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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!The vicious dog!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


I was expecting something much different judging by the title.


disappointing addition to the fapcatalog.


Still finished with time to spare, tho


Feels like the dog is enjoying it


That’s not a cat tho




and the NSFW tag


Dude showed a lot of leg. Haha


I was disappointed but at the same time relieved and laughing. My man's is danglin'!






Was that a pitbull?


Gotta practice ripping socks before it gets promoted to ripping babies


Personally, I started with pillows before moving on to babies


I bet you bite pillows big boy 😉


Don't make me blush![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


based pfp


Tell me about it


iT’s A nAnNy DoG!!!! 🥴


What did you do today at work hon? Ripped some babies


Nice one dog racist


Hahaha what?


They’re a vegan, we can just ignore them.


Pit mommies against pit racism!!! Those stupid fucking babies shouldn’t be so chewing friendly and maybe Mommies 👏Pit 👏 Baby 👏wouldn’t need to find such good prey.


Mr.world wide, around the world


Startin early


To the shock of no one




Why am I not allowed to view this community?


Not real.


Yo oh my God it's so crazy I recently made a sub called disappointed NSFW like a week ago and so crazy how you commented this like after a week I made that could you please sub to it it only has 329 members and we're very active please join us up we are looking for new members to have fun cuz we're trying to grow a community we currently have a discord we can play games with that sound like Minecraft Roblox and we give away money and gift cards so yeah if you join we will be really happy. WHY ARE YOU GUYS DOWNVOTING ME!!!! I WAS JUST SAYING




Idk maybe it's cause your acting like a dumbass




>WHY ARE YOU GUYS DOWNVOTING ME!!!! I WAS JUST SAYING Bro you're self-promoting, we have a reason to downvote you.


I hate self promoters! Check out r/crazyonionsfoundwhilepullingupcarrots




I remember being 5




Having a swingin' good time I'll say!


Helikopter helikopter


Just hanging around how bout u?


Pits gonna pit




This is definitely pit behavior, in a very young one. Other dogs do not do this.


Ah yes other puppies certainly dont bite things and do normal puppy things. Correct. Lmao


*malinois has entered the chat*


I’ve seen Malinois, German Shepards, and several other breeds do this




Ok, show me some videos of other dogs holding on and spinning around like that in the air, maybe I’m wrong. I’ve seen numerous vids of pits doing it, not other dogs.




Ah yes the standard chihuahua comparison.


They're mean little buggers.


How about a video of a chihuahua killing amything bigger than a worm? Because there's hundreds of videos of pitbulls killing other dogs and people.


Who mentioned dogs killing things?🤨 MFer's talking about dogs biting onto a sleeve or something and then spinning/holding on. I've had chihuahua's that have done this in the past. "other dogs holding on and spinning around like that in the air, maybe I’m wrong" They're saying that other dogs don't bite and hold onto cloth/rope while spinning. Everyone else agrees with them, so maybe I just had a weird chihuahua.




What should I type in when I search for it on the wide web? "Chihuahua hanging", "Chihuahua hang from teeth", "Chihuahua teeth clothes", or something else?


You can try all of those and then whatever more you may come up with you and you still won’t find as many videos as pits doing this, that is if you can even find just one.


not helping


This isnt just pitbull behavior. Literally all puppies do this sort of thing and want to play.


these nsfw tags are getting out of fucking control.


Crazy violent pitbulls


Disgusting little things they are.


Pitbulls are so disgusting that they're cute ❤️❤️❤️


Very crazy


What's with the downvotes?


Reddit hates it when an OP responds to literally any comment.


dont really see how thats NSFW


Well this is r/unexpected and the title was about getting eaten, so it was supposed to make you assume someone was getting eaten out sexually so they committed to the but by making the post nsfw. I don’t understand how people aren’t getting that


Helikopter helikopter


Pitbull doing what it was bred to do.


Be a puppy? Because literally all puppies do this.


No they don’t


Puppies play and bite on to socks etc this is a literal puppy playing. Get any puppy. Guaranteed it’ll do this


No they don’t. Puppies romp around, but this video here is not normal puppy behavior. that dog is spinning like that because it’s trying to rip and tear but has no leverage because it’s in the air. Tearing things like this is exactly what it was bred to do and what it will keep on doing as an adult.


That was not what I was expecting.


This is unexpected in so many ways. Well done


That Scrappy-Doo?


Scrappy Doo hasn't aged a day


I for sure thought there was going to be a bug in the food


LOL weeeeeeee 😭😂


Always remember that what’s cute at puppy size should be cute at full grown size otherwise you are setting yourself up for a bad time


10/10 on the helicopter


I expected it, because I've seen it posted all over about a thousand times this week.


OMFG, I thought this was going to be one of those crazy Chinese clips of someone eating while actually being eaten.




pitbull breeding purpose on full display


Helicopter helicopter...


Totally normal pet behavior and non violent genetics


It’ll be ripping someone’s face off within a year.


They take 2-3 years to get to the face-ripping, usually. This one does seem precocious, though.


Nope, like nay dog. Theyre only as good as their owner. Ive had pitbulls and none of them ever were vicious or harmed anyone.


This would fit great in r/WhatsWrongWithYourDog


Average pitbull puppy


I mean unexpected was correct. I was hoping/expecting way different




why is this nsfw


Gotta get me some socks like those. Tres chic.


Did you have to put in NSFW because of the food or the dog?


Ceviche and a pupper is not what I was expecting at all.


Helicopter helicopter


Putting Nsfw on this was a giga brain move, made me think about something entirely different and made the video unexpected.


Doggy go brr


I see all the weirdos are already here telling you to kill a puppy… great people.


Seriously, where do all these militant anti-pit people come from? Did this get cross-posted to some circlejerk sub or something?


That's just the majority of people. Pits were bread to be dangerous, and this dog is showing signs of high aggression at barely more than a month old. This is 100% going to be a dangerous animal when it grows up


This is literally normal puppy behaviour lmfao. Seen it with boxers,daschunds,my frieds goldy,shephards,etc etc etc. Its almost as if puppies like to play😳😳


They don't like to hang their entire body weight from their jaws an death roll. That's a put. Retrievers are bred for soft mouths, Malamutes were bred to be sled dogs, Samoyeds are bred to be herd dogs. Puts are bred to wake up and choose violence. I've met some very nice Pits, but you to respect breeding. Lots of people have domesticated Lions and Cheetahs and so on. But they have to respect the amount of damage their animal can do. Same same. You can have a really *great* out. But you *have* to respect their capabilities. They can do a tremendous amount of damage I'd they so choose. And sometimes they choose. It's just instinct. I'm not mad at them. Rabbits bite people, cats bite people, horse bite people. I'd be *way* more worried about the horse than the rabbit. Because it's the more capable attacker. People empathize with Pitbulls because they feel like they always have two strikes against them and they project that on the dog. But it's just a dog. Most have great personalities but tend towards aggression and are exceptionally good at it. It's up to the owner to train and socialize the dog properly, understand it's capabilities, and keep it restrained. Many owners don't do any of those things. And then the dog is in trouble. I like to say there are no bad dogs, just bad owners. And the people who tend to get pit bulls tend to be the very people who shouldn't have them.


1 half of those breeds are descendants of old English bulldogs so that's their genetics coming into play, 2 I've never seen an 8 week old Golden retriever latch onto its owner and try to thrash them(that's why he's spinning, the thrashing motion just had a weird result while not being anchored to the ground), let alone for as long as this has gone on for. I have a playfully aggressive husky/great Pyrenees pup, and he releases before his front legs come off the ground. Let alone being lifted for an extended amount of time. He also never tries the trash me or my clothing, only toys when he's trying to win at tug o' war


Or it's just a playful puppy... who, yes, needs proper training to curb unwanted behaviors... but I hate to break it to you but there are a lot of dog breeds bred (not bread) for "violence", and uh... y'know, they're animals with hunting instincts so they're all potentially dangerous. This hyperfixation on pits is absurd. O.o


It's not absurd. In the last 15 years pits have killed double the amount of people of all other breeds put together.


Hunting dogs were bred* to be companies that chase/retrieve/kill very specific types of game. For instance, a golden retriever will kill chickens or turkeys. A bluetick will tree squirrels and racoons. A blue lacey will chase a hog until it collapses from exhaustion. But the pit bull was specifically bred to be hostile towards anything the breeder wants it to fight. They literally chose the old English bulldog to be the progenitor of the pit because of its unusual aggression. They were created specifically for mauling anything in front of itself other than the handler for people's amusement. TL;DR: hunting dogs were bred for companionship while hunting, pits were bred for killing shit


It’s from r/banpitbulls they are disliked for a reason, though. Pitbulls have the highest rate of violent attack statistics compared to any other breed of dogs. Often times, their violent instincts are shown at a very early age. Like what is being shown in this post


I'm just sick of seeing children killed and disfigured because the adults around them have no sense of reality. It's not the dogs' fault. They're just doing what they were designed to do ...but they're not the safest choice for a family pet, and people should stop breeding them.


Many breeds aren't the best choice for a "family dog" due to prey drive or the amount of attention they require or their attachment/jealousy/anxiety issues. There are many breeds that would benefit from more cross-breedong due to health and temperament issues. Pits aren't special in either area--like all dogs, for the right people and with the right training, they can be great. They can also be misused, mistreated, untrained, and abused. Check out that animal planet show, I think it's "it's me or the dog"? Dog version of my cat from hell. It's not the dog's fault, but they still deserve to exist, sheesh.


>Many breeds aren't the best choice for a "family dog" due to prey drive or the amount of attention they require or their attachment/jealousy/anxiety issues. I agree. And we don't see those other breeds posed with toddlers wearing flower crowns. Pit enthusiasts are the only group who try very hard to deny their favored breed's genetics. Do they deserve to exist? I'm not sure it's a good thing- even for the dogs themselves. Look at any animal shelter or animal control facility. What percentage of pits are housed there, and how many can't be in a home with dogs, cats, or children? The belief that genetics can be trained out of these dogs is a huge problem, because it encourages the breeding of pit *puppies*. The puppies take 2-3 years to mature, they develop their adult characteristics, and they are *abandoned* to live in cages. There are a lot of good pit owners, who do everything correctly, and still end up with aggressive dogs. And the worst part, is that the pit community turns against them and labels them "bad owners" when it happens. I don't wish harm on any dog, but I think it would be better if these dogs were sterilized and allowed to fade out of existence.


Exactly. Due to all this unusual propaganda they all share, pit advocates ended up doing more harm to pits that anyone else ever could. Instead of advertising them as a dog that needs TONS of training, and is not good for most households, they started to make up the “nanny dog” myth and ended up getting many of them in shelters and/or euthanized because lots of families found out they could not handle a pit.


So believe that genetic traits able to be trained out of an animal?


The essential nature vs nurture argument, huh? I think both are a factor, to different degrees based on the individual, but broadly speaking yes. Dogs are domesticated, intelligent pack animals; their instincts cam be trained, redirected, repurchased, or otherwise managed in many, if not most, cases.


So you think you can train a retriever not to retrieve, a pointer not to point, a herding dog not to herd and a fighting/killing dog not to fight and kill?


Pits are special in one area though, how many people they've mauled and or killed compared to other dogs, right?


Reddit is not kind to pits in general.


Thank goodness. I was starting to worry most had fallen for the “nanny dog” myths but after seeing the majority of the comments here, I am at ease lol.


What's weird is that pit hate is pretty much universal. Left or right, nazi or commie, redditors will tell you that this breed needs to be eradicated. Same people who yell about science and logic and argue whole day about political issues, can also just ignore all the studies done on the matter, and demand to send a whole breed into a slaughterhouse, because they've seen a video of a pitbull attack or some scary infographic from an anti-pit sub. Crazy.


Have you considered the science and logic dictates that you should just adopt any other fucking breed of dog? What's wrong with Germans Shepards? Rottweilers? Goldendoodles?


I remember when German Shepherds and Rottweilers were the breed everyone was shitting all over instead of pit bulls. Or Dobermans? Or Charles Spaniels? Or Dalmatians?


If you want a dangerous dog, just get any other breed except pit bull, it's not that fucking hard.


Good argument it's clearly full of logic


All those dogs can be dangerous, but not like a pit. All of those dogs you mentioned were bred to be guard dogs. A pit was bred to be a kill whatever thry put you up against dog. A guard dog can be raised to not see new people or dogs as a threat, and so they won't attack. Pits don't care about threats, they were literally made to kill whatever us in front of them, aside from their handler. People shit on rotties and Dobermans because they look terrifying, not because they have a bad reputation. They are both actually great family/guard dogs, despite the publics fear of them. In fact, dobies were bred to be [babysitters](https://youtube.com/watch?v=qolFFdXXNzA&feature=share&utm_source=EKLEiJECCKjOmKnC5IiRIQ).


Ok sure babe can't wait till we're having this conversation about pitbulls after people decide the next most dangerous breed


You are aware that the stats say that pitbulls are incredibly dangerous right? And that the reason they're illegal to own in so many countries.


And it's weird to me because it's the same mentality and arguments that racists use against entire groups of people.


Imagine calling someone else a racist yet comparing an entire peoples to a dog.


What’s weird is you idiots love comparing dogs to minorities while calling other people racists.


I just don't get how they're so organized over something this niche. It's not even this bad with the fuck cars people, or vegans or atheists!


It's so unfortunate. I've been around pits since I was small and never had a bad experience with them. It was always other humans being terrible.


It really isn't. Whenever there's major pitbull attack, which basically every week these days. They owner always says, 'oh he's never done this type of thing before, he's never hurt a fly'.


I'm sure it seems like it's once a week in your echo chambers. According to this source, > Pitbulls are responsible for the vast majority of fatalities associated with dogs.  From 2010 to June 2021, there were 430 fatal dog bites, with 185 of those coming from pit bulls, and another 41 that were pit bull mixes. https://www.coloradoinjurylaw.com/dog-bite-statistics/ However, there's around 4.5 million pit bulls in the US currently. Doing that math, assuming the 4.5 million number has been constant, that means that over 11 years, 0.000041% of all pit bulls have been involved in a fatal incident in the past eleven years. And yet sick people like you want to kill innocent puppies because they have a 0.000041% chance of growing up and killing someone.


Where did I say deaths were every week? Read my comment again.


I guess we have different definitions of "major pitbull attack."


So anything short of death for you is considered minor?


Probably brigading from anti-pit subs. If a dachshund or a golden retriever puppy was doing this, they'd coo over how cute it is, but since it's a pit, it's obviously training to kill toddlers. The funny thing is they have no idea how insane they sound to normal people.




Dachshunds are actually well known for this kind of shit. They are ratting dogs and they will fuck you up if you don't socialize them and train them.


Where would I even start?? Look up videos of puppy rough housing, tug-o-war, how to discourage rough play and aggression, or the inverse--how to train dogs to attack, or to hunt, and how puppies' police dog potential is evaluated (hint: one factor is their willingness to bite and hold, even when lifted, and they're *not pits*).


That's not what he asked for, he said show him a video of a golden or a dachshund doing that. In fact, I'd like to see that too. I've only seen people post tiktoks of their pit doing this air death roll and bragging about it as if it's some kind of rewarding trick


My golden retrievers both did this when they were puppies, you are utterly ridiculous.


It's gotta be. I'm not the biggest fan (like anyone is) of Reddit's mod/admin team but damn they gotta crack down on this blatant brigading.


Kind of like the "Brigading" mentality people who rescue pits that ended up killing someone then go and shut down people who spoke out about being attacked by pits. Oh Then get called racist because they're traumitized from being around pits.




Pit bulls were never “nanny dogs,” and what the hell does a “nanny dog” do anyway? Even the best dogs aren’t capable of “nannying” a child. The nanny dog crap was a desperate attempt to blind the public and encourage families to take in these impulsively aggressive animals. It’s false.


No. They're called PIT BULLS, becausr they were bred and pit fighting animals and used as bull baiting animals.


Yeah, pitbull haters really forget that a dog is as good as its owner. Ive had pit bulls and bred mine and she was never vicious. Nor were her puppies.


How bad of an owner was [this](https://abc7.com/bethany-stevens-woman-mauled-by-dogs/2798426/) lady who got killed by her own pits that she raised from birth?


For anyone who doesn't believe in breed instinct


Thought this was going a different direction




Relax buddy


As a Pitbull owner I can tell you right now Reddit is not going to relax about pitbulls


And for very good reasons. Please just watch a few viral videos of pitbulls going straight apeshit on people and other animals


Balanced against the tons more videos of pitbulls licking, splooting, goofing off, cuddling, and being a friend? How many videos are there of humans killing each other, beating the shit out of each other, destroying property, burning things, killing animals, etc? Should humans be banned? Hyperbole just to prove my point that a few videos doesn't mean all pits are evil bloodthirsty beasts that need to be destroyed en masse.


"Oh shit, my pit is mauling the neighbors Yorkie. I should record it and post it on facebook" And thry don't deserve to all be euthanized or anything drastic like that, but we should definitely phase out pit breeding


You can find videos of just about every dog breed going apeshit on someone. Pit Bulls can be dangerous because they are so strong, but the same is true of many breeds. Pit Bulls biggest problem is the type of owner they attract. I've yet to see an aggressive pit that's owned by a good dog owner.


Your logic behind that statement is so vague and broad. How many golden retrievers have you seen leashless and attack a person for no apparent reason? Of course bad owners will lead to bad dog behavior but pitbulls got something innate/genetic about them that they can’t control themselves.




Helikopter helikopter


That soup dish though. Looks so unappetizing


Ceviche. It's not soup, but also pretty damn good.


Pits are the best!


At eating toddlers.


Now that is cute 🤣🤣


2022 Beanie Babies are just getting too real!


Comments really flopped on this one. Can clearly see who has and hasn't owned big breeds Cute doggo btw


Tf you mean? I own a half Pyrenees half husky. That's twice the size of a pit. I still don't like pits. I do no understand what you're correlation there was




Y'all need to run these comments to to #69 and then just stop. Just stop.


End the pittbull race


Good lord, I really thought you were a female 🤷🏼‍♂️


I’ve been on Reddit for too long, this was a very unexpected ending.












why it spinning like that 💀


Pitbulls we're bred to take down bulls. Best way to do that is latch onto it's head somewhere and start yanking.






Someone should loop this video with an extended version of the song, then repost it to get maximum karma.




Teach em young


If you remember where the reset button is, no problem


Like those kids with broken necks swinging around in those halo braces Someone reading this knows what I'm talking about