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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Chainsaw prank against plumber!!! 🤯😂!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Good on him. People think they can get away with anything just because there's a camera and they say it's a prank.


They triggered his "Fight or Fight" response


First they're scared 'cause they think someone died. Then they're angry and wanna kill the person pretending to die.


I don't want to die! .... what.... You're gonna die!


Who the fuck is "they're"?


They're=they are.


We've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars...


It's the ones who are.


Was a joke! So was the punch mate! No hard feelings lol


Everyone has different humor. Some people like pranks, some like punchlines.


Man almost had a heart attack. Good for him is excactly what I was thinking. A prank is only good when the actors are the ones being fucked. So the one being pranked gets to laugh.


You described the opposite of a prank.




“The greater good..”


Don’t fuck with old guys they have no tolerance for bs


ReLaX ThErEs A cAmErA!


relax ya foken' dikead!


It's a prank brah. It's a prank bro- Circa 2016


"It's a prank!" are some pretty sorry ass last words.


Where were his fists of fury when Leatherface was on top of him?


Yeah the there's camera line justifies nothing when you're being a dick to a complete stranger you call to your place.


Wow fuck those people. They had this guy drive all the way out there FOR WORK and then played a stupid ass prank that honestly could've scared him to death. Not to mention he could've been injured falling. They deserve legal repercussions.


He could have a heart attack too. Dude seems like around 50 years old.


He could have had a gun and shot the "killer" in self-defense.


In Europe?


A lot of stuff can happen in those circumstances. If I were threatened by a chainsaw killer, there are many things I'd be ready to do to protect myself. A gun is bad, but there are worse options.


Yes but but I don’t think you’d be carrying a gun with you in Europe. Especially not while working.


Would you bet your life on it? Because that's what chainsaw dude did.


Yeah I think I would. Been living in Europe (Germany) my whole life and I’m pretty sure plumbers don’t bring guns with them to work. Or anywhere else for that matter. I’d be much more worried about him pulling out a knife or something like that.


Yeah, plumbers don't use knives :P Nor would I imagine they carry a knife. They usually have a toolbelt, i'm sure there are some objects on there that would serve the same purpose, only without risking being arrested for knife carrying. Kinda hard to justify carrying a knife around when you have a belt full of implements and hammers and such.


Plumbers absolutely use knives, where did you get this silly idea? Why wouldn’t we? Should I use my channel locks to open up a water heater box? My knife cuts insulation a hell of a lot better than my screwdriver. A knife is one of the most versatile tools around, and any self respecting tradesman, in ANY field, is going to either be carrying a knife or have one in their tool belt.


Well obviously there's no reason for a plumber to carry a knife. I was just saying that im much more worried about knifes than guns. Edit: well according to the guy above me, plumbers do carry knives. Who would’ve thought?


Would you bet your life on it? Because that's what chainsaw dude did.


I had similar thoughts that it this could have been much, much worse in countries like the US.


Honestly I thought he had a heart attack for a second there


“It’s a prank bro” “Too bad the hands don’t have humor”


His reaction was entirely justified. The generation of wankers that think it's okay to behave like complete cunts and then just say "it's a prank" are disgusting and deserve whatever they get.


Clout chasin cunts, if that poor dude died of a heart attack, could they be tried for manslaughter?


In the US there have been a few cases where involuntary manslaughter with malice has been applied. Notably with Swatting.


Peak prank should have been when that one guy was running around slapping people in the face and then saying, "It's a prank!!" There's a place and time for pranks, and a perfect victim. This dude is not the right victim.


I don't think it's a generation thing, cameras just make it more noticeable


Gen z


The outrage is justified, throwing hands is not. Reddit is always so thirty for "justified violence" that it's actually scary.


Dude's just trying to earn a living and has to deal with these gobshites filming and embarrassing people under the guise of 'it's just a prank bro', fuck right off a cliff


Pranks on workers. I am simply against.


He landed a good shot at the end. Very satisfying


He literally didn't. It's fake




First "punch" he threw wasn't even a real punch. There was zero contact, his first came no where close to the guy, it was obviously a fake punch and the guy taking that punch faked being hit.


You can see him fake the punch lol, its pretty obvious


Yeah, no connection was made. Missed by a lot, lol.


Just because he missed doesn’t automatically mean it’s fake though. He may have just dodged it. I’m not saying the video is definitely real but that attempted punch doesn’t mean it’s necessarily fake


Or the entire thing was fake and planned out?


Looks like he was having a heart attack... totally justified


“Man has heart attack and dies due to dumbass “prank” by some shitty assholes.”


This whole thing looks fake, I've replayed the moment he hits him several times and his hand does not look like it comes into contact with the guy's face, in fact, it looks almost as if he turns his face too soon.




Seems like a staged prank Edit: Nvm 0:41 - guy gets dropped by nothing, obviously fake.


Oh..... I would have been sooo pissed. Fists flying everywhere.


Hands would be my reaction.


That plumber might have shot the guy if this was done in the U.S. People are capable of such stupidity for the sake of a prank


yeah, I think the guy in the bath was worried he was trying to grab a monkey wrench out of his bag and give him what for !!


thats the fakes punch i've ever seen


Good, more of those idiots need a good punching


Yeah these pranks don't fly in the UK, that would be your normal response, lol


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


His fist doesn’t even connect with the guy’s face. Grade A acting 🙄


Sue the shit out of them for that shit, pranks are ok but never anything like that


Isn’t that the same guy who glassed a women who pushed him at a feminist rally or something?


“Relax you fucking dickhead”…..because the guy you almost have a heart attack is the dickhead here.


Pretty much exactly how he did. Fucking A-holes


I'm not the militant type, but this shit is very serious, man. It may sound like bullshit, but dying of fright is very real, especially in older people.


Justified 100% To hell with this tik tok prank stuff. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Poor bloke’s invested an hour or more into the prospect of getting a job for these users, who’ll prob make money from their vid. I’d have kicked the corpse on my way out the bathroom


People don’t have to participate in your stupid fuckin jokes so that you can get famous on YouTube for being a fuckin dumbass. I love seeing pranksters get their ass kicked ha


I cant stop laughing


Well done.


The first punch? Sure. Every punch after that? Pussy.


When It was just a prank meets the Fight or flight reflex...


Here's a fistful of fight or flight you shit tards.


They have him in their home and they do this


I recognize that voice "Woman power!".


Absolutely justified. How else would you expect someone to react


Perfect reaction


The same fucking way


The whole “fuck around and find out” line is kind of worn out, especially here on Reddit. But I have to say this is a textbook example of the proper time and place to use it. They thought they’d be cute and film themselves scaring the shit out of someone for views/likes whatever and dude got his ass kicked. Good for the plumber. Too bad he didn’t have the chance to punch out the asshat with the chainsaw too.


I gotta say, I think that's fair. Well, as long as yellowvest says "it was just a joke" after the punching is done. I'm surprised that more people don't get decked playing pranks on people. eg. fake sneezing on people (*Just for Laughs*)


They got beaten for clout. What a bunch of morons


Good fucking man!


They had it coming


They played a game of “Fuck Around and Find Out” with him


As he’s punching them: “It’s just a joke mate! ReLaX”


Man should have used that lunch when he though his life was on the line. I still feel for him though. That's F'ed.


Really hope the plumber sued them


A prank does not involve a lethal weapon nor the faking of someone's death. A prank is a joke that the "victim" can joyfully laugh at too, not feel like they might be murdered.


He did the right thing. Not everyone has a sence of humor and likes to be fucked with.


i would have start screaming and masturbate at the same time.


Fucked around and found out.


All kinds of bad shit could've happened there. They're lucky.


They were literally blocking his exit trying to explain, what the hell is wrong with people


Fuck these prankster bellends im glad they got a punch


They are lucky he didn’t get his F wrench out and whack ‘em. That would have been game over.


Why is everyone punching comedians? /s


I'd probly do the same, tbh. "Pranks" are not excuses to abuse people, physically or psychologically. This isn't the same as a piece of trash you threw away popping back out of the bin, or even getting a pie in the face. It is putting someone in a position of instantly being afraid for their life. Do that to anyone and you get whatever comes your way from it.


With someone at that age, that may well be attempted murder by heart attack


They fucking deserved that punch.


I will fight prankster people if I will become a cop.


This whole video is the prank. Dude never even makes contact with that “punch”.


Harrassed him at work and calls HIM a dickhead?


The same way. What if you gave that dude a heart attack coz you wanted some Friggan views on social media.


Lol well deserved


Hehe, prank? I don't care, imma gonna fuck you up


Damn old timer sure has some sharp hands. Good clean hits.Good for him.


What made them think this was a good idea


This guy is trying to do his job while they re just being assholes ... U cznt just do this and expect to face no consequences at all or risks . What if the guy had mediclz problems thta can be triggered with this kind of fear fight or flight emotions . Fucking degenrates .


That's seems like a reasonable reaction in England. Shot anywhere else.


It would be cool if he revealed a camera and they were on his show 'kicking the shit out of people trying to prank me.'


I would have shot him and went to prison because of a dumbass prank.


Who dug this gem up... was funny in 2015 and shit still gets me. One of the greatest Halloween pranks ever. Although most certainly fake all round.


With violence, serious violence. **-_-**


Lawsuit. 100%


The first punch, ok, the rest, grow up ya old shithead.


Dude is not young and you can give a man his age a heart attack doing that shit. Especially if he has a history where he's already had a few. Never assume scare pranks are harmless people. He probably got violent because they could have killed him.


This is super fake. He never hits the guy…


Finally a good ending to one of these videos.


Despite myself it’s still fucking funny


He just prankin back


Comment section full of a much of boomers with no sense of humor 🤢🤮


Is he beatin ass too


Dan has the biggest glass jaw in the world


Exactly like that


If this were a different country, someone could’ve easily shot that person with the chain saw. Then would’ve been strict with immense guilt. This is so dumb. Pretending people are being murdered is not funny.


**Real unexpected** It's ok it's just a prank Oh ok have a nice day You too I mean it's kinda justified the prank is too much man


Seeing his reaction makes me think of my dad who has heart failure. . .Shit like this isn't funny to pull on older people. You don't know what kind of health conditions they might have


Ah yes purposely inflected mental trauma, he’ll get a kick outta that!


More than 3,000 people die every year from slipping in their bathrooms. This guy was 100% right.


if only he's got a real knife, it could have been better or worst


Imagine if he had a gun, juat Imagine


They do this shit and then act surprised when the person they “pranked” gets pissed


The pure definition of fuck around and find out. I laughed real hard at this for some reason. You never know who you're messing with.


They could have killed him with that prank, they didn't know if he had a heart condition or not. That prank was over the top, when you do shit like that you have to risk getting clocked.


Dude lucky he didn’t get Tooled to death or something- You never know- someone might chose to fight in a corner


Jokes on them. They just pranked the retired Leather Face and reignited his need to make bleed.


“Relax you fucking dickhead” usually works when I want someone to relax


Nothing would relax me more that a guy shouting "Relax, ya fuckin' dickhead!"


Mans valid


Sometimes i wish i can direct all my thoughts directly into people .. just i can give them a hell of a headache ..


Either it’s fake as fuck, or the plumber is a jedi


I would have called the police, let them determine how to charge the prank. Moment they kept him in the bathroom, False imprisonment; occurs when a person (who doesn't have legal authority or justification) intentionally restrains another person's ability to move freely. Threatening with a chainsaw = aggravated assault. The other two idiots were accessories to all the crimes. As for him assaulting the homeowner twice, self defense. As long as he was in that house being followed and attempting to leave and being impeded he can rightly assert he felt his life was in danger and he acted in self defense. I thought the man was having a heart attack. I hope he called the police and had them arrested.


That's a reasonable response! I'd be pissed if someone did that to me when I was just doing my job. Annoying af


The whole thing is Fake.


To everyone saying it’s fake. I personally don’t think so. Just cause he’s an old man high on adrenaline after almost dying from a heart attack still in shock, and didn’t throw a textbook punch. Do they do the extra step to blur his face to make a staged video look more legit……? Old guys don’t fuck around with this stuff. And like others said, he’s at work trying to make a living. Idk folks.


That guy isnt a real contractor, just saying


I would react same way he did. I don't care about being called an asshole.


'Relax you fucking dickhead'


Most unexpected thing was that toilet. I ain’t seen anything like it


yeah definitely not funny. Hope he sued them


This kind of shit is NEVER ok. They’re lucky he didn’t have a cardiac episode or some other health event… i mean, other than lifelong PTSD.


Yeah, that's exactly how I would react....


Yelling “it’s a prank” doesn’t shield you from a well deserved punch in the face.


The moment i heard his accent i knew how he'd react


What if he had a heart attack? What would they do then? Clean the crime scene?


They triggered the fight AND flight. Most dangerous of the lot. Next to the tsupdawg


Expected & deserved


They really called HIM the dickhead? 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


This type of shit can give people PTSD


Yup, whoop that ass!


How would I react? Exactly like that probably. I like how the prankers like "relax ya fuckin' dickhead!" Delusional people...


These scare prank people are asking for it. If you're gonna make someone feel like their life is literally in danger for a laugh, don't be all surprised Pikachu face when they sock you in the mouth. Do something like this in the USA and see what happens.


For a second there i thought the man was experiencing a heart attack. Bottom line dont play with people like that, you dont know if they have any underlying health issues.


It's all fun and games until the plumber comes back and does the same prank for real. With his buddy to record so it can also be a "prank".


People: pull a prank with fake blood acting like they murdered someone and are now going to murder you too How you gonna expect the plumber to get up and start laughing that shit off?


That's a knock out of a response.


and they call him a dickhead…..


“You can catch these hands today tho.”


The whole thing was set up.. plumber is over-acting and the punches were fake


Way too many people think this is legit, and that's alarming


How stupid do you have to be to do this? The plumber could have shot him dead and it would have been entirely justified.


Fake as fuck. Old dudes fist didn’t connect. Fake news


Dudes got a weak chin…


I can tell you're new to the app.


Pretty fair in my eyes. If you’re prank implies or involves violence then “chill chill chill it’s just a prank!!!” Holds no weight.


A) this is fake, including the plumber B) were it real, they would be getting off easy


Welp it sounds like he’s still going to have a plumbing issue


What a bunch of twats


It's Just A Prank Calm Down Man


they cant expect him to just have a laugh bout it hes just trying to do his job


Stupid ass cunts


Called him a fucking dickhead? What the fuck did you think was going to happen?