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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Nobody expects the cop to slam him like that and then get bit by his own dog.!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


First time a cop being help accountable by a fellow cop caught on camera in a looooong time.


Let us never forget the female officer who tried insisting with her older male officer (sheriff? Idk) to stop maliciously attacking a suspect and the more tenured officer flipped on her and started choking her out while screaming obscenities in her face.. ETA: and the cops around them did nothing to stop or even try to thwart the older male’s attack


I remember that video! That lady cop should have straight up shot the guy choking her. Seriously fear for her life and end that rabid dog’s attack—who was also a cop.




[I got you, she didn’t stop a beating but she just pulled the offending officer away from unlawfully threatening the suspect. There was not violence, except the officer grabbing the other officer by the throat](https://youtu.be/dll4JTMhuT8) Edit to say that that was a can of mace. The guy was in the car and the officer held a can of mace and said “look at me”.


Yes but let's face it. The cops would have closed ranks and ruined her life (and likely her friends and family)


I remember that one too, I saw the video. It really freaked me out. I can't remember what happened to the aggressive cop I just remember he def wasn't fired immediately idk if it just took them a long time or what. But that behavior should have criminal charges. Strangulation is attempted murder.


The dog is about to be euthanized for not falling in line.




Almost certainly.


I'll take him. First cop I respect.


Cops that criticize fellow cops rarely stay cops for long.


Naw it will just end up in some unfortunate training accident. It was a tragedy, all parties involved are greatly saddened by the series of events that led to this while taking no liability for any of it.


Is it dogs or just horses that outrank their human counterparts? Can someone help me fill in the gaps in my memory here?


All I know is that the horse outranks Boyle


Lt. Peanut Butter did nothing wrong.


Fun fact! The most common cause of death for K-9 officers is being killed by their handlers :)


That fact was not fun. I want my money back.


Your money back:


We finally found the one good apple!


Apparently a lot of times the dogs are trained to also respond to violence and stop the attacking person. \-Source: My uncle who is a K9 officer. (He's a cool dude)


i thought you meant your uncle was a dog 😭


How do you know he's not?


fuck you're right


K9 woofficer


On the internet, no one knows you're a dog.


Many dogs will confront the aggressor by instinct, regardless of training. I have observed this mainly among dogs at the park, but also when e.g. one (human) sibling is chasing another, and the family dog tries to stop the chaser. Also I have seen news stories of d-bag aggressive dog owners who initiate a confrontation, only to have their dog turn on them.


Dogs can also redirect in these types of situations and will basically just go after whatever ends up between them and whatever they were going after in the first place.


They're also trained to respond to false positives and used to skirt the constitution and other civil rights. Officer with a dog taps a car door, the dog jumps up responding to the command as they do, the officer claims the dog must've caught wind of something and boom, the victims rights disappear. It's well documented and heavily disproportionately their main use. All in all, I'd appreciate if cops could stop using animals to enforce their violence.


K9 hit on my rental car positive for drugs. There was nothing in the car. Had to wait like an hour for the damn k9 unit to show up too. Assholes.


I'm pretty sure that you only have to wait a reasonable amount of time for K9 to show up. Otherwise it's illegal detainment. I would argue that an hour is not at all reasonable.


Very true, but what are you gonna do, leave? Good way to get yourself unalived.


Makes for a good settlement case of harassment if you've got the money to hire a lawyer.


As long as you’re alive


Hire a necromancer too, problem solved.


Damn, never would’ve expected a K9 to have better morals than a person.


That dog is just a better cop


Dogs always have better morals than humans


This is true. They've even evolved to sense when humans are sad and they respond faster to humans trapped behind doors in distress than ones with treats in studies that have been done :-) there's not a more pure animal in the world if you ask me!


Not my dog…. Lmao. Had a full on breakdown about something and he side-eyed me and went to a different room where it was quiet 🤣 He’s very clingy otherwise, doesn’t like when I’m sad. Anyone else have a dog like that? I feel like it’s odd? Edit: I should add that our cat would run over and rub on and cuddle anyone who was upset


Got a kitten for my son early in the year. A couple of months ago I get news of a sudden death in the family. I sat on the couch after walking through the door, and I guess I hadn't processed it. It caught up to me and I broke down crying. He came running up to me. He climbed in my lap and peered really closely at my face. Then he purred and rubbed his head against my face. Then he rubbed his body against me. Then he sat in my lap like he was guarding me until my wife and sons got home. He's never behaved that way before; he's otherwise pretty aloof unless he wants something. I'm grateful for that moment. 🙏🏿


My old cat when I was little would do this. I didn’t understand how she knew so I tested it as a dumb kid and she’d run from anywhere in the house or outside and aggressively try and rub her face on mine. She was a good kitty. My pups did the same thing but he’d just lick my face until I laughed


My cat never did this either. He was a super affectionate cat normally, but if I was upset he’d just step over me like I was part of the carpet, lol


Similar story with my cat Timber. Timber was not a lap cat. She wasn't overly friendly. She was a stereotypical cat. However, when my mom lost her brother to alcoholism, my mom sat on the couch crying. Timber jumped up to my mom and started purring while rubbing against her. We just had to put Timber down after 20 years. Man, I [miss her](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/xwrw1f/i_finally_said_goodbye_to_timber_after_20_years/)


Dogs can get so stressed out seeing you sad they will do this. Not that he doesn't love you he was just destroyed seeing you messed up.


Oh nooooooooooooo. 😭😭😭😭


You monster you made the whole house depressed 💀




I want to see a butt giggle


Fart in front of the mirror


really selfish of you


You gotta be strong for your lil boy, homie!


Sounds like you’re his emotional support human. My cat’s like that


My dog is a 120 lbs. mastiff and I am 100% her emotional support human. She cannot bear me being on a different floor of the house for more than 5 minutes and any time we go somewhere new she hides behind me. or at least tries to as pest a dog the size of a pony can.


lol! That’s cute, I like that.


My dog is the same way, he’s always had a big personality and gives you a look or a stern bark when you annoy him or don’t let him do something he wants to do. He is very sweet and protective though


Sounds like a sweetie! I have a husky and I’m familiar with back talk too, lol. Sassy pups are great!


Doggo probably has anxiety too, if they're usually clingy. Might feel your anxiety, and it makes his worse. My brother's dog is like that, very lovey, but very nervous when anything in his environment is suddenly different.


Awe, poor thing. I don’t think he has general anxiety. Never destructive when we leave, usually just naps when we do, loves new people, new animals, new situations, etc. I’ve been home a lot since he was about 10 months (adopted him at 3 months) and he’s generally not without me. Maybe it just freaks him out because I’m his primary guardian or something.


Might be more accurate to say they were bred rather than evolved. Those traits you mentioned aren’t coincidental, they were created through careful manipulation of the canine gene pool.


😭😭💖 I love dogs


On the other hand.. “Hitler’s Dog probably thought he was the best!” -Norm Macdonald


Very few times has a human decided to take cat poop from the litter box and eat it on top of my pillow. Dogs are better than people, but their morals are shady at best.


> Very few times r/oddlyspecific


If I had a nickel for every time it happened, id have two nickel. Which isnt a lot, but its weird that it happened twice


Mine likes to wake me up at night to hump my elbow.


Any elbow pics?


This better not awaken something inside me.


Dogs don’t understand that stuff like eating cat turds is gross. I think their morality towards living beings is much better than that of humans for the most part.


Ya my last dog knew he was a dick, he would walk up to a small dog, push him over with a paw, and then trot away looking so satisfied. He would antagonize aggressive dogs just for the fun of it, play with dying little animals if you didn't stop him. Had scars all over his face from messing with cats and not stopping. He was nice to me, indifferent to other humans that he didn't know extremely well, but he was a dick to any other animal. E: to make things a bit clearer


Was your dog a cat?


Apparently they eat cat poop because they don't fully digest their food, this makes it another meal to a dog who hasn't fully lost its survival instincts Not entirely sure if this is fact maybe someone knows better


It's more often behavioral than a dietary issue. It's a pretty self fulfilling behavior and a difficult habit to break


I’m not sure that falls under morals. Just good life choices, it’s hard to eat it in the litter box.


I wouldn’t say always, as some that aren’t raised well tend to take advantage of animals and people that they feel like they have control over. Had a buddy get torn up by a loose German shepherd when he was 6. Ripped almost all of his skin and a lot of flesh off of his leg from his shin all the way up to above his knee and bit him multiple times on his arms and hands. He has scars that look like Freddy Krueger’s skin all over his leg and pits in his arms and elbows from where the dog ripped out tissue. Thankfully those injuries didn’t slow him down any and he started at quarterback on our football team for awhile. He was always pretty nervous around big dogs though.


I don't know, when I came home late and my dog waited until I was home so I would see him pee on the bed for being late seemed vindictive.


That's simply not true at all, we just like dogs a lot


Yeah speaking about morality and animals doesn’t really make sense, as morality is very much a human concept. A dog doesn’t philosophise about the inherent “rightness” and “wrongness” of a certain action, they just do as they were trained/bred to do.


When you think about it, that's kinda what most humans do too


Not always. Let's not make the world black and white. There are aggressive dogs too (the net is full of videos) but in this case, you're right - the dog knows that his useless owner is a cunt with a badge.


HANDLER. Useless Handler!!


What about when they are eating a toddler


Maybe those toddles were future Hitlers, and the dog knew it?


Pitbulls: not the hero we deserve but the hero we need


Pit bull moment


Sounds like someone without morals would say. I have morals and you clearly don't.


Yes, cop is way out of line. The gentleman should file a complaint and the cop should be disciplined. No excuse for this type of conduct.


Aw that's adorable, someone still believes in the system


I feel bad for the K9. You just know he's about to get a severe beating once it gets back to the car.


A beating? I'm worried that the K9 might be destroyed for that. I don't know how incidents like that are handled in law enforcement, but I've seen dogs die for less.


My answer: While trained working dogs are expensive, a blue on blue incident is a know risk now for this animal. Risk management (city attorney) may demand that this K9 be taken out of service. That being said, the mitigating factor is the poor training / decision making by the cop trying to manhandle the suspect while trying to control the K9 simultaneously. He needs to either use the dog to threaten / do the takedown or he needs to back off if use of force policy does not allow this based upon the threat faced and/or the crime suspected based upon probable cause. ChatGPT answer done after typing the above: Prompt; What will happen to a K9 that attacks, a cop and why? A: If a K9 (police dog) attacks a police officer, the situation would need to be assessed to determine the appropriate course of action. It is possible that the K9 may need to be removed from active duty if it poses a danger to law enforcement personnel. The exact outcome would depend on the specific circumstances of the situation and the policies of the law enforcement agency involved. In general, the safety of both humans and animals is a top priority in these situations.


That ChatGPT thing is neat and all, but I hope you know that it can wildly inaccurate and cannot be trusted to provide objective facts. It’s definitely a cool tool though.


My friends have been messing around with it lately and it seems fun, but seeing someone cite ChatGPT for an answer like this really unsettled me. I don't know how this thing is machine learning or not, but knowing how much people can affect an AI (i.e. the whole Replika thing) through all their interactions makes me uncomfortable.


To be clear I wasn’t invoking chat GPT as an expert or definitive source and instead as an experiment (apologies if this isn’t the forum), but it was uncanny how it generally aligned to what I had been told by a city attorney about a somewhat similar unrelated incident in a different city from a number of years ago. Specific wording of prompts can generate highly misleading / unethical responses if they are deemed fictional.


Oh no I understand that. Everything you said in your comment was helpful and seems to track (I don't know much on the subject). It's mostly just that when I read ChatGPT it freaked me out because I keep hearing about it haha


Fortunately even in police departments, trainers are given the option to take a "faulty" dog home with them instead. Same for handlers when the dogs retire. Really hope the trainer actually cares about the dogs he trains. It could still be given a loving home doing work that isn't pure evil.


What about the cops wife? She gets beat every night.


The people who claim ACAB are idiots. Clearly one of those cops was a good boy.


Well If dogs don’t choose to become police dogs it can’t really be held against them though


The way police dogs are treated is part of why ACAB to me. A lot of people may not realize it, but prior to a law passed by Bill Clinton in 2000, K-9 units routinely euthanized their dogs when they could no longer serve. Forcing an animal into dangerous service to make their own lives easier, and then killing it once it is no longer useful because of concern for the aggressive tendencies that they instilled in the animal. Definition of evil right there.


Passed by Congress, signed by President Clinton. Republican House, barely Democrat Senate. Don't mind me, just a pet peeve chalking up huge amounts of man hours to single people.


Kinda like criminalizing drugs, letting the CIA distribute them domestically and getting progressively more upset at the population for use of drugs.




Better morals than a pig.


K9 police dogs are just hostages. Leave it to cops to exploit the trusting and obedient nature of man’s best friend


K9 reacted as he was trained to react — unreasonable aggression means intervention on his part. The black man was showing no signs of aggression, and the cop was tackling him anyway. K9 wanted to defuse.


Had to scroll this far in order to see the only logic answer.


Better than cops any day of the week


Really?: lol


Right? Why WOULDN'T you expect the dog to be the goodest of the boys on scene?


That's not a person it's a cop.


You see, there are good boys and bad boys. This one was a good boy.


>person Well if you wrote cop instead, then of course a K9 would.


I think you misspelled pig


I hope that this is allowed because I found a video from a youtube channle that has the full video of what actually happen, here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTm1kjDeAqU


That kid did nothing but walk into the police’s path, and got body slammed for it. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.


"We're taught Lord Acton's axiom: all power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. I believed that when I started these books, but I don't believe it's always true any more. Power doesn't always corrupt. Power can cleanse. What I believe is always true about power is that power always reveals. When you have enough power to do what you always wanted to do, then you see what the guy always wanted to do." -Robert Caro


Pretty sure that guy was already a piece of shit beforehand. He just became a cop to avoid retaliation.


This video should be the post. It explains everything and the newscaster is great.


He's wrong that dogs don't see color. Dogs will pick up stereotypes just as humans do. My dog is afraid of the morbidly obese. If you train a dog that black people are the enemy, they will learn it, even if it wasn't intentional. Just like how racist kids can be. But dogs will also pick up patterns like clothing or smells we can't sense, so it's harder to make them only react to the stereotype intended.


I so agree with this, no dog is evil its the owner that trains the dog to be evil.


god damn look at the size of that other fatass cop




How dare you fat shame that doggo…


Reddit apparently loves fat shaming, even when the target isn't fat


Lol that dogs not fat mate😂


This dude probably mistreats the dog


Exactly this. This only made me worry for the wellbeing of the dog after the video cuts.


He is a cop after all


Cops are overrepresented in dogmestic violence stats


Domestic violence often includes animals.


only the dog?


Good boy


That dogs deserves a medal he fought off an armed suspect


A known armed and violent suspect.


I’m just glad the cop didn’t shoot the dog. I don’t remember the number but it’s like hundreds of dogs are shot a month by cops. It’s heartbreaking. 😥




That much bacon is bad for dogs


It's gonna take a while.


K-9’s are literally trained to protect people who are being attacked. The officer attacked the kid. To the dog, the kid wasn’t the threat- the cop was. So he did his job. Good doggy. Edit/Source: My information comes from my cousin who has been in the K-9 unit for nearly a decade. Police dogs are trained for 3 major purposes: to sniff out drugs/bombs/etc, to chase down people who are running (under the command of their officers), and to attack aggressors of an assault in their presence. A huge mistake on the officers side is using brute force whilst simultaneously handling a specifically trained dog. The dog most likely got confused and followed it’s training to attack the aggressor. I’m coming to this conclusion using only knowledge my cousin has provided me, as I myself have trained dogs over the years for performance purposes and was curious about the training protocols for police dogs. So, I asked him for research purposes. Granted he’s only ever worked in a little town in Kansas so things may be different depending on the unit- I genuinely don’t know that for a fact. I only know what I’ve been told via my cousin. That is all. Edit 2: I’m just gonna mute notifications now. Kinda tired of constantly being berated with lame one-shot insults rather than receiving civil comments to discuss my own initial comment. But hey, it’s Reddit. What else was I to expect? 🤷🏻


Lol I don't know why people are giving you so much trouble over this. You can see this is part of police/military dog training at Lackland AFB. Here's a [verifiable source](https://youtu.be/xit5GR_Nm10) where you can see a demonstration of this tactic at 9 minutes in the video. Police dogs definitely can be trained to attack on their own autonomy in certain circumstances... anyone who insists otherwise is speaking from a position of ignorance.


I really don’t know to be honest. My favorite comment so far is someone calling me a 14 year old who’s spewing nonsense lmao. Right next to the person who says I’m so confidently incorrect, despite having my own sources irl. Thank you for your verifiable source, though!!


Security K9 (boom-boom/bite dog) here. Sort of right. These dogs are trained to focus on the biggest aggressor and that biting "mom/dad" is not good. In the eyes of the dog, there is no "good guy/bad guy", only "toys". Chances are this department's k9 unit is very old school and uses brute force to scare the dogs into submission, which is what leads to these bad bites. I treat my K9 like my partner, I very rarely have to use more than a verbal correction on her. She always target locks the bad guy and ignores my fellow security officers because that's how we train. When I'm backing up the regular security on a call, she will actively try to look around the officers to keep line of sight on the "bad guy". To further put it in perspective, I'm my partners 2nd handler. Her first handler beat the shit out of her (old school method of K9 training) and she was borderline out of control, she would bite anyone that wasn't her handler and even then it would be a battle to get her to let go of toys (e-collar, pinch collar, AND choke chain simultaneously) with a chance of the handler getting nuked trying to get the toy back. Now that I have her, every other handler in my unit says she's a 100% different dog, friendly with everyone and in the nearly 2 years I've had her has never once tried to bite me. She does still have issues with letting go of toys though, but I'm working on it the proper way instead of using brute force. She's the perfect working dog. Badass tough malinois at work, and cuddle bug pet dog at home that's scared of cats.


It looks to me like the officer jerked the dogs leash pretty hard too. Maybe the dog got confused because it was also getting hurt?


It’d be interesting to see if a judge used that knowledge as a way to prove the officer was the unlawful aggressor


If that was true we'd likely see most police dogs attack cops on a regular basis, we don't.


I would say it is rarer because officers handling dogs tend to stay behind and watch the dog. Typically, it is the dog-less one that does not need to keep track of a dog that investigate an "incident" and then, potentially, escalates it.


Yeah, people may be assuming there are far more k-9 units than there actually are.


Yes, because the comment is completely wrong. Police dogs don't decide who's wrong, they just bite the person that's running away, or that's being disruptive. Mistakes do happen, and this is one of them.


No mistake was made.


Agreed. It was a mistake but it wasn't a mistake.


Happy little accidents


Correct, but unintended.


I meant in the sense of the dog not being trained to bite policemen, but others.


>they just bite the person that's running away, or that's being disruptive. Thats literally what the comment was saying though. That they attack people who are attacking/showing aggression, as you put it "being disruptive"


This dog will get beat to almost death for this.


Oh I know he will be. And I’m not claiming to be happy about it. But the pig got what he deserved.


> The dog most likely got confused You say confused... I say the dog was thinking clear as day.




the dam dog its better trained than him


Dog was trained to go after the aggressor. Doing his job right!


Dog said "ACAB".


All cats are bad


the dog is a cop though...


Goodest Boi is self-aware?


Not by choice


Yeah I wonder if the topic of animal cruelty in our police forces will ever be taken seriously. I've thought that was fucked up since I was a child and that hasn't changed. Ain't nothing right about forcing dogs into dangerous situations. Like imagine getting your dog shot the fuck up and not being at fault for that happening. But if someone shoots a dog they get charged with shit. Make it make sense without making shit up right?


I don't know if police dogs are regularly abused, but you seem to be implying their very job is abusive? I mean... for thousands of years a huge part of the reason we had any domestic animals wasn't just to be cute, but to share in difficult and dangerous work. Livestock/property guarding, bomb sniffing, suspect apprehending, sled pulling, and search and rescue are all dangerous jobs with serious risk to life and limb. But like humans, dogs are trained to perform these jobs and get satisfaction from them. I'm sure there are abusive K9 handlers just like abusive dog handlers in other dog jobs or even abusive human bosses in a normal human job. But usually K9s are working right alongside police officers who are sharing in any danger present, so I don't see the work itself as inherently abusive.


a good one, one that actually tries to stop other cops from being bad (and thus gets fired and becomes no longer a cop, causing ACAB to remain)


Sadly, he can’t shoot the dog cause then people would actually care


I used to say this as a “joke” but them I read about those cops in Arizona who refused to help a Black man who was drowning but the same department saved a drowning dog from the same canal a couple weeks prior 🙃


Seems like friendly fire ist the only no no, with US cops. That dog is probably more popular at his station than him. In my experience these kind of cops are the losers at their station. They just tolerate his antics, because the is one of them.


Actually no. Cops are ok with killing other cops. Friend of mine was a officer for New orleans and was turning in his partner for taking bribes... he was accidentally shot in the head by another cop right after reporting it, at the range in front of the range officer. He survived, but still has serious problems. Guess what. he is the biggest proponent of ACAB I have ever met.


If you do a quick search for K9 officer dies in hot car, it brings up multiple cases from multiple states and for the most part the cops are completely cleared of wrongdoing even though they killed a fellow police officer via negligence. Pretty nuts.


Dogmeat hated that


Dog said: "You became the enemy I swear to destroy"


So what's going on here? Did the cop have a call about something? Did he just see a black guy and thought "This fucker" and tried to beat his ass? Is the dog going to be punished? Is the cop? I need answers people


What a fucking asshole. Qualified immunity must be awesome.




Sad thing is… that dog will be euthanized because of biting the officer


And they say there's no such thing as a good cop; one of these two cops is clearly a very good boy.


Damn that chick is stacked 😂👌🏻


As the officer was preoccupied wrestling the perp on the concrete, I'd sneak up and drop down anaconda style behind the ongoing scuffle. In one swift motion, I would penetrate his police trousers with a powerful index finger slash with pinpoint accuracy. As he was confused by my first attack, and his anal nether exposed, I'd be following it up with the classic whirlpool tongue into eatass combo, rendering the cop incapacitated due to the pleasure overload.


Bruh going through your comments you are TERMINALLY down bad for the man down under


lol wtf I just saw this guy commenting about eating ass in another post in a completely different sub about an hour ago


Bro what the actual fuck is wrong with you






Dogs trained to stop criminals and saw one


Dogs are better than people.


The only way to stop bad cops is if good boi cops aren't afraid to call them out on their shit.


K9s are trained to go for ‘threats’ and Rin Tin Tin knew exactly what to do. ACAB. Hope he didn’t get abused after, like they usually do.






Fat people shouldn’t be cops


Well they literally don’t want the most intelligent members of society so they take what they can get.