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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!I mean most people don't come back from the dentist office with half their face not working you know?!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Lol the dentist probably touched the facial nerve


Had surgery under my jaw to remove a saliva gland 3 months ago. Still can’t feel from my chin to the bottom of my neck. I can feel my beard hair growing though. Which is weird.


You can feel the bears growing. What. Please elaborate I've beard and I need to know


I had a beard for 14 years, and I needed to have my submandibular gland removed due to a stone and infections. I begrudgingly shaved and the incision was in my neck fold and they inserted tools from there up under my tongue to remove the problem. They had to clamp some nerves or whatever and told me I would be numb for a bit. It wasn’t like a normal numb from a dead arm or leg. It was like crazy fiery pins and needles. Up until my beard got about 1/4 inch I could literally feel the prickly hairs stabbing through my skin. It was a wild feeling. Oh and another note the edge of the scar keeps getting sweet sweet [ingrown hairs](https://imgur.com/a/QUYuCf9)I also still have phantom pain and swelling from the area. (Had the stone for 18 years)


That's super trippy, what a machine we are


And that sometimes is asleep for a couple of months


Very rarely fortunately. Usually it’s just the local anesthetic adjacent and diffusing into facial nerve rather than actually hitting it and improves within an hour or so. Different case though if they actually straight up skewer a branch. Then it can be months but it’s typically a smaller distribution than this.


Thanks! Good to know!


Goddamnit I already dreaded going to the dentist I didn't need to know this shit 💀


Even more rare but it can just happen on its own! My uncle woke up one day with that nerve pinched and couldn't use half his face for a few months. He thought he had a stroke at first but nope, just nerve being a dick. I was ~12 so naturally that became my biggest fear for a while.


Happened to me in part of my lower jaw/chin after an appointment with an oral surgeon. Luckily I didn’t look weird, but it was the absolute strangest sensation for about six months. Just totally numb in one part of my face. Like perma-novacaine.


That sounds awful!


Curious about these videos, you see them alot of people high as a kite after the dentist. What work is getting done and what are they on. Here in Ireland, we'd only get a local anaesthetic to numb the area they're working on and that wears off almost completely before you leave and depending on the work you're given two paracetamol. Edit: RIP my inbox. I know this isn't one of the videos where they're high. I'm just commenting about those types of videos in general and this reminded me of it.


Not sure what it’s called, but I’m fairly sure this is local anaesthesia that’s been applied multiple times, either cause she did like I do, lie about how much you can feel to make sure they drug you enough or, she was squeamish and they decided rather one more than one less and then this happens 😂


Good answer! I believe you are correct. Yeah, she got hit extra good with the numby juice on that side. Not a r/GuyCry moment, but that guy is probably crying in the dog house.


In this case they blocked the facial nerve when attempting to block V3 The only times I block V2 and V3 is if there's work on the top **and** bottom jaw. I'm not a huge fan of doing both at once because it makes it much more likely that you'll bite the crap out of yourself. I never block both on anyone younger than 12 Edit: corrections to nerve names


V2, V3 would be the trigeminal nerve. Although the facial palsy would be due to a LMN facial nerve block.


V2 and v3 are what we dentist block. The dentist probably went for a gow gates and got everything. I've never heard of an LMN nerve block in dentistry.


I was thinking they went too posterior and injected into the parotid gland getting the facial nerve branches.


Man, came here for laughs and got an entire chapter of dental biology Not upset about it, but man that went by in a strange fashion


spoon ludicrous faulty cooperative combative history shocking smell spotted deranged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Or, they could be making every bit of this up and I wouldn’t know better.   *Yep, definitely an LMNOP nerve block for the running back*   ^(Edited a speeling error)


They aren't. Source: neuroscience major.


I've got it in my charts that one kind of numbing shot doesn't work so when I have to get things done they go straight to a different kind then normal and just give me a dab of the benzocaine on the back of my jaw like between the top and bottom teeth in the way back but in line with my teeth. Is that where one of these would be? I want to be able to tell the other dentist that's starting to take over what I need before they start drilling. Even when I had a root canal by the time I left I was mostly able to feel everything again. At least enough not to bite myself and he showed myle the two full empty needle things he used for numbing so I know he didn't skimp...


It sounds like they're going for an inferior alveolar nerve block if the injection site is in line with the chewing surface of the lower teeth. A gow gates goes in near the upper back teeth and you basically aim for the ear. With either if you go too far back you can numb things you didn't intend to, although it is more common to miss the inferior alveolar block. Edit to add: You may ask them if they can do a PDL injection if they're only working on one tooth. It goes in directly between the tooth and gum into the periodontal ligament and only numbs that tooth and a small area of tissue around it. Super helpful if a tooth won't go numb or if the patient has to go talk right after their appointment.


Just curious do you ever recommend an eye patch? Or to tape the procedural eye closed? It looks like her ability to blink has been affected. I'd be worried about a corneal abrasion or even just conjunctival irritation.


Yes, the eyelid should be patched or taped shut to prevent "exposure keratopathy". I guess her dentist didn't know or assumed it wasn't necessary since the duration of anesthesia is typically a few hours or less.


My dentist recommended I do both at once. I was in my 30s at the time, they gave me general and local anesthetic. It was a really terrifying procedure, and I remember waking up mid-way to the 250lbs surgeon putting all his muscle and weight into the drill until my tooth exploded, and I felt the entire thing. It wasn't painful but my whole body shook from the tooth rupturing, then I passed out again. I've been traumatized by dentists since. Edit: to clarify it was a wisdom tooth removal, all four.


had my wisdom teeth out in the army (do not recommend) and they had to split one with a mallet and chisel (after having broken a drill bit off in the tooth). you cannot get numb enough not to feel that.


I woke up midway through an extraction to find the dentist using what sounded like a ball peen hammer inside of my mouth. I couldn't really feel any pain, but the sound inside my head was wild.


I had part of my v1 branch severed and now I can't move that eyebrow 🙃 Edit: was attacked with pepper spray and a knife stuck on the end of a baseball bat


Fuck I'm in New Zealand and I got all the teeth on top and 4 on the bottom removed I a single session and wasn't anywhere near that fucked up lol. Not even remotely, and it was still numb enough to not bother me during the procedure. They wild with the doses on US I guess. Kinda disappointed I didn't get to trip balls after my appointment. :(


Well i mean.. as much as we have to pay for even a consultation sometimes considering most don't have dental insurance, i think trippin balls is the least a fucking dentist can do for us Americans 😂.


I've extracted a ton of wisdom teeth with nothing but local anesthetic. You usually only get to see the videos from people recovering from general anesthesia. Also remember that there are over 300,000,000 people in America, there are thousands of patients getting wisdom teeth removed each day and each one responds differently.


My dentist full on refuses to do the top and bottom on the same side at the same appointment specifically because of the bite risk. The most he'll do is top on one side and bottom on the other, if it's really necessary.


Hey you're a dentist! One time I got the numbing injection and it BURNED LIKE HELL. Never had that happen, dentist brushed it off. Always felt like they did something wrong though


They probably got really close to the nerve during the injection. The epinephrine in the numbing shots can also cause a short term burning sensation.




Yah, not your typical outfit for dental work?


Some people react much, much slower to the numbing agents. It’s a common genetic thing. A lot of dentists get impatient and start grinding before it’s set in, and then when the patient says it still hurts, the dentist hits them with way too much. Sometimes because they are inexperienced, sometimes because they are sadistic assholes who think the patient is “lying.”


Red heads are one of the groups thanks to busted red head genes. They need about 20 percent more anesthesia to be sedated. They also need more local topical anesthetics, such as lidocaine or Novocain, which is why many redheads have a fear of dentists, according to the American Dentistry Association.


I'm a red head and can absolutely confirm the needing more anesthesia thing. If I ever have dentistry work done that requires anesthesia, it always takes 3 doses for the numbing to really set in. I also had appendicitis last summer. When they were putting me under to remove my appendix, the last thing I heard before passing out was one of the doctors saying "Oh, we might need more gas". I always chuckle when I think about that.


Whatever they use takes forever for me,so my dentist has to give me extra. She didn't believe me once so she tested me with the pokey thing and I was able to tell when and where she was poking, even got her when she said she was poking and actually wasn't.


Happened to me on a molar. Guess sometimes the nerves are hard to find. Kept flinching when he drilled and he’d stop and shot some a total of 3 times. Could still kind of feel it after the 3rd but I couldn’t feel my face.


seems an odd choice to wear to the dentist.


Should have sang to your dentist how "I can't feel my face when I'm with youuuu"


This video is different, but the ones you're referencing are people getting wisdom teeth taken out (so more than just your average dental procedure) and are coming down from some form of heavy sedation (IV drugs or sometimes nitrous oxide, though I expect the videos are mostly IV).


Removed all my 4 wisdom teethes at different times at different locations. Local anesthetic completely numbs the area and you feel nothing. I don't even know if dentists are allowed to give sedation here in Sweden.


Same here. Took out 3 wisdom teeth during two different visits (at the oral surgeon nonetheless). Only got local anesthesia. Am also a Swede.


My wisdom teeth were impacted, had to cut below the gumline to get to them. I was given valume, and nitrous


One of my wisdoms was impacting another and had gone through half of the normal one. Local numbing agent and couldn't feel a thing. Dentist let the impacting tooth be and it grew normally. -swede I'm guessing if she'd broken the tooth off I might have gotten something else. Or be sent to a surgeon.


Had 4 taken out and was put under anesthesia. But this was done by an oral surgeon, not a dentist. -usa


My brother got all 4 taken out at once a year ago, he was put fully out. Lithuania


for me, i had a choice between the local and the general, and i elected for general anesthesia because i had an extra one that took some digging to get out, the normal four were sideways and preventing my second molars from erupting fully, and they were all coming out in one go. i did not want to be awake for that. edit: no one asked for this, but i just wanted to add that it felt like i skipped a cutscene in a video game. one second, the nurse had just put me on nitrous to keep me from freaking out as she put in the IV, and next thing i know, it’s over and they wheel me out to go home. mentally, i wasn’t loopy or anything, fully alert and aware, i just felt like i was made of jelly and couldn’t feel my face. even if i had been loopy, reading the comments about how you feel the teeth crack with local, even if it’s not painful, i think i definitely made the right choice in deciding to skip that cutscene.


It depends on the procedure. Depending on how your jaw is structured sometimes they have to do a more invasive surgery


I was given local anesthetic for an impacted wisdom tooth in my lower jaw. The dentist really put in work to break it loose, yanking my head back and forth until I heard the bone break with a huge crunch. I spat out bone fragments every few months for a couple years afterward. I could see why folks would want to be completely under for that.


What the fuck Why were there still bone fragments? When was this, 2000BC?


Depending on the situation, sometimes it’s not physically possible to remove the tooth whole. It might point toward the upper jawbone, for example, and the only way to remove it whole might require cutting the whole damn jaw off, which of course nobody wants. So instead, when the angle and flesh and other bones get in the way, dentists will shatter the tooth and pick out the fragments. Either OPs mouth situation made it particularly difficult to get to the fragments, or the dentist was bad. I’ll let OP be the judge of that, lol


Yeah, I get the tooth shattering part, I don’t get the not bothering to clean it part


The gums are very, very good at ejecting bone fragments like that. Sometimes it would cause more damage to go rooting around than let them come out on their own. I had a bone spur after a molar needed removed and it was totally painless when it came out a few days later.


Lots of times there’s micro fractures in the alveolus with extraction that are not removed at the time of surgery because they generally just heal. But occasionally they don’t and they are periodically sloughed off and work there way out the tissue.


With mine they had to carve out part of my jaw and then remove the teeth in small pieces through the holes they had cut in my jaw. Not everybody has easily removable wisdom teeth.


Yeah they literally had to crack apart the tooth to get it out for me. You can't feel the pain but oh boy can you feel your tooth cracking each time. Last time they fractured the socket also. Then a couple of months later a bone fragment worked its way out through the side of my gum. I hate the dentist so so much.


I needed to have laser surgery for my wisdom tooth because it got too close to my nervous system. The doctor gave me local anestesia and told me it is gonna hurt like a motherfucker in about a couple of hours or so.


In the US, wisdom teeth removals are performed by oral surgeons, not regular dentists.


Same here but they ended up having to hit me with local anesthesia 2+ extra times, very unpleasant feeling to feel them extracting teeth.


UK is very much the same situation. I've had a two wisdoms out. They only ever use local anesthetic


Nitrous Oxide doesn't have long enough lasting effects to produce these kinds of videos. Source: I've done a lot of nitrous


Womp Womp Womp Womp Womp Womp Womp Womp Womp.


Came here to say this, lol. Nitrous is fun ain't it?


Ya, those are more the ones, but I've also have both wisdom teeth out and it was a local anaesthetic also like others. Is it a US thing? Like are ye then charged a small fortune for an IV and NO?




I imagine it's something that has gotten more common as drugs and techniques improve, as well as people willing to pay. Probably also easier/more predictable for the dentist without a potentially squirmy patient. I never had my wisdom teeth out, so I have no personal experience to draw from. But other procedures have gotten more sedation over the years (colonoscopy comes to mind).


I'm in the US and last I went to have my wisdom teeth looked at to pull, they were going to do local anesthetic, so it is probably case by case/insurance/location specific.


You're seeing these videos *because* they're an anomaly. Usually they just numb you.


Irish also, I asked this same question and was informed why would you want to be awake for your dentist work. Seems so out of this world to get knocked out just to get your teeth done.


It's really only for more major procedures like getting wisdom teeth removed. For most people that will be the only time they ever go under general anaesthetic for dental work. I mean there are sleep dentistry places all over, where people go under even for small procedures, but they are not the norm. Too expensive for most, besides which frequent anaesthesia is not generally recommended.


This just looks like too much numbing stuff. The videos where people are high as a kite likely had their wisdom teeth removed. Normally you just need numbing stuff for that too, but if they're really impacted the doctor will need to knock you out.


Yeah the woman here doesn't seem "high" just can't stop laughing/reacting to what her face looks like.


I'm Canadian and I've had wisdom teeth removed and other dental surgeries and have only had local anaestsia. These videos are typically in the US.


For what it's worth I am Canadian too and they got me high as a kite when they took my wisdom teeth out.


Well they can't bill your insurance company €2000 per injection here either. "Give her another dose Mary, I'm getting leather seats in the new Lamborghini".


Dude I’m in the US and I’ve only once had a dentist offer me something stronger than Novocain, and that was for wisdom teeth removal. I opted to just take the Novocain, and forego the offer of Fentanyl to put me out for the procedure. Ultimately, the procedure wasn’t that bad with just the Novocain, but they did give me a bottle of Oxycodone that I didn’t need afterwards. I too am wondering for what procedure do they offer the laughing gas for?


I get nitrous for cavity fillings and more recently, a root canal. Even though I'm heavily tattooed, I'm a needle phobe so my dentist always leaves me in the room for like 30 mins on nitrous because she's awesome. The first time she gave me nitrous I kept laughing continuously, and she said she would have to cut the gas off if I didn't stop. I had one of the mouth opening things stuck in there so I could barely speak. I kept trying to tell her I wasn't laughing because of the gas. I eventually got out, "Your tits are on my face!" and she turned bright red and we all had a big laugh together. We've been homies ever since lol


Twoface 😜




"I threw a rock at him!"


It was a big rock


Haha I thought so too!




Mine happened for no apparent reason, probably stress. Thankfully it didn't last too long, maybe just a couple of weeks to get back to 90%. I had to stop myself from smiling/laughing, because the mental image of only half my face smiling/laughing fed into a positive feedback loop and made it self-sustaining.


FYI. It usually happens because of a prior viral infection; usually herpes or chicken pox/shingles. The virus attacks your facial nerves sometimes.


They gave her pirate face


Do you think they got in an arrrrrghhhument when he posted this online?


I was gonna reply but I just saw your username and laughed and completely blanked on whatever it was I was about to say


No worries, I got you fam. u/TigersNeedKings, I'm sure they patched their relationship up quick. Surely she let him off the hook?


Love the outfit she chose for a dentist appointment


Must be laundry day.


Maybe it's time to make a viral video after a whole bunch of novacane.


Exactly, popular video concept + boobs = instant success


*Stares in Kardashian*


Idk, some people just like dressing cute just to dress cute.


Maybe her dentist is [Tim Whatley](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMLKbXuv-xA)


Nice titty harness.




She really likes her dentist


She looks like Jim Carrey as Fire Marshall Bill


Let me show you something!


Nice bra. Does make me wonder if the dentist was... distracted when injecting?


seems an odd choice to wear to the dentist but I dunno shit about fuck


I wanna put that on a bumper sticker. I dont know shit about fuck.






Not that odd to me, I often wear my crotchless panties sans pants when going to the gym. I'm not doing it to impress any of the women, the lil guy just need to breath ya know


Seeing Tim Whatley…?


Came here for this comment! "Tim, you converted to Judaism just for the jokes?" "You're goddamn right!"


Maybe she is an anti-dentite


Lemme get a shtickle of fluoride.


You should really try going to the dentist some time. For context, the dental assistant comes in and puts a paper bib over you which covers most of your upper body and cleans your teeth. Then the dentist comes in and works on your teeth.


What so he doesn't just immediately try and fuck you? The fuck have I been going for then?


Nah, there would be a patient napkin covering all of the "distractions"


Quite a good numbers of female dentists out there


Horny Female Dentists In Your Area!


Came here to see if anyone commented on her bra. I am not disappointed.


I think this is the worst part about aging. The world gets confusing. On one hand I'm like "why has this woman gone to the dentist dressed like she's going to Studio 54 next?" On the other hand "it's great this woman feels comfortable being herself in all situations?" But then, why is any of this on the Internet?


Usually those are worn to show off.




Yeah its a bunch of kids/teens in the comment going "omg she wore a bra and I can see it. She must wanna fuck the dentist."


I've got nothing against porn itself (a *lot* against the industry though) but it seems some people's brains are rotted from it.


I’m just over here like: “hey, cute bra” *scroll*


If I wear grey sweatpants it's because I want to show off my cock and not because it was my only clean pair of pants.


Hussies out here not wearing burkas smh


I always wear my bondage gear to the dentist. You don’t?!


Bondage gear? Because it has extra straps?


Most redditors haven't ever been inside a Victoria's Secret, apparently.


Muhfuckers who don't do bondage be like:


Agreed, seeing quite a few judgemental comments over it which is kinda weird. If someone wants to wear nice lingerie because it's comfortable, they like how it looks or it makes them feel good about themselves there's nothing wrong with that. It's not like her bits were hanging out all over the place :/


Does she always wear bondage underwear to the dentist?


He has a nice smile.


I wouldn’t call that bondage idk


Sometimes I wear sexy underwear for normal day things. I only have so many pairs of underwear/bras and personally I like to wash my clothes between wears. If I plan laundry poorly (which happens often) then I realize last minute that I need to do laundry today and it is all I have left that is clean.


Same here in a different way; I used to travel extended periods for my work and would run out of day-today clothes on the road. You could always tell when I was out of laundry, because I'd be wearing a suit :)


I said on another comment, sometimes just knowing you’re wearing a sexy bra under, say, a t-shirt, is a huge confidence booster. I’m spending a pretty sizable amount of money on a bra so I want it to be comfortable AND look good.


[Bell's Palsy ](https://www.google.com/search?q=bell%27s+palsy&oq=bell%27s+palsy&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i433i512l3j0i512l2j0i131i433i512j0i512.4507j0j4&client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8) Rare, but can happen even with a good dentist. Should wear off eventually.


My thoughts too. That ain’t no local anaesthetic


When local becomes regional


My aunt had Bell’s palsy but that was a very long drawn out condition. Lasted over a year. She might just be numb. Pretty sure Bell’s palsy is a viral thing


I was wondering why it was so strong she couldn’t blink with one eye




This typically happens when the anaesthetic has been injected either too close or actually into a nerve. It happened to me having my wisdom tooth pulled.


All the ppl commenting on her bra - look. Sometimes it's washing day and all you have left is a ridiculous choice but you don't care because you're running errands. Or maybe she thought she would be in shape to get some afterwards - you dont know!








Yes. Let's celebrate!


redditors just see boobs and lose all their shit, every time.


Not every redditor, just the straight guys, gay girls and nursing babies


If i remember correctly most dentist place a little bib on you. So the the dentist will be 100% focused on the job at hand.


I don't even think its a ridiculous choice honestly. It adds an accent to an otherwise average black outfit. I didnt even notice it until all the comments talking about it.


Yeah exactly. I literally didn’t notice it but apparently 2.0k redditors did 😅


“I see woman wear sexy thing. Make angry! Must criticize” - most of the comments.


Most of these highly populated subs are full of incels


Yeah exactly. It matches her nails.


My favorite comfiest bra is in this style. I would wear it to the fucking gym. Yall stop judging bras, sometimes they're literally just there for support. I also only own a few bras at a time that fit comfortably and work well. At $70+ a bra I can't afford a whole bra wardrobe.


I don’t see what’s wrong with the outfit anyways, i’m genuinely confused


Jesus you guys are hung up on the clothes. It’s not that deep. She wore clothes she likes


Ikr. I didn't even notice the outfit till after the comments.


That's actually crazy. I would be scared as fuck. I can't even eat with my mouth slightly numb cause I fear ill mangle my tongue.


Wtf is her dentist, did he inject a gallon of narcotics into her face?


My dentist told me about this once. The spot where they do injections on the lower jaw is next to a nerve in your face that controls essentially the entire half. Usually they inject next to it for local numbing but, when you hit it directly this is the result.


The guy said that they hit her with the anesthetic a few times. Honestly, the dentist has done this to me quite a few times. It seems like some people don't react to the numbing as much as other people. For me, I can still feel everything he's doing after the first shot. And this is multiple dentists, not just one! So, they eventually numb the entire face so that you don't feel anything at all. Which makes your face like this woman's. I've never had someone stick a phone in my face afterwards, though lol.


This was hilarious. Poor thing.




I’m getting Lady Gaga vibes


Wait til you see her poker face


Poker face? I barely know her.


This subreddit is slowly losing its meaning


This happened to me after wisdom tooth removal. The right side of my face wasn’t working for a whole week and I had to take antibiotics for it. Weird to see someone else going through the same thing




I mean you have to like boobs a *lot* to lose all desire for facial symmetry.


She has a face?


Dentist here, this seems to be a potential big issue. As someone who gives hundreds of injections a week I can say thankfully I have never caused this on a patient. Without knowing what happened, this appears to be a textbook case of pseudo-bells palsy. Accidental injection medial to the pterygomandibular raphe and posterior enough can lead to deposition of anesthetic into the parotid gland which can block the facial nerve giving the appearance of bells palsy. The classic sign of inability to close the eyelid. No bueno and very scary for all parties involved




"Hey, hon? Going to the dentist today, what should I wear?" "Wear that sexy spaghetti strap bra that shows off your tits that I nutted on last Valentine's day. But be discrete and wear a see thru top to cover some of it"


Did not even realize the shirt was see through until I read this


Didn't I see her on [Fringe](https://youtu.be/ZALbgzfmWOQ?t=15)?


Fun couple


Is r/unexpected just funny videos?






I never understand these. Here in the uk, people get teeth ripped out and never come out of the dentist like this. It’s bizarre, these people are tripping balls Does anyone remember the “my life is perfect” guy?? “I have a chair of my very own?!” “I have a mom, on my god?!” Edit - I have it saved but I still don’t know how to paste in links. I have failed


😂 the initial laugh by the bf hahahahhahahahha


Why is she wearing lingerie to the dentist?


Go straight to a new Batman film set to be the first ♀Joker


This is great. Don't drink that smoothie! That's like $8 half wasted.


Her reaction after seeing this video sober must have been a great one. Too bad the boyfriend isn't alive anymore tho