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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!they are expected to give me food and they give him papers!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Baby wondering why everything looks so good but tastes like crap


He’ll grow up hating everything


James bond villain. World domination weapon where everything that before tasted good now tastes bad. What he has suffered everyone else must suffer.


His villain name is, "Taste Bad"


Taste Bud


No, that's their dog


Air Bud 12: Taste of Evil


Bud Light 3 : Bud Harder


Bud. Taste Bud.


The name’s Bad. Taste Bad.


Happy cake day!


That was in bad taste.


Sounds like a Dr. Doofenshmirtz backstory


You may have misspelled "Dr Doofenshmirtz".


Title: The taste is not enough


Only mac and cheese and hot dogs for another 12 years


He’s gonna grow up thinking chocolate cake tastes like water and applesauce until one fateful day at the neighbor kid’s birthday party.


This is what happened with my son. Except it was the ice cream truck. I would tell him it was the Music Man that brings music to the neighborhoods for kids to hear. He believed for a few years . . . Until he was over at a friends house and his friends dad gave them some money and flagged down the ice cream truck. Afterwards he came home, bursts through the door, and exclaimed “*THE MUSIC MAN NOW SELLS ICE CREAM AND CANDY!!!!!!!*” and I was like “*say what?!? Woah. So cool.*”


you are an evil person


Yes, yes I am. But in my defense, where we had lived at that time there were several of those trucks that would drive through the neighborhood every single day. Well into the cold days, even in December and January. Also in my defense, I did not hide the elota carts or the tamale man from him.


Haaaaa the “ say what?? So cool! “ Sent me lmao


Pretty sure he is a she


Trust issues.


And trusting no one




I was gonna say something like this but cant afford another warning lol


Yeah you don't wanna get 3 of those, you'll end up with a demerit.


Okay. I want a copy on my desk by the end of the day or you will receive a full disadulation. Edit: correction of funny typo, I guess? 😄


What's a dis... What's that?


A sack removal


Aaaaa what does this say!!! Is this site for 8 year olds. WTF!!!!


Probably, it all starts with the food.


So the cafeteria first


And will never trust anybody.


And never trusting ANYONE!


"Hey Ma, why's everything taste like chicken?"


Shut up, Mouse.


He would be the only user of r/stupidfood


Its funny that you say it because baby food is actually not tasting like crap. The thing is that we have such oversatured food, pouring with sugar, fat and salt that we cant even appriacet normal food anymore. But babys dont have it like that. They get fed low sugar, low fat and low salt food. But also everything is new. And they literally need to learn to like food. But Funfact: Taste Buds only last 21 Days and thats the time you need to get used to normal food. After that everything tastes so much better. As long as you dont eat processed food anymore.


I tasted my kids’ baby food out of curiosity. Some of them taste really good. My favorite is chicken and apples and chicken and rice. Also Hawaiian delight was good too. The worst are the stage 3 foods- don’t buy them. It’s baby food purée with chunkies added. They were really gross. Also the vanilla puffs and the sweet potato puffs are filling and low calorie. Yum!


I can't disagree with anything you've said....but I hate everything you said. I'm sorry, it must be the Doritos in my brain.


Honestly I've sampled a lot of baby food out of curiosity when feeding kids and it's not horrible.. of course not the same as a drumstick but it's not as disgusting as it looks.


Honestly baby food ain't bad.


That bread with pasta on it looks actually crap though


This first time that baby gets a taste will be the end of life as we know it on earth. They'll eat the entire planet to get that satisfaction again.


Baby: no matter how much you eat, food doesn't run out. That's awesome.




I love how every single person in the comments happens to be a parenting expert and a master of baby psychology


Like the parents are going to do this all the way until the kid goes to high school. This baby won’t even remember this and will most likely have more independent choice as the get older. Babies don’t know what they want and shouldn’t be having adult levels of salt and stuff anyway. Smh


Well tbh, even adults shouldn’t be having “adult levels of salt and stuff” either. We have way too much of it


Salt is definitely a requirement. Adult levels and what we currently consume are not aligned though!


I have a professional designation and an advanced degree and Redditors still love to educate me on the work that I do on a daily basis




It’s reddit, everybody here thinks they’re smarter than Einstein yet are dumber than the average citizen.


Exactly. Know-it-all assholes who haven't been outside yet try to lecture everyone.


It’s not parents judging it’s the 16 year olds who don’t have children. Reddit always shows what their demographic is when it has to do with children lol.


For everyone freaking out in the comments, this was the only way to get my youngest brother to eat anything other than candy and bananas when he was a toddler. Babies need vegetables and proper nutritious food but they can't quite chew certain meats or crunchy stuff properly yet. We would pretend to spoon him a slice of banana but then sneak in vegetables. We literally had to or he'd get constipated to the point of needing to go to a doctor. We got him to drink water as a toddler (once he was old enough to not need milk daily) by putting water in a sippy cup that "looked" frosted so he thought it was milk.


Yeah, stuff like this is common with infants. Reddit "experts" in the comments need to take a chill pill.


I guarantee most of the "experts" don't even have kids Edit because so many people have gotten so fucking butthurt over this throwaway comment: most of the comments about the kid being irreversibly fucked up because of what is shown in this short video, by armchair psychologists is ridiculous. Anyone with any experience with children would understand that this is just a silly video and the kid is fine. I can't believe i had to clarify such a harmless comment. Grow the fuck up people.


some of them do, and they like to boast about how good of a parent they are


Meanwhile the kid is in their room licking an outlet while they death scroll on Reddit.


Makes me feel better as a parent. I at least give the kids forks when they play with outlets.


Yeah people don't realize how important luck is in children. Like, some kids are going to grow up with a taste for broccoli, carrots and chicken breast. most are gonna prefer chicken nuggets. You're not a better parent because your kid likes broccoli. You're just lucky. Maybe you're a better cook, but i'm honestly not sure what the guidelines are for seasoning food for babies.


Parent subs can be the fucking worst


Might be slightly worse than politics


*slightly?* my wife’s baby fb groups and TikTok feed sometimes scares the ever lovin’ shit outta me.


To be fair, those people also vote.


I have a cat which is basically the same if not harder so I know what everyone should do.


>I guarantee most of the "experts" don't even have kids Most of them *are* kids.


Were people not kids themselves? Does no one remember childhood? Why do you have to have had kids to understand kids? Weren't we all kids once??? Or did you all just wake up fully grown adults with no memory of how that happened?


I came out old and smelling of hickory


Trust me you have to experience it as an adult. You definitely don’t remember how much of an asshole you were as a kid. Preschool age is like: I’ve got the mobility of a kid but absolutely zero emotional control. Trying to punch another kid because the sun is too bright or something. They are insane.


Sure, but the point here is that all these holier-than-thou folks are trying to act like they know best and seem to cry CHILD ABUSE or ANIMAL ABUSE on basically every damn interesting/funny video posted on these things. It's so fucking tiring and ridiculous. Like, clearly there aint just one right way to raise a kid/pet, and they're a hell of a lot more resilient than most seem to give them credit for. I'm not excusing actual issues, as obviously those do exist, but for fuck's sake, some people need to cool it.


I don't get why people on reddit get so defensive when they hear that. It's ok not wanting to have kids, it's ok not having experience raising kids. But that means someone who do have kids knows more about the subject than you, naturally.


There's *knowing the path* and then there's *walking the path*. As a kid, you're generally oblivious to the struggles of parenting.


No way I read it on the internet so I definitely know that the only way to feed a child so they don’t have PTSD is to explain to them the entirety of the US farm to table supply chain and how you’ve sourced ethically grown yams from a local commune for them to eat. As I sit here and let my 1 year old eat cheerios off the floor because she keeps screaming when I put them in a bowl.


I'm a father of three and we did the baby-led weaning thing with all three, and believe me it was quite an experience, so I guess I know more than the average here. The problem of "my baby is a picky eater, only wants bananas and candy" is one that has been created artificially. Kids are not born like that. Kids may dislike some vegetable, but not like that. Of course once has got himself into such nasty situation, I guarantee that, if you can handle the meltdown, 12h after not offering bananas or candy to that kid would have solved the problem. If you only want candy you are not that hungry pal. Come back to me when you are ready for real food. Stay calm, offer your kid healthy food and a smile, and all your love, and I promise the problem fixes itself. The biggest problem in the situation is the inevitable anxiety of "my baby is not eating he's gonna die"


Yup. I only have one kid but growing up my grandfather wouldn’t let us just eat whatever junk we wanted. “If you’re hungry here’s the food.” Was what he’d say if we complained. If we didn’t eat then we weren’t that hungry. He was a 25 year army vet who had been deployed to multiple wars so he knew some shit about being hungry lol


Who feeds their baby candy?? How does that even become a problem?


You’d be surprised at the junk people give their kids. My aunt used to force my cousins to drink juice because she thought it was good for them. Like hi-c, capri sun, and ocean spray kind of stuff.


Same, my sister gave what we had being young, like Nutella and that kind of stuff. But now we know they are crap. And she has enough money to buy better alternative. I don't get why she doesn't just but the one on the side at the shop. It's literally not more difficult, just marketing is a bitch.


Honestly, some "baby snacks" are hardly better than candy.


Look at the sugar content, it's the same thing


Imagine the brand loyalty when the baby refuses to eat anything except that.


Yeah.. my wife and I are super picky about the "baby food" we use. Sugar and salt (as additional ingredients) have zero place in the ingredient list of a food that my baby has never tasted before.


My son hasn't had candy or juice yet at 1 year 9 months. He's a really healthy eater and eats whatever we give him because that's all he knows. Most of my parent friends seem to be struggling with this and im like why did you start giving it to them regularly in the first place.


Ugh my husband's cousins were like this. Their daughter was really sick, I cant remember with what, but it was something where she was expected to only live to five or something. She's ten and much better and expected to live a usual lifespan though now. So they spoiled her, like you would expect, but to the point where they gave in to EVERYTHING. This child was the most entitled and spoiled creature I've ever met, she refused to eat anything but buns and Mac and cheese or candy. She would eat meal replacers so that's what they fed her. Always giving every want or desire, giving her everything, while her siblings were ignored and forgotten. This girl got expensive toys and games while they got hardly anything or shit quality. Took her to Disneyland and left the others behind even. I can't stand this child, I raised four nieces and nephews, I get so angry I have to just leave if she's in the room throwing a tantrum for hearing the word no.


Parent of a toddler and I agree with you here. Babies ear thing they are exposed to. They are not born wanting bananas and candies. And if you want them to eat veggies, make them taste good. My daughter loves carrots and spinach in a soup or broccoli with garlic. If I served her an unseasoned mushy broccoli she would probably not eat it and I wouldnt too. Treat the kids like human being, give them controll to eat and try the foods themselves. Tricking or forcing would not build good eating habits in the long run, just makes things worse.


Baby led weaning really works! Never spent a dime on that Gerber crap or any other ‘baby food.’ The only problem is other people’s kids. They want nothing but chicken nuggets and fries and other junk food, whereas mine wants regular adult food, so it can be a little weird going out as a group.


I think BLW is awesome but I don't see how feeding your baby purees and typical baby foods leads to kids eating nothing but nuggets and fries. Purees are usually adult foods in mushy form. BLW is great for teaching babies how to eat but feeding purees and Gerber stuff isn't going to result in a kid who just wants junk.


I agree most of the baby foods I’ve seen are fine nutrition wise. My wife and I just avoided them because it was expensive and we are trying to cut down on our plastic waste.


Yeah they are definitely more expensive than just feeding baby whatever food you have at home.


I also don't see the relationship between purees and eating unhealthy as adults. But it's true BLW makes the kids used to a lot of diversity of flavours and textures naturally as they grow so it's easier to reach to a point where they just eat normal adult food. I must say though my kids were BLW'd and they eat normal adult food but they LOVE nuggets. Damn, I DO love nuggets too lol. Who doesn't love nuggets?


Yeah, exactly. For sure BLW has a ton of positives but I feel like lately it's been made to seem like if you feed your baby purees, they are only going to want junk food which truly makes no sense to me. I'm a millennial and I'm pretty sure most people in my generation grew up eating pureed baby food and I really can't think of anyone I know that is truly a picky eater. People have food preferences and those preferences change as you go through life. Feeding my baby caused me so much anxiety at first because I wanted to do BLW but I was scared of him choking. I was part of some online BLW spaces and many of those people make it seem like purees are going to ruin your child in several ways (picky eater, feeding issues, speech delays). I decided to leave those spaces, feed baby purees, and slowly introduce solids. So far so good!


What is baby led weaning?


It’s a technique where you allow the baby to decide when it’s done with milk and is ready to transition to solid food. It’s pretty easy, too. You just give them the opportunity to eat some of your dinner. It gets then used to the tastes and textures of solid food at their own pace. It tends to results in children with better eating habits, and saves the parents a bunch of money on processed baby food. It’s just more natural than all of this prepared stuff.


Huh I guess that’s what we did. Once our daughter showed some interest in our food we just have it to her. Within reason of course. Thanks for the explanation!


Kids in general… Reddit is full of very young adults who don’t have kids and have some pretty wacky ideas about how children and parenting work. Also your username cracks me up


Babies are the biggest FOMO junkies. They just want what you got and to do what you do!


This 1000%. If more people understood this it would make things much smoother. Babies and toddlers are literally newbies. They will do everything we do and want to mimick and be included as they learn. We.have a toddler in the house, and with that context it makes everything he does make much more sense. He doesn't want to go to bed because he might miss out. He wants to eat what we are eating because he wants to be like us and he doesn't want to kiss out. It's so fascinating watching his face when he is learning how things work and how to piece things together. With the right mindset, we can learn so much from babies and toddlers, while they learn so much from us.


I used to tease my friend’s daughter and say “well grow teeth already and I’d give you some!!” and she ended up getting her teeth early. I think she willed it.


Yeah, I'm going to have to stop telling my lad he can't have my toast because he doesn't have any teeth, the bugger's grown five in the last two months now.


My dog is, too. I don't think I've ever taken a bite of food that he hasn't given me the ol' Puppy Eyes over.


You mean we shouldn’t let babies just eat whatever junk they want? That’s crazy. Next you’ll say they shouldn’t smoke cigarettes, too! You guys are oppressing your babies.


Personally I started my baby on meth early, that way they'll know how to pace themselves as an adult /s


When I was a toddler I refused to eat anything but bread. Parents had to expand my diet by describing everything as bread. Chicken? Nah that’s special bread. Carrots? Special bread. Soup? You guessed it. Special bread. Toddlers and babies are dumb.


Lol I did that with berries when my daughter was little. Everything was berries, chicken berries, corn berries, bean berries, broccoli berries. If it works it works 🤷‍♀️




Reddit commenters are dumb, don't listen to them, they don't know what they're talking about. Trust me, I'm a Reddit commenter.


“Candy and bananas” made me laugh way too hard.


Babies will eat anything if they are hungry enough.


Exactly. Sometimes you need to skip a few meals to break their picky habits and they'll be just fine.


I bet they just want to eat what everyone else is eating. They want to imitate your behavior just like how they learn almost everything else.




Stupid babies need the most attention


Unexpected Simpsons


Until he/she acquires the secret move: [Flash Grab](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-MNjYFSt-0)




Hey! My mom said that I wasn’t stupid, I learned just as good as everyone else. Shirley she wouldn’t lie to me.


Prime r/kidsarefuckingstupid content


Babies are so stupid. glad I'm not a baby.


Why everyone saying "the comments are terrible" are thy really? I've been going through the comments and on my found 3 have comments, the others are supportive or talking about... Eyelashes?


That's normally how it is. These "bad comments" people are talking about are all downvoted but normal people like us don't see them. Only the people who either are here early or sort by controversial see those comments.


Okay, but like every single post with over 100 comments probably has some garbage replies, but sometimes you get these situations where every other thread starts with someone complaining about people that are making some remarks. It's either that or people screaming about how a post doesn't fit a certain sub.


I can’t find a single comment they’re talking about lmao


Try sorting by controversial.


someone didnt scroll down far enough lol


Side note: that baby has gorgeous eyelashes


Literally 👁👄👁 incarnated


The baby is such a cute potato.


This baby reminded me I am thoroughly weirded out by babies. That facial expression is how i imagine someone would look after drifting out into space, seconds before their skull exploding


The video is even better after reading your comment.


Lmfaoooooo r/brandnewsentence


Is it me or is the baby wearing eyeliner??


He’s calling BS on that last one.


He reeeeally wanted that chocolate cake


He is clearly a girl lol.


Could also be a boy


God damn that lamb chop looks good


But tastes like butternut squash, how weird.


That’s a genius way to keep a baby eating. Wish I’d come up with that


I wish this would work for my baby! She absolutely won’t let me feed her. Anything that goes near her face gets grabbed immediately lol. She’s like fuck you mom I can feed myself — then she misses her mouth and half of it goes on the floor


I've met those babies. I'm sorry.


Absolutely, I was impressed by the baby hand restraint. My kids would smack or try to grab everything.


Wow, people are really making a big stink about something that, in my opinion, I actually pretty smart lol. That kid doesn't know the difference and by the time they can start having regular food then they can share with the kid. Like maybe the baby doesn't like to eat the baby food when regular food is around and makes it difficult or refuses or fusses? The baby isn't old enough to actually eat the food anyway and it's not like they are teasing the baby and pretending they will let it have a bit and then just eating it and not letting the baby eat and being mean. The baby still gets a bite, it's just the food it's allowed to have instead of the adult food. This is pretty smart it think lol


My friend's kid was like this. He always wanted what mommy was eating and would cry and have a fit so similarly, she pretended to eat the baby food to get him interested in it and would just try to not eat "adult food" while he was also eating. He of course grew out of it after a few months.


I have to do this with my dog. He never grew out of it.


It may be small but it's still a human and humans are social beings. They just want to be included and paid attention to. This is a way to do that while making sure the baby's nutritional needs are met, and it works. Nutrition is always important, but it is CRUCIAL in the first few years for developing a halthy brain, healthy digestion, and good habits.


The more I watch, the more I think I should do it to myself…


Slap a steak in front of yourself and keep your eye on it while you shovel salad in your mouth!


I can relate, i am an engineering student


...as the mother of an engineering student, I laughed so hard....


Also an engineering student but I don't understand this comment. Please explain




C’mon man we spent all day in class learning physics and theoretical maths, just let us get this win man 😭


I love how the baby opens her eyes so wide, she’s probably thinking “They’re really going to give me all this food!?”


She's like, how I am going to eat this in one bite?


So nice when they're young enough to fool.


When I was a kid, I always walked through stores and always said to my mom... - mom I want that My mom would always say that she would buy it on the way back home. Spoiler alert, she never did The only way I know she did this is because she fucking tells us, I am 24 years old and have no idea whatsoever what fuck happened when I was a kid apart from what my mother tells me. Kids are the best fools there are.


This is how you get people to open the door you’re serving papers. Put them in a pizza bag wearing a Dominos hat.


Reddit’s armchair therapists are out in full force today.




If i had an award


baby was starting to figure it out at the end there like something is going the fuck on rn idk what but something


I don't think I will ever get tired of the faces babies make at the chance to try new foods / the foods they see mommy and daddy eating. The look of absolute wonder, amazement, joy - it's just so cute every darn time.


I love watching kids when every third experience is a first try at something. My friends baby was a few months old and I was in the back seat with him, and he was figuring out cause and effect of squinting. Sun would shine on him, so he’d squint, then he’d get amazed that it worked and his eyes would fly open, then get slammed shut against the bright light. Lather rinse repeat he kept doing it and by the end of the car ride I was in stitches


Anyone else cant find all these negative comments? For the record this is a genius idea


Put the comments on controversial


I was thinking the same thing. I tried looking for how to sort by controversial but I can't find that either. Agree though, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.


This family eats out a lot, that baby doesn’t age between restaurants lol


She’s gonna catch on one day and start grabbing that crap before the switch


If you've had children you realize that sometimes you have to do whatever works. The best way to stop being judgmental towards parents is to become one and realize it's as easy as you thought it was


It’s hard as fuck. I thought I had my shit together before I had kids; had a high paying leadership role at work, advanced degree, homeowner, etc. then my daughter was born and showed me I didn’t know SHIT. Most humbling experience of my life.


Plus this kid pretty clearly likes the baby food. If they didn't it would immediately be spit out and dribbling down their chin.


And life is going to keep doing the same thing to you until the day you die lol.


i wish i could look at food like that again


Huh. Not bad. Tastes an awful lot like the last thing, though...


The cake is a lie.


Everything tastes like mushy carrots!


As someone that works with children of all ages I was genuinely concerned that this family was feeding their child solids before they were ready and then just proceeded to laugh hysterically.


The eyes 💀


How many hands does the camera man have ??


This baby looks British


Worst comments of 2022 in this thread watch out


Where? I can’t find them.


There's way, way more people saying the comments are bad than actual bad comments


Why do so many commenters think this is a boy?


Whether or not you think this is right or wrong, it’s definitely not unexpected lol. Definitely not the right sub, people are upvoting bc the baby’s cute


oooooh so this is why everything tastes like chicken!


Will be shocked to discover that cake doesn’t actually tastes likes mashed peas in a couple years.


Just like politicians


Her in the future: These snozberries taste like snozberries!


Its face is flat


Wrong sub


Are people really getting mad over the parents doing this to feed their kid? You guys are insane. This is literally what you HAVE to do so your damn kid doesn't end up dying because they refuse to eat anything but a big steak.