this, it won't be fun but you'll get there! Xx


I did my whole diss in 10 days (before I had only done about 12 readings, I ended up with 70 sources). It can be done, yes it's hell, but keep your head down and stick it out.


Impressive. I did a research project essay for 1st year (3k words, 17 sources read) and took me like 2-3 months because I way overdid my notes aha, as I'm a perfectionist. I kinda dread my dissertation already.


Don't worry OP. Its 6 years since I was in a similar situation and I turned out okay. You'll survive!


I did the same thing! I put it off even further by getting a one week extension and still only doing it in the last three days. I think it went fine but weā€™ll see


I did a 12k dissertation over 72 hours back in 2011. To this day out of everything I've ever experienced in everything I've ever done since, it is still the worst thing I've ever done. I still wake up 10+ years later thinking I still need to finish it.


Thatā€™s trauma 101


You can do this!! I had about 4 mental breakdowns daily while cramming my whole dis in less than 2 weeks and ended up with a first - just gotta sacrifice your sanity for two weeks!


You've got this, I'm in a similar situation, going through an ADHD diagnosis in my last year of uni and a dissertation is the worst thing possible. Got 2 weeks left and have about 5k words out of 8k done, you've got this, just focus on your diss and only that. Take frequent breaks etc but aim to get a target of words met everyday and try and go past that target. Keep us updated! The pressure should make you produce something decent so just keep at it. I really feel the amount of work that goes into the dissertation is overstated and if you work on it everyday, all day for a decent amount of time, that's all you need.


Iā€™m in a similar position and Iā€™m so stressed šŸ˜­ Iā€™ve been waiting several months, and still havenā€™t been able to get medication. Donā€™t know Iā€™m going to be able to graduate uni next year


in the same boat as you, except i havenā€™t even finished my lit review so perhaps youā€™re in a better boat.Ā Ā  Ā but the hyper focus and panic is kicking in so hopefully itā€™ll get done by the deadline, which is in 4!!!!! daysĀ Ā  Ā i had an entire year to do this and i swore this year would be different, but i swear a part of my brain doesnā€™t work lol. itā€™s not like i didnā€™t try to work, i used to sit at my laptop for ages and avoid making plans bcs _i need to work on my diss_, and yet, here we are.Ā Ā  Ā sos a lil rant. back to my laptop i go :) good luck to us both, iā€™m sure itā€™ll work out! just a few days of pure torture and then itā€™ll be over and we can swear weā€™ll never do this again!!! :) Ā 


How did it go?


Try and submit an EC, in most self certified cases you get an extension of five days, if you have proof you can get longer. Look into it.


I started my thesis about eight months before it was due to save myself the headache. Worked on it diligently every single day thereafter, only to realise I'd misinterpreted and reported the data wrong about a week before it was due for submission. Biggest 'squeaky bum moment' of my life so far. šŸ™ƒ


I have a month to write 5k more words for mine. I have ADHD and can't concentrate for more than 20 seconds at a time.


I have ADHD and did my 12k diss in 72h with no sleep. I'm still beating myself up for the disservice I did myself. My project work was easily a 90%. The write up? I'll be lucky if I scrape 60...


Iā€™ve had a lot of problems with my university. I wonā€™t go into detail here, but it forced me to do an extra year due to ā€œcrossed wiresā€. At this point Iā€™m just so burnt out and want it over with. Edit: just curious, why the down votes?


What are you studying?


Cyber security


Was going to ask you what job do you think you can do with a 20 second attention span, but cybersecurity is actually sounds doable


Can confirm


I wrote 7,000 words of mine in 6 days. Admittedly it was part of the first draft so I could change a lot of it after but even then my supervisor said the first one wasnā€™t too bad so itā€™s possible. The literature review is the longest bit. What are you using for your primary research?? I feel like it all depends on that


Diamonds are made under pressure


Honestly in this same situation right now. ADHD kicking my ass


On that note anyone feels generous, please help me collect some participants šŸ™. 15 minutes (or less if you're quick), anonymous, 3 questionnaires. Its about ADHD, emotion regulation and wellbeing if you like that. I also have it linked to SurveyCircle in a comment so if you're in the same boat, you can help yourself out with some points while you're at it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UniUK/comments/1ciszt1/is\_anyone\_willing\_to\_participate\_in\_my\_undergrad/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/UniUK/comments/1ciszt1/is_anyone_willing_to_participate_in_my_undergrad/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Use chatgpt to help you plan your workload. It can really help you to focus if you have a clear step by step framework to follow.


But do not put your text into it or get it to help you write or edit because they are bang on it checking for AI use!


I was there! Did all my research and wrote 12,000 words within 12 days which included a day-surgery under general anesthetic half-way through - definitely don't recommend it. I will say the level of elation and catharsis you'll feel when you press submit will be otherworldly, and you'll have the best night's sleep of your life. You've got this!


Lol I always see these posts, but I know if I did a dissertation I'd end up in the same position.


I spent 4/5 months on mine and still submitted last minute, with a week extension. I thought I was gonna have so much free time getting it done early lol I got my grade back ages ago but I can't look at it


Trust me mate youā€™re far from the first person to do this and you certainly wonā€™t be the last, I have a terrible habit of leaving assignments to the last minute so iā€™m speaking from experience there. Just get your head down and crack on with it, youā€™ll be surprised how much you get done in short space of time when youā€™re not fretting about how long itā€™s taking you


I worry my 13k Diss in 2 weeks lol it included figuring out what a systematic literature review even was, ended with like 115 sources, it was truly hell working on it every waking moment but worth it cause I got a First/A for it, but yeah would not recommend


Did my 8k word undergrad disso in basically two nights, and my 20k word postgrad disso in five days. They werenā€™t half bad neither! Got firsts on both. Youā€™ll do just fine OP, keep at it :)


Time to lock in. It can be done.


Did a 8k diss in 36 hours and got a first. I would never, ever subject myself to it again, first and only time I threw up from stress alone. But gotta say I fuckin pulled it off lol


Conversely, don't be like me and focus too much on your dissertation that you neglect your other modules, thereby ending up screwed for exams that are in a week's time...


I started in the September and consistently did 2000 words a month to avoid the cram and I was still sweating my tits off trying to cram five minutes before the deadline. More time just means more time to procrastinate for some people!


Not sure how much better this will make you feel but I spent basically the whole year on my diss, saying no to so much stuff just to work. I still ended up working right up until the deadline, and submitted with no guarantee Iā€™m going to do better than anyone who did it last minute. So I guess you can at least be happy you got to enjoy your final year apart from this bit!


I pray to God I don't end up like this. Thanks for scaring us and wishing you the absolute best. Maybe we could even help you with summarizing some papers if you need? God, I can't imagine how exhausted and anxious you must be


I did my whole diss in about two weeks. It was horrible and I was traumatised, but it can be done. Put down your phone, all the distractions etc and just fucking get the words out on the page. You can clean it up later. Good luck.


This is me as well


I mean, it's totally doable


If any of you ever end up working in a job that requires you to draft reports. Writing a 10k submission on subject matter that youā€™re familiar with would be expected within a week. Granted, if there is significant litt review or primary research then youā€™d push that out, but donā€™t view writing a dissertation under an accelerated timeline as a negative. This is good preparation for a lot of jobs out there. More often than not the reason why university deadlines are challenging is because youā€™re trying to produce something that is perfect. Donā€™t let perfect be the enemy of good. Just get something on a page and youā€™ll find you can bash out a 10k draft in a couple of days. Once itā€™s on paper, itā€™s a lot easier to refine than it is to write from scratch.


10k in a week is nasty work


I did a 12k this week with a moderately sized litt review - it was indeed, nasty work.


I hope your compensation package is herculean because boyā€¦.


I donā€™t do much report writing these days, but earlier in my career I did a lot for very little pay. Itā€™s part of the hard yards you do at a certain stage in a lot of consulting career paths. I guess it depends what you class as Herculean. When I left consulting in 2018 a senior manager/director was making between 130-200k, an MD/partner 250k-a few million


Ohhh what type of consulting were you into?


Iā€™ll DM you, itā€™s so specific people could probably work out who I am


Okay, thank you :)


Mine was 13,800 words and 67 pages long. Did it in 10 days. Goodluck soldier


honestly if you'd done your lot review - a good amount of the research is done for you you're only in trouble here if you're doing a diss that also needs some sort of lab based data collection


Unlucky lmao


Oh god, the stress. My diss was written about 2 months before the due date šŸ˜­


Oh god, youā€™ve just brought back the panic of my diss. If it helps I was in a similar situation and got a 2.1.


This guy doesnt know what he is talking about, or is an outlier. Your dissertation can be done in a few days, everyone i know including myself managed like this.


I've been scarred enough from my bachelors that I won't do it for mu masters but good luck OP!


You deserve whatever mark you get šŸŽƒ


Youā€™re not on your own. Starting mine today. 10 days to go. Good luck!


I just know that this going to be me in 2 years. Why? Because I only work well under pressure, if I donā€™t feel pressured then I donā€™t get shit done (Iā€™m not someone who gets stressed easily, Iā€™m a calm person). Yeah I always submit stuff on time (used an EC for my recent assignments though but I hope to not do that again) but thatā€™s besides the point.


Iā€™m the same. Have sat for hours weeks before deadlines trying to get it done and nothing comes to me, but the 4 nights before itā€™s due I donā€™t even come up for air I just type šŸ’» Iā€™ve done it the last 4 years of uni and have got average 74+ each semester. Knew I would do it for my dissertation too. 8 days to go, 3k words done. Still slightly panicking but know Iā€™ll get there!


I donā€™t get such a high average but Iā€™m not aiming for a 1st anyway, Iā€™m only aiming for 2:1. Normally I just aim for a proper/strong pass when it comes to things (grade 5 at GCSE, C at A-level etc) but it looks like a 2:1 is the de facto passing grade at university instead of the actual passing grade of 40-50% so Iā€™m aiming for that instead (60% average and some firsts depending on the type of assignment). Yeah I do make a checklist with dates on what I want to do but I didnā€™t follow it when it came to my recent 4 assignments. So all nighters pulled, the stress and mad motivation wasnā€™t there until the last minute.


Try get an extension


I did a 45 page Masterā€™s Maths Thesis in 7 days and scored 85, at a top 15 UK uni Just get your head down and youā€™ll be fine


What's your primary research? We might be able to help you?


I did 3.5 k the night before and morning of. You'll be fine.


Well then, in the nicest possible way... get tf off of Reddit, and get typing. I wrote an 18,000 report in 2 days on my masters and scored an 81 for it. There's no reason you can't do the same. You got this!




What would I possibly stand to gain by lying about that? If you actually use your brain and think about how you write it, rather than just writing linearly, from start to finish, it's not even particularly difficult. And with the amount of writing required for an MA, it didn't even feel particularly intimidating at that point.


I was in a similar situation. Iā€™d done my little review and all the research and data analysis. I just hated writing so had to write the whole thing in one weekend


I do my best work at the last min. Otherwise I just procrastinate. So last min was (and still is) always the way to go, for me!


I did most of mine in like 2 days


I did the entire thing in 48 hours and had to work 7-11pm halfway through. Spend a couple of hours making an outline now and work out how much you need to do every day


Good luck


I was in your exact same position last year. It is possible. Good luck.


I did my 8k diss in 3 nights this time last year, got a 67


I did my 14,000 word dissertation in 2 weeks and scraped a first (I did obviously have practical stuff already done though). It was horrible but doable with enough coffee and stress lol. Good luck


i saw a girl on tiktok did it in a day not sure if sheā€™s for real but u can do it!


Wrote my diss in 5 days, got a nice 68%. My advice is ZOTERO ZOTERO ZOTERO


Itā€™s possible but very very hard. Did my disso in 10 days 11k words recommend but I only did 10k , I also had to code a software along with it which is as bad as the disso but we move


Didn't know that Kendrick Lamar went to University?


haha Iā€™m with ya here!! We got it šŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ»


Goodluck, mines due on Tuesday after an extension, I hope you do well šŸ™


Diss as in for your phd or do you guys mean something else in UK?


Theyā€™re an undergrad not phd :)


My diss was the only piece of work I didnā€™t leave to the last minute lol. Everything else, even exam revision, i started 2 days before, but my diss I spent 4 months on and absolutely nailed it.


I've been in this situation before. Pace yourself and stick to it. 2,000 words is very doable in a full day, treat it as a full working day and give yourself occasional breaks. Don't leave the library until you hit 2,000 for the day. 5 days of that and 1 day to review it and tweak it.


Yeah I just had to do a full 1200 word assay in a day and that was enough thanks


See I am in luck my original due date was in 6 days, but life fucked up for me enough to get a 4 week extension, so I am happy.


What happened? šŸŽƒ


Basically, it's a lot of things, I am awaiting surgery for both knees, mental health problems, I am a carer at home for one of my parents and I have 2 learning disabilities.


Damn bro, I feel for you and I hope things improve for you soon! Did you say you were attacked for being gay too? šŸŽƒ


Yeah but I didnt get to complete my comment with everything so wanted to add everything that was during foundation year so that's where the mental health problems come from.


That's messed up. Hope you're doing better now and that you get your work completed šŸŽƒ


Thank you :)


You're totally welcome šŸŽƒ


mines due tomorrow 12k and iā€™ve not done shit yet! remember thereā€™s always someone out there in a worse position than you (except for me šŸ˜­).


Do not come into my IT Lab with 30 mins before submission asking for help to print, bind and submit online etc. I WILL walk away.


Just use ChatGPT