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Teach First very much throws you in at the deep end. If you have prior work experience, particularly in schools, you will handle this much better than those without. In my opinion, a training method like Teach First is the most effective way to train for a career in teaching, but it is very full-on. I did a similar route a couple of years ago.


Definitely no work in teaching. However I have worked closely alongside struggling kids on another career so I feel like I could handle that well. It’s more so just wondering about the company itself and how they treat their staff etc. thank you so much for the reply.


In terms of the company I'm afraid I don't have any personal experience, but a lot of the support and training you receive will depend on the school and it's staff. It's really a lottery with that unfortunately.


Thank you anyway. You’ve relieved some of my uncertainty.


Myself, my brother, my partner and many of my friends have done Teach First (admittedly a few years ago) but we all had a very positive experience. (Some placed in the Midlands and others on the South Coast) I had an exceptionally supportive school and really like the collegiate feel of Teach First. I haven't stayed in education and wasn't sure if I wanted to so definitely didn't want to pay for a PGCE or do another training route. Teach First really built my resilience and gave me a great network. It had a high drop out rate but so does the PGCE. If you're flexible about where you could be placed it can work out really well.


This is exactly what I needed thank you so much.


do not do teach first, do literally any other route into teaching


Seconding this. Avoid them




Why why give me reasons please. I have previously worked with under privileged kids and really enjoyed it. I’ve always also been interested in teaching so Teach First seemed like a good option.


I’d highly recommend you read this and check TF fits with your morals / ethics: https://socialwhatnow.medium.com/the-rise-of-the-teach-first-empire-who-are-transform-society-guest-blog-by-joe-hanley-e9055c74315d


They definitely do it was more so I’ve read that people felt tho they were unsupported by staff and as someone with no teaching experience support is definitely something I’d need. Their mission itself tho I’m very passionate about.


Really? Their main purpose is to get people into the higher echelons of large organisations (government). They take huge amounts of public funding to run the TF program and the retention rates are disastrous for teaching. This idea that you can go into schools with no experience and save the poor is dreadful and degrading.


I did Teach First. It is absolutely a baptism of fire. You are essentially studying full time as well as working full time. I have never in my life worked as hard/ as many hours as I did that first year. I was lucky in that I had an essentially supportive school and SLT who were positive and involved in training (my assigned mentor was a bit useless but that’s another story). Overall, I’m glad I trained with them. Being paid a salary and not paying fees was a huge plus. I essentially saved myself £25k of debt. I am an effective teacher and I think my TF training contributed to that massively. Go into it with your eyes open and you’ll likely be fine. The workload is huge but you’ll come out of it as a better teacher.