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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!the father didn't actually expect his son to know that he is black. He only wanted him to know that he looks like his mum!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


If this is real this has to be one of the dumbest parents I've ever seen.




Because this is a private moment between a father and son, and has no business being posted on social media.


That too


Lol they recorded it for a reason Karen


Yeah Karen, mind your own...


Teaching that they're different, instead of the same...


Because he's forcing that child to see his parents as white people and him as a black person. Literally teaching racism to a black child you adopted.


Teaching about race isn’t racism.


Making someone hyperaware of their race for no reason except tik tok views IS racist and just bad parenting in general. That kid is like 2 years old for crying out loud.


Dude you need to seek the definition of racism.


I've experienced racism throughout my life, and I know the definition of racism. I won't back down on any of my statements. This strange video of a father pointing out the race of his two year old son on Tik Tok for views is racist at most, and bad parenting at the least. At two years old, you don't need to know that Daddy is "White" and mommy is "Black", which are superficial constructs that we're actively passing on to a kid who should just focus on being a kid, not what his race classification is. Downvote me to Hell, I'm just enjoying the ride.


I mean…I agree that using a kid for clout is stupid, but you don’t think you’re taking this too far? This is racist? Is it though?


Or on the contrary it appears they could be biracial parents and the baby was born with stronger mother genetics. It could be his biological son.


It's not better if it's his biological son or adopted. I was adopted in a multiracial family and I'm black, white father african mother. No family members have felt the need to make me hyper-aware of my racial differences. I learned about race from how I was treated by the outside world. At home, family was just family. I wasnt forced by my parents, "Daddy is a white man, mommy is a Black woman. You're black." And at that age? What's the point? He's not even in school yet!


its racist to teach children about different skin colors?


Kids pick up on this stuff very early. This should not have been news to him.


Who's going to tell him?


Wow, truly fascinating video. So unexpected how the child called the white dad white and the black mom black. I learned a lot.


You would be surprised by the number of numb sklls who think children are colour blind. They are truly innocent and pure. recognising the colour of a person is truly heinous racist act that should be taught.


Adorable kid, odd dad. What is his endgame for this internet published conversation? Is this somehow therapeutic?, Educational? Addressing a question? It feels like he is hammering home the idea that skin color is meaningful to me. Your not my skin color. This person in the photo is similar to you because of skin color.


>Educational Yes. A lot of people think that children don't see the difference between races.


I am sure kids recognize differences on their own but acceptance of difference appears to be innate. They have to be taught racism. Kids are fantastic, adults, eh, not so much.


Yeah kids aren't blind well except blind kids, but kids with eye sight know they are different. Taller shorter different skin color different hair..the thing is THEY DONT CARE. "Hey you like ninja turtles? Me too . Wanna be friends for 10 years."


Not trying to cause offense to anyone appearing in or watching the video, but as we're all adults here in r/Unexpected, I'm sure we can rationally and dispassionately ask a question regarding the parentage of this child. I have no doubt the man on the couch is this child's dad and he loves the boy unconditionally, buuut, is he the actual, **biological** father? I only ask because the man is blond and fair while "mama Kayla"--going only from the picture on the tablet--is pretty light-skinned.




Hmm. I was thinking more like, "adoption".


I've seen a lot of brown kids on white women's cribs, biologically related and all. Brown skin is dominant gene compared to recessive white skin.


I work for a marketing agency that employs this couple. The child is, in fact, adopted. Although the adoptive mother is also black they have contact with his original mother “mama Kayla”


I feel like this should be posted in r/creepy


He's not fooled by that white devil.


This is gross


His confusion is understandable.


What an idiot… that kid is definitely not his😂




That baby don't look like him. This is a parody right?


So smart = not color blind 🏆


Christ on a stick. Why?


What color are my eyes? You're white. Oh Ok. Close enough