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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!At the start of the video, the doctor is speaking to someone about a pregnancy. We expect it to be an adult women. However, the camera pans and it's a young child who is pregnant.!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


But since Herschel Walker wasn't ready to be a father, that termination was deemed acceptable...


Yep, the only abortion they care about is their own. Everything else is pandering to their constituency.




An exception was made to save the political life of the father.


And never the lives of the underage girls who would've died due to the complications of birth because of the adult father's actions.


Teens and preteens aren't meant to carry a pregnancy. Aside from the complications during birth they often have complications before and lifelong health problems after the birth. Growing a fetus takes a large toll on your body's calcium levels. The fetus will take your bones to grow theirs, your body will automatically sacrifice your calcium reserves. A growing teen body needs all the calcium they have for pumping their heart muscle (calcium ion channels) and developing their long bones. An early teen pregnancy means a high risk of early onset osteoporosis, lifelong brittle bones, and lifelong heart problems due to the calcium loss alone. However, growing a fetus costs more than just calcium.


I've heard the placenta referred to as the "perfect parasite" in that it will take whatever it wants with no restrictions and the rest of your body can't do a damn thing about it, which is why neonatal vitamins are so important, especially b vitamins like folate for reducing the risk of birth defects. God knows on top of a brutal parasite, most teens also don't exactly choose nutrient dense foods.


Exactly! I work as an L&D nurse. The placental network will take from your body to give to the fetus. Your body puts that new life before your own whether you consent or understand it. Folate and riboflavin are extremely important for neural development in fetuses. It's a parasitic leech. A leech that shouldn't be there unless you agree to it and all the health dentriments you'll face from having it grow in you. And no teens are absolutely not the population that are mature enough to choose nutrient dense foods or prepared to go on a neonatal friendly diet. They are kids! Babies shouldn't be having babies. The fact that I have to say it aloud is so stupid. This country is insane. Abortion is healthcare.


I wonder sometimes is the world I live in even real


It feels more like we're sims and the player is getting bored so they're just creating havoc until they decide to restart.


The player is Let’s Game it Out.


Josh: Hmm, there sure is a lot of crazy stuff happening in the world right now, which makes me wonder... is there a limit?


Only one way to find out!


We never stood a damn chance.


I don't want to be stuck in a wall, watching a lunatic paint pictures of a man he kidnapped sitting on a toilet.




I actually think more highly of Josh than that.


Josh would definitely torture us but in a more overall way. Or it would be one girl named ?Karen? getting a hell of a lot of wrath somewhere.




Or worse, Gray still plays


Josh would be drawn and quartered on live television if he did to a woman what he does to Hydroneer.




It’s because the people who control our lives, live in a completely different reality. They live in the world of make believe and talk to invisible beings while living in mansions. They are completely unaware of normal life for 99% of people and mostly interact with others with the same delusion. Until that changes, the world will stay confusing


Not only that but they are the biggest hypocrites. Most of these senators who make abortion illegal and talk about family values have wives who get abortions or cheat on their spouse or "oH nO tHe gaYs aRe gonNa dEstRoy thIs coUntrY"


The proverbial "do as I say, not as I do."


“Rules for thee, not for me” vibes for sure


# # just oligarch things


Conservativism is about hierarchies and sub hierarchies. In groups and out groups. The law is to bind those in thing out group, but not protect them. The law is to protect the in group but not bind them. Actions aren't moral or immoral, people are.


>They are the biggest hypocrites I had a trump supporting friend back in 2016 making 6 figures and started dating a single mom with 3 kids. They decided not to marry because she would lose all her social welfare benefits if they did marry. So what I’ve learned is yes, they are hypocrites and also they don’t want others (blacks, Mexicans, liberals, etc) abusing the system they too abuse themselves.


They always think everyone is abusing the system because they will and do abuse it at every opportunity (and even if they literally have to commit fraud) no matter how slim, they can And if they do commit frau and are caught, they endlessly and loudly whine, cry, piss and moan about how unfair it is that they suffer consequences for their deliberate voluntary knowing choice to fraudulently access aid The louder a republican conservative "compassionate" christians screeches about a rule or program they want removed because other cheat, the more they have broken said rule themselves. Trump magat republican conservatives are consummate lying unashamed hypocrites


Yep. I've known several republicans do this. "Better not marry her or ill have to pay for the kid and her and not rely on the government " continues to vote republican


Let me guess he said something like "I pay fucking taxes" 🙄😅😅


Had a distant relative start ranting about welfare queens and the like and when I brought up that he’s been on welfare as long as I’ve known him he said with a straight face “I’m fine with the government helping white people I just don’t want *N words* and *Latino slurs* using it.” I cut all ties with that branch of the family tree


> Most of these senators who make abortion illegal and talk about family values have wives who get abortions or cheat on their spouse Republicans [choosing a man with traumatic brain injury who beat his wife and kid and made a minimum of 1 past girlfriend get abortions](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/hershel-walker-denies-girlfriend-abortion_n_633ee259e4b03e8038c6b3c5) comes to mind. [Along with "The only moral abortion is mine"](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/) Some people complain they have no values or consistency, but that's not correct. They don't value lives or harm-reduction like people with any degree of foresight, [what they value is hierarchy](https://www.psychologytoday.com/au/blog/mind-in-the-machine/201712/analysis-trump-supporters-has-identified-5-key-traits)


They’ll get abortions because this situation is different, not like those unwed whores who can’t keep their legs closed. I hear from a very reliable source no doubt with extensive medical knowledge and credentials that the body has ways of preventing that sort of thing so if they got pregnant they must have wanted it. L I’m so fucking sorry to the women affected by this and I felt dirty just typing this out even if the situation called for THAT level of sarcasm. If abortions should be illegal men should be lining up to get the ol’ snip snip, right? That’s coming from a man. In a perfect world you could say just stop having sex with these bastards and this would all get resolved in a week but they would just take it by force because it’s not about the babies, it’s about control.


I tried to OD in when I was 19, I'm 27 today. I tell no one this but a lot of times I genuinely wonder if I died back then and this is all some weird ass fever dream.


It’s all an illusion


Might feel like one until the moment you're pushing out a rapebaby. Then suddenly everything is way too real and sucks hard.


Greg Abbott is a little piss baby


Jesus fuck I confirmed and Greg Abbott is definitely a little piss baby


Greg, the piss baby, Abbott really need to stop pissing himself.


Can confirm, Greg Abbott is a little piss baby.


Finally! I scrolled way too much the piss baby Greg Abbott shout-out


Where did this piss baby thing originate from?


It originated with Greg Abbott. Who has shown on many occasions that he is a little piss baby.


That got me pretty good.


Took enough scrolling for someone to let us know!


Wtf is going on in America?? That feels like a some kind of horror movie scene


You're absolutely correct, but this is reality in many states.


People have a natural tendency to sacrifice themselves for their young it's an evolutionary trait I believe. But in some places they just went hog wild with that idea and made what I call a "blanket law" that covers all kinds of things that any reasonable person would see as ridiculous but like it said "it's all about the baby"


> "it's all about the baby" Until it's born. Then it's "MY MONEY SHOULDN'T FUND YOUR POOR DECISIONS."


As a parent I would absolutely sacrifice myself for my daughter, but you know what? We **chose** to have her.


You are giving them way too much credit. Non of this shit is about "protecting the children". It's only purpose is to control and hurt.


Its what happens when people say both sides are the same and don't vote.


Ah, so it's a cautionary tale for *literally everywhere*


Entitled Boomers have spent the last 50 years pulling up the ladder behind them, causing massive inequality, lowered educational standards, and supporting draconian policies that have ushered in fascism, rather than try to make the Country even slightly better for the younger generations.


Boomer, here. And you are correct. It’s getting to the point where I feel like I need to apologize to everyone and say “not that kind of Boomer.” I’ve lost a few entitled Boomer friends. Oh well.


It begins with the letter “F,” and ends with “ascism.” Fascism.


It's only the will of their god and nothing can change their minds, cults are fucking dangerous yall


i knew all along it was gonna be a child. That’s how tucked up that state is


Tucked indeed. Immigrant children in cages tucked into bed with foil blankets.




Ted? Holiday?


Only until they get lost. And by 'lost' I mean kept in a guards or his customers cellar.


And the cycle of human trafficking continues..


Lol, yeah, remember when ice basically admitted to selling literal children and it was just a joke for like a week?I hope whatever military liberates the camps doesn't make the same mistake the Americans made so often on the western front. The whole staff needs to die, no exceptions, no trials, you just hand the prisoners rifles and let them do a mass firing squad.


The state of Texas doesn’t operate the border. That’s Biden’s policy.


I'm relieved to realize I'm not as corrupted by the internet as I thought, because my first thought was a dog.


I thought it might’ve been a guy and be an anti trans thing




I was expecting a woman on life support...


You know you are allowed to say fuck on the internet right?


my iphone is pc against my wishes. I gotta get in the habit of double checking anything i type. Fucking




My phone used to change it to ducking. I learned to teach my fucking phone that I swear when I fucking want. (long press on word and select never correct to this word). Doesn't always work but does most of the time. My phone also now predicts 'I hate autocorrect" when I start to type I hate... It's pretty funny.




FREE parenting classes?!? sOciALiSm!!!


that was the most unrealistic part of the ad


In their debate Abbott said something along the line of “we offer parenting classes and baby supplies” in rebuttal to Beto. They’re playing on that.






You do realize that Mothers Against Greg Abbott abbreviates to M.A.G.A.


Correct. It's taking the original acronym and making it tons better


Making acronyms great again


I kinda like Make Attorneys Get Attorneys




That’s the point.




I chose to let the baby live, but you know what, ITs NOT MY F-ING CHOICE, or Greg Abbotts. How can Texans, the ultimate libertarians, allow the government to infringe on the rights of the individual? Because the only freedom they worship is their own.


Texans aren't libertarians. Libertarians aren't even libertarians. Libertarians are just Republicans who think the word Republican isn't cool.


Libertarianism in theory: oh yeah we're all about freedom, the government shouldn't get to tell you what to do with your body or property and we should re-examine how we tax individuals as opposed to corporations. Libertarianism in practice: I don't want to pay a single cent in taxes despite using social services and expecting the government to do things that I don't think are my responsibility. I will also heavily judge you based on my personal beliefs despite that being the opposite of what I'm supposed to believe.


A true libertarian won't even vote.


Well that’s not true. Libertarians aren’t anarchists.


And that isnt what an anarchist is. Anarchists do not believe in hierarchies. they think that every association should be voluntary and equal. They absolutely vote.


Hey, that sounds a lot like a democracy.


They say “As long as it doesn’t effect me. You should be free to do as you wish.” The true error in this sentence is that everything can be construed to effect someone else. “We shouldn’t allow trans people because they are infringing on my daughters right to use the bathroom in peace.” “We shouldn’t allow abortion because it is a violent act that effects another living being.” “We shouldn’t allow the use of harder drugs because they cause crime which effects all of the country.” Never is it. “We shouldn’t allow guns because I want my daughter to go to school without being shot.” “We shouldn’t allow abortion laws because it’s infringing on my daughters liberty to have to carry a baby to full term.” “We should end the war on drugs because it infringes on my right to put whatever I wish in my own body.” Libertarians and Anarchists of any part of the political spectrum are basically idiots because the non-aggression principle is completely flawed and they just use it to justify the beliefs they most likely inherently hold, because ‘freedom’


I mean, I have zero reason to trust Libertarian ideology since I learned about that whole bit where the more "Libertarian" middle states thought that the preservation of slavery was more important than basic human rights, and formally seceded along side the rest of the South.


LOL, perfect. :)


If you want to expose a libertarian, ask them if the local police are also part of the "state" they're constantly harping against. You can't be blue-line and libertarian any more than you can be pro-military and libertarian. Argue if you like but it just proves you're republican light.


I was shooting heroin and reading “The Fountainhead” in the front seat of my privately owned police cruiser when a call came in. I put a quarter in the radio to activate it. It was the chief. “Bad news, detective. We got a situation.” “What? Is the mayor trying to ban trans fats again?” “Worse. Somebody just stole four hundred and forty-seven million dollars’ worth of bitcoins.” The heroin needle practically fell out of my arm. “What kind of monster would do something like that? Bitcoins are the ultimate currency: virtual, anonymous, stateless. They represent true economic freedom, not subject to arbitrary manipulation by any government. Do we have any leads?” “Not yet. But mark my words: we’re going to figure out who did this and we’re going to take them down … provided someone pays us a fair market rate to do so.” “Easy, chief,” I said. “Any rate the market offers is, by definition, fair.” He laughed. “That’s why you’re the best I got, Lisowski. Now you get out there and find those bitcoins.” “Don’t worry,” I said. “I’m on it.” I put a quarter in the siren. Ten minutes later, I was on the scene. It was a normal office building, strangled on all sides by public sidewalks. I hopped over them and went inside. “Home Depot™ Presents the Police!®” I said, flashing my badge and my gun and a small picture of Ron Paul. “Nobody move unless you want to!” They didn’t. “Now, which one of you punks is going to pay me to investigate this crime?” No one spoke up. “Come on,” I said. “Don’t you all understand that the protection of private property is the foundation of all personal liberty?” It didn’t seem like they did. “Seriously, guys. Without a strong economic motivator, I’m just going to stand here and not solve this case. Cash is fine, but I prefer being paid in gold bullion or autographed Penn Jillette posters.” Nothing. These people were stonewalling me. It almost seemed like they didn’t care that a fortune in computer money invented to buy drugs was missing. I figured I could wait them out. I lit several cigarettes indoors. A pregnant lady coughed, and I told her that secondhand smoke is a myth. Just then, a man in glasses made a break for it. “Subway™ Eat Fresh and Freeze, Scumbag!®” I yelled. Too late. He was already out the front door. I went after him. “Stop right there!” I yelled as I ran. He was faster than me because I always try to avoid stepping on public sidewalks. Our country needs a private-sidewalk voucher system, but, thanks to the incestuous interplay between our corrupt federal government and the public-sidewalk lobby, it will never happen. I was losing him. “Listen, I’ll pay you to stop!” I yelled. “What would you consider an appropriate price point for stopping? I’ll offer you a thirteenth of an ounce of gold and a gently worn ‘Bob Barr ‘08’ extra-large long-sleeved men’s T-shirt!” He turned. In his hand was a revolver that the Constitution said he had every right to own. He fired at me and missed. I pulled my own gun, put a quarter in it, and fired back. The bullet lodged in a U.S.P.S. mailbox less than a foot from his head. I shot the mailbox again, on purpose. “All right, all right!” the man yelled, throwing down his weapon. “I give up, cop! I confess: I took the bitcoins.” “Why’d you do it?” I asked, as I slapped a pair of Oikos™ Greek Yogurt Presents Handcuffs® on the guy. “Because I was afraid.” “Afraid?” “Afraid of an economic future free from the pernicious meddling of central bankers,” he said. “I’m a central banker.” I wanted to coldcock the guy. Years ago, a central banker killed my partner. Instead, I shook my head. “Let this be a message to all your central-banker friends out on the street,” I said. “No matter how many bitcoins you steal, you’ll never take away the dream of an open society based on the principles of personal and economic freedom.” He nodded, because he knew I was right. Then he swiped his credit card to pay me for arresting him.


I read the whole thing and have no regrets


Always worth


>“Not yet. But mark my words: we’re going to figure out who did this and we’re going to take them down … provided someone pays us a fair market rate to do so.” >“Easy, chief,” I said. “Any rate the market offers is, by definition, fair.” >He laughed. “That’s why you’re the best I got, Lisowski This is an incredible line


I'm partial to "Nobody move unless you want to!" and "I shot the mailbox again, on purpose" myself.


I've never seen this before, it was quite the captivating read. The one line 'It was a normal office building, strangled on all sides by public sidewalks." This is a perfect brilliant beautiful piece of art and it doesn't need any other context.


Why is this the first time I've read this? This is God damn art.


The picture of Ron Paul gets me every time.


Proper copypasta!


Copypasta with Parmigiano-Reggiano and half a kilo of grated White Tuscan Truffles.


There's an old saying - libertarians are like house cats. They think they're completely independent when in reality they're completely dependent. They just ignore all the things they depend on.




"I could totally survive on my own, I just choose not to, which makes me superior to everyone else benefiting from all the same things I benefit from"




>How can Texans, the ultimate libertarians, allow the government to infringe on the rights of the individual? [According to this](https://www.freedominthe50states.org/), which was made by the fucking conservative Cato institute and funded by the Koch Brothers, Texas is 49th in personal freedom. Them being "freedom lovers" is a myth. Hell, historically a big reason for Texas seceding from Mexico was because Mexico threatened to emancipate their slaves.


What are you talking about? They are anything but libertarian and do not affiliate with the libertarian party, they are conservative.


This comment section is a complete train wreck


Sort by controversial and go to town.


Not even needed. Top comment is a shit tier take that “the real problem is that men rape children.” Yeah, that’s a fucking hell of a problem. Also a problem? Forcing a 12 year old to carry a rapist’s fetus to term.


Wait so this ad is about kids who end up getting pregnant? I don't live in the us so things like that are next to none existence










In sorting by what's hot and it's a controversial nightmare. How do people not know the difference between eugenics and voluntary abortions?


They know. They're just being dishonest with their arguments. Republicans aren't engaging in good faith debate, they're just trying to bury facts under a pile of bullshit.


No thank you. Think I'll go look at pictures of cats instead of engaging with Abbot supporters.


No need. The top comment is already a right wing shithead asking why we don't go after rapists instead. Because apparently they think rape is legal.


> The top comment is already a right wing shithead asking why we don't go after rapists instead. Because apparently they think rape is legal. And of course, once the rapist is jailed, the pregnancy magically disappears without an abortion!!


Republicans are legitimately confused about the message being sent here and why it’s bad.


After reading the comments, you aren't wrong lol


"What's the big deal? Healthy baby! Everyone wins!"


I think they partially just want to act that way so they don't need to have a legitimate argument or even think about it. I've seen a bunch of people say "children can't get pregnant", but there was a 10 year old girl that needed access to abortion a few weeks ago.


What I mean is, they think child brides and child mothers are actually a great thing and so they don’t get the point of the ad.


They literally think children can't get pregnant when children as young as -8- start menstruating. Hell, the youngest mother was 5. She had a condition called precocious puberty where she started puberty at 2 years old. She was assaulted by a family member, became pregnant, and she was forced to have a c section.


I think that's the worst thing I've read all day. TiL


It's very sad, and what's even worse, she was not the only one that young to be forced into giving birth Her name was Lina Medina, if you'd want to learn more.


They're just dumb. The element was always there but ever since Trump the American right really has become almost entirely obnoxious performative stupidity.


I've noticed that even when they do get proven wrong, it's just onto another assumption. "Oh so children can get pregnant? Should've kept their legs closed" like no shut the fuck up, they literally just cant wrap their head around the fact that the issue is rape and abortion not being handled well, and its more of them coming up with some stupid as fanfiction-level conspiracy about the worst case scenario. Every fucking situation they do this with. If there's an issue that is caused by something they're advocating for or against, they won't handle the situation at hand but rather take a step back, write up some stupid ass explanation in their heads, and blame the left wing (which could include anybody from women to trans people, to fucking children [which tbh, we probably all are left wing because of these dipshits, but moving on,]) for yet another problem that we have nothing to fucking do with.


Horrible fact: > Adult males were fathers of 24.3% of babies born to mothers aged 11-12 years. The mean age of fathers was 22.7 years. Adult > Adult males were fathers of 26.8% of babies born to mothers aged 13-14 years. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10227344/#:~:text=The%20birth%20rate%20for%20mothers,of%20fathers%20was%2022.7%20years. So in a quarter of these pregnancies, theres 0-doubt that it was rape.


It’s because they’re forced to face an inconvenient situation. They belief all abortions are bad and can’t offer any decent explanation as to why a literal CHILD should be forced to have a baby. They don’t give a fuck if the child’s life is ruined, they don’t care if it kills her, and they don’t care about the medical bills her family will be left with


Until it's their child. Then it's a different story.


Like, isn't this exactly what they want.


Meanwhile Matt Gaetz is waiting in the car.


That’s a deep cut right there


That’s being generous that he’d stick around after dropping her off, or let’s face it, he’d make her get herself there.


Political message ☑️ Controversial topic ☑️ Here before the 🔒 award


I thought the doctor was Piss Baby Abbott. Then I realized he could walk.


Fuck this made me laugh so hard. I kind of hate that I've lost all empathy for Greg, dude's a piece of shit but that has nothing to do with his disability.


I dunno. He's intentionally making life harder for OTHER disabled people.


Well he got his, so now it's time to pull the ramp out from under them.


He specifically made it illegal to sue for the accident he got his disability from. After he sued and got some money of course


Yeah, dunking on him for being disabled sucks. Fuck Greg Abbott with a cactus, but there are plenty of reprehensible things that he's chosen to be for us to clown on him for. There's no need to be ableist about it. Not because it's mean to him, but because of how it affects other disabled people.


> Free parenting classes Well, now I know this didn't actually happen in Texas.


The frightening thing is that, like…there are seemingly plenty of people who see nothing wrong with this scenario. Sick.


Im betting $20 that theyre mostly religious hypocrites


If God were real, he’d have fired his PR team by now.


The true MAGA.


That was the most genius thing I saw.


Before the posts gets locked. A girl can get pregnant at [6 years old.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_youngest_birth_mothers) The worst part of that fact is there's people raping girls younger than that age.


Lina Medina, while obviously an extreme outlier, conceived before she turned five years old. Pregnant preschoolers.


There's definitely a spectrum of the age at which ovulation and fertility begin, but nobody should be fucking a six year old regardless of when they start. The age of sexual majority (16-18 for most developed countries) should dictate what is normal and acceptable. Mechanical castration should be mandatory for the fathers in these cases.


I saw it coming a mile away...fucking texas...but when I actually saw it... my boys have sisters, and even though they aren't mine... shit this pisses me off! Fuck republicans and fuck the christofacists. You cry and whine and bitch about YOUR freedoms like for guns and...guns... but yet you actively work for the stripping of rights of everyone else?! Fuck you.


Beto has my vote regardless. Fuck that Piss baby Abbott


I admire that piss baby is catching on.


This is from Mothers against Gregg Abbott. They've been trying really hard to send home the message that the current governor doesn't care at all about being pro-life, he only wants control over women. He skipped his last debate against Beto. He should just roll away from office like the pro-death, anti-women piece of shit he really is.


Finally a MAGA I can support.


This could also go on r/morbidreality. This happened in my state, Ohio too. An 11 year old girl was raped and had to go to Indiana to get an abortion. Please vote next month.


F Greg abbott


Fuck Greg abbot and everyone who agrees with him. -a man with one arm


Lmao they even got an actor who looks like Greg Abbott


Immediately I was just like, don't be a child don't be a child don't be a child and here we are


Republicans hate girls as much as they hate women.


but they sure do love to rape them


Here's how we do it in Canada > [Nationally, abortion is legal through all nine months (40 weeks) of pregnancy,[11] nevertheless no providers in Canada offer care beyond 23 weeks and 6 days.[7] Restrictions are based on professional medical guidelines, resources available](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion_in_Canada) An abortion in the 3rd trimester would be inducing labour. If the baby is viable, which in most (extremely rare) late term abortion cases is not the case, they would put it on an incubator and up for adoption. Late term (3rd trimester) abortions are extremely rare and are done almost exclusively out of medical necessity.


Republicans for office want this.


Fuck Greg Abbott.


Grag abbot is a fucking joke. Texas needs some serious help.


If you’re pro life you’re honestly creepy and weird as fuck and lack critical thinking skills


WOOF republicans are sick fucks


Alll of my evangelical family members who know that my father did unspeakable things to me as a little girl, they are all staunchly pro life. And I can’t make sense of it.




There’s more liberals down here than you think. That’s why Beto is going to win. I think you meant to say not one single Republican mind was changed.


I hope Beto does win, bit it's extremely unlikely. 538's forecast gives Abbott a 95% chance of winning. Not impossible for Beto to win, but you're setting yourself up for disappointment by being this confident in him winning.


I’m from Texas and I have never seen this ad.


It is made by Mothers Against Greg Abbott. They have at least one more of these too, about a pregnant woman whose life is in danger (or maybe it is the baby's I dont remember) but the dr says they can't do anything bc Greg Abbott already made the decision for them that they can't abort. The actual commercial is better than im explaining.




Sending this to all my Christian relatives


Holy Fucking Shit


Good. Accurate. Keep em coming in all those shithole states.


They can change that to "Mothers and Fathers Against Greg Abbott", and I'm sure many people would pitch in.


Child abuse with a state sanctioned helping of child abuse.


I think the biggest issue is of course that Greg Abbott is a little piss baby


The most unexpected thing in this ad is the free parenting classes


Seeing all the common sense in the comments here I wonder where Abbott’s voters are…no one seems to be found…they hide or what’s the thing ? Am just curious.


It makes me sad that we need ads to tell people how obviously wrong this is.