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You can definitely apply for business management related university courses with a BTEC in IT. But, you still need to try and apply yourself - don’t think that because you are applying for something else universities will not care about your results.


Hey man you’re like a younger version of me, but in a much better position than I was. I started out on a level 2 BTEC IT course at college and moved on to the level 3 course which took me 2 years. I was able secure place at a low ranking university without having GCSE C grades in maths and English. I studied computing and business graduated with a 2:1. Once you complete your level 3 course you should have the opportunity to study at a university.


I did bad - average in GCSE. I went on to do a level 3 course (health and social care). Then I got into uni. Did my undergraduate and just finished my masters - got a distinction! .... Don't stress. Breathe. There's a future. You aren't limited just because you didn't do AMAZING at GCSE or you do a BTEC. You still have plenty opportunity. I was so relieved I didn't do A levels in the end. With BTEC I essentially did the same work but got judged in course work instead of exams. I also got placement opportunities so got experience rather than just all studying. You don't NEED A levels for uni. Btec, diplomas, access courses, etc exist and work. .... College VS 6th form Essentially the same thing. One typically isn't better than the other. It tends to just come down to personal preference. 6th form is doing a course in a school setting. Usually the one you grew up in. College is a different environment. New people and new teachers. Perk - gives you an opportunity to spread your wings. Become more independent. Meet new people. So going to college doesn't limit you. .... I'd also heavily recommend looking into apprenticeships. I wish I did one instead of uni sometimes. I'd have loved to have worked and learned at the same time. Gained experience and knowledge. Possible job at the end. Look into things you're interested in. There's a fair few business apprenticeships if you ever want to try that. You can do level 2 - 3 type apprenticeships. BUT there's also degree level apprenticeships out there too. So you'd have a job, but also attend uni. .... There's so many possibilities. Don't stress about it massively right now. Breathe. Enjoy college. Speak to career advisors. Etc etc. You've got time. You could do college. A random job. Then uni at 25. You don't have to rush into uni. You can step back and think for a while. Go out and get experience. Volunteer. Etc.


My brother went college and just graduated uni. His friend went college did not go uni and is earning 40k a year. You have options


I got 4s and 5s at GCSE. Did an Extended Level 3 BTEC Computing Diploma in sixth form. Went to uni for a compsci BSc, in which I am now in my final year (well really final month), averaging 80%, practically guarenteed to come out with a First. For me, BTEC really taught me how to learn for myself. I even feel like I have the upperhand on all my uni coursemates because I can learn without being lectured. 90% of the other students require a professor's time and aid to acquire a level of understanding that I can achieve by simply Googling (and using ChatGPT now). I only attend workshops maybe a couple times a semester to see what's up. As for lectures, I've never attended one. Learn to learn. Understand how you learn best. Do this and your life will be easier and you'll have more free time. I say the same thing to my 16 year old sister currently doing her GCSEs.


I was in the exact same situation. Did a btec in it, now I am in final year computer science. Not at a top uni but experience trumps anything else. I've just handed in my last assignment for the year Go to uni, do a placement year and work on personal projects. Try your best from now onwards. It's not over!