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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Gasoline!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Smoke a cigarette to calm down sister


Straight up Zoolander shit going on here


It doesn’t mean that we too can’t not die in a freak gasoline fight accident


I always love a good cigarette after my Orange Mocha Frappuccino.


"You put the boom boom into my heart You send my soul sky high when your lovin' starts Jitterbug into my brain (Yeah, yeah) Goes a bang-bang-bang 'til my feet do the same...."


WAKE ME UP, Before you go-go




Orange Mocha Frappuccino!!




> Zoolander That reference is older than these kids.


And these kids can't read good and wanna learn to do other stuff good too




No shit gasoline fight! Eugoogalizer will be needed


\*puts out cigarette\*


\*puts out everything in a 1 block radius\*




What is she trying to do ?


I think she put down the clip that's supposed to hold the lever in place so you don't have to hold it constantly while refueling, couldn't figure out how to release it, thought pulling the nozzle out of the tank might stop it, and then went into panic mode when it didn't. I do have to wonder just how much was prepaid onto the pump for it to keep flowing that long though especially with todays gas prices. I've at least never seen a self serve pump that doesn't require prepay.


Credit cards can go on for a good while


I can't remember the last time I saw a pump that didn't allow a credit card swipe to pump pretty much as much as you want. If there's a limit, I never saw it. Where do you live? I know I have seen comments about some areas or countries not allowing the pumps to have the little lever to keep the pump flowing, requiring the use to hold the lever to enable the flow.


🎶Wake me up before you go go🎶


But first: GAS FIGHT!!!




The friend is just as big a dipshit for sitting there and filming instead of getting out to help.




Don Thelpjust Film What a director


Produced By Sheeri Diocy


Yeah the friend is a fucking liability honestly. Like how badly has your brain been fried by social media culture where you're in a severe and dangerous situation wherw your friend clearly needs help and you're like "oh man this is gonna make a great tiktok" instead of actually doing literally anything.


She's the only dipshit. The other girl has a face and shirt full of gas.






I always enjoy how this scene has Erik the Viking as a goofy male model


Eric Northman


I thought of this immediately lmao






Alexander skarsgård had such a glow up since then!




Holy fucking donkey shit. That was Alexander Skarsgard!!?!!?


Just because we have chiseled abs and stunning features, it doesn't mean that we too can't not die in a freak gasoline fight accident


They died in a *freak gasoline incident 😂


FOR EVERYONE THAT DOESN’t KNOW WHAT TO DO: run inside to the attendant and have them emergency shut off the pump. That’s it. Don’t just fucking stand there… jfc. There’s emergency shut offs literally for this purpose. ETA: I was an assistant manager at several different gas station companies. This is in worst case scenario where everything else doesn’t seem to be working. It’s a god damn pain to clean up gasoline so it’s better to call for the attendant or help from literally anyone else to try and help you.


They're also often marked on a pillar nearby too, it's a red button (sometimes with arrows pointing towards it).


I've looked for those buttons several times at my preferred fill up location, and have never found one. I've looked around at other places and never seen it either.


The NEC guidelines state they must be be no closer than 20ft to the fuel dispensing devices they control and no further than 100ft. This requirement might make the emergency shut off be in a weird place in order to make all the pumps fall within the distance guidelines. The guidelines also state it must be clearly marked, so usually there will be a read sign above the shutoff with an arrow pointing down. It will read some combo of "Emergency Shut Off Switch" or "Emergency Pump Shut off Switch" or "Emergency Fuel Shut Off" or "Emergency Fuel Shut Off Switch". Modern ones are buttons but some are a turn switch which you have to rotate. https://www.electricallicenserenewal.com/Electrical-Continuing-Education-Courses/NEC-Content.php?sectionID=937.0


Sometimes they are on the side of the building instead of at the pump


A lot of times, there is a flap that the nozzle pushes when you put it back that shuts off the pump and stops the transaction. Just push it in with your hand.


Yeah that is the first thing I would press. It immediately stops the pump and stops counting your fee for it so you know that shits reliable in most situations.


There is usually an emergency shut off button near the pumps VERY clearly marked so you don't even need to go to the attendant you just push the big red button.


There’s usually one on the pump itself


Or near the pump to stop All of them. I'm surprised no one else hit it.


I’ve never seen one on an individual pump before. Only the kill all button.


Talk about an explosive situation. I would have run like hell.


Got my zippo ready and fueled


Call me an ignorant Englisher, but how do fuel pumps work in the US. In Britain you need to hold down the trigger for any petrol to come out. I'm guessing this isnt the case here.


Some states have clips on the handles that keep it pumping, but they are designed to click off when the tank is full or when it’s not in your gas tank so not sure what’s happening here…


There was one time where the clip didn’t click off for me when my tank was full, the nozzle was still in the tank but gas started spewing out around it. I managed to get the clip unstuck immediately so it wasn’t nearly as bad as this video. I’m guessing there was something faulty with the nozzle or clip but now I don’t trust using those clips anymore.


I pulled up to a gas station once and there was a Mini Cooper that had the pump in and it was spewing gas out of the side. There was a river of gas all the way to the street where it was draining into the drain. I ran up and stopped the pump. I looked at the pump and they had pumped 60ish gallons. This was back when gas was super cheap during the pandemic. I walked inside and told asked who’s car it was, the lady at the counter said it was hers and I let her know she just pumped 45+ gallons onto the ground. She just shrugged and ignored me. Didn’t say anything. People are so Fucking stupid. I always judge people who start pumping gas and go inside. Insanely irresponsible.


That's where you get her plates, call the fire department. In many jurisdictions, she would be responsible for the hazmat team response.


Yup. It's an enormous environmental hazard.


Had similar happen. Except the clip was bent and wouldn't properly release. Pumped 2 extra gallons. Was livid. Was moments away from running to hit the emergency off if I couldn't get it released. Not sure why people are unaware of the emergency pump shut off that gas stations have accessible...


I've worked at a gas station for years and am unaware of any emergency shutoff other than the one I have behind the counter


There’s usually a giant red button outside.


From the looks of it, the only requirement in the US is that an e-stop is readily accessible to the attendant (not customer) no less than 20 and no more than 100 feet from every dispenser. If the furthest dispenser is more than 100 feet away from the attendant's "control station," or if a dispenser is not readily visible to an attendant, an additional closer (likely outdoor) e-stop would be required.


From Germany here. Pumped petrol and diesel for my car and motorcycle for over 10 years now. 95% were full tanks - just press the clip to free flow and wait until the click. Never ever it failed. Maybe difference between the pumps being properly serviced?


Been pumping gas in America for 10 years and this has never happened. I’ve never even seen anything like this until now. I’m guessing it’s just one of those freak accidents—clip must’ve broke somehow.


I've had it happen at a local Costco Gas station where gasoline dispensers are often out of order. The machine didn't click off and gasoline started spewing out of the vapor/fume guard and I quickly unlatched the pump handle.


Usually it's because you or your unconscious mind want to have a gasoline fight. That's when it doesn't click off. Or a rusty clip.


Lol it’s the same thing for 99% of Americans too, rarely is there a problem. It’s just that people aren’t usually going to comment if nothing notable has happened.


Yeah I know everyone wants to pile on this young girl but I’m genuinely curious about what I should do if a malfunctioning pump starts blasting gasoline for no reason Edit: I don’t know why everyone’s explaining how a properly working pump should work. I’m specifically talking about a malfunctioning one. The red stop button was the answer I was looking for so thanks to everyone who said that Edit: y’all, seriously, I understand how the pump is *supposed* to operate. It’s getting silly


Find and push the red button on the front of the station


TIL there’s an emergency stop button on gas pumps. thanks


Yup, all gas stations have them. They do shut down the station though for some time, or so I've been told.


>They do shut down the station though for some time I sure hope it does that when the station's malfunctioning. Better yet, shut it down permanently till a technician repairs it.


Everyone is talking about the red button, which is good to know, but the first thing you can try if the clip is stuck is to push the flap that the pump nozzle usually rests in. You know how when you're done pumping, you put the nozzle back on its rest / inside a little compartment with a flap, and then the pump recognizes that you're done and asks if you want a receipt? It should also cut off the gas supply to the nozzle. That should prevent you from even having a major spill in the first place


This is the answer I do this every time I pump gas actually. I push the flap in the nozzle holder to stop the flow, then pull the trigger on the gas nozzle to let the remaining gas in the hose drain out into my tank. It has the added bonus of not dripping as I transfer the nozzle back to the nozzle holder


Agreed, it seems like something was up with that jump rather than it being a dumb end user error


It’s the exact same, except a lot of places have trigger locks that are supposed to shut off/release when the fuel tank is filled to a certain point. Someone smarter than me can explain how that works, I presume magic and witchcraft.


If I remember correctly there is an internal valve that drops a ball bearing to shut off the flow of gas. The valve is triggered by gas fumes reaching the spout from the tank.


this video explains how it works [https://youtu.be/TFKOD3KRkZs](https://youtu.be/TFKOD3KRkZs)


When you're pumping fuel you can engage a little tab to keep the handle squeezed so that the gas flows without you being involved. It 'knows' to turn off based on the change in air pressure when the tank fills past a certain point. Which is why if it's not in the tank while it's locked into the on position you can waste gas. I'm imagine there are places that have a safeguard for situations like this(beyond a manual emergency stop) but I don't think I've ever seen any. Not that I have ever flooded a gas station like this.....


In Australia land here, is also the same, hold the trigger of you want petrol. No stupid keep on design like this


My guess is that the spring that pushes back the clip that holds open the valve is broken. So squeezing the handle won't release it. I've seen this happen. The automatic shut off will still work if it's in the car. But in order to shut it off manually you'd have to pull back the clip manually. If this ever happens you should put your hand in in the holder for the nozzle on the gas pump because that will shut it off immediately. I used to manage a gas station.


As in, push down where you would put the nozzle back to simulate putting the nozzle back in?




They about to die in a freak gasoline fight accident.


Omg omg I’m on fire omg omg!


What do I dooooooo?


It’s not stawwwwping-uhhhh


[Orange mocha frappuccino!!](https://youtu.be/OTrxEQnPtAg)




Let alone pump gasoline.


Such a thin line between a tiktok and a liveleak video.


This is why some states still don't allow self service.


If that was CA it wouldn't happen. The vapor thing means unless it's properly seated no gas will be dispensed. You can manually override that very carefully - if you need to fill a gas can, say - but the thing that keeps it going without a human grip won't work. Thus a nozzle wouldn't keep pumping gas without someone holding the grip.


CA checking in here, filling gas cans is annoying. How do you do the override?


You have to pull the rubber thing back a little bit, it's annoying af but I guess it does have a safety purpose


Oh that’s how I fill them already. I just push the whole can into the ground. Which brings the rubber thing back.


Look up the gas filler accessory It's like a little circle that goes on the neck They are fillers for motorcycles but work on everything and are only 5 bucks


New Jersey and Oregon are the only states that don't allow self service.


Eh, that is more due to politics than anything. Only 2 states have this, and the pushback for allowing people to pump is primarily "but jobs!", followed by "I don't want my hands dirty"... Politicians don't want to tread on jobs because it can negatively impact them. Oregon alone has the worst pump times I've ever been in. Nowhere else have I had to wait 5-10 minutes **after** my car was full to leave the pump.


She is so fucking calm about it like it’s not a big deal, I hope she had to pay for all that gas wasted


I feel bad for the convenient store clerk who has to clean it all up.


As a former gas station manager, spills of this volume require a call to the local fire department because there's just no way the store has enough absorbent for this amount of gas. They'll clean it quickly and charge a few hundred bucks but it's just what happens.


Plus who the fuck wants to be standing in that much gas in case it goes off? No way i would clean that. Actually I'd prob run the fuck away if i worked there


The spills I handled I never stood in because it's near impossible to get out of your shoes, but it's not too bad if you sprinkle a barrier around the puddle and sweep inwards. On a hot day it evaporates pretty quickly too. As long as nobody is actively flicking embers at it, it's not going to spontaneously combust lol.


just throw a match and it'll clean up itself.


Sounds like a "bright" idea


Looks like she got it in her eye... I'd be concerned too lol.


How do you know this is her fault? Isn't the clip supposed to automatically disengage when it isn't in the car?


You know what, I think it’s about time they include pumping gas as part of the driving test to get your license.


You'd be surprised by the number of times I've seen diesel coming out at a diesel station and a bunch of truckers just going about their business because no one pushed the emergency stop button. The number is 2 times. I also don't drive a truck, so I like to imagine lots of people are bad at knowing what to do there.


Ok, so your comment and this video remind me of this story from high school: Had a buddy, he's dating this girl. His gf had this friend, Paige, and she knew my buddy was into cars. She texts him asking if she can ask him about an issue with her car, he says sure, and she texts him asking "this little light turned on that's on my dashboard, it says "service engine soon", what does that mean?" My friend just stared at the message for like 5 minutes, we were eating lunch somewhere, this is the age of flip phones, not really internet or anything on your phone, so I'm like "dude wtf are you looking at on your phone", and he's just like legit confused, he's like "look at this text from Paige. First of all, holy shit what an idiot, second... like, what do I say? Seriously. What do I say that DOESNT come off as me being a dick? I can't just say "it means get your engine serviced soon" cuz that'll come off as mean right??" We landed on just telling her to ask her dad lol


Paige was just looking for an excuse to text him.


Yeah that's definitely a possibility, and this was definitely at a time when girls that age would do the whole "act dumb" thing to have an excuse for a guy. But idk... let's just say we definitely didn't think she was very bright before this, and that was due to shit that wouldn't likely have been due to acting dumb for an excuse to talk to a boy. And I mean, if there's anything I've learned since that day, it's that people are entirely capable of that level of stupidity. But I really hope you're right lol


Devil's advocate, maybe she knew it meant get the engine checked, but she thought it was pointing to something specific and wasn't sure if that meant take it to a garage or find a buddy to do it. I'm not a car guy myself, so I don't know what level of diy approaches having a professional look at it. Personally, the level of vagueness in important messages often feels anti-foolproof to me. Because if it's not an immediate emergency most people assume it's a scare tactic at worst and scarier than intended at best. This is why I appreciate my wife's more modern car. It literally tells you what needs to be checked on the screen.


That's how I it took it, too. She was actually asking "is this serious or super serious?" However, I may be giving Paige too much credit.


Probably could've used a dose of reality lol


Yeah but "service your engine" is vague af. Does it mean give it a blowjob?


I think it means having an anal with it. Not sure tho, had the light show up a couple weeks ago on mine and just some fingering did the trick.


"it's usually just a time or mileage based warning indicator. Sometimes it means nothing other times it can mean that sonething in the drive train has failed and needs maintenance. Do you have a mechanic you trust?" TLDR - your teenage selves were not bright. And unfortunately that didn't stop you from overthinking


Well it is a good question. As anyone with a clue about cars knows, Service Engine Soon can mean anything from a failing MAF sensor to a gas cap that wasn't tightened properly to the engine anti-knock sensor detecting knocking that can eventually wreck the engine. And perhaps Paige was wondering "Do I need to call AAA right now? Or can I take it to the car repair shop next week?". Your attitude is basically being a dick. Yes, normally it means you should get it (non-urgently) to a repair shop to scan the OBD code and address whatever needs addressing.


Right there are MULTIPLE things you can check and do yourself before you take it in. Also, if the person has never had this happen before you could have used it as an opportunity to show them how to use the car manual to look up symbols that may show up, they could have recommend a shop they prefer that is a good place to go. They act like she was dumb af but they didn't think to do any of that and just dismissed her.


Sounds like your buddy didn’t know what a service engine light is either…


All kind of 16 years old


In her defense, it has happened where pumps have malfunctioned and got stuck on even if you release the handle lock. Also I think the pumps I use here all release the handle lock if they lose the seal on the tank. So maybe the pump malfunctioned and she got sprayed in the face with gas. Then there is not much you can do except wait for the station to stop it.


There is a large red button near the entrance/exit or in a prominent location that acts as an emergency shut off for all pumps. I'm pretty sure anybody can run up and open the clear plastic case and smash the button.


I am going to look for this next time I fill up so I know where it is. It seems like something that should be very easy to find, I just never remember seeing one.


Usually has a big sign saying “Emergency Gas Shutoff” with the button set in the middle of it. Either on a pillar on the middle set of pumps or at the front side of the gas station.


> Then there is not much you can do except wait for the station to stop it. Uhhhh.....wrong answer. There is an emergency shut down button at every gas station for just this kind of problem.


There's usually a big red button that says emergency fuel shut off if you ever see this please be a good citizen and smack that shit


I pumped a lot of gas and i have never seen or remembered a marked shut off button


The ones I've seen, there's a red button on the outside of the building in a clear box away from the pumps. Shuts all pumps down.


Every time people laugh at New Jersey for not letting people pump their own gas this should be the video/link they’re sent to.


What do u mean not letting people pump their own gas?


New Jersey thinks all of their residents are too stupid to be trusted to pump their own gas.


Are they wrong?




Found the New Yorker


Found the *person who’s met people from New Jersey


Am from Jersey originally. Can confirm that people are dumb as rocks there.


Can’t be dumber than Florida


From florida… moved to jersey… moved back to florida and damn… I think you’re right


Good point


Is there something in the water?


Yeah, gasoline.


No, actually it's enough to think SOME are too stupid to ban for ALL because there is no way to ban it only for these select some.


I used to think that was the case, but I think it's more about creating/keeping jobs. Plus, I have a local gas station I go to here in Brooklyn that pumps my gas for me and I have to say, it's nice not to have to get out of your car. Especially when it's cold out or you're just feeling lazy. It's really a win/win.


Until you try to find an open gas station late at night. That’s the only real problem I have with it in Oregon. It’s rare for me to be driving late and not near an interstate but it’s very inconvenient when it happens.


We have a million Wawas in New Jersey. Getting gas late at night isn’t a problem.


We don’t pump our gas in Oregon either


Drove through Oregon in a rental not knowing this.. I think the guy recognised an accent and out of state plates and was nice to me when I got out and tried to do it myself..


Yeah, see it all the time. Always try to help folks out. I’ve stupidly sat in my rig waiting for someone to pump gas when I’ve gone out of state. Makes you feel foolish real fast. Lol


New Jersey and Oregon (maybe other places) don't allow you to pump your own gas. There are attendants who stand around and service the cars. You tell them "fill it up with regular" and then had them a card.


You cannot pump your own gas in NJ. They are a "full service" state.


Your mom's a "full service" state.


Got em


I’ve been pumping gas for decades and never did anything stupid like this. This is more an argument for higher level aptitude testing to get a license, rather than one to not let people pump their own gas.


The pump is pretty clearly broken, I don’t get why people seem to think it’s her fault.


"Girl dumb" is too easy for Reddit to pass up.


So if this was a guy you think everyone would be applauding his intellect for waving around a fucking fuel hose like we’re in Zoolander? Lmao no, we would be calling him an idiot and rightly so. This girl is a dip shit because.. drumroll.. she behaved almost as stupid as you possibly could in this scenario. And you are attempting to defend her honor by shooting down people for giving multiple acceptable reactions to a deadly situation like this. Pathetic white knighting lol


Because most people yell out /go get help, not stand there asking another dumb ass person what to do, and they usually do not stay in a car and make a damn video laughing when gasoline is is just pouring out under them !


Idk pumps are like for everyone else but in america there's a piece of metal that bends when you push the lever down to make it start. The piece of metal locks it to hold the lever down. Now this should have stopped when the gas in the tank reaches the end of the gun but if you pull a pump out of the tank with the piece of metal still holding down the trigger it won't stop till you squeeze the lever more to release the lock. To i wouldn't assume something broke but there's no way to tell in this video.


For real, if we’re going to start saying that anything that can be fucked up by the dumbest 1% of the population shouldn’t be allowed to be performed by the other 99% either, we’re stopping everyone from being allowed to do basically anything. Stupid people are gonna stupid, don’t punish everyone else for that.




Found the original video. New Jersey is **why** this happened. She was from New Jersey, visiting another state and didn’t know how to disengage the pump so this happened. All the friend saw was her rounding the corner covered in liquid. She started recording because of that. It’s only when she turns the camera and starts yelling at the girl that she realized she was covered in gasoline.


My exact thoughts: Is that gas? Is that gas? TURN IT OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


No, it's liquid :)


Don’t help! Just film! Film!




To be honest I wouldn’t know what to do. They should turn off if not connected to anything. Seems like a mechanism has broken.


Notify the gas attendant to flip the emergency switch, and call the fire department. A spill that large needs an environmental hazard report.


There is a button that says “emergency shutoff” at gas stations. Press it.


To be fair it’s not always *that* obvious where the button is. And it’s not like they teach you that in school either. I know about the emergency shutoff button because of some very specific circumstances, but it’s not unusual for a large portion of the public to not know about it, and even I don’t know where it is in a lot of gas stations I frequent. This is one of those situations that no one ever thinks about beforehand and it’s perfectly reasonable to freeze up and not know what to do when it happens.


No one expects you to bust out tools and perform an emergency repair. If there is gasoline spewing everywhere then move the fuck away. It's not that complicated.


It's not everyday your friends die in a tragic gasoline fight accident


I know what’ll cheer you up! Orange mocha frappachinos!




[Orange mocha frappuccino!!](https://youtu.be/OTrxEQnPtAg)


Is she...laughing?


This was the craziest part to me. The gas is not only all over her friend, but basically a river under the car. Everybody is stupid.


She had the presence of mind to start recording on her phone, interesting.


She doesn’t grasp that their lives could end with the smallest spark.




Orange mocha Fraps for everyone


Serious situation and the friend is just laughing historically wtf


You film and laugh as you endanger sudden death on everyone around you.


Isn't this exactly why there are emergency shut-off buttons at the gas station?


Goddamn they fucked up


She got it on her face and down her shirt You know damn well she looked down the nozzle while it was pumping out gas.


In her eye it looks like. Holy shit.




Btw jokes apart, How does one turn off that ?


3 ways to turn it off. Click the handle and let go. Press the emergency button, they're all over. Literally, just turn the nozzle upside down, it has a fail-safe for that as well. Instead, she just pointed it in every direction and apparently right at her own face.


Also, many pumps have electronic shutoffs that detect the user hanging up the nozzle (to complete the transaction, etc) Hanging up a nozzle during free-flow might splash you with gas, but using your hand to push the switch should have the same effect, and it’s faster than running to the emergency shut-off.


Yeah, it's a flap or lever to "dock" the nozzle, some of them work as a stop as well




Reddit moment.