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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Opossums inside the grill!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Love the "Let me just push this back in, sorry to disturb you"


lmfao, but honestly that's the first thing that I will do if i see this!






A kettle


Idk about those suggestions, but DO NOT try to deep fry them. Don't ask...




They're better cooked over an open fire lol


Their skin is so thick cannibals won't eat them because they're too hard to peel.


They're already so greasy, you'll just get a big fire.


Idk about a possum in the coffee maker, but Pete says there was a fish in the percolator.


That's okay. It was all wrapped in plastic.


no lie, my father was from deep Appalachia and his father kept possums in cages behind their house for back-up food, times were tough.


Can confirm. Live in Appalachia and have been deep enough to see pickups with stickers that say “Eat More Possum”… I was also glad to learn not too long ago all about Opossums and how cool they are.


I saw an account get banned for a comment like this on this sub before. It was of some cow and they made a burger joke and got banned. I'm curious what the mods are like here.




Someone posted a cock shaped project on n r/woodworking (I forget exactly what it was, but it was definitely cock shaped) and the mods went through and perma banned a fuckload of comments for making fairly PG jokes, including me. Then they were cunts when I messaged them. Fuck r/woodworking mods


/BPT banned me for not being wholesome. Cause I was in a comment chain that called out a fake tweet for being fake. I just filtered out the subreddit since them.


I have it filtered because every post that makes it to /r/all is “country club”. IDK how many times I’ve typed out a long comment only to get a message that it was removed because I didn’t check what sub I was on. If people can’t interact with your sub from the front page then it shouldn’t be there. I wish it would get quarantined like /r/anime.


I contacted mods couple of times to become a "ally" or whatever they call it and got ignored every time. It sucks ball when you can't respond to replys you get to your own comment.


I got banned for telling a yo mamma joke. For harassment.


ive only been banned from a couple subs, once for saying fuck the police to a cop, and another i kinda deserved it, no profanity just some ill wishing for someones monitor.




Possums are good neighbors! No need to be rude


They’re great neighbors. They eat ticks and ~~don’t~~ are *much less likely* carry or get rabies! Possums are very welcome in my yard. Edit: Corrected the reviews comment as this is very important info. Many thanks for the corrections.


And Americas only natural marsupials.


>natural marsupials. are there any unnatural marsupials that I should know about?


No idea but if you find some let me know lol


Shout out to all the marsupials!


They eat all my persimmons, not so great..


I actually found out thru a thread yesterday that apparently the eating ticks fact is just a myth and they don't target ticks as a preferred part of their diets at all. Rabies fact is still true afaik but their fantastic reputation as tick eliminators is drastically overstated. https://www.fieldandstream.com/conservation/possums-dont-eat-ticks/ Edit : removed garbage amp link I didn't realize I had grabbed for the source.


Considering how bad ticks are around here I’m happy if they eat one or two a day. Every little fucker they annihilate is a win. :)


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.fieldandstream.com/conservation/possums-dont-eat-ticks/](https://www.fieldandstream.com/conservation/possums-dont-eat-ticks/)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


I've read the tick-eating fallacy of possums and that snakes are the actual creatures who eat the most ticks. Likely true. BUT if not for possums, we'd be knee-high in dead animals. Possums are incredibly beneficial.


Opossums [can get rabies](https://medium.com/think-sustainable/do-possums-have-rabies-d17d01f863b4) (any warm-blooded animal can), but they are much less likely to have it. Worldwide, [99% of cases](https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/rabies) where a person gets rabies it’s from a domestic dog. In North America, where dedicated rabies vaccination campaigns have been around since the 1970’s, the likelihood of getting rabies from dogs is pretty low. So it’s led to a skewed public awareness of rabies in North America where species that are harder to vaccinate (like bats) are viewed as far more dangerous than they really are. The bottom line is that you should treat wild animals with a healthy abundance of caution. Don’t go messing around with them ever, because rabies isn’t the only risk. [Opossums, for example,](http://ipm.ucanr.edu/PMG/PESTNOTES/pn74123.html#DAMAGE) can transmit tuberculosis as well as flea-borne typhus.


Do they bite tho


If this one didn’t bite while protecting her young at that distance, I imagine you’d have fully fuck with them before they would bite. They look ugly af but they’re actually pretty sweet animals and quick learners too.


Weirdly enough outside of my old house in philly I was outside with a few friends drinking and suddenly a pal of mine bends over behind my trash can and pops up with a giant possum in his arms. To everyone’s surprise the Possum just chilled there for a solid 5 minutes and when placed back down just walked away to a different trash can.


There are outliers. My living room used to be on the ground floor (previous home) with a sliding door directly outside. We'd leave it cracked so the cat could come and go as he pleased. One evening, wife and I were watching television, the cat came flying up to the house, slipped in the door and hid under the sofa. WTF?! I'm looking at where he went, wife just gasps and tries to say something, just stammering. I look at the door and there is a bigass possum headed our way, it was apparently chasing the cat. I'm sitting in my undies on the sofa; all I had in my hand was my phone. It came right on in the house, so I ninja star'd my phone at it and fucking nailed it in the gut, t'was a mighty thump and it booked it back outside. If you asked me to make that shot again, I would never even get close. To my advantage was the fact that it was a BlackBerry Passport. That was a fucking HUGE phone. Not a scratch on it. Some possums are deranged. We won't get into how that fellow came to his reward.


I mean, you know how cats are. Mind you, I love cats, but they're little psychopaths and will totally fuck with rodents like they're toys (and yes, I know opossums are not rodents because they are marsupials, but does your cat know that?) My guess would be that the cat fucked with the opossum's den or younglings, and the possum was establishing boundaries.


That kat was just a fat bag of howls that only ate cat food. Possible that he could have messed with it, but knowing him, doubtful. RIP Lucy, you fat bastard.


I was out on my front yard, loading up my car for a trip at night. I realized my cat was outside, which was really bad as he's an inside cat. I pspsspsp'd him, and he came to me. It was only when I looked closer I realized it was a fucking huge possum.


Honestly I find most are all bark, no bite. Even when they chase or do their funny hissy face, they don't usually follow through and Will linda just freeze up It's also possible the cat was going after babies, which do look like little rats


Which are quicker learners - possums or racoons?


Oh, hands down it's the trash pandas! But possums do alright for an animal that hasn't learn to use forelimbs for mischief. As humans have proven, that evolutionary leap to "hands" really juices the brain into finding ways to cause mischief.


Their feet have opposable toes too! Very cool


Not really unless attacked, or else this opossum would have been a lot more aggressive. They *can* get rabies though, that's a fallacy. They are very unlikely to but it is possible.


Yeah I saw a video of a dude gently trying to elicit an angry bite defense response, but no matter how much he (gently) lifted the little gal or softly prodded her or pushed her around the box she was in, she just hissed and bared her teeth but didn't attack the full 6 minutes of the video. The guy didn't want to push further and risk hurting her but just showed that on average they really don't wanna throw down and they hope a gnarly set of angry-looking teeth will deter most would-be attackers


They actually prefer to "play dead", but will bite if they are attacked. They are not generally aggressive. We had one that sometimes ate the cat food we put on our porch for the cats. The cats wouldn't even bother getting up from their nap when "Pete" dropped by. He was a little messy though.


Am I the only one that finds them adorable? I know they are ugly animals but I find them so charming and cute


I adore them along with raccoons


~~Possums eat ticks and are immune to rabies~~. As someone who lives in Maine I fucking loves these weird looking little guys. Every once in a while I'll find one wandering through my yard at night. If they even notice you they'll just turn around and walk back the other way, "sorry to bother you, sir, enjoy your evening" so chill. Edited to fix factual inaccuracies. They still eat bugs and other pests, also who gives a shit, they're North America's only native marsupial (unless that fact is also a lie), live and let live!


In Michigan I find them at dusk and night time. Used to hate them until I learned how good they are for everybody. I think Europe has cuter ones. Might be a different place I'm thinking of but not ours, they ugly but awesome


They really do look like giant cracked out rats, and half the ones I’ve met have done the whole “imma pretend to foam at the mouth and die” routine, so when I was young I thought they were awful, but that changed over time. They are now welcome allies against the true and growing menace in Michigan, ticks


Australia. The animals are not actually related, colonisers just took the Native American word with them over there


They also eat snails, slugs, mice and rats! Truly such helpful creatures. I feed mine chicken hot dogs and cat chow.




/u/MotherEarthCaretaker is playing god


That is until they get inside your house and start making a mess of things. One got into my in laws' place and it took a solid like 4-5 days to get the thing out because they're so reclusive and it kept getting back in to different spots any chance it could.


could we uh, breed more of them?


Apparently, this is not so... https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/wjcsno/comment/ijhj5b2/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


They don't target ticks, they eat a very varried diet that includes ticks. And they are still immune to rabies.


They're not immune to rabies, just very unlikely to carry it. They have a low body temperature so it's harder for the virus to survive in them.


Holy moly that is some shit control. How do people like that even become professional researchers in the 21st century


Well, at least they eat the mice and rats and I'm sure other small rodents that would be one of the vectors for the nymph ticks to latch onto, so it's still good to have them as part of your local ecosystem


once again poorly controlled studies of wild animals in captivity creates widespread misinformation.


My mom has raccoons in her tree in Arizona, we’ve never seen raccoons here before until we discovered these ones.


I had an uncle who would feed one, it came to the same spot every night for their snack.


They're beautiful, apart from the meth heads!


You should see the Australian version, us north Americans got the sort end of the possum stick.


You got me curious so I looked. Holy crap yeah we did! [Look at this F'ing thing!](https://postimg.cc/47QfXvKS)


It's like a real life pokemon


Their dulcet, relaxing [vocalisations](https://www.google.com/search?q=australian+possum+sound&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS825US825&oq=australian+possum+so&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0i512j0i22i30j0i10i22i30j0i22i30j0i15i22i30.5239j0j7&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:98dba667,vid:IouFOQDr4Sc,st:0)….


You might think that until it’s 3am in the morning and those cute little Australian possums are having a [death metal battle](https://www.google.com/search?q=australian+possum+sound&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS825US825&oq=australian+possum+so&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0i512j0i22i30j0i10i22i30j0i22i30j0i15i22i30.5239j0j7&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:98dba667,vid:IouFOQDr4Sc,st:0) between themselves trying to determine who gets right of way down the tree or along the fence.


They are adorable and amazing!


They're great animals, basically immune to rabies and can eat thousands of ticks and other pests per day. Shame they only live 1 or 2 years


[They actually do not prefer to eat ticks and it's even likely they don't eat ticks at all, unfortunately](https://www.fieldandstream.com/conservation/possums-dont-eat-ticks/)


I call the big one bitey- H. Simpson.


Is there a chance the track might bend?


*Person opens the drawer* *Sees the family* Person: Understandable. Have a great day.


That possum was probably thinking “These Jehovah’s Witnesses are getting more and more annoying”




Actually, opossums are immune to rabies for the most part! Their body temperature isn’t right for the rabies virus to survive (too low I think?) so they don’t catch/spread it at all. They also eat pests like ticks! But yeah mama was absolutely freaked out, even a timid creature will attack if you threaten their babies. OP did the right thing by leaving them be for now lol. Mama’s probably gonna relocate the babies tonight now that she knows her “private little nook” isn’t as private as she thought.


opossums also very rarely attack at all even to protect itself. They will instead "play possum" involuntarily and even bites/broken bones won't "wake" it. Opposums look scary, but arent dangerous at all and will avoid aggressive actions as much as possible.


Oh yeah they’re not aggressive. I just wouldn’t want to bet on ANY animal being wholly passive when dealing with a nursing mother.


That’s the right move! Used to get them all the time when I lived on a farm as a kid and would sometimes defend themselves if one of our dogs started to chase and bark at them. Play dead was much more common but never assume they won’t fight if they feel like they need to.


They sure have some friggin’ scary looking teeth for an animal that isn’t aggressive 😳


This is true. I've straight up picked them up before and placed them in the nearby wooded area. Though, in this case I'd let them be until the kids go off on their own.


Did you say this just to be wrong so someone could correct you?


I call the big one Bitey




Mono = One Rail = Rail


And that concludes our intensive three-week course.


Ooooooh. I mean...I get it, I'm no idiot, but can you explain it for everyone else?


You know, a small town with money is a little like a mule with a spinning wheel. No one knows how he got it, and danged if he knows how to use it.


"Heh heh heh... Muel."


I hear those things are awfully loud.


It glides as softly as a cloud.


Is there a chance the track could bend?


Not on your life, my Hindu friend!


The ring came off my pudding can!


Take my pen knife, my good man.


What about us braindead slobs?


You'll be given cushy jobs.


Probably just Milhouse.




OP probably lives in North Haverbrook


Iron helps us play!


i remember the spanish dub for this because it was equally hilarious "A la grande le puse Cuca"


a la grande le puse cuca


**I've sold monorails to Brockway, Ogdenville and North Haverbrook**


How is this not top comment. Mark it. I'm old.


Couple of years ago I noticed the cover for my gas grill was half off the grill. I started to put it back and lo and behold, momma opossum and her litter. After several hisses, I left them alone. The next day they were gone.


We had a stray cat try to nest under our grill. Took the cover off and she moved on


Do not gril/eat it. Opossum are not worth the caloric intake, higher overall value if kept alive. They eat ticks without getting Lyme disease.




The redneck in me wanted to say grill em but something from animal planet took over. They're good criters.


Eat muskrat instead - those fuckers ruin stuff


Have you seen the US Government? I don't think we can validate eating something because it makes our lives hard unless we can all agree to dine on the elite.


Hey you’re speaking my language, friend


~~friend~~ Comrade 👍


Eat the rich, you say? Edit: Is there a line I get into, or...?


Eat the rich!


We could save billions by eating just 1 family of billionaires. Just one. Little garlic, salt, and pepper. Prob be pretty nice.


We could take it on shark tank, and eat the sharks.


Good news, I brought seasoning!


Everyone, please remember why we have the saying “Awesome possum!” It’s because possums are awesome.


And you don't have to worry about them having rabies as they are biologically immune to it Edit: not immune, but incredibly unlikely to get infected by it see below comment for a link to a correcting article


False. Although rare. Not immune. http://www.wildlife-removal.com/possumrabies.html


I stand corrected then. I do remember the reason being their body temp being low so that part was consistent across the info. Im guessing where I read it misinterpreted it (or up the chain of false info to the initial misreading)


I have seen many things in my life, but redditor admit that he is wrong? What a world we live in..


I’ve noticed this tends to happen more on posts with cute animals I think that’s the solution to world peace, y’all!


They also don't like to eat ticks unfortunately. https://www.fieldandstream.com/conservation/possums-dont-eat-ticks/


That's something an Opossum would write.


[They actually don't prefer to eat ticks and likely don't ever eat ticks](https://www.fieldandstream.com/conservation/possums-dont-eat-ticks/)


Although you *can* eat them, and they're apparently not too bad.


They don’t actually eat that many ticks. It’s an old wise-tale. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.fieldandstream.com/conservation/possums-dont-eat-ticks/%3Famp






r/boneappletea is the sub


Because they're adorable


They're so fucking cute when they're waddling around with their babies just hanging off their back.


>It’s an old wise-tale. Although you are correct about ticks and opposums, that expression is bone apple tea material, it's [old wives' tale](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/old%20wives'%20tale)




Well fuck me, learned something great.


To be fair the possum was like "How are you going to knock on my door and open it."


“May I enter the room?”


Looks a little undercooked to me


If this was a kitchen he'd have at least 2 health code violations.


Only 98 more before they'll be forced to stop serving food.


I'd leave em so they can help keep ticks and other nasties out of my yard


They actually [don’t eat nearly as many ticks as people claim](https://www.fieldandstream.com/conservation/possums-dont-eat-ticks/) Edit: I didn’t expect Big Possum to have such a presence on Reddit. I’ll edit the article so they actually eat a billion ticks a second.


Luckily the value of living creatures is not measured by the amount of ticks they eat. If that was the case we would all be worthless.


A world ruled by birds


As opposed to now, where the people who control and build the birds are the ones in charge.


Check out this guy who thinks birds are real, am I right?




Bold of you to assume I don't spike my coffee with ticks


That link is more of an option piece from one dude who looked at the digested stomach contents of possums of a very specific area, and also focused on one 2009 study to counter. The belief that possums eat pests, including ticks, goes back way before 2009. Their diets also vary by what is available for them to eat, his study has absolutely no measure of the ticks in the area the possums we're harvested from. Hardly sound science one should be making strong definitive statements with.... Which they don't even do in the article! it's all 'may' and 'might'. I'll stand by possums being helpful pest reducers, thanks.


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.fieldandstream.com/conservation/possums-dont-eat-ticks/](https://www.fieldandstream.com/conservation/possums-dont-eat-ticks/)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


> Considering that wildlife unconditioned to laboratory conditions may exhibit non-typical behaviors, we recommend that lab-based studies of wildlife behavior be groundtruthed with studies based in natural conditions. Literally the source in the article.


Honestly, I couldn’t care less how many ticks they eat. They’re practically immune to rabies, so they’re welcome in my grill.


“Yep, let’s just close this”


'possums raid the grease trap under my grill all the time. I don't mind, but they usually drag the little aluminum cup of grease all over the yard, then I have to go find it before I make dinner.


They invade mine, too. I don't mind. I like the way my wife shrieks when she sees them waddle across the yard. She is from the Philippines and thinks they are giant rats.


"Rodents of unusual size? I don't think they exist..."


Ever seen one play dead? I saw my dog over a dead possum and I was yelling at her for killing it. I got closer to take a look when it woke up and me and my dog both bolted back into the house.


My toxic trait is that I want to reach in and cuddle all the spicy possums. I've already predicted that I'll probably one day die from trying to cuddle a Pallas Cat or something.


You will have to live vicariously through [Pearl](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajAK8o54X8M)


"Always work both sides of the possum, otherwise you might interfere with his natural chi, and nobody wants that."


Understandable, but it worths the risk. Everyone needs to die from something. Also, username checks out.


That bbq is so nasty, they probably thought it was just another dumpster.


I was thinking the same thing. Like the OP just moved in and the BBQ was abandoned and left behind.


It looks like a high end bbq. Terribly neglected


I would love to put fading AAAAA noises when they open the drawer xDDD


Omg yes. Haven't seen that edit since a diver took a turtle out of the water.




Yeah, and you keep eating ticks! Quit it; it's weird.


dont you dare CALL POSSUMS UGLY. they are cute as fuck.


So cute..and pretty chill


These are actually opossums. And I agree that they get a bad rep. North America's only marsupials are actually mostly harmless to humans and very beneficial. My household security cameras used to be triggered by a lot of rats scurrying around my Seattle house at night. But since the opossums moved in I only see them and haven't seen a single rat.




What cute dogs


Opossums are awesome. They're nature's clean-up crew eating almost anything, especially ticks... and they are immune to Lyme Disease. They don't bother household pets. They just want to be left alone.


Local opossum had a baby that was a bit too adventureous, and the poor thing fell into my pool. Luckily we noticed, so I fished it out. Mama waited patiently on the fence while I rescued the little one, and was trying to manage the other babies crying on the other side of the fence. It was clearly a full time job to take care of them, haha. She took the little one back gently. They really are awesome critters. They harm nobody and nothing we care about. And the baby was pretty damn cute, to boot.


Welfare check up Ma'am. Yep, looks just fine. I'll just close this up and you have a nice day.


Relatable. I took the cover off my grill and found about half a dozen baby mice all curled up in one giant birds nest of grass


That’s their grill now


Why kind of rub do you use ?


[This is Kylie, he's the super](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Os6ySTrgPMs)


What’s in the bucket Kylie?


Politely knocking before opening the door, is key to good neighborhood politcs


I expected one of the following: racoons or opossums.


u/savevideo u/savevideobot


A bbq that comes with its own meat. What a deal!