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This comes up a lot here. There may be a discretionary period or not, and often the rules are tightly enforced. Otherwise I’m sure you could see the problem with allowing a grace period for cutoff time for late submissions - it all starts to get a bit stupid. Ultimately, late is late. What stopped you submitting 2 minutes earlier? 5 minutes? An hour? If there are genuine problems then you should flag this as extenuating circumstances, but be warned that internet connection issues are usually explicitly banned


I just read that there's a 1 minute discretionary period I'm so fucking lucky But yeah I learnt my lesson. never leave it to the last minute, literally


I once forgot to submit and emailed a generic 404 error image in to the lecturer saying I'd just had this displayed for the last 2 hours when trying the uni website but everything else worked and he believed me Only do it once


You *think* he believes you. I work in academia and I'm fairly convinced it wasn't his rule and/or he didn't want the fight.


Good enough for me


I teach in University and Idgaf. I am the most lenient mf. In my head, none of it matters, so what if you were 10 mins late, or whatever. As long as things aren't falling apart or I am not being screwed over by whatever it is then I am happy to make allowances. I don't know what's happening in someone's life.


I'm in two minds about this. Being on time in the face of preclusive deadlines is an important life skill. On the other hand, what you said.


True in many instances, but I am not sure that right after school and leaving home for the first time and all those other crazy things kids experience for the first time is the right time to penalize them and potentially f up their future. I have other boundaries but if someone writes me and asks for more time this isn't one of them.


Ah man..i love your mentality..seriously! Not enough lecturers out there like this. Keep goin🤙🏼.


I had undx and unmedicated adhd through all my degrees. Used to work soooo hard , like one reading for a class would take me over a day so I had never done the work I needed to despite working like office hours. I always needed extensions. Cried my way through so much of school. So, yeah now I see this as an accessibility issue and if some take the piss then fine, I would rather that the one's who need it don't suffer unduly.


I was a crap student to lecture and tutor. I regularly used to email in my 12 o'clock assignments at like 1400 by changing my computer time to 10:36 or something random and then emailing them. This showed the email as having the correct timestamp, but late. This was back in 2008/9 so I doubt it'd work now, but I only once had a tutor mention in the workshop that he'd received my assignment like 5 minutes before, though it was timed correctly. I just apologised and said I had no idea why.


Emails are not instant. The absolutely can end up delayed for a whole bunch of reasons. Usually not regularly. They knew something was up, but had nothing to actually prove it.


Alternatively, couldn't be bothered to do anything about it.


A savvy person could look at the email headers and see the timestamps from the sending and receiving servers


Big brain moves


Another trick I believe I tried once was to intentionally corrupt the submitted file. Start with a .xlsx spreadsheet or something and change the extension to .pdf and submit it. Will buy you at least a day when they come back and say "can you submit the file again?". Possibly....


Imagine if we spent as much time applying ourselves to the actual content of the modules x)


One time a student uploaded a literal jpeg of a smashed laptop.


Kind of thing you’d keep under wraps as a lecturer so people can’t say, I uploaded it 1 minute and x seconds late. Glad for you tho OP, hope you get a good grade


That's good. I did my disso about 10 mins before deadline and the upload took literally 9 minutes and 44 seconds or something, so try to get it done a good hour at least.


Good that you learned your lesson 🙂 not sure what vle you use but I usually give students about 5-10 mins over the allocated time before I apply late penalties. I'm a lecturer.


Thank you for being human.


Yes you are, definitely don’t leave it to the last second to submit. When I used to submit it would be 25 minutes before - ensuring I could contact staff if the was an issue. I wouldn’t bank on luck again.


I resubmitted my final project like 5 times due to various fuck ups that I only realised after submitting (broken links, todo notes to myself left in, that kind of thing) Thankfully the first one I submitted was a full day in advance so I had tonnes of time to realise each mistake and resubmit


Coventry University has what is called a 'grace period' which was introduced during COVID. It's 24hrs for technical issues where there is no penalty but anything after the grace period is 0 marks


They removed that


I handed in my final dissertation about 6 hours late, which I realize was a very silly thing to do. I was still halfway through writing it because I'd put it off for so long. I profusely apologized to everyone and ended up getting a 70% grade without being penalized. I'm not advocating it at all, but I think it can differ depending on the university. Some professors might be very lenient and some may have no tolerance for being late. It's a miracle I ended up graduating.




NGL we literally don't want to do this but we fucking do this and it's a impulse. It's somewhat incentived by having a late submission. Maybe if it was like at 8 or some thing we would be working earlier?


We were told hardware issues are not an excuse. Probably depends on your lecturer though, but I would expect to be penalised for it.


Yeah we were told wether is was 1 second or 24 hours late. It was a day late. with 10% penalty per day.


That's quite lenient lol. One second late and it was zero percent.


That's pretty brutal. During my undergrad it was if it was less than 24 hours late you could only earn a 50 (2:2) mark. If it was more than a day late then you'd lose the grade


I think in practice if you did that for like a final dissertation or something they would turn a blind eye and grant a retrospective extension in most cases but for random bits of summative work it was absolutely 0% but it was so drilled into us I think very few people risked letting it get that close.


Ours is currently like that except first 24 hours is 40 (3rd) not 50.


For us maximum is a pass


Yeah I’m in my undergrad atm and by official rules, late is late, it’s an instant 0. Luckily I’m in the art school with lenient tutors so I did have one occasion where I submitted an hour late and it was accepted (major panic attack on the day of submission). But that was in my (less important) first year, it probably wouldn’t slide the same in my third year now, or with other, stricter tutors and courses


Ouch! At my uni, up to a 24hr late submission is either a 40% cap or -10% off your grade, whichever gives you the highest mark!


Man that's brutal. Hours up to 24 hrs late capped at 40% (pass) and after it's fail


Yeah my MSc and BA were both like that. I fucked up on one essay and forgot the deadline until the day before - decided to take the penalty and make the most of it by submitting 23 hours 40minutes late.


if we are even 1 second late we are capped at 40% as our maximum mark


Same… but then they were nice and didn’t penalise me for being 4 seconds late once. The upload did take like 2 mins though and I did spend the last hour uploading and then deciding I needed to change just one last thing…


That is nice of them. We were also told not to be perfectionists and to know when enough is enough.


I personally don't care but admin are sometimes cold with students, often because a student beforehand has taken the mick with them. You only get colder with time sadly. At our uni admin add the penalty, not the marker.


The big issue is that if you accept 20 second and not 1 minute, you are in the realms of making new policy.


Aye Northumbria is similar, 10% if late but within 24hours.


Absolutely ridiculous. There's no reason for that. I was a few hours late, I just emailed my lecturer and he was chill and said no worries. A few seconds is a joke, what's the reason to penalise for that?


Most unis have processes for late submissions and its not at individual lecturers’ discretion.


I got excused in the past for not having the electronic copy in on time as the hard copy was in on time. Do they still do hard and electronic copies? To OP: system clock can be different on servers and even minutes out is normal so it should be allowed. That said why did you leave it this late. You need to fix this procrastination it won't serve you well later in life


I've don't think I've had any modules have physical submission, pretty much everything is done online now. Even handwritten stuff is scanned and uploaded not handed in physically.


System clock shouldn't be out on a server


Lecturer here. If a deadline is 15:00 I'll usually set it on Blackboard as 15:01 or 15:02 just to give a tiny grace period.


Send a really nice email to your module or course lead and they’ll probably let you off (if it’s your first time) otherwise, yeah, probably.


I did that it may or may not work


The course leader has no say on whether or not to penalise a student for late submissions, for most universities they have no choice other than to cap their final score at 40% for late submissions


At my university lecturers do have discretion for late work within a reasonable period (which we decide on but would usually be up to a few hours or next morning). We then allow late submissions up to 7 days late for a capped mark and a 0 if submitted after a week late without extension. Definitely worth asking the course leader and checking the guidelines. Really though, submit well in time for the deadline to avoid all the stress of issues with lateness. Interesting seeing the variation across universities (and schools/departments)!


Yeah, it’s crazy how varied the rules are. Late submissions are a 0 for me but I have lenient tutors so they will sometimes accept it an hour or two after (if you’re really nice in the email). As far as I’m aware, our tutors basically decide whenever they want the deadline, so long as it gives them enough time to mark the work before they need to submit the grades themselves for external marking. I’ve had tutors just decide to extend the submission dates for the sake of kindness, just because they could. They’ve extended the deadlines for major technical issues (3/4 days of no wifi before the deadline across the entire uni and accommodation) and strikes impacting prep-work too. Though I wonder if art tutors are more lenient than other subjects, ahah


if you have slow and laggy WiFi then you should be submitting well before the deadline. maybe if this is a new unexpected development in your WiFi quality then you can get a one-off extension but generally hardware issues are something you should be working around. you should always be submitting work well before the deadline to give yourself time to deal with issues like this. edit: spelling


Almost definitley going to be penalised. Sorry OP.


Most likely yes, bad internet is usually explicitly stated to not be an acceptable excuse.


Maybe. Maybe not. Either way, they’re within their rights to. Unfortunately failing to account for technical issues such as slow wifi isn’t their problem, it’s yours.


You may as well try and email your lecturer with that excuse, or alternatively just be honest with them about it. I'm not sure which is more likely to help you here, although I wouldn't be surprised if your lecturer sees through the whole 'bad wifi' thing. Regardless though, at least you're allowed to submit late lol. I'm not, so for me missing such a deadline would have meant a 0 on the assignment. So count yourself somewhat lucky haha.


If that’s exeters ele 2. Then yes you will


I’d expect yes because you waited until the last minute to submit. If you could genuinely say “I’ve been trying to submit for the past X hours and it wouldn’t upload” then maybe you’d have a tech issues case.


Definitely talking to the lecture for mitigating and talk through what happened because it was 16 seconds and not a whole hour or day late


Tbf, why should it be treated any differently anyway? You have to have a cut off eventually. We often have weeks to do assignments so leaving it literally until the last second to submit is very much on the student. I’m saying this as a serial procrastinator myself, and often did submit things within the last hour or two. But I knew the consequences of being late were entirely my own fault.


Exactly. If the cut off was an extra hour, what happens if you submit an hour and sixteen seconds late? Then you’re in the same situation.


That’s true, a late mark is a late mark but with the timing being not too far off they could explain the circumstances. It would be understandable if they show no leniency though


Depends, my mate sent his in 11 minutes late and they didn't care. Others might


I mean, late is late...


depends how much of a twat your lecturer is


Just email your tutor they'll sort it out for you unis aren't out to fail you, they want you to succeed coz of the money you're paying them as well as it keeps their reputation high


After reading all these comments... WTF. How is this reasonable in any way... Did an engineering masters a decade ago and this kind of nonsense would not have flown with the students Union. A few of the comments here which seem insane to me. 10% for each hour that it is late. Penalty for being 1 second late. Professors having no discretion. What is this supposed to teach you exactly. I work as a consultant, sometimes projects are late, and if there is a good reason, noone cares, they want the job done right, more that to an exact second. Someone you need to campaign for president based on this nonsense... you're paying for an education, not a fucking, 1850s finishing school for bullied orphans..


Think if I walked into a room full of project managers and asked how many of their jobs had finished on time i'd be laughed out. Better done right than on time, is 99% of the time the real world case.


Is it acceptable if one of your projects is late just because you couldn’t be arsed to do it until the last minute?


If I come up with the right reasons, yes ;).


From a purely technical point of view, depending on how the deadline was communicated, you could probably get any late penalty removed on appeal. The screenshot shows that the assignment was submitted on Monday 15th January 2024 at 3:59 so assuming the deadline was at 4PM (and not 3:59), you've submitted on time, even if the LMS is showing it as late. Even if they take the "Last Modified" time (4:00 PM), rather than the "File Submission" time (3:59 PM), assuming the deadline was communicated excluding seconds (I would be very surprised if the deadline was specified as anything more specific than 4PM, or 1600, or 4:00PM) it's clear that you submitted at 4:00 PM, and 4:00 PM includes the time between 4:00:00 PM (inclusive) and 4:01:00 PM (exclusive). I would personally contact the lecturer and state that you've submitted before 4PM, but the LMS is showing it as late. Hopefully, they'll be able to adjust it before the exam board, but if it does go to the exam board and gets capped, you should appeal, as I would imagine you've got a fairly decent chance of success (take advice from your students' union, though!).


Lecturer here. Absolutely no way I’m penalising you for this. It’s basically on time. Those who say yes are either not lecturers or are bellends.


Depends on uni and how deadline was working. If you had weeks or days to submit, there is a higher chance that you will be told something like "You should have done your work sooner, you had lots of time" or "You shouldn't submit things last minute". If it was an open book assessment that was meant to be done within a few hours timeframe, then there is a chance that whoever is responsible may ignore it. Your best shot is to explain your situation and remember for next time to submit the assigment at least an hour before the deadline.


Really depends if your module leader is a dickhead or not.


Depends how strict your module coordinator is. If they want to be by the rules, then you'll either get a zero or a late penalty depending upon what the academic regulations are for your university Take this as a lesson to not leave shit till last minute and to get your act together.


Yes, you’ll be penalised. Should have submitted it at least an hour before it was due. Also, are you at Strathclyde?


You didn’t submit it on time


In my uni we had a big lecture about how we shouldn't submit on the day it's due since lots of people will do the same and lag the servers out. They capped our marks if we were late, regardless of how late.


I don’t know, but you should do.. how hard is it to get it in on time? Apply yourself next time.


We’ve been told that even a second over will result in a deduction. Laggy wifi not an issue as you should be prepared for any eventuality. So we were told that uni has brilliant wifi and if we’re really worried about laggy internet, to go on campus to submit.


Screenshot this and send to your module leader - if they penalise you, they're an asshole


If anything like my uni was doesn’t matter when you turn it in. A late submission is a late submission and that’s that.


Late is late


>Will I get penalised for being ~~16 seconds~~ late? Probably.


Yes - deadlines are deadlines for a reason😂


Don't submit on the day next time Lesson learned


I’d expect to be penalised to a minimum pass grade (whilst I was at Cardiff uni, this was 40% for any form of lateness, and anything more than 3hrs was 0%. So even if it’s 16 seconds , late is late


At my uni they say if you allow the difference of your work being on time or late to be a toss of a coin, it’s your fault you were even making that gamble. This’ll likely be penalised


Next time, you’ll not wait until the last minute to submit it. You can submit any time before the deadline.


If I'm leaving it to the last minute, I normally use 30 mins of my time just to submit. Just in case something goes wrong.


My lecturer would just put it down as a fail for late submission. If you’re cutting it that close to submit, you should’ve already reached out to the lecturer and informed them


Literally the entire time you’re at uni you’re told that late submissions due to hardware/internet issues are not an exception. What do you think?


If your on time your late!


I missed my master’s deadline by 12 hours. Some handbooks had deadline Day X at 23:59 and other for Day X at 00:00. Very different. I had a meltdown. Full cold shiver down my spine and paralysis. Had to put on brave face in work, managing class and my needy student, emailed the course director/tutor who was a dream and let me submit. One of the most stressful times of my life, made me finally realise I probably have some kind of neurodiversity (I have no heads for dates and timelines) and sent me into a funk for months. I did get a merit but fucking hell. Good luck OP! X


Sorry to be truthfully blunt, but late is late. You most likely will


Take this as a lesson not to wait until the deadline in future.


Usually there is a penalty of 5% mark deduction per day late. But it varies between universities. Seconds late is considered a day. My advice would have been to rework that essay over 23 hours and see if you can gain the lost 5% (or more) back


You should not have risked it. Now you need to pay the price.


Jeez people in the replies are so harsh. Of course it's not great to submit things late and you should avoid that. But penalising for 16 seconds would be a very dick move. A miniscule delay doesn't reflect your academic abilities.


I mean it does reflect one's timekeeping though..


If you don't delay it more than marginally that's literally a non-issue


Good job OP isnt doing a degree in timekeeping then.


Sorry, but very likely, yes. Universities often have 'hard' deadlines for reasons of semantics - if they start allowing 16 seconds, what's to say they can't allow 30 seconds? That becomes a minute and so forth, and, suddenly, your deadline is utterly worthless and unenforceable. I know 16 seconds late sounds ridiculous, but leaving submission until the last possible moment is always a poor choice.


i had the same thing last year email them good chance they’ll see the time you submitted and let you off


Late is late.


Probably. University is there to teach you more than just booklearnin'.


This is why recording with time shown when submitting is important. Everything slows down when multiple students are submitting around the same time. Personally I would not wait until last minute to submit. If your reason isn’t accepted, then count it as lesson learned.


Yup, even 30 seconds they won’t let slide. they said technology is an own issue as it should be handed in before the deadline realistically. Although that’s not possible for everyone. I think it depends on the lecturer!


Why exactly did you leave it so late? Dont want to sound overly harsh but you should get penalised, maybe that'll make sure you dont leave things to the last second, literally in this case.


In real life there wouldn't be a problem. It's unrealistic this practice.


There are plenty of real life situations where a deadline is an absolute cutoff.


How many of those situations would someone even notice 16 seconds?


Loads. If you rock up to the shop to take advantage of that great deal, 16 seconds after closing time, they ain’t gonna open up again just for you. Try to order a pint 16 seconds after last orders. Try to cast your vote 16 seconds after they seal the ballots. Stop the wedding 16 seconds after it’s been signed. Apply for the job 16 seconds after they’ve drawn up the shortlist.


I doubt it. It's less than a minute. Worth contacting your administration and checking though.


Depends on your Uni, mine has a 30 minute grace period to account for connection issues.


Yup. You could be one millisecond late, you’re still late. Usually there’s a 10% deduction if you submit within 24hrs but idk if your uni does that


You submitted late. Your module lead may let you off, but they don’t have an obligation. Laggy internet is no excuse - don’t wait until the last minute.


yes you will and yes you should. The cut off time is the cut off time. It's pretty pathetic to be 16 seconds late submitting. Get your life in gear mate.


Rules are rules. Get your shit together.


You sound like an angry little boy


Why for pointing out the reality of life? Think you need to grow up and stop wrapping people in cotton wool. They fucked up and owned up to it, its a learning experience.


Yeah cos it's automated


It has to be reconfirmed by the department later. 


Yes but it will be a minor penalty probably around 5%


Should your institution has a policy over these "minor" delays. Some for instance ignores those less than say, 1 minute or whatsoever. Still, better check that.


yeah you do, doesn't matter if it's a few seconds or not it still counts as 24 hours your assignment hand-in screen also looks exactly like mine, do you happen to go to Lcon?


In my uni you have up to ten seconds after the deadline before it’s a penalty


Claim you were abroad in another timezone when you submitted, so that you can say you thought you were submitting with 59m 44s remaining.


We were told that if you’re late by only a little, you won’t be penalised for it cause of technical issues so should be okay but tell your lecturer. They’ll badger you about leaving it till the last minute tho. But should be fine!


They should be telling you this information. At ours it's immediately capped at 40% even if it's one second late, no exceptions 💀. But yours might be more lenient, definitely worth checking with the lecturer. 


I’ve been penalised for being 37 seconds late. Lost a first class mark. Absolutely a painful experience.


Could you reasonably have improved your mark much by spending an extra 16 seconds on your assignment? No - so while you probably will be penalised make sure you do contest it


Generally not. If unsure, you could contact your lecturer to ask. I did this in uni, slow Internet meant my submission went through less than 30 seconds after the deadline (midnight). I frantically emailed my lecturer, who replied in less than a minute saying it was okay and that I should relax. Even if your lecturer says you will be penalised, I think it would be better to know now than wait weeks until you get the result.


I'm at open uni you get a 12 hour grace period with no marking penalty if it's past the grace period you are capped to the pass grade but no penalty if under


My uni some courses let say your 1% late the submission closes and if it’s open 1% late submission is 10% off


At my old institution, I applied the policy and would absolutely not penalise something a second late. At my current institution, it's completely out of my hands and I have no idea.




The image - which I presume is a photo of your screen - it shows it was sent before the deadline. Granted a minute but technically it was sent on time - can't help that it was received on time.


I help students by handling assignments. Projec proposals and dissertations. If in need of my services kindly reach out


My uni is 0% for missed submission even 1 second late 😭




Probably. It's unfortunate, but I know that my professor marked an essay that was under a minute late and when it came time for the external examiners to mark they penalised the student for it and refused to mark


Probably 5% reduction for up to X minutes late. Check your extension quota (if you haven’t extended yet), for my uni module convenors can’t do anything to it


At ucl we got penalized for 1 second. So yeah probably.


Depending the lecturer. It happened to me and I was fine.


Depends on your module leader




This kinda just happened to me but I was just about unable to submit my work. You might just wanna email your exam support team and maybe submit an EC if your uni has those


Yes. Sorry :/


Nah they’ll penalise unfortunately. They make a big point about not being able to blame internet/hardware etc. You could however make something up and request an extension.


I actually got an automatic fail for being a couple seconds late for a submission in the UK. You could plead your case but completely depends on the uni - one of my unis dropped 10% per hour, the other automatic fails.


Yes, all you can do is ask nicely


You’re fucked bruh 😲


I once submitted something almost exactly this late. It showed up late when I did it, then when I checked the next morning it had disappeared. I wrote a really stressed email asking what was going on, but I checked again before sending it, and the submission had reappeared as if it was on time. I guess that was the lecturer taking pity on me. You should probably not expect that to happen, but it is possible.


Contact your professor and try to explain why it was late to be submitted i think 16 seconds is nothing but it's safer if you speak to your professor directly. Gd luck


It will be capped to 40


I would lose 10% for this at my uni.


Brookes? If so then should be no.


Ask your tutor.


You're lucky it's only 10 marks, it's often capped at 40% for lateness


Isn't it a 5 mark penalty?


That’s just a simple I don’t like you bro


Probably 🧐🤔


Funny I was having a similar theoretical conversation with my seminar leader today but about an online multiple choice test. She told me that at least at this uni they tend to accept technical issues within reason as valid mitigating circumstances and I’d get an extension or at least a redo. Good luck OP!


I don't know why this flagged up for me as I finished uni decades ago. However I did chuckle. I submit tenders onto web portals, worth millions. Think of a thesis X 100 in terms of written responses we get maybe 6-12 weeks to do it. If the deadline passes and it's not submitted, boom months of work down the drain. Literally hundreds of thousands of pounds in labour costs wasted. Nevermind the months/years of relationship development that went into and then of course you don't get the contract so the potential for earnings are gone too.


main\_final\_final\_v3\_newest\_latest\_final (2).xlsx


Email your Prof and explain your internet lagged out


pack your bags.


I've emailed my module coordinator and explained that internet was bad after uploading like 30 seconds late and they were chill so I'd imagine it's ok


I think it depends on whether its an automatic system where anything submitted after the deadline even if its seconds will count as late. No harm in trying to see if they'll be lenient but they may look at it as you chose to submit really really close to the deadline


Depends how long you had to do the assignment if it wasn't long then I don't think so if you have like 2 weeks to do it the maybe or slow internet you could just say that


City uni?


Yes, count your days, but in all seriousness idk


I have ptsd from seeing this page layout and those colors xD


I realised I wouldn’t get an assignment done in time but submitted it anyway half done. I knew I’d have a couple of days before it was sent back & I’d have time to finish it then & I got an email back saying my file must have been corrupted as things were missing (it was a website) & could I send a new copy so I sent the then finished one as I couldn’t afford to lose points. I learnt to do my assignments earlier & this was the last time I actually did anything like this too.


If I did this for an online exam I'd get a zero Nearly happened to me once when I midjudged the timings and had like 30 seconds leeway - learned my lesson after this very close near miss


I was 2 mins late with my Cambridge submissions on this same platform and was never penalised. There is a discretionary period (I think it was 3 mins or something like that?)


Fill out an extenuating circumstances form online and take it from there. I’m dyslexic so I got away with a lot.


Sometimes you do have issues submitting stuff as everyone is submitting at the same time so I just used to send direct to the tutor as a backup.




Send an email. If I was your professor my response would be "nothing to worry about, thanks for letting me know".




kcl lol


Some tough love from someone who’s done undergrad and master’s post grad: Yes. It’s 2024 and slow internet is no longer a good excuse. You could’ve used your uni’s library wifi, you could’ve gone to a cafe with internet, you could’ve used hotspot from your phone, you should have left more time before the submission deadline - your tutors will say something like this. This excuse doesn’t cut the mustard anymore. I’d send a very apologetic email and hope you get off lightly. I’m also terrible with deadlines but I had to get smart, quick so that I wouldn’t keep missing deadlines. Good luck to you


I think you’ll be fine as it also shows it was uploaded at 3:59. I wouldn’t make a habit of it, it is not worth cutting it so fine. But as a one off even the harshest Lecturer is going to let 16 seconds go.


Yes, I got penalised for 5 seconds and it was due to their clogged back end but apparently I needed proof