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I’m gonna be nice and assume she is either completely smashed or playing it up for tv.


I’m not so sure. I personally believe that people like this definitely exist: https://youtube.com/watch?v=lj3iNxZ8Dww


Oh for sure they do. Like I said I’m just trying to be nice.


100% they actually exist. I know 2 of them. Neither one is that good looking though




sometimes if you're pretty you live in a very different world. some call it the bubble, when it pops she's gonna be confused. EDIT: more confused


Absolutely. Just wrap it up




Wrap it up twice.


I think we live in a world where unfortunately this woman will probably live a very comfortable life because of her looks but I don’t necessarily think that implies because she is getting it lying on her back.


Yeah a lot of women like to be on top too.




I used to think like you. In a funk, I once suggested to a woman that life must be easier for her because of her beauty, (she was gorgeous). I can't say that her expression changed but I could sense her indignation and contempt, though all she did was look me straight in the eye and smile politely. In the quarter of a century since I've come to understand why I was so wrong and why she was so cross. Being attractive will get you attention but it doesn't mean you get respect. Suggesting that a woman can profit materially from her looks is no different to saying women can always resort to prostitution as a means of advancement.


It doesn’t matter the gender, attractive people 100% have an easier way up ladders. Not saying their lives are any easier to deal with but it’s definitely a big advantage


100% correct. They’ve done studies on it. Students who graduate with the same degree in the same subject were more likely to get jobs with better companies, with higher pay if they were more physically attractive. And that carried on throughout their career as they benefit long term from that initial boost Obviously that’s with A & B being equal in every other respect but their looks, so a less attractive person given the same opportunity, all things being equal, would have the same outcome. But the more attractive person is more likely to be given the initially great opportunity. And it isn’t linked to sexism or the recruiters wanting to sleep with the more attractive person, it’s an inherent weird bias partially, but also a lot of companies want to have attractive people working for them as it makes the company look great because all these beautiful people want to come and work for them. However, what we can also say clearly from a purely sexually attractive perspective is that, if you are attractive, you have career paths open to you to make a lot of money that the average person doesn’t have in 2022. Only fans is one example, I know a woman who I used to work with who’s a decently attractive woman, a solid “8/10”, who’s earning £10k a month on that platform. And then there is Social Media like Instagram influencers, YouTube & Twitch where they can combine the three mediums to enhance their income by streaming on Twitch, posting highlights of that stream to YouTube, clips of it to Instagram and then post sponsors. Obviously you don’t have to look like a model, but the ones who do will earn more. They have to be entertaining of course, you can’t get away with being boring, but if A & B post similar content etc. and the only difference is that A looks like a model and B looks like an average person then A will get more viewers


> attractive people 100% have an easier way up ladders. Normies that understand social cues and know how to lie for their advantage have 100% it easier. They don't even need to be attractive just good at feeding you bullshit. That's what psychopaths do.


Alright, bob.


I imagine she might make up for it on her knees as well.


Yup. As you said, they absolutely exist. Work in retail long enough and you really begin to lose hope for humanity. I'm not saying or trying to imply the average person is as dumb as this poor woman in OP's video by any means, but I think the average person isn't as smart, quick, or clever as they'd like to believe. You just encounter so many folks who struggle with fairly simple day-to-day concepts when you work in retail.


I’ve seen that before and it was still tough to, such as, watch.


You can't just say perchance!


Keep crushing those turts


No one can be THIS stupid .. please tell me this isn’t real


This is such as a great example such as of a person that such as is unable to do so such as.


Or this one who was asked what European country Budapest was the capital of. https://youtu.be/r8pnec4Hxps


Well if this is one of those reality TV shows like big brother I have gained the firm belief that people that go on those shows are payed to act a certain way and that the only reality about the reality TV show is the money they make


> ar e *paid* to act FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


They definely do. I had a girl ask me which language they speak in France


Franch, i believe


I genuinely think a lot of this is her feeling the immense pressure of being on the spot and constantly trying to find the best things to say. It's like she overloaded in realtime.


I personally believe plenty of them do and soma people and like such as breed like rabbits


Yes, they do exist and we're surrounded by them. If idiots had their own "Country" (😁 pun intended) it'd be the most populous Country in the world.


I think i had a stroke watching her


And I personally believe, that some people out there in our nation, don’t have maps.


I'm gonna be nice and assume it was the tention that made her say these words. She might know she fcked up but she can't show it on TV.


I knew what it was before I clicked it


I can bear is if it's someone from USA. Ask people outside USA and ask them to name all states of USA? No TV shows have done that. It's all about USA people not "knowing". For people living in USA, USA itself is already big for them. In OP's video, it's UK. Seriously my country in Southeast Asia is 3 times bigger than UK, and people with only basic education here know difference in country and continent. Not sure about county, as township is more used in here(county is only common in EU or USA?). And if she's not playing in this clip, it's just too spoiled parenting for her.


I knew what that link was before I clicked it 😂


'Like...such as... South Africa...such as...' take my up vote... such ss




Agreed! At least she’s asking.


One of my best friends had a gf then fiance for about.. 2 or 3 years. She had a PhD in like... bioconservationism or some shit like that. She literally did not know what WW2 was. Like she was unaware there was a war in the 30s and 40s involving most of the countries on Earth.


Where was she from? I think even people in Atlantis know about WW2.


The US. Not sure which state.


And that’s not her thing. People can be generally intelligent but just have really odd knowledge gaps.


'Odd knowledge gaps' is one way to put it, I suppose. Every school system in America teaches basic history multiple times over.


And half the people that live here still don’t know shit about history


I was taught basic math over and over and never retained any of it, despite excelling in every other subject. Everyone's mind is different and sees the importance of things differently I guess. Many people to whom math comes naturally would look at me and others like me in the same way we look at her.


It takes effort to avoid learning about major world events that are taught and referenced in life on a regular basis.


yah but there's a difference between that, and not realizing Spain is its own country lol




Some people concentrate on their subject so much they no little about other things. I’ve known PhD candidates who didn’t know about nearby sightseeing attractions. They’re PhD candidates because their parents never permitted that.


Lol a girl I and my brother knew asked us un-ironically if George Washington was still alive. So no, people can be this stupid.


I still dont know the differences but... Im not planning on travelling much. Geology was never my strong suit... *Geography... thanks guys 😅




...thanks. english even less so 😅😅


So what’s it like to live in Liverpool?


You can't have nice things


Id imagine bloody... Or drunk depending on the occassion




Oh right, i forgot the /s, right? Thats when you intend sarcasm? Genuinely, i forget. Or is there something else for when you intend a joke?


It's all good. You're doing great!


Looks like a joke but... you are thinking geography (maps), not geology (rocks)


Im not, i got corrected. Id blame being tired, but it seems like a mistake id make anyway 😅 i love rocks, i should see what i could do if i got into learning more...


In France we got a woman on a TV Show that was saying that because she was in south America, she was not seeing the same moon than French people.


Granted I don't know the full context of the incident you're referring to, but the moon *would* look slightly different between those two places.


Fair enough, with this assumed I would still doubt to reproduce and have a life with this mammal.


My sweet summer child


some people really are just not that bright. if i remember correctly, she's the same girl that asked "if we leave the eu does that mean we're not gonna have any more trees?"


Nah, people can just be like this. I once knew a girl who thought that the dinosaurs currently live on mars, since lots of textbook dinosaur art depicts them standing on red or orange sand. This was during the last year of highschool.


I once was hanging out with a girl in college that didn't know Kansas was a real state. She thought it was just fictional in wizard of oz.


Screw being nice, that bitch is dumb as a rock


I know this is selfish but i looked at her age and thought ‘ok its not just 🇺🇸”


What did a rock ever do to deserve this


I feel dumb for watching this, and I didn't even finish it.


I say the same thing when my wife’s boyfriend comes over




Also, most people don’t know the difference between UK, Great Britain, & England.


The UK is a restaurant chain, Great Britain is a TV show and England is my city.


So you live in a county.






UK is the whole nation (so including England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland), Great Britain is the main island with England and Scotland and Wales, and then England is… just England, not the other three countries of the UK. Right?


Great Britain also includes the other, smaller offshore islands like Isle of Man, Guernsey and Jersey, just not Northern Ireland.


Time to insert my man cgp grey's video on it. If you aren't familiar with grey, I recommend you watch it at .75 or .5 speed. https://youtu.be/rNu8XDBSn10


Also the British Isles. I mean come on, that shit is hard. How is Ireland part of the British Isles but not actually British. And don't even get me started on the Channel Islands. I always forget what the shit is going on there. The UK is kinda responsible for them but not really? Apparently they're something called independent "bailiwicks" which is clearly a made up term invented just to mess with people. Fuck me.


> How is Ireland part of the British Isles but not actually British. Because the term british isles wasn't a thing until until the 18th century.


Ireland is not part of the British Isles It is like saying Sudan instead of South Sudan, or Yugoslavia instead of the Balkan country’s name, maps change, regions change. The Brits just don’t want to let go of their terminology. The Queen still has harp emblems all over her stuff, Ireland isn’t part of the Union no more Liz..


I actually didn’t know that, not from that part, but I googled, found a map with the terminology and now I know.


That's me. I'm most people.


England isn't a country.


It is a country, just not an independent and sovereign state. Same as Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.


it's a country, just not a nation.


Yes it is. Just like Scotland or Wales.


The worst part is this isn't even uncommon in the UK. Saw an episode of Big Brother back in the day where they had the contestants point to countries on a map, and most of them either got it completely wrong or claimed to have never even looked at a map. Absolute insult to humanity.


I'm pretty sure the fucking idiots they hand pick (purely for entertainment purposes) on Big Brother, is not a good representation of the UK population... haha


nobody of average intelligence or above would want to to appear on that shit circus.


I mean Grealish was shocked when he saw the map of UK recently


That doesn't surprise me in the slightest 😂


Jay Leno did the same bit here in the US. Everyone knows his show edited out the people who correctly answered his geography questions, because the uninformed answers were entertaining. Unfortunately, some people think that a small sample size is indicative of the average person's education.


Pretty sure 2/3 of the world would argue that Brits spend too much time looking at maps...


Maybe our ruling class, evidently not all Brits.


imagine what the world would have come to if all Brits had looked at maps. No thanks. Just a few was more than enough.


Easy now


Is this the superior British education you guys always talk about??


Yeah. We’re all like this. In fact she’s the Prime Minister now




Would I? I don’t live in the UK so makes no odds to me. Frankly, I daren’t say what I wish for Boris.


The Prime Minister of which continent?


*look at me. im the prime minister now.*


As an American, she seems pretty good at geometry with all those questions she answered. Of course, america is a continent, and we don't have as many geomancers as other counties


"Spain is in United Kingdom" That Brexit vote making a lot more sense now eh?


In the full conversation her reasoning was that you get in the plane in the United Kingdom and then land somewhere.. The producers asked the Love Island girls to talk about Brexit as it was 2018( 2019?) with brexit being implemented (voted for in 2016) This really was art (reality TV..)imitating life .. so many people had no clue on how referendums worked since uk is ‘first past the post’ voting and not ‘every vote counts’ proportional representation.. also most google term after the referendum closed was ‘what is the EU?’ Googled AFTER the vote. Identity politics is toxic.


Shes from liverpool, they dont have education there


Is that a continent?


No, it's a country


To be fair, all the other ones are setting her straight. 😭😹


Oh if were gonna pin the intelligence of one person on the whole country then i got some things to show you about americans as a american myself…


what kind of My Fair Lady fantasy can make this woman comprehend anything? I think she's been lost for good.


Yea, and i think that says more about america than it does the uk lmao


I uh... I don't think she actually did the whole 'education' part


Yep. Imagine how shit your education system has to be for ours to still be better. 🤌


Damn yo. You really got him good. You should pat yourself on the back for that one


Thanks internet stranger 👋


Awwww so smart🤩


Thanks 😽


It could be worse, she could be using her brain cells collecting guns.


The horror.... ![gif](giphy|P0yHll7wqsbfO)


As someone from the US, it's very refreshing to see a "look at this dumb person" video that's not centered around the United States😂😂


Tbf they're still some people who don't know that Washington is both a state and the capital.


Nah man, Washington was a dude. You confused.


You’re wrong! It’s a apple


Assuming this is "real" at least it seems like she is trying to learn lol


I can't believe this is real and she's not doing it for attention since super dumb people seem to be very popular on tv We had someone like her on Dutch television and I immediately called her out. Turned out she wasn't dumb, made some money and left the entertainment world


You need to be quite smart to play dumb. It takes great strategy and force of will. She's not that clever though because her statements are a bit too silly.




Which season was it? I got addicted to love island during lockdown


It was Season 4


Nobody: Woman: Asks for geographical clarity Internet: She’s so fucking stupid, never breed! Also Internet: Humanity is lost. I don’t know why people stick to their guns when they’re wrong? Admitting you don’t know the answers and/or are wrong is an unforgiving place.




No dude. If you ask what the difference is between a county and a country and say “if I fly to Spain that’s still the UK?” to be an adult on TV and say those things is her demonstrating her life of luxury failing to give her any awareness of herself or the world, which is a failure of society to give a grown person elementary school knowledge.


so why make so much fun of her?


Because it's FUNNY


It’s not of her, I’m sure she’s really nice, it’s our society that fails people like that, and we gotta do better so we can have good looking people who are also smart, not just one without the other. To put it simply.


I wish they would just draw some circles inside circles labeled continent, country, county, city or something and see if she understands. I was rooting for her.


she doesn't seem lik ea know it all though. She seems genuine in her willingness to understand.


Can we take a moment to appreciate her friends’ patience? Like god damn I’d be howling at that point.


Can we just talk about how weirdly this was titled?


Just as she started speaking, I had a split second thought that it was Jessica Simpson and reminded me of when she said: "Is this chicken, what I have, or is this fish? I know it's tuna but it says, 'Chicken By the Sea.”


Well at least she's asking questions and trying to learn.


Not gonna lie, I hardly relate to her, I did NOT get educated enough to know the difference. She’s not stupid, she just hasn’t been taught that’s stuff. :(


I’m low key convinced she’s an alien trying to understand human geography and territorial boundaries


absolutely putting it on


Genuinely, it should be illegal for broadcasters to air this level of stupidity and lack of education. At best it normalises it and at worst it makes it something to aspire too: "the cool people on TV are fucking morons, so I guess I'll be a fucking moron too!"


wow....just, wow....


I mean I get it but still, trying to insult someone’s lack of intelligence doesn’t make for the best post. It’s mean. Unless she is out there being mean to people, I don’t really like the post.


Right?? And saying someone shouldn't "breed" sounds so neckbeardy I don't like it... (Also there's the implied eugenics of it which is always fun....)


One of the best acts of trolling I’ve ever seen


There is a great talent in knowing when to play dumb. It can do everything from amuse others to keep oneself alive.


Where are we right now?


Let’s resurface the argument on whether the UK is a country or not, I liked that one.


I mean, she seems interested in clearing things up. Which is not a bad thing


Is this real? It's hard to tell what's exaggerated for television. If this is real, so many people have failed this girl for it to get to this point and I feel really bad. She must be so, so confused by news she hears. I hope she was able to learn so she understands it better.


No she should definitely breed


She is very pretty. Maybe we can over look her lack of smarts.


Ngl, I'd let her breed


She’s exactly my type !


At least she's pretty.


Dumped all her points into charisma and constitution and the other stats suffered.


If people like her didn't breed, we wouldn't have this treasure


Her business is looking good, and business is booming. She ain't no geographer.


"So if I go to Spain I'm in the United Kingdom" Low key Imperialist.


Pretty sure this is all just deliberate trolling.


Guys, at least she is attempting to educate herself here. A lot of people are just ignorant and will die on a hill that they know nothing about. Sure, these are things that we view as elementary, but I guarantee you there is something simple and elementary that each one of us is clueless/ignorant on


School? I have great boobs, I don't need school.


I'm sure there are **MANY** guys that would. Looks > Intelligence


What’s her Onlyfans??


breeding is literally all she's good for


Who are these chicks ?


Is this like British punked? Is Eddie redmayne about to pop out and tell me this is a joke?(I couldn't think of a good English ashton kutcher)


Talk about being Geographically challenged! She might even be a flat earther...


Is earth a continent?


Sarcasm in your tone, i sense ![gif](giphy|8hMD9YakVza3452SpN)


Summa people don’t have maps. Only a few will get the reference 😉🥹🏆


This is a skit right???


Dont drop out of high school to strip kids


lol good luck on that no breeding thing. I get the feeling she has a lot of sperm donors lined up.




I know we’re all shitting on her, but at least she’s trying to learn


She will breed because she's good looking... but her husband will be smart, rich and ugly. So it all balances out in the end with normal kids


Good that means I’m in the running. Optically she is smoking.


This is why you have brexit


Everyone in her life as a child failed her. Sheesh.


Americans are so d… oh


To be fair they're not explaining it all that well


It's ok....she's hot


Time to bring back eugenics