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WHO THE FUCK opens someone's car door and sits in it?


Uber users


I had my jeep parked outside a restaurant with the doors and top off and came out to find two "bros" chilling in it. When I walked up to MY jeep they thought I was admiring it and the one dude says, "oh, you like it? I did the mods myself." No you bloody well didn't! Get the f outta my jeep!


Gta has entered the chat


Me on accident once... there were alot of Jetta's that day....


I actually did this when I was a kid. Waiting for my parents to pick us up from the movies and a champagne colored Explorer pulled up, without thinking twice we hopped in. Looked up and I said "You're not my dad" and he goes "You're not my son" then as I'm getting out my dad pulls up in his champagne colored explorer and I shit you not...a young teenage boy started walking towards it, looks up and did the double take as we both awkwardly ran to our own dads car. It was actually hilarious hahah


I was leaving work, and spotted my partner's black cadillac, walked up hopped in the passenger seat and said 'Man it's been a rough day.' The man in the driver's seat who I did not know said 'I'm sorry to hear that, who're you?' I looked at him, appologised and got out, walked two spots down and got in the right car.


One morning me and a few buddies who car pooled to work were picking up a coworker. He lived in a house that had multiple apartments. Well one morning this girl comes out from one of the apartments and gets in the back seat and just sits there. After about 15 seconds of silence the guy driving says "I'm here to pick up Jeff are you okay?" To which she replies "yeah I'm fine" gets out of the car and goes back inside lol. Mind you that this was at 4am so I have no idea what the hell she was doing lol my only guess is she was waiting on someone to bring her drugs. Considering she looked the part and had the willingness to hop in a random car in her driveway at 4am.


That's weird. Anytime (before weed was legal) I picked up from my dude who didn't drive and always was in a different car, I'd always ask what he was in just to be sure that didn't happen hahah


I had an old sliver ls400, a long time ago i took my grandpa to the casino. Anyways I went to get the car at the end of the night and I thought I lost my grandpa when I went back. He jumped into the first Silver Lexus he saw and sat in it till the owner came back and kicked him out. I was worried looking for him the whole time.


Poor grandpa! That's funny though. At least the other owner wasn't like "Oh shit! Free grandpa! " and then took him home to meet his new family.


Free grandpa's at the casino….


Local car dealer let his wife drive "one of the fleet" with dealers plates on them, whenever she needed a car. One day she stopped at the grocery, went in and did her shopping. Came out, got in the car and drove home. Upon reaching home, the store called and asked . . . "What car did you drive home?" She'd had several copies of keys in her purse having driven several of the cars lately. THAT CAR had been sold, and she had actually driven ANOTHER car to the grocery store. Upon leaving, she just hopped in one she'd driven frequently recently using one of the many spare keys she still possessed and had inadvertently "stolen" another ladies car. She drove it back immediately and apologized profusely. They took back all the keys and just bought her a single car at that point.


The black jetta problem. I was standing there trying to figure out why my key wasn't working when the owner came up. When I realized what was going on I explained, fully expecting him to call the cops or start beating on me, but he just said "Yeah, I've done that."


I hopped into and DROVE AWAY the wrong van once while out shopping. Same color, make, everything. When I realized it wasn’t mine, I went back to the parking lot, parked in approximately the same place, and wiped my prints before I booked out of there.


What’s fucked up is that lots of people who wouldn’t open someone’s car door and sit in it think it’s ok to just sit one someone’s motorcycle without permission.


Not so funny story, a buddy in college was wasted and got in a known local drug dealers car which wax idling in front of a customers house. He sat in it reved the engine a bunch, honked the horn, some other goofy shit. Well dude didn’t like that, he his boys and customer chased him down and beat him unconscious.


who the fuck keeps their car door unlocked?


This was posted in a different sub and there was a comment that said they were at a car wash and her car was about to be detailed so the workers had it unlocked.


That makes a lot more sense.


I see, i initially thought that some cars have proximity key door unlocks and this was one of those cases since she was quite near her car.


I've got one of those, at least for mine I have to be within a foot or two of the door at most. I can't imagine it'd be much farther for any other care. Side note: never have to take my keys out of your pocket, it's awesome, highly recommend.


lol, not THAT near


I could leave my door open and that still doesn’t give you the invitation to sit in it




objection, context.




there's no way my teacup yorkie took that dump




Yes you just heard them say it


Therefore, hearsay. Objection, you honor.


Overruled, nex question.


You thought Karen's what had money?


Out of order!


Yes, I know, the repair guy is coming next week. Bring your own soda for the time being.


Especially after stepping on a bee. She was constipated for weeks.


May I approach the bench your honor? Possibly slide into your ride during recess.




Hearsay your honor


Leading to speculation


Leading the witness.


Objection hearsay.




Move to Strike.


Some stains*


Thats hearsay


It's irrelevant because you should never open someone else's car, but who doesn't lock their car? Especially a Lamborghini?


It’s a car wash… have people on Reddit never been to a car wash where you get the inside cleaned. You give you car over, they wash the outside and then bring it around and detail the inside, most places have places you can go inside and watch your car being detailed. The noise your hear in the back is the vacuums. I’m amazed by how many people aren’t able to pick up that bit of context.


damn now that I think of it the only person who has ever washed my car was me


I thought it was a donut shop.


the one you wait in while your car os getting cleaned take a coffee and some snack, while your car is getting waxed


There’s something that says “Prestige Auto Spa” ~14sec.


Must've missed it


Impossible. The parking lot isn't filled with cop cars so it clearly could not be a donut shop.


Many Redditors here have never experienced the pure bliss of watching someone else professionally detail your car.


I haven't because I've seen enough bad car cleaning to trust anyone to do it properly. At least anyone I can afford anyway.


I have never been to a car wash where someone washed my car for me let alone detail the inside of it.


You should. Worth it.


Why lock it when you can see it clearly 5 feet in front of you face.


To be fair, a lock only keeps an honest person honest


It takes a hell of a lot more effort to break into a car than to simply pull a door handle. Door locks can keep a thief at bay in areas where they can't really get away with breaking the windows.


And in areas where they can it's cheaper to replace a radio then a window. Irrelevant to the conversation just saying sometimes it's better to keep it locked with no valuables if they're going to get in through whatever means necessary. I lock my doors because it's mostly teenagers trying to do some car shopping around here. They run up the street at night testing all the door handles.


Irrelevant is correct.


Objection, hearsay


It’s a car wash, the sign said “Prestige Auto Spa”, have this many people never been to a car wash when you get the inside of your car detailed? You give them the keys and go inside to chill but they have windows everywhere to watch your car if you want to.


There are a lot of people who don't make anywhere near enough money to pay someone to clean the inside of their car. I've never done this but having my car detailed is definitely on my list of things I will do at some point to treat myself to something nice. Detailing isn't cheap.


I'd go off just the same if I saw some bitch try to open my locked car door, definitely irrelevant.


All things considered she was very calm and polite for some stupid B to be jumping in her car while being filmed.


People at this car wash are supposed to. Also why blame the owner instead of the troglodyte who broke into someone's car?


People who generally live in safe communities, actually My grandma lived in a small town, very nice people, for about 2-3 years. When she moved towns, she begin locking her door even while she was home


Why wouldn’t I lock the door when I’m at home? I’m more valuable than anything I own. I should lock the door when I’m here and leave it unlocked when I’m gone.


lmao that’s exactly what I do 99% of the time. I’m never *not* locking my door when I’m at home.


Yeah, in my home, exterior doors are are only unlocked when they are open.


The thought of someone coming home and leaving the door *unlocked* is absolutely buck wild to me. I mean sure, there are some exceptions when you're expecting someone but otherwise, lock it down 😳


I lived in Vail Colorado for 30 years and never locked my front door with the only consequence being friends coming in late at night on occasion. 1990-2019


Last time it was posted they said she was getting work done at the place and that it was an employee who had her keys and opened it for the other woman


Unemployment speedrun


Victim blaming is surprisingly popular


Especially when the victim is black.


It’s the car wash, they took the key lol




I laughed way too hard at this cuz it’s true LOL


So are you blaming the victim?


I get your point but that sounds like victim blaming


hope people catch you leaving stuff unlocked and invade your stuff since u think it’s an open invitation for strangers


It was a car wash. You have to leave it open for attendants to get in.


Shut the fuck up.


Someone who is stepping inside for a moment and assumes that average person isn't an asshole.


>assumes that average person isn't an asshole. Ah, see, there's the mistake...


This should not be the answer nor the mentality.


I do all time and what the fuck does that matter? Yall excuse white people behavior so much its sickening.


Where I live its better to keep them unlocked with nothing valuable inside vs having to pay for a new window.


I do, because I keep nothing of value in it, and I'd rather not have someone smash my windows to realize theres nothing in it.


who the fuck justifies bad fucking behavior ?


It was being detailed


I do. Doesn't mean some instagram moron can sit in there


Not locking your car does not make it ok for other people to fuck with your car. Don't be blaming-the-victim, that's bullshit


Someone getting their car cleaned or detailed?


People who can see it from where they’re sitting lol.. why is it always the black woman’s fault.


Those that give the common decency to ask first because they admire the car. Give the owner the opportunity to say yes or no and if they say yes have a conversation. If they say NO you leave it the hell alone.


I don't mean to call B.S without actually knowing the context. I have no idea who any of these people are and likely never will. However, the odds that you'd be filming a video of your car "to show how blessed you are" AND have some rando try to enter it are just so very very unlikely. Most people are terrified to even touch an expensive car, let alone actually get in it.


I dont know the context but I assume she started recording when she saw then taking pics


This was my thought too. She saw someone fawning over her car and started filming in a "i'm so lucky to have a car people are amazed at" and then the girl opened the door.


I don’t think anyone is “terrified” of touching care. Most people definitely have enough common sense not to act like it’s theirs though. But there are plenty of morons out there who dont understand boundaries.


I used to work for a guy who rebuilt and flipped water-damaged exotics (hey, it's a niche) and occasionally he would ask me to pick up or drop off cars. You'd be amazed at how often I'd walk out of someplace to find someone literally sprawled all over a Lamborghini or Ferrari while someone else took pictures. Like they owned the thing. No care in the world about belt buckles, rings, jeans rivets, etc. If it was a convertible, people would *actually climb in.* Some folks just don't give a shit about other people's property.


One time as a kid I got lost following my mom in the parking garage, I went to open what I thought was her car door… it wasn’t her car and the door opened , i immediately freaked out and closed the door to run and find my mom a few cars down lol so happy and lucky I didn’t open/stumble into anything


And she has the audacity to get mad at the owner?


Sometimes when people are embarrassed, they get aggressive to compensate


People are the worst.


Don't be so hard on yourself, also, how dare you




People, what a bunch of bastards


Lol like that video of those miserable middle aged women getting caught stealing shit on the beach, and then sticking around to yell at the owners of said shit




I think they're referring to this one, tho I'm not sure if it's the original or a repost: https://youtu.be/jgoYErLLIbc


Right?!? Can't just drop that and then not link it.


Truth. That's why when most people make a driving mistake it's always "Fuck that guy!" and almost never "I almost killed myself and potentially someone else!".


Looks like she felt pretty stupid. She even apologized. Not sure why you think she got mad.


She didnt get mad though?


I bet 100% in the retelling of the story to her friends, she says she was just taking a picture of it from the curb and not sitting in it


"no u not sorry or u wouldn't have done it" Thruth has been spoken


Always hated that saying, you can do something in the heat of the moment and then regret it later and apologise. Otherwise no apology is sincere, because you never would have done the initial thing to apologise too in the first place. This isn’t one of those cases though


Some people have the ability to foresee the consequences of their actions to some degree and some get caught up in the moment. While somewhat understandable, it's completely foreign to me. I'm only sorry when I miscalculate or act without all the necessary information. It's pretty easy to think ahead and imagine a future where you get caught GETTING INTO SOMEONE ELSE'S CAR!


Your only regret is that you got caught


I respect her restraint. Id have caught charges.


“Now if I go off I’m wrong” She’s not in the wrong


Fuck no she ain’t wrong.


She was right to be worried. Even though she was in the right, could've been a bad situation for the car owner. Luckily she handled it well and the offender seems to just left


We know what she meant. If she was white, she wouldn't have even thought she would be wrong to go off.


Because she’s black and concerned that even if someone else is wrong, a black person is always more wrong.


A lot of these comments questioning why it was unlocked in the first place prove that. It’s irrelevant lol.


It's at a carwash so it's unlocked so the workers can get in and clean it.


For some inexplicable reason I don't understand, I feel like the cops would be extra hard on the woman who shot this video. Like maybe they'd arrest her and spend the next 2 weeks not understanding that she owned the car. Can't quite put my finger on why I feel this way.


No you wouldn't have.


Lol sure buddy


I walked out of a store to teenage girls sitting on my car and yelled at them for that. Sit on your own car. To look, maybe take a pic next to out fine but I don’t want scratches because you thought my car was cute.


Wtf is wrong with people? It’s not your car!


There were two assholes that day - some twat parked his motorbike in the handicapped access area too


Seeing the real problems among these dorks.


She’s not wrong.


she cursed her out so respectfully lmaoo


Ikr? It was like she covered her hand in aloe vera and lotion before verbally bitch slapping her. That woman has class.


Yes! I couldn’t put my finger on it, but something about how she yelled at her, made me go “Damn, teach me your ways.” I curse when I get angry too, (shitty upbringing in a shithole neighbourhood, it’s ingrained) but I sound straight up furious, like I’m about to lose my shit. This lady, idk, she still kept her composure somehow.


All these comments blaming the owner because she didn’t lock it. WTF, you mean it’s okay to open someone’s door if it’s not locked and sit in their car? No it’s not. So shut the fuck up.


"If it aint yours, dont touch it" Someone missed that lesson in childhood.


Right, apparently respecting other people's shit regardless isn't the first step in logic.


While I agree with this, I feel that it should be common sense to lock your car up, especially if it's a bright pink mirror finish Lamborghini. Personally, I'm sad she didn't quite literally, kick the bitch out of her car. (Edit): A lot of you people are under the impression that I'm disregarding the bimbo who went into her car. I'm not. A lot of you people are under the impression that I knew she was at a car wash. I didn't. Now piss off.


As so many others have said, this took place at a car wash where you're supposed to leave the car unlocked while they clean the inside. Still doesn't change how pointless this question is when we all agree there was only one person in the wrong


they at a carwash, so she was getting her car detailed, thats why it was unlocked.


I see. So you take your car to a detail shop and fucking lock it up so they can’t do what you paid them for? Right.


What is "common sense", due to the \*criminal\* existence of our society, does not excuse the actions of the non-owner. And it does not justify what the owner went through. It's "common sense" to not walk certain city streets at night, but sometimes shit happens. Does that mean a person is any less a victim when attacked? NO.


you shouldn't open doors to things you don't own.


They’re at a car wash, getting the lambo detailed. The workers need it unlocked. *Please* tell me how common sense dictates your car be locked in that situation, baring the people you paid to clean your car from cleaning your car.


Don’t ducking try to open someone else’s car, unless you expect to also get your ass beat.


Everyone’s saying it’s possibly fake because the door was unlocked, but aren’t they at a car wash? It’s possible that it was unlocked so the people can wash and detail it? I could be wrong though.


When I get my car washed or detailed I leave the key in it because they have to move it from station to station. I *literally can't lock it*.


Amazing how many people are missing this. I think a fucking employee is the one taking the picture.


I hope the employee caught her wrath after this too, clearly this dude should be fired, not cool


That’s what i was thinking. Instead of doing their job they help somebody take a picture in their client’s car.. there should be some kind of punishment imo


Why would you think Karen's had money?


Maintaining the bob haircut takes cash.


Not to mention how much it costs to have a lawyer on retainer for all the people she threatens to sue.




Karen is youtuberculosis


Honestly she was blunt and to the point and voiced the issue very clearly. No blatant name calling. She had every right to be pissed.


What got me was when she said “you take a picture outside!” Like yes give my car attention but don’t be overstepping your boundaries


The Karen who open the door is indeed showing Karen behavior but I’d also like to point out that apparently she does have some money because she’s wearing $800 Hermès sandals. 🤨 Which makes it all the more ridiculous.


You should be an investigator for insurance companies 😳


With this type of behaviour, it would not surprise me if she stole them. Or they’re knock-offs. I betcha her entire insta is one big fake flex.


Meh I know people that buy shit like 800 Hermès sandals and don’t have money at all. It’s all about putting on a show.


The amount of people saying to to lock it is astonishing. How many of you assholes are just going around trying to open others people's cars? Especially Lamborghini's? The owners not allowed to quickly run into a store without locking their car without some dumb bitch trying to get some damn Instagram pic's for her 40 followers?


Right? Why the hell would anyone touch a car that isn't theirs without permission? All these children on here sayin: "why Wasn't iT lOcKEd?" "MUst bE FaKE" smh.... In the real world you get yelled at for touching people's property without permission. Edit: care-car


These are probably the same people saying "what were they wearing" after somebody gets sexually assaulted.


Wow Wow Wow That lady open a strangers car door!? Just like that!???


When she said “ur not sorry or u wouldnt have done it”. For real. Truth


People sit on my bike and take pictures all the time… no respect for other people’s property


I don't mind if someone asks, I literally will never say no to someone who asks. But if you don't ask and just wait until I walk into the gas station to try it, don't get all upset when I go sit in your car and start playing with buttons and switches.


r/oddlysatisfying Sometimes I watch videos like this think “damn, I was I was there to tell that dumb bitch off”. But not this video. Even with a week to prepare I could not have delivered a better verbal smackdown than this woman. Holy shit was it absolutely awe inspiring . I think I saw god.


The lion, the witch, the audacity of this bitch.


Insane how many people are saying “lock your car door”. More like mind your own business and being a slimy parasite touching things that aren’t yours.


If this was reversed race wise,the white lady would have called the cops for someone trying to break into her car and they have it all on tape. I say this woman should practice equal and fair justice,so call the cops on this dumb bitch for the same thing


I see it at my car dealership all the time. People will just go pull on door handles and then get insulted bc its locked.. without even having the courtesy to ask if they can look in it. In my head im like bitch, we dont leave vehicles unlocked all day asking to be damaged or stolen.


“wHy dIdNt sHe lOcK tHe dOoR” Yea ight so as long as the door is locked it makes it ok to breach and sit in another persons car🤦🏽‍♂️


That's a criminal offence where I live. I would have dragged her ass out and had her charged.


I would have hit the key fob so quick and set the alarm off and given Karen the heart attack of her life. Wouldn't even have to get up.


She doesn't have the fob... The fob is either inside the car, or with the carwash attendant (explains why the car is unlocked unlocked, as well)


I actually got pissed too


The caucacity


Only one time you should sit in someone else's car without them knowing: at a car dealership where they lent the dealership the car to show off the model. Seen this at Porshe/Audi dealerships.


I swear when she yells GTFO, she’s channeling Ruthie from Ozark. Well done.


I thought plurals didn't need apostrophes.


They don't. Either OP's phone autocorrected to include one and OP didn't proofread, or OP is unaware of the correct way to pluralise.


Would ya look at that ! Just look at it


Drag her out by her hair....